Another one of the ever-popular GLOCK 43s along with a SOFTT-W tourniquet make up the high points of this pocket dump. It’s been awhile since we talked about tourniquets but I’ll keep this short and sweet.

Do you carry a tourniquet? If not…why not?


    • I’d do that, but cars in the summer here are hot enough to literally cook food. Ribeye anyone?
      Arizona’s temps in cars with a 13 UV index is like.. a slowcooker. It’s hard to leave stuff in your car, cause it melts or fries or something. I’m afraid that’d happen to any CLS stuff I left in there.

      • .ribeyes believe it or noT. a friend put two on his dash , close to the window, end of work shift we ate theM. they were very rare, but ediblE

        • Edible? Possums will eat the asshol* out of a road killed skunk. Forgive me if I don’t trust you as a food critic.

        • interesting. the last skunk i colibri’d (pull trigger, sprint away from ~release~) was gnawed on from head to stink glands- almost certainly by a possum- but that’s right where the chewing ended. perhaps a young marsupial who’s tastes hadn’t fully developed.

        • I’ve heard it is not wise to shoot a skunk in the head, supposedly you can release the rabies virus and catch it through the air. I’ve shot three racoon’s that had rabies and I always try a lung or Heart shot.

        • Belts are usually too sturdy to adaquately cut off circulation. The truth of the matter though is I have used my cls bag much more then my firearm. Used my jumper cables and tools more then that.

  1. CATs, one each left and right motorcycle jacket pockets. And I hang a couple off the handle of my range bag when I’m on the line so that I can grab them easily, or if I’m down others will see and access them quickly

  2. Fool me once…same carry shown on four out of five days…is J.B. receiving royalties?

    CATs are cheap enough to where each vehicle has two and the range bag has three.

    Carried them in my pack for the past two hunting seasons along with my IFAK…was too ****ing warm for the elk to be out during the day (2018 season)…had a weeks worth of nice, looong walks anyway.

      • HorsE ownership / use is not for everyone…had to take care of (board, groom, feed, etc) other peoples critters when I was a teen…horsE’s n’ me have an agreement written in blood…it’s a mutual respect thang…we go our own ways.

        However, Didelphimorphia are a different animal entirely…they provide hours of entertainment.

  3. Currently no, but I am currently looking for a good IFAK kit to have with me at all times. Something that I’ve been thinking about for awhile, but haven’t taken the time to procure…until now.

    • I like the ITS EDC kit – it fits nicely in a back pocket and supplements the other medical I carry or keep nearby.

  4. ALWAYS! Full Trauma Kit (some call it IFAK) attached to my vehicle headrest (immediately behind my head so I always know where it is) and the exact same duplicated Trauma Kit packed in my briefcase (with me 99% of the time) plus a smaller TQ kit attached to my range bag. I figure I am much more likely to need my Trauma Kit than my firearm. PLUS: bi-annual trauma training including NAEMT certification. Just like range time, trauma practice is an absolute MUST. Must build your own IFAK to KNOW: a) what’s in it; and b) HOW to use each & every item included. GET TRAUMA TRAINED, PRACTICE and BE READY!

  5. I think it is funny how we always see these tourniquets but nothing else for a trauma kit. The truth is that you are more likely to need a pressure bandage. Now if i was worried out IEDs on the way to work, it would be a different story.

    Maybe I weird, but I going tho stick with hemostatic gauze, pressure bandages and band aids for now. 🙂

    • I’ve gone my whole life with Gloves, 4×4’s, and maybe a triangle bandage. This is from a nurse. As long as someone has gloves they can hold pressure, most times a TQ will do more damage than good.

      • TQs don’t do damage. There are 1000s of examples in modern day combat where wounded soldiers have had TQs on for hours and hours without loosing a limb. TQs save lives. They don’t do damage. That’s TV BS or nonsense being spouted from people with zero medical training.

  6. .yes I carry a tourniqueT .its called a belT. thats what I was taught to use, however there were sticks available for the twisting back theN… city life sux, I live in a city now, used to live in the country, city life suX

    • Whoever taught you that was woefully uninformed. Belts make terribly ineffective tourniquets… and the idea of using a stick is laughable.

      Please, carry a proper tourniquet.

  7. Always a RATS in a pocket on myself, and forget improvising one with a belt, might as well have the right tool for the right job.

  8. The car/range-bag has a trauma kit (TQ, Isrealli Bandage, chest seal, quik clot…) and my edc bag only has CAT TQ and minimal IFAK. So for this EDCer’s load outs we’ve discussed: Tq’s, EDC-bag/off-body carry, WML, handheld light(gross/fine motor skills), IWB holster clips/loops . Did I miss anything? I think this EDC person’s pocket dumps have just about covered everything?

  9. Dark Angel Ankle Trauma Kit….TQ, 2 Mini Vented Chest Seals, Hemostatic Gauze, Pressure Dressing, Gloves and a Benchmade Saftey Cutter. Like others have said: Far more likely to need and use medical than a firearm AND belts don’t work as TQs

  10. I, for one, do not carry a TQ. If the BG is bleeding out I feel no duty to help. A bystander gets shot I can improvise a TQ until EMS is on scene. I already carry too much.

  11. Same exact gear from the same EDC user, posted a 4th time in a week.

    Well, that’s it for me. This website is offIcially joke.

    See ya.

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