I was in college the first time I shot a Magnum Research Desert Eagle in .50AE. The slide going into battery sounded like a car door slamming shut. Over the next 20 years, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to shoot the Deagle in .50AE, and I’ve taken them all. But don’t think I enjoy shooting the Deagle. I don’t.



The gun’s famous recoil is certainly a handful. But that’s not what keeps me from enjoying the pistol. For one thing, the jumbo-sized gun is difficult to hold comfortably for extended strings of fire. For another, I lose patience with the Deagle’s reliability, or lack thereof. A magazine or two (when possible) and I’m pretty much done.

So when the Israeli-made Desert Eagle .44 Magnum Combo Caliber Package arrived at TTAG HQ, the handgun had a big hill to climb. And lots of hardware with which to do it: .44 Magnum and .50 AE barrels and slides.

There have been years I’ve hunted exclusively with a Ruger Bisley Hunter in .44 Magnum. My Smith & Wesson Model 29-4 is a pig killing machine. I wanted to see what the big-boned Desert Eagle would do with the powerful pistol cartridge. I was especially interested to know if running .44 Mag in the Deagle would make it more enjoyable to shoot.


Again, recoil wasn’t the issue. Even with the stoutest of loads, the .44 Magnum Desert Eagle is perfectly manageable. With softer commercial loads like the American Eagle 240gr JHPs, the Eagle’s muzzle rise is downright minimal. Sure, there’s plenty of felt recoil, but it’s not painful or particularly distracting.

The experience of shooting the Desert Eagle in .44 Magnum is ruined by the hand cannon’s lousy ergonomics.

The Desert Eagle’s grip is designed to accommodate the single stack .50AE magazine. Even a large-handed shooter like me can barely get a decent grip on the thing. And no matter how I held the Deagle, I kept hitting the slide release. Thumbs up, down, floating, crossed . . . whatever. No lock-back for you son!

The giant, stiff, slide-mounted safety is horrible. Taken as a whole, even with the extra muzzle rise, my S&W Model 29 — a full pound and a half lighter — is more pleasant to shoot than the Desert Eagle in the same caliber.

On the positive side, the Deagle’s trigger is more-than-merely adequate. It’s got quite a bit of take-up. There’s a little bit of grit and a small amount of creep before the break. It feels a lot like a mil-spec AR trigger. Once you get used to it, you’ll be rewarded with some  excellent accuracy.

Using hand loads that were well past the safe specs for my Model 29, but just within safe for the Thompson Center, I printed 1 1/4-inch five-round groups off a bag at 25 yards. Using commercial Federal Hydrashock 240gr JHPs, I shot 1.8-inch groups at the same distance. That’s excellent, better than most of my revolvers.

That impressive accuracy doesn’t make up for an almost complete lack of reliability. While the .50AE Deagle was never perfect, it was never like this. Using six different commercial loads and one hand load, I rarely made it though a magazine without a failure to feed.

The gun ships with one magazine for .44 Magnum, so that may have been the culprit. I’ve also heard the .44 Magnum version requires stout loads to cycle; many commercial loads won’t git ‘er done. The stoutest rounds I could find often wouldn’t return the gun to battery.

Just to be sure, I made up some hand loads that went past what’s safe for most revolvers and into the section of the Hornady reloading manual reserved for the Thompson Center single shot pistols.

Twenty-five grains of H110 is a good amount of pressure. Even that failed to reliably cycle the Deagle. After 150 rounds of testing, struggling with a constantly malfunctioning gun, I figured I had a reasonable idea of the gun’s reliability. Such as it isn’t.

Swapping slides from .44 to .50AE couldn’t be easier. It’s a simple task that takes less than a minute. While the change doesn’t get rid of the Desert Eagle’s inherent ergonomic challenges, it changed the pistol’s reliability entirely.

Yes, the .50AE requires a very firm grip. Any limp-wristing will induce a failure to feed. But as long as you hold the Deagle in a death grip and keep your wrists locked, the .50 cal version of the pistol will run reasonably well.

I had a couple of failures to feed on the first magazine. After a liberal dose of Rouge American Apparel’s Gun Oil one hundred rounds of Federal’s 325gr RNFP Big Grains ammo ran flawlessly. I had two failures to feed out of 40 rounds of Hornady 300gr XTP.

I spread my shooting out over a week; the effort required to shoot the Deagle in .50AE got old at roughly 60 rounds. Although not perfect, I’m calling the reliability decent — and a vast improvement over the same gun in .44 Magnum.

Despite upping the energy, the big bore Desert Eagle retained the same level of accuracy as the .44 Magnum. The Hornady round printed 1.5-inch five-round groups at 25 yards. The Federal rounds were all just barely under the 2-inch mark as well.

In .50AE, the Magnum Research Desert Eagle pistol is a fascinating firearm. (Click here for Ralph’s article on the gun’s engineering.) In .44 Magnum, it’s simply not worth putting up with the Deagle’s dreadful ergonomics. The utter lack of reliability when shooting Dirty Harry’s favorite caliber turn a worthy gun into a firearm-shaped boat anchor.

SPECIFICATIONS: Desert Eagle Mark XIX .44 Magnum/.50 AE

Action: Gas-operated, rotating bolt semiautomatic
Caliber: .44 MAGNUM/.50AE
Barrel Length: 6 inches
Barrel Length:  7.2 inches
Overall Length: 10.75” / 27.3 cm 10.75” / 27.3 cm 10.75” / 27.3 cm
Height: 6.25 inches
Slide Width: 1.25 inches
Finish: Black oxide
Trigger:  Single action, approx. 4 lb. pull Single action
Trigger Reach: 2.75 inches
Sight Radius: 8.5 inches
Sights: Combat type
Weight: 4 lbs. 12 oz. empty
Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds
MSRP: $1,949



RATINGS (out of five stars):

Appearance: * * * *
Iconic. The Desert Eagle is known throughout the world and is as recognizable as any pistol made. But it’s a pure show off gun, with zero uses that aren’t outclassed by other guns. As such, they should all be gold plated, Kryptek cammo’d or, well, you get the picture.

Reliability: Zero/* * *
In .44 Magnum, it’s not. In .50AE, not bad at all.

Accuracy: * * * *
Commercial rounds in either of the two included calibers delivers good bench rest accuracy. With .44 Magnum hand loads at the extreme end, it gets even better.

Overall: * /* * *
Although the accuracy is great, the .44 Magnum lack of reliability kills any joy you might get from this range toy. The relatively minor reliability issues in this niche gun are acceptable in .50AE,  but not worth tolerating in .44 Magnum.


    • I’ve shot many a big bore pistol. The .460SW out of the X frame is stout. The 50AE from the Deagle is stout. The .475 Linebaugh from a Bisley frame is downright violent. But from a revolver easily worn on the hip, there is no better long range punch press on earth.

  1. I do not understand why anyone would choose a Desert Eagle in .44Mag. Even if the gun was reliable in .44Mag, it’s waaaay too much gun for that round.

    A .50AE Deagle is fun but silly. A .44Mag Deagle is just silly.

    • Exactly what I came away with. If it was fast follow up shots with a .44Magnum, it would be another thing entirely. But it’s not.

  2. I suspect that Hollywood has near single handedly saved this firearm from extinction. Interesting review, as said I think I’d love to shoot a few rounds from one but have no inclination to own one.

