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“The homeowner was upstairs in his computer room above his detached garage when the suspects pulled their white pickup truck into his house garage. He says they were wearing ski masks and were carrying handguns. ‘Actually, I picked up a ball bat,’ Robert Walls (above), the homeowner said. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking there, but yea. Ball bat versus gun? Yeah. Thought process wasn’t working.'” Three guys cruising a suburban neighborhood assuming everyone was at work and finding an open garage. Fortunately, relays that finding out someone actually was home was enough to cause the suspects to take off. Not to use cop-speak or anything, but the suspects were subsequently apprehended. Personal defense tip: home carry.

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  1. Several years ago I read that in almost gun-less England the ‘hot’ home break-in rate was at more than 55% while in gun-abundant America it is at 11%. ‘Hot’ refers to home burglars being so brazen that they have no concern that the residents are home when they kick in the door. The two westernized cultures are similar so why are there such differences? Could it be that in politically correct feminized England they have less guns and can’t even legally use a sword, fake shotgun, or any physical weapon to defend their homes since the politicians say that using weapons, even against criminals, is ‘barbaric’? Anyone want to take a crack at why home burglars are not as bold in America?

    • Because our government still (grudgingly) recognizes the right of people to be armed. The supposedly more “civilized” europeans must settle for extra vaseline.

    • Home invasion was unheard of in Australia until they took everyone’s guns. Now it’s as common as koala bears in the woods.

      • As roo bars on utes…as beer in the fridgey…as crocs in the water…as shrimp on the barbie…as boomerangs in the outback…as short shorts on men.

  2. Good story to use as an example that potential violence can happen anywhere, unexpectedly. It’s a good thing this potential confrontation didn’t come down to bat vs. guns.

  3. I know you guys did a post a long time ago, but it would be good to get home carry gun and gear overview from TTAG.

  4. Unfortunately, this is my home town. The homeowner stated at the end of the interview that he will be keeping a loaded pistol in his above garage office so he will be better prepared if it ever happens again.

  5. The homeowner stated at the end of the interview that he will be keeping a loaded pistol in his above garage office so he will be better prepared if it ever happens again.

    According to the report, the homeowner’s office is above a detached garage, so if this happens again and he’s in his kitchen the poor guy is still screwed.

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