OK, yes. NERF guns. And water guns. They’re designed for shoot-someone-fun. Other than that, don’t shoot anyone with a “non-lethal’ gun unless they pose a threat of death or grievous bodily harm — be it potato, TASER, stun, BB 0r any other gun. I know that seems obvious. But this is hardly the first example of someone shooting someone else with a supposedly non-lethal gun. If nothing else, doing so without eye protection is a really, really stupid. That said . . .

Do shoot someone with Simunitions or other type of force-on-force training device. Force-on-force training is the best defensive gun use training money can buy, bar none. It teaches you how to react against an imminent deadly or injurious threat with escape, evasion, commands and/or firepower. It’s worth years of training at a static range. That said . . .

Do not depend entirely on your trainers for your safety in a force-on-force exercise.

Look for ANY safety violation — including people entering the “sterile zone” without a qualified person checking them for firearms or ammunition. If you see ANYTHING that might be potentially dangerous, stop your training IMMEDIATELY and report it. Feel free to stop training altogether. Also be responsible for your safety gear: face, head, neck and groin protection.

Guns are fun. It’s up to you to keep them that way.


  1. And whut ever you do-don’t let some yahoo cop shoot you as part of a “safety” exercise: (

  2. Having been kicked in the nads once, (Once.) I feel his pain.

    But you can bet your ass I’m gonna laugh at that dumbass… 🙂

    • I’ve always appreciated the comedy value of a good nut shot, particularly if done by a little kid, dog, or other innocent by accident and surprise. Watching someone intentionally take a nut shot? Not as funny to me.

  3. And also, beginners, even if someone poses an imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm, don’t shoot him there. Just don’t. Not there.

    If you shoot him there and are prosecuted before all all-male jury, you will go to prison. Okay, if there are women on the jury, you might get a medal, but what are the odds?

  4. Body armor and serious eye protection when using simunitions…the article kind of leaves the impression that they are great to use, go out and get you some and you and your friends can play Call of Duty in your house, no worries!
    Simunitions are excellent for maximizing the simulation of real world encounters, but they are not nerf toys. They are not toys. Highly effective for the purpose they were made, but not toys. Enjoy your bruises!

    • Maybe that crazy Darwin guy was onto something. I aint gonna admit to being related to a chimp, but selective breeding….I like it in this knucklehead’s case.

  5. It’s hard to fathom a brighter world when the aspirations of the young are striving to one up the Jackass crew.

  6. I think that you are taking slight liberties with the legal standard – properly, I think that is is better stated as: reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily injury. The difference is the “reasonable fear” portion, which I think, in yours, is implied. And note that the reasonability has to be both subjectively and objectively reasonable, which means that there are situations where, for example, a trained SWAT or maybe SEAL shouldn’t shoot, when the rest of us can and probably should, and visa versa, where a frail old lady overreacts and shoots when she shouldn’t. But, of course, most of the time, it is clear cut. If someone is pointing a gun at you from a short distance away, you can most likely defend yourself. Etc.

    Still, the major point is important – don’t point a gun at someone if they haven’t put your life, or that of an innocent 3rd party, in danger.

  7. Are there places around the country that regular joes can go for this force on force type of training? …other than the obvious routes of joining law enforcement and/or the military? links would be appreciated.

  8. OK, I will agree with the star of the video – it was, indeed awesome. Classified under “news from the back side of the Bell Curve.”

    And there ain’t no cure for stupid.

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