    • Hollywood’s portrayal of B rated thugs is what keeps this gun alive. I’ve noticed lately that street thugs seem to all carry Deagles while bosses carry something smaller and classier.

      • If I had thugs carrying around a tank like a DE they may as well stuff a Shockwave in their pants or something. More reliable, not that fewer rounds and more fire power. Just saying. Not that I have thugs or anything.

  3. Thanks for the review.

    For that price, you could purchase two Smith and Wesson large frame revolvers … or THREE Taurus large frame revolvers!

    I would take two or three revolvers over that monstrosity every time.

    • You may be a bit over that price but I think you could get a 327 and 329 for that if you got a good deal.

  4. My father has a Deagle in .357. He bought it used and has never had a failure of any kind with it. Perhaps he got lucky, but I know a lot of guns get better with use. Perhaps the previous owner had lots of failures until the gun smoothed out.

    • I suspect that being used, the springs had softened a bit and probably became more reliable.

    • The lack of reliablity could be due to the fact that IMI no longer produces the DEAGLE and it was sold to KHAR who is of a mixed reputation when it comes to quality.

      • Since 2009 the Desert Eagle Pistol has been produced in the USA at MRI’s Pillager, MN facility. They are made under Magnum research’s supervision for what that’s worth.

  5. Trying to get a rimmed case that was never designed for an auto loading action is a fools errand. Many will try but few will succeed. There are are only a handful of actions out there that will run 22LR reliably and even then most of those need the right kind of ammo. They won’t run subsonics or shitty bulk ammo.

  6. I’m surprised anyone would be interested in that big .50 AE round anyway. We all know that it won’t even penetrate a book. Oh – maybe it can….

  7. Why would anyone go with a 44 mag version? That’s all we have (As a starting point) in People’s Republic CA. 50 AE is only available as a conversion option.

    I’ve shot the 44 Mag version before. It does have reliability issues, but if you handload stout enough rounds — and if you don’t limp wrist, you can run it 90% of the time reliably. I’ve not had any feeding issues, I’ve only had the slide not go fully into battery (probably the loads weren’t “hot enough” heh), but you just have to push the slide forward a little to fix that. Annoying yes, but no one considers this a practical self defense pistol of any sort (unless self defense against bears? dunno).

    I will say this though, I’ve found DEs quite entertaining and fun to shoot, far more than 44 mag revolvers. Hot loads in a S&W 29 were not pleasant for me. Hot loads through a deagle? Well that was manageable, and I felt like my man card was reissued. Just something about the concussive blast and fireballs from H110 that bring a smile to my face.

    • I will say the Freedom Munitions .44 rounds didn’t fully cycle the Deagle XIX a single time. PMC hollow-points were generally powerful enough.

  8. Still wish there would be a semi auto in 41mag…like an Auto Mag from “Sudden Impact”

    • iwi made the series vll in .41mag. they show up on gbroker.

      my xll is .44mag. always comes with, always satisfies. it does need an occasional tap to close. with warne steel .22 rings a scope can be mounted, because it needs to be heavier. (the old ones have 3/8″ rail…).

      big fun, relatively useless, accurate. and cheap back when i bought it, about $650 in ’90, new.

    • Auto Mags weren’t .44 magnum, they were .44 AMP. Supposedly there was a .41 JMP round, but I’ve never seen one.

  9. Im sorry, i know its hard to sue a firearm company StateSide™ but if a weapon isnt reliable whoever makes it should be made to suffer in civil courts of law for malpractice.

  10. I shot Desert Eagles my buddies had when they first came out. One in .357, then the “new” .44. Both shot well. I recall several of us taking turns at a big gravel pit in the PNW, hitting a beer keg at 100m, two-handed standing. If we had failures to feed, I don’t recall them. I wonder if a large part of the .44 issues are from being in a “.50 AE pistol”. I preferred the .357 over the .44, but both were enjoyable. The only drawback was that they were pricey range toys, but they worked and were fun to shoot – back then.

  11. I have an older Mark VII 44 Magnum made in Israel. It has run flawlessly using American Eagle AE44A ammo. It’s a fun range toy.

    • I once owned a .357 DE, and two of my buddies had .44 models (this was the late 80, early 90s). They all ran flawlessly when using Federal jacketed magnum ammo in the appropriate caliber. Mine would almost stack the brass in a small pile at 4:00, just behind my right shoulder, about 4 feet out.

      Mine would not run very lightweight bullets (110 gr), but 125 gr on up were no problem. The .44s would even run Federal’s 180 JHP with no problem, and the effect of that bullet on water-filled one-gallon jugs was…spectacular.

    • This. My Mk VII was a bit of a PITA for about 200 rounds. With full-power jacket 240gr factory or hand loads it’s been pretty much flawless for a couple of decades, dropping deer and hogs regularly. My personal opinion is that from the factory the gun is badly over-sprung. It also needs to be greased where it slides and oiled where it rotates. Mobil 1 synthetic for both is your friend. I have very large hands and long fingers and yeah, the grip is just too big to handle comfortably for your average human. If you’re a freak that has the paws for it, it really is a great gun. I really would like to see someone make an automatic that has the mag in front of the guard that is really a pistol (alla the old broomhandle mauser) for big-bore cartridges.

  12. I definitely agree on the ergos – they’re terrible. A 460 XVR fits my medium-sized hands nicely.

  13. My original DE in .44 and .41 has no issues. Maybe the issues come from designing something to handle the .50AE. Never have shot one of those, have a S&W .460 and that’s another whole level of power.

    Shot my first deer (some 30 years ago) with the DE using the 14″ barrel. Shot him dead in the chest – no angle offered, he was looking right at me – offhand at 80Y. Then discovered it was pretty tough to load a deer weighing more than I do (I’m 150) into an Explorer alone. Learned what the expression “dead weight” means. I now keep a block and tackle rig in the Expedition every day of the season, and I’m up to about version 1.6 of the rig.

    • Many years ago I shot a doe and she jumped right off a cliff. I had to go down, strap her to my back, and carry her back up it. When I got to the top, exhausted, my uncle, knowing that I was about to enter the army to become a medic, asked me if I had learned anything about carrying someone uphill during that little adventure.
      I said I had. “Gut them first.”

  14. I know this has nothing to do with the Desert Eagle(unless you buy a holster for one). But, El Paso Saddlery is having 20% off until July 9th. The Coupon Code is: “2017July4”. Just thought I would let people know.

  15. Desert Eagles have strict requirements for ammo choices in every caliber. D.E. guns are not reliable with other ammo,and D.E. has said so for many years. I don’t see any mention of the author’s cooperation with these strict instructions in the article.
    The list of approved ammo should be in the owner’s manual, and is also available on the company website.
    It’s a bit hard-to-find this ammo list there,to be fair. As a non-D.E.owner,I’ve found it’s easier to get the approved ammo list by using search engines (“Googling”)..

    • “I don’t see any mention of the author’s cooperation with these strict instructions in the article.”
      Mostly because those strict instruction do not exist. In fact, from the manual, which is posted on the Magnum Research website here: http://www.magnumresearch.com/Brochures-Manuals.asp

      On page 5 it gives us a short note to tell us only to use rounds within SAAMI spec:
      The Desert Eagle pistols
      are designed for: .357 Magnum ammunition
      (158 grains), .44 Magnum ammunition (240
      grains), and .50 Action Express ammunition
      (300/350 grains), in accordance with industry
      standards (SAAMI STD).,

      It tells us to never use hand loads, and then later gives us this warning on page 26. :

      2. Use only the highest quality factory
      ammunition. Avoid reloads, surplus and
      budget priced ammunition as well as any
      ammunition designed by its manufacturer
      for use in carbines or other shoulder-fired
      firearms. At times, a particular model of
      handgun will not reliably function with a
      specific brand or loading of ammunition.
      Selected ammunition should be test fired (100
      round minimum) to ensure reliability.
      Also, ammunition manufacturers can
      make changes to their ammunition such as
      substituting a different powder or primer.
      Consequently, ammunition which proved
      reliable in the past may suddenly begin to
      cause malfunctions. Inspect all ammunition
      for visible defects before loading it into the

      At no point is there an approved ammunition list or any kind of “strict instructions”.

      • Good and thoughtful reply which shows real effort. I have gotten that info in the past and archived it, so here, for the readers, it is, and I’ll paste it into a new COMMENT as well:
        I have a spreadsheet that I got off the D.E. website in June, 2016, and it recommends these rounds:

        Am Eagle AE44A
        Fed Classic C44A
        Magtech 44A & 44C
        PMC Starfire 44SFA
        ‘ ‘ 44C
        ‘ ‘ 44D (Target ammo)
        Precison Tgt TCSP
        Remington RH44MGA, RTP44MG2, RTP44MG3,
        Winchester X44MHSP2

        One magazine’s test got good reliability from PMC ammo and awful results with most Hornady rounds, but good results with some Hornady ammo:

  16. I always compare the grip on the Deagle to my mom’s meat loaf.

    I’ve only shot the .50AE version but I found it not worth the effort. “Decent” reliability isn’t enough for me. .44mag revolvers are more fun, and my .500 S&W satisfies the urge for abusive recoil when it arises.

  17. Your money. Your choice. But I see nothing that an unreliable, overweight Deagle can do that a decent .44 mag revolver can’t do better.

  18. Owned many many handguns over the last 40 years and the”Deagle” waz the worst of the lot. Even worse than a Keltec and 2 Tauruses. The trigger was so bad right out of the box, i never fired a shot. Bought it at an estate sale new in the box. Sold it the same week i bought it and made money. They are probably the coolest looking pistols on the planet but thats about it.

    I have a spreadsheet that I got off the D.E. website in June, 2016, and it recommends these rounds:

    Am Eagle AE44A
    Fed Classic C44A
    Magtech 44A & 44C
    PMC Starfire 44SFA
    ‘ ‘ 44C
    ‘ ‘ 44D (Target ammo)
    Precison Tgt TCSP
    Remington RH44MGA, RTP44MG2, RTP44MG3,
    Winchester X44MHSP2

    One magazine’s test got good reliability from PMC ammo and awful results with most Hornady rounds, but good results with some Hornady ammo:

    • Mr. Crawford, thank you for the listing. Some of those rounds were tried, specifically the PMC and American Eagle rounds. They did not work well.
      I did as you recommended, I did a series of Google searches for recommended ammunition. Although I found several varying lists, none were from IMI, Kahr, or Magnum Research. That is, none of them were found on their websites, or pointed to their websites. The websites for Desert Eagle, or Magnum Research all say the same thing, basically try out whatever you can, and some will work and some won’t. Their current manual would actually contradict any list of ammunition, as it specifically says, “Consequently, ammunition which proved reliable in the past may suddenly begin to cause malfunctions.” This is not only what the current manual says, but also what is still listed in the Q&A section of their website, which states, “We do suggest trying as many commercial, manufactured, semi-jacketed Magnum cartridges as possible and see which one works the best for you and your pistol.”
      Thank you for your comment and your assistance.

  20. My problem is the free floating magazine. If my hands are too low, one touches the magazine and causes a malfunction. If they’re too high, I get slide bite. It’s too little Goldielocks area for me.

  21. A DE50 is one of my favorite guns to shoot. Even over a 629. It’s like having an exotic car. Yes a Camry is a lot more cost effective, practical, ergonomic, and reliable – but theres a time and a place to just stir things up a bit!

  22. I think all of the largest bore hot caliber revolvers or pistols really have only three applications. If you spend time in the NE wilderness areas they are the only side are that may give you a prayer in a Grizzly/ Brown bear attack. Hunting boar is with a scoped large bore side arm is something a few like to do. Lastly the largest group of side cannon connoisseurs on ranges want you to see that they have a bigger one than anyone else. It is of note that many of the Northwest wilderness guides seem to prefer the 10 mm semi -auto. These guns are silly for self-defense as they are a over kill caliber, too heavy, very difficult and uncomfortable to conceal, and successive accurate rapidfire shots are not a realistic expectation.

  23. I had problems with shooting DE IN 44 magnum. But after I loaded with 20 gr accurate No. 9 with a muzzle velocity of about 1400fps and master my recoil handling without a breaking wrist, I am able to shoot reliably with Barry’s or Accura 240 gr flat nose bullets.

    For Hornady XTP 180 or 240 gr bullets, I had to reduce the COL from what is in the Hornady manual by about 50 thousands to allow the magazine feed properly. Otherwise the open mouth of the XTP bullets can catch up with the mag release slot and get stuck. Since then I can reliably reboot these XTP bullets.

    I have also started to experiment cutting edge and Lehigh 240 gr copper bullets for California hunting. Need to figure out a safe and stout load

    I now enjoy this beast with my own reloads! Hopefully you other owners do the same

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    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper

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    Windham Weaponry MPC M4 5.56 16-inch Black 30rd

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    Troy Industries A4 AR-15 5.56mm 10 30 RDs

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    Springfield Armory Saint Victor .308 Win 16-inch 20Rds
    Springfield Armory Saint Rifle 5.56 / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Springfield Armory Saint Rifle 5.56 / .223 Rem 16-inch 30Rds Low-Profile Sights
    Spikes Tactical A2 Retro 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16 Barrel
    Smith and Wesson Sport II M-Lok Rifle Bundle .223 Rem / 5.56 16″ Barrel 30 RDs
    Smith and Wesson Mp15 Sport II 5.56 Nato 16 In 10 Rds Black
    Smith and Wesson M&P15T Black 5.56 / .223 Rem 16-inch 30Rds Threaded Barrel M-Lok Rail
    Smith and Wesson M&P15-22 Sport with Red-Green Optic .22 LR 16.5-inch 25Rds
    Smith and Wesson M&P15 Sport II Black .223 5.56 NATO 16-inch 10Rd CO Complaint
    Smith and Wesson M&P15 Black .223 / 5.56 NATO 16-inch 30Rd 1 in 7 Twist

    Smith and Wesson M&P15 300 Whisper Black .300 Whisper 16-inch 30Rds
    Smith and Wesson M&P-15 Sport II Optics Ready 5.56NATO / .223Rem 16-inch 30rd
    Smith and Wesson M&P-15 Sport II Magpul M-LOK Black 5.56Nato 16 Inch 30Rds
    Smith and Wesson M&P-15 Sport II 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 10-Rounds – CA Compliant
    Smith and Wesson M&P-15 Sport II 5.56 / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22 Sport Magpul MOE Flat Dark Earth .22 LR 16.5-inch 25Rds
    Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22 .22lr 16.5-inch Barrel 10rd CA-compliant Black
    Smith and Wesson M&P 15 Sport II with Crimson Trace Red/Green Dot Sight 5.56/.223 Rem 16-inch 30Rds
    Smith and Wesson M&P 15 Sport II OR Magpul MOE M-LOK Crimson Trace Red/Green Dot Sight 5.56/.223 Rem 16-inch 30Rds
    Smith and Wesson M&P 15 Sport II Optics ready Black 5.56 / .223 Rem 16-inch 30Rds
    Smith & Wesson M&P15 Performance Center Black 5.56NATO / .223Rem 18-inch 30rd
    Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Sport .22 LR 16.5″ Barrel 25 RDs
    Sig Sauer M400 Tread 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16 Barrel 30-Rounds Scope Package
    Savage MSR15 Recon 2.0 5.56 NATO .223 Rem 16.13 Barrel 30-Rounds
    Savage Axis II XP 6.5 Creedmoor 22-inch 4Rds w/ Scope

  26. Ruger AR-556, .223/5.56, Black, 16 inch barrel, 10rd magazine
    Ruger AR-556 with M-LOK Handguard 5.56 / .223 Rem 16.1-inch 30Rds
    Ruger AR-556 Turquoise Blue / Black 5.56 / .223 Rem 16.04-inch 30Rds Tiffany Blue TALO Exclusive
    Ruger Ar-556 Magpul Moe Black Ar-15 .223 5.56 Nato 16.1-inch 30rdr
    Ruger Ar-556 Flat Dark Earth .223 / 5.56 Nato 16-inch 30rd Magpul M-lok
    Rock River Arms RRage Carbine 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds

    Patriot Ordnance Factory Minuteman 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16.5″ Barrel 10-Rounds
    Ohio Ordnance Works, H.C.A.R Semi-automatic Rifle .30-06 16-Inch 2 – 30Rd Mags
    Ohio Ordnance Works H.C.A.R. Flat Dark Earth .30-06 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Nemo XO Carbon 6.5CM 20-inch 20RD Tungsten
    Nemo Omen Match 3.0 Tungsten .300 Win Mag 22″ Barrel 14-Rounds
    Lwrc Lwicr5b16sprc Ic-spr 5.56 16.1-inch Cali Compliant 223 Rem | 5.56 Nato 10rd
    Lwrc Improved Carbine 5.56 Nato / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-rounds
    Lwrc Ic-spr Ar-15 Black 5.56 Nato Semi Auto Rifle, 16-inch Spiral Fluted Barrel 30 Rd

    Kel-Tec RFB Carbine Black .308 Win / 7.62 X 51 18-inch 20Rds
    Iwi Tavor X95 5.56/.223 Rem 16.5-inch Barrel 30 Rounds
    Geissele Automatics Super Duty Rifle 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel No Magazine
    FN SCAR 17S Flat Dark Earth .308 Win / 7.62 16.2″ 20 Rounds
    Fn Fn15 M16 Military Collectors Series Black 5.56 / .223 Rem 20-inch 30rds
    FN 15 Carbine 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16.5″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Fime Group Vepr Rpk47 7.62x39mm 23.20″ Barrel 30 Rounds With Trapdoor Stock
    Diamondback DB15 AR Rifle .223 Rem / 5.56 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds Magpul ACS-L Stock
    Diamondback DB15 5.56 / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds M-LOK Rail
    Diamondback DB-15 CCB Black .223 / 556 NATO 16-inch 30rd
    Desert Tech MRDX SE 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16.12″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Daniel Defense DDM4V7 Black .223 / 5.56 NATO 16-inch 30Rd
    Daniel Defense DD5 V3 .308 Win / 7.62 16″ Barrel 20-Rounds
    Colt Firearms M4 Carbine 5.56 Nato / .223 Rem 16.1″ Barrel 30-rounds
    Colt Firearms GAU-5/A/A 5.56x45mm NATO 16.1″ Barrel 20-Rounds 1 of 500

    Christensen Arms CA5FIVE6 Tungsten 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper
    Century Arms WASR-10 V2 7.62 X 39 16.25″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Century Arms VSKA Matte Blued / Wood 7.62 X 39 16.25-inch 30Rds
    Century Arms RH-10 AK-47 7.62 X 39 16.5″ 30-Round
    Bravo Company Recce-16 Carbine Dark Bronze 5.56 NATO 16-Inch 30Rd
    Bravo Company RECCE 16 Black 5.56 / .223 Rem 16-inch 30Rds
    Black Rain Ordnance Spec15 Gray 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16″ Barrel 30-Rounds
    Barrett REC7 DMR Gen II Black 5.56 18-inch 30Rds
    Barrett M107A1 .50 BMG 20 Barrel 10-Rounds
    ATI German Sport GSG-16 OD Green .22 LR 16.25 Barrel 22-Rounds
    ATI German Sport GSG-16 .22LR 16.25-inches 22Rds
    American Tactical Imports Mil-sport .410 Ga 18.5″ Barrel 5-rounds
    Adams Arms PZ 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16 Barrel 30-Rounds
    Smith & Wesson M&P Assisted Open Knife & Tool – 3.5″ Clip Point Partially Serrated Blade

    Kershaw Launch 9 Automatic Push Button Knife – 1.8 Plain Drop Point Blade
    Kershaw Launch 8 Automatic Folding Knife
    Kershaw Launch 7 Automatic Knife Gray Handle – 3.7″ Plain Clip-point Blade
    Kershaw Launch 7 Automatic Knife Gray Handle – 3.7 Plain Clip-point Blade
    Kershaw Launch 6 Automatic Push Button Knife – 3.75 Plain Spear Point Blade
    Kershaw Launch 3 Automatic Knife 3.4-inch Blade W/ Push Button Open
    Kershaw Launch 2 Automatic Knife – 3.25 Partially Serrated Drop Point Blade
    Kershaw Launch 2 Automatic Folding Knife 3.25″ Stonewash Drop Point – Push Button Open
    Kershaw Launch 12 Mini-Stiletto 1.9″ Inch Spear Point Blade – Gray Handle w/Carbon Fiber
    Kershaw Launch 12 Mini-Stiletto 1.9″ Inch Spear Point Blackwashed Blade – Gray Handle w/Carbon Fiber
    Kershaw Launch 12 Mini Stiletto Automatic Knife 2.5″ Stonewash
    Kershaw Launch 11 Automatic Knife Aluminum 2.75″ BlackWash
    Kershaw Launch 10 Automatic Knife 1.9″ Blade
    Kershaw Launch 1 Automatic Push Button Knife – 3.4″ Plain Drop-Point Blade
    Hogue EX-A05 Automatic Knife – 3.5″ Plain Spear Point Blade Matches Sig Emperor Scorpion

    Hogue A01-microswitch Automatic Knife – 2.75″ Plain Drop Point Blade With Deep Carry Clip
    Buck Knives 112 Ranger Auto Knife – 3″ Plain Clip Point Blade
    Buck Knives 112 Ranger Auto Elite Automatic Knife
    Buck 898 Impact Automatic Knife – 3.125″ Plain Drop-Point Blade
    Buck 110 Auto Hunting Automatic Knife – 3.75″ Plain Clip-Point Blade
    Buck 110 Auto Elite Automatic Knife – 3.75″ Plain Clip-Point Blade
    Benchmade Mini Coalition Automatic Knife – 2.87″ Plain Coated Blade
    Bear and Sons Cutlery Bold Action V OD Green – 3.75″ Plain Tanto Blade
    Remington 32/BLNK 32 SW BLANK 50/10
    Pachmayr A-ZOOM 22 Action Dummy 12
    Fiocchi Pistol Blank 8mm 50-Rounds
    Fiocchi 380blank 380 Rimmed Short 50/30
    Fiocchi 12POPBlack 12 2.75 POPPER 1000 Bulk
    Fiocchi 12DUMMy 12 2.75 Dummy Round 25/10
    Fiocchi 12BLANk 12 2.75 25/10

    CCI Ammunition Noise Blank Smokeless .22 Short Blanks 100 Count
    Carlsons Caps 20ga (Set Of 2)
    Carlsons Cap 17 HMR (6-Pack)
    Carlsons Cap .45 (5-Pack)
    Carlsons Cap .44 (6-Pack)
    Carlsons Cap .38 Special (6-Pack)
    Carlsons Cap .30/06 (2-Pack)
    Carlsons Cap .243 (2-Pack)
    Carlsons Cap .223 (2-Pack)
    Winchester Components .350 Legend .355 Diameter 180 Grain 100 RDs Power-Point Projectile
    acx P Pistol Barnes Bullets.308 / 30 150 Grain Tactical Reduced Ricochet, Limited Penetration Bullet (50 Ct.)
    Sig Sauer P322 Magazine 22LR 20rounds/25rounds
    Sig Sauer M17 9MM 124 Grain FMJ Elite 50-Round
    Sierra Sports Master Bullets 45 Caliber (451 Diameter) 185 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 100
    Nosler Trophy Grade 9.3mmx62 Mauser 250gr Accubond 20 Rds Per Box

    Nosler Trophy Grade 7 X 57 Mauser 140 Grain AccuBond 20 per Box
    Nosler Partition Copper .30 Caliber 300-Grain 50-Rounds Spitzer
    Nosler Ammunition 54851 ACCUBOND 338 300 ACB 50
    Hornady Varmint Express 6.5 Creedmoor Ammo 95 Grain V-Max 20-Count
    Hornady Varmint Bullets 17CAL 15.5 Gr NTX 100 RDs
    Hornady Unprimed Cases 375 Flanged Mag Nitro Express
    Hornady Reloading Components 300 PRC New Unprimed Brass Cartridge Cases 50-Count
    Hornady Precision Hunter 300 Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum Ammo 178 Grain ELD-X 20-Rds
    Hornady Outfitter 375 Ruger Ammo 250 Grain GMX Lead-Free 20-Count
    Hornady InterBond Bullets 30 Caliber (308 Diameter) 180 Grain Bonded Boat Tail Box of 100
    Hornady Custom ammunition 405 Winchester 20rd Ammo
    Hornady cartridges cases UNP Case 30 Nosler 20
    Hornady A-Tip Match Copper 6.5mm 153-Grain 100-Rounds BT Bullets Only
    Hornady 9mm Caliber .355″ Diameter 124 Grain XTP Hollow Point Bullet 100 Count
    Hornady 3708 Rifle Bullets

    Hornady .40 Caliber Bullets 500 Projectiles Hollow points 180 Grains
    Hornady .300 Blackout Ammunition 20 Rounds GMX 110 Grains
    Federal Power-Shok .450 Bushmaster Ammunition 20 RDs
    Federal Bring Your Own Bucket .22LR 36 Grain 1275 RDs
    Barnes varmint granade Bullets 22 Caliber (224 Diameter) 50 Grain Hollow Point Lead-Free
    Barnes Bullets 30896 .308 175 BT Match 100
    Walther Ccp M2 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol
    Titanium Gold Desert Eagle Pistol 50 Ae
    aurus Tx22 Compact
    Springfield Armory Mil-spec Defender 1911 Semi-automatic Pistol 45 Acp 5 Barrel 7-round Parkerized Wood
    Smith and Wesson M&P15 MOE MID Magpul Black .223 / 5.56 NATO 16-inch 30Rd
    Sig Sauer P365XL Spectre Comp Semi-Auto Pistol
    Sig Sauer P365 Magazine 9mm 12-Rounds
    Sig Sauer P322 Magazine 22LR 20rounds/25rounds
    Sig Sauer P322 22lr 4 20rd Black

    Sig Sauer P320 X Five Legion Pistol 9mm 5 Barrel
    Sig Sauer P320 Spectre Comp 9mm Pistol
    Sig Sauer P320 Compact Semi Auto Pistol
    Sig Sauer P320 Axg Equinox Semi-automatic Pistol
    Sig Sauer P238 Semi-automatic Pistol 380 Acp 2.7 Barrel 7-round Cerakote Black
    Sig Sauer P229 M11A1 Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Sig Sauer P226 MK25 MA Compliant Semi-Automatic Pistol 9mm Luger 4.4″ Barrel 10-Round Nitron Black
    Sig Sauer P210 Carry Pistol 9mm 8 RD Night Sights
    Ruger Lcp II .22 Lr Pistol
    Remington Core-Lokt Ammunition 243 Winchester 100 Grain Core-Lokt Pointed Soft Point Box of 20
    Remington Ammunition Range Ammo Brass 9mm 250-Round 115 Grain FMJ
    Q Honey Badger Sd 7 300 Blk Sbr W Silencer
    New Colt Python 2022 3 .357 Magnum 6rd Stainless Wood Grips
    Kimber K6s DASA Revolver
    Kershaw Launch 4 Automatic Knife 1.9-Inch Blade w/ Push Button Open

    Kel-tec P17
    Kel-Tec KSG 12 GA 18.5 Barrel 14-Rounds Optics Ready
    Kel-Tec KS7 Tactical Pump Shotgun 12 GA 18.5-inch 6Rds
    IMR Enduron 4451 Smokeless Gun Powder
    Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive Press Ammo Plant
    Hornady 25410 Bull .257 110 GMX 50
    Hi-Point JXP 10 Pistol
    Girsan MC P35 Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol
    FN FNX-45 Tactical Pistol 45 ACP 5.3 Barrel Night Sights Polymer
    FN 509 Tactical 9mm
    FN 502 Tactical 22LR Pistol With Threaded Barrel–1 15 Round and 1 10 Round Mag
    FN 502 Magazine 22LR -15 Round and 10 Round
    Diamondback Sidekick Combo Revolver 22 Long Rifle 4.5 Barrel 9-Round Black
    Cz 75 Ts Czechmate Parrot 9mm C-more Red Dot
    Colt 1911 Government Pistol 5 Barrel Black Picatinny Rail Checkered Gray G10 Grip Novak Sights

  27. CMMG DISSENT Mk57 20th Anniversary Semi-Automatic Pistol 5.7x28mm FN 6.5 Barrel 20-Round Northern Lights Black
    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper
    Carlsons Caps 12GA (set of 2)
    Canik TP9 Elite Combat Semi-Automatic Pistol
    Bul Armory SAS II Ultralight 3.25
    Bul Armory Sas Ii Tac 4.25 Magazine
    Bul Armory Sas Ii Tac 4.25
    Spyderco Resilience Folding Knife – 4.25″ Plain Drop Point Blade
    Spyderco Manix 2 Lightweight Folding Knife – 3.37″ Plain Drop Point Blade
    Smith and Wesson Rescue Grey Folding Knife – 3.27″ Grey Plain Drop Point Blade
    Smith and Wesson M&P Ultra Glide Tan Folding Knife
    Smith & Wesson Spring Assisted Open Folding Knife with 3.5″ Drop Point Blade
    Smith & Wesson MPBG30 M&P Bodyguard Folding Knife
    Smith & Wesson MP301 M&P Shield Dagger Folding Knife 4-inch Blade
    Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Ultra Glide Flipper Knife 3.5″ Drop Point Blade

    Kershaw Shuffle II Tan Folding Knife
    Kershaw Shuffle II OD-Green Folding Knife
    Kershaw Shuffle Folding Knife
    Kershaw RJ Tactical 3.0 Folding Knife
    Kershaw Portal Folding Knife
    Kershaw Oso Sweet Folding Knife
    Kershaw Natrix Carbon Fiber Folding Knife
    Kershaw Leek Folding Knife
    Kershaw Grid Gray Folding Knife
    Kershaw Fraxion Folding Knife
    Kershaw Brawler Folding Knife
    Glock Folding Knife Black with Root
    Truglo Sight-Line Red Laser
    Truglo Glock Low Sight Set
    Truglo Brite-Site TFX Sights Black FOR Glock

    Truglo Brite-Site TFX Sights Black Fits Smith and Wesson M&P SD9 SD40 Shield and .22 models
    Trijicon SA37 Night Sights for S&W M&P 3 Dot
    Trijicon RX3423 Reflex Sight
    Trijicon RMR Type 2 Adjustable LED Reflex Sight
    Trijicon RMR Type 2
    Trijicon Night Sight Black Glock Suppressor Height
    Trijicon Night Sight Black Glock 42
    Trijicon HD XR Night Sight
    Trijicon HD XR Night Sight Set Orange Front / Green Rear
    Trijicon GL101Y HD Night Sights for Glock Yellow Outline
    Sig Sauer ROMEOZero Reflex Sight 3 MOA Red Dot
    Sig Sauer Romeo1Pro 1x30mm TruHold Lockless Zeroing System
    Sig Sauer Romeo 5 Red Dot Black Sight 1×20 2 MOA
    Sig Sauer Romeo 5 & Juliet 3 Red Dot and Magnifier Combo
    Sig Sauer Electro-Optics Romeo-MSR 2 MOA Red Dot

    Sig Romeo 1 Pro 1x30mm Red Dot 6MOA FDE
    Ruger Rapid Deployment Front Sight
    Ruger Rapid Deploy Rear Sight Elevation Adjustable

    Magpul MBUS Rear Flip Sight Gen 2 FDE
    Magpul MBUS Rear Flip Sight Gen 2 Black
    Magpul MBUS Front Flip Sight Gen 2 Black
    Leupold Freedom RDS 1x34mm Illuminated Red Dot
    Leupold DeltaPoint Pro Cross Iron Sight
    Leapers UTG Instant Target Aiming Red/Green Dot Sight with Integral QD Mount
    HiViz LiteWave Fiber Optic Front Sight for Ruger SR22
    Glock OEM Black Night Sights 6.9mm
    EOTech Model 512 Black 1MOA Red Dot
    EOTech EXPS2 Red Dot Sight 68 MOA Ring 1 MOA Dot
    AmeriGlo Trooper Sight Glock 17/19 Gen. 5 Green Tritium GL-821

    Winchester White Box Brass 9mm 200Rds 115 GR FMJ
    Winchester USA Ammunition 40 S&W 165 Grain Full Metal Jacket Flat Nose 50rds
    Winchester USA Ammo 9mm 50-Rounds 124 Grain FMJ
    Winchester USA 9mm 147GR BEB WC 50rds2
    Winchester US Military 9mm NATO 1000 Round Ammo Can 124 Grain FMJ
    Winchester Silvertip 9mm 147 Grain 20 Rounds Hollow Point
    Winchester Service Grade Handgun Rounds
    Winchester Service Grade Full Metal Jacket 115 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Winchester Ranger 9mm Luger 147 Grain 50 Rounds T-Series Jacketed Hollow Point
    Winchester Military Service Grade
    Winchester Centerfire Handgun Brass 9mm 115-Grain 1000-Rounds FMJ
    Winchester Ammunition WW9C Handgun Ammunition Brass 9mm 500Rds
    Winchester Ammunition USA Forged 9MM 115 Grain FMJ 1000 Round Case
    Winchester Ammunition NATO Ammunition 9mm 150Rd 124 GR
    Winchester Ammunition FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds

    Winchester Ammunition Active Duty Handgun Ammo Brass 9mm 500-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Flat Nose
    Winchester Ammunition Active Duty Handgun Ammo Brass 9mm 100-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Flat Nose
    Winchester Ammunition 9MM 115GR FMJ 50Rds
    Winchester Ammunition 9mm 115GR FMJ 100rds
    Winchester Ammunition 115 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Winchester Ammunition 115 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Winchester Ammunition .380ACP 95GR FMJ 50rds
    Speer Lawman Brass 9mm 115 Grain 50-Rounds TMJ
    Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection Ammo 9mm 20-Rounds 147 Grain Hollow Point
    Sig Sauer P322 Magazine 22LR 20rounds/25rounds
    Sig Sauer Elite V-Crown Jacketed Hollow Point 9mm 115grain 50rds
    Sig Sauer Elite V-Crown 45 Auto 230grn 20Rds
    Sig Sauer Elite Performance 9MM 124GR V-Crown JHP 20Rds
    Sig Sauer Elite Performance 9mm 115GR V-Crown JHP 20Rds
    Sig Sauer Elite Performance 9mm 115GR 50Rds

    Sig Sauer Elite Ball FMJ 115 Grain Brass 9mm 200Rds
    Sig Sauer E38SU1-20 Elite Performance V-Crown
    Sig Sauer 365 Elite V-Crown 9mm JHP 115 Gr
    Sellier and Bellot Subsonic FMJ 150 Grain 9mm 50 Rounds
    Sellier and Bellot Subsonic FMJ 150 Grain 9mm 50 Rounds
    Sellier & Bellot 9mm 124GR FMJ 50rds
    Sellier & Bellot 9MM 124 Grains JHP 50 Rounds
    Sellier & Bellot 9MM 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket 1000 Round Case
    Sellier & Bellot 9mm 115GR FMJ 50rds
    Remington UMC Ammunition 40 S&W Full Metal Jacket
    Remington UMC 9mm 147GR FMJ 50rds
    Remington T9MM3 Range Ammunition 9mm 115GR FMJ 50rd Box
    Remington Range Brass 9mm 115-Grain 500-Rounds FMJ
    Remington Ammunition UMC Mega Pack 9mm 115GR FMJ 250Rds
    Remington Ammunition UMC 9mm 115GR JHP 100Rd Value Pack

    PPU Mil-Spec Brass 9mm 124-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ
    PPU Mil-Spec Battle Pack Brass 9mm NATO 200-Rounds 124 Grain FMJ
    PPU Mil-Spec 9mm Luger 115 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 1000 Rounds
    PPU Handgun 9mm Luger 115gr. FMJ Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Nosler Match Grade Brass 9mm 115-Grain 20-Rounds JHP
    Nosler Match Grade Brass .40 SW 150-Grain 20-Rounds JHP
    MagTech Sport Shooting 9mm 115GR FMJ 50 Rounds per Box
    MagTech Range/Training Brass 9mm 124-Grain 50-Rounds LRN
    MagTech Range/Training Brass 10mm 180-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ
    Magtech Ammunition 9MM 115 Grain FMJ 1000 Round Case
    Hornady Handgun Hunter 9mm Luger +P 115 Grain MonoFlex 25 Round Box
    Hornady Critical Duty Handgun Ammo Nickel 9mm 25-Rounds 135 Grain FlexLock
    Hornady Critical Duty 9MM 135GR FlexLock 25Rds
    Hornady Critical Duty .357Sig 135GR FlexLock 20Rds
    Hornady Critical Defense Lite 9mm 100GR FTX 25Rds

    Hornady Critical Defense Handgun Ammo .38 SPL +P 25-Rounds 110 Grain Flex Tip eXpanding
    Hornady Critical Defense 9mm Flex Tip Expanding 115 Grain Nickel Plated Brass 250-Round Case
    Hornady Critical Defense 9mm Flex Tip Expanding 115 Grain Nickel Plated Brass 25-Round
    Hornady Critical Defense .45ACP 185GR FTX 20Rds
    Hornady Critical Defense .40S&W 165GR FTX 20rds
    Hornady American Gunner 9mm 124gr 25-Rounds XTP Hollow Point
    Hornady American Gunner 9mm 115GR XTP 25Rds
    Hornady 9mm 147GR JHP/XTP 25rds
    Hornady 500SW 300GR Evolution 20rds
    Hornady 44mag 300GR XTP 20rds
    Hornady 44mag 200GR XTP 20rds
    Hornady 40S&W 155GR JHP/XTP 20rds
    Grizzly Centerfire Handgun Brass 9mm 124-Grain 20-Rounds JHP
    Gamo Red Fire Pellet
    G2 Research RIP Radically Invasive Projectile 9mm 92GR HP 20Rd

    Fiocchi Specialty Ammo .30 Luger Full Met Jacket
    Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds
    Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Brass 9mm 115-Grain 1000-Rounds FMJ Case
    Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics .45 ACP 230 Grain 50-Rounds FMJ
    Fiocchi 9mm Handgun Ammunition 115 Grain FMJ 50rds
    Fiocchi 765b Spc 30lug 93 Jsp 50rds
    Fiocchi 357GCMJ Fiocchi Centerfire Pistol
    Federal Syntech Defense Brass .40 SW 175 Grain 20-Rounds SJHP
    Federal Premium Vital-Shok Centerfire Rifle Silver .308 Win 165 Gr Trophy Copper
    Federal Premium Punch Brass .40 SW 165 Grain 20-Rounds JHP
    Federal Premium Personal Defense HST 9mm 150GR JHP 20Rds
    Federal Premium Personal Defense Ammunition Nickel Plated Brass 9mm 20-Rounds 124 Grain Hydra-Shock JHP
    Federal Premium HST .40 SW 180GR HST SP 20Rds
    Federal Premium HammerDown Nickel Plated Brass .357 Mag 170 Grain 20-Rounds BHP

    Federal Personal Defense Low Recoil Hydra-Shok Handgun Ammo .45 ACP 20-Rounds 165 Grain JHP
    Federal Personal Defense HST Nickel Plated Brass .45 ACP 230 Grain 20-Rounds HSTJSP
    Federal Personal Defense 9mm 147gr 20rds
    Federal Military Grade Brass 9mm 124 Grain 50-Rounds FMJ
    Federal Hydra-Shok 9mm 135GR JHP 20rds
    Federal Hydra-shok 45acp 230gr Hp 20rds
    Federal Hydra-shok 44mag 240gr 20rds
    Federal HYDRA-SHOK 40S&W 155GR 20rds
    Federal F460FS1 460SW 260 Fusion 20rds
    Federal Champion Training Handgun Ammo 9mm 100-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ
    Federal Champion Training Brass 9mm 115 Grain 200-Rounds FMJ
    Federal Champion Ammunition 40 S&W 180 Grain Full Metal Jacket Aluminum Case
    Federal Champion Aluminum 9mm 115-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ
    Federal Champion 9mm 50-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ
    Federal BallistiClean Brass 9mm 100-Grain 50-Rounds LFF

    Federal Ballisticlean Brass .45 Acp 155 Grain 50-rounds Hrtf
    Federal American Eagle 9mm 115GR FMJ 50Rds
    Federal American Eagle Indoor Range Training Brass 9mm 70 Grain 50-Rounds Lead-Free

    Federal American Eagle Competition Ammo Brass 9mm 200-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ
    Federal American Eagle Brass 9mm 124 Grain 500-Rounds TSJRN
    Federal American Eagle Brass 9mm 124 Grain 250-Rounds TSJRN
    Federal American Eagle 9mm Luger 115gr. FMJ 50rds
    Federal American Eagle 115 Grain FMJ Brass 9mm 100Rds
    Federal AM Eagle 40SW 180GR FMJ 50rds
    Federal Am Eagle 380 Acp 95gr Fmj 50rds
    Federal 300wsm 180gr Tro Cpr V-shok
    Federal 30-06 180gr Tro Copr V-shok
    CCI Blazer Brass Handgun Ammunition 9mm Luger 124 gr FMJ 1000/box
    CCI Blazer Brass 9mm Luger Ammunition 50 RDs 147 Grain

  28. CCI Blazer 9mm 115GR FMJ 50Rds Aluminum case
    CCI Blazer .40S&W 180GR FMJ 50Rds
    CCI Ammunition Blazer .40 SW 165GR TMJ 50Rds
    CCI Ammunition Blazer FMJ 200 Grain Aluminum 10mm 50Rds
    CCI Ammunition Blazer FMJ 124 Grain Aluminum 9mm 50Rds
    CCI Ammunition Blazer Centerfire 10mm 180 Grain 50 Rounds Full Metal Jacket
    CCI Ammunition Blazer Brass Full Metal Jacket Round Nose 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds
    CCI Ammunition Blazer Brass Brass 9mm 115 Grain 100-Rounds FMJ
    Barnes Bullets VOR-TX Brass .454 Casull 250-Grain 20-Rounds BXPB
    Barnes Bullets TAC-XPD 45ACP 185GR HP 20 ROUNDS
    Barnes Bullets TAC-XPD 40SW 140GR HP 20 ROUNDS
    Barnes Bullets TAC-XPD .380 ACP 80GR HP 20Rds
    Aguila Centerfire Rounds Brass FMJ 115-Grain 9mm 300 Rounds
    Aguila Ammunition 9mm 124gr FMJ 50rd
    Aguila 9mm Luger 115gr. FMJ Brass 9mm 50Rds

    A-Zoom Snap Cap Revolver Training Rounds .357 Mag
    9mm 9×19 Ammo 124gr FMJ Federal American Eagle (AE9AP) 1000 Round Case
    mm 9×19 Ammo 115gr FMJ Remington Military LE Training (B9MM3) 500 Round Case
    9mm 9×19 Ammo 115gr FMJ CCI Blazer Brass (5200) 1000 Round Case
    Springfield XD XD(M) Magazine Stainless Black .45 ACP 13rd
    Springfield Magazine 9mm XD 16 Rounds
    Springfield Armory Hellcat Magazine Silver 9mm 13Rds
    Sig Sauer P365 Magazine 9mm 12-Rounds
    Sig Sauer P365 Extended Magazine Black 9mm 15Rds
    Ruger SR9/SR9c/9E Magazine 9mm 17Rd Value 2-Pack
    Ruger MKIV 22/45 Value Pack .22 LR 10-Rounds 2-Pack
    ProMag Industries Glock 17/19 Drum Mag Black 9mm 50Rds
    ProMag Canik TP9 Magazine 9mm 32 RDs Steel Blued
    Pro Mag Industries Springfield XD 9mm 32rd Black
    Pro Mag Industries Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield Mag Black 9mm 10Rds

    Pro Mag Industries Magazine for Smith and Wesson M&P-9 9mm 17Rd Black
    Pro Mag Industries M&P9 Magazine Black 9mm 32Rds Does Not Fit Shield Models
    Mec-Gar Magazine for CZ 75B / 85B / SP-01 / Shadow / Shadow 2 Extended 9mm 19-Rounds
    Mec-Gar CZ75B Magazine Black 9mm 16rd
    Mec-Gar CZ-75B Blued 9mm 10Rds
    Heckler and Koch Magazine 9mm 17-Rounds for P30 / VP9
    Glock Magazine Gen 4 17/34 9mm Polymer 17Rd
    Glock Gen 5 17/34/45 Magazine 9mm 17Rds
    Glock 20 / 40 Magazine Black 10mm 15Rds
    Glock 19X Magazine Coyote Brown 9mm 19Rds
    Glock 19 Magazine 9mm 15 Round
    Glock 19 Magazine 9mm 15 Round
    Glock 19 Gen 5 Magazine 9mm 15Rds
    Century Arms Canik TP9 Magazine 9mm 18rd
    Browning Buckmark Magazine Black .22 LR 10Rd

    Walther Ccp M2 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol
    Traditions FR18602 1860 Colt Army
    Traditions 1858 new Army 44brass Redipk
    Titanium Gold Desert Eagle Pistol 50 Ae
    Taylors and Co 1875 Top Break 44-40 7 inch
    Taylors & Co. Schofield Revolver Black .45 LC 5 inch 6 rd Walnut Grips
    Taylors & Co. Schofield .45 Long Colt, 7-inch Barrel, 6rd, Walnut Grip
    Taurus Tx22 Compact
    Taurus 856 Ultra Lite 38 Special Hammerless 38SP BLK 2-inch
    Taurus 856 Stainless .38 SPL 2 Barrel 6-Rounds
    Taurus 605 .357 Mag 2-inch 5Rd Fixed Sights
    Standard Manufacturing S333 Thunderstruck Revolver .22 Mag 1.25 8-Round
    Springfield Armory Mil-spec Defender 1911 Semi-automatic Pistol 45 Acp 5 Barrel 7-round Parkerized Wood
    Smith And Wesson Sd9ve Stainless 9mm 4-inch Barrel 16 Rounds With Fixed Sights
    Smith And Wesson Sd9ve Stainless Black 9mm 4-inch 10rd California Compliant

    Smith And Wesson Mp9 Shield M2.0 9mm 3-inch 8rd Black Night Sights No Thumb Safety
    Smith and Wesson Model 442 Revolver Matte Black .38 Special +P 1.875 Barrel 5-Round
    Smith And Wesson Mp9 Shield With Manual Thumb Safety 9mm 3.125″ Barrel 7-rounds
    Smith And Wesson M and p9 Shield M2.0 9mm 3-inch 8rd No Thumb Safety
    Smith And Wesson M And P9 Shield Ez Flat Dark Earth Black 9mm 3.6 Barrel 8-rounds
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield EZ 9mm 3.6″ 8-Round Manual Thumb Safety
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield EZ 9mm 3.6 8-Round No Thumb Safety
    Smith And Wesson M&p9 Shield Black 9mm 3.125-inch 8rd 10 Lb Trigger Ma Complaint
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield Black 9mm 3.1-inch 8Rd Fiber Sights State Compliant
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 Shield 9mm 3.1″ Barrel 8-Rounds Bug Out Bag Bundle
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.25-inch 17Rds Night Sights
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact Optics Ready 9mm 4″ Barrel 15-Rounds No Thumb Safety
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Black 9mm 4.25″ Barrel 17-Rounds No Thumb Safety
    Smith and Wesson M&P9 M2.0 9MM 4.25-In 17Rds Ambidextrous Thumb Safety
    Smith And Wesson M&p 2.0 9mm 4.25 Inch 15rds Co Compliant

    Smith and Wesson 637 .38 SPL P 1.875 In 5 Rds Stainless
    Smith and Wesson 442 Matte Black .38 SPL 1.8725-inch 5Rd
    Smith & Wesson M&p9 M2.0 9mm 3.6 Barrel 15 Rds 3-dot Sights
    Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M 2.0 Black 9mm 3.1″ Barrel 8 Round MA Compliant
    Smith & Wesson M&P 9 M2.0 Compact 9mm 4-Inch Barrel 15-Rounds Fixed Sight
    Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 9mm 5″ Barrel 17 RDs Flat Dark Earth without Safety
    Smith & Wesson 642 Stainless Centennial .38 SPL 1.875-inch 5Rd
    Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight Centennial .38 Special 1.9″ Barrel 5 RDs Stainless Steel
    Sig Sauer P938 9mm 3-inch 7rds Black Siglite Night Sights Massachusetts Compliant
    Sig Sauer P365XL Spectre Comp Semi-Auto Pistol
    Sig Sauer P365 Sas 9mm 3.1 Barrel 10-rounds With Tritium Night Sights
    Sig Sauer P365 Pistol Stainless Slide 9mm 3.1 10 Rd Sig Night Sights
    Sig Sauer P365 9mm 3.1 Barrel 10-rounds With X-ray3 Sights
    Sig Sauer P322 22lr 4 20rd Black
    Sig Sauer P320 XCompact 9mm 3.6 Barrel 15-Rounds Night Sight

    Sig Sauer P320 X Five Legion Pistol 9mm 5 Barrel
    Sig Sauer P320 Spectre Comp 9mm Pistol
    Sig Sauer P320 Compact Semi Auto Pistol
    Sig Sauer P320 Axg Equinox Semi-automatic Pistol
    Sig Sauer P238 Semi-automatic Pistol 380 Acp 2.7 Barrel 7-round Cerakote Black
    Sig Sauer P226 Full Size Single Double Black 9mm 4.4-inch 15rds
    Sig Sauer P210 Target Nitron Walnut 9mm 5-inch 8rd
    Sig Sauer MPX Copperhead Coyote Tan 9mm 3.5-inch 20Rds
    Ruger Wrangler OD Green .22 LR 4.6 Barrel 6-Rounds
    Ruger SP101 Standard Stainless .357 Mag 2.25 Barrel 5-Rounds
    Ruger SP101 Standard Stainless .357 Mag 2.25 Barrel 5-Rounds
    Ruger SP101 Blued .357 Mag 2.25 Barrel 5-Rounds
    Ruger Pc Charger 9mm 6.5 Barrel 17-rounds

    Ruger Lcp II .22 Lr Pistol
    Ruger Ec9s 9mm 3.12 Barrel 7-rounds Hogue Handall Grip
    Ruger American Pistol 9mm 4.2 Inch 17rd
    Ruger American Compact 9MM Black 3.55-inch 17rd with safety
    Ruger 57 5.7 X 28mm Pistol
    Rugar Wrangler OD 22LR Barrel 6-rounds
    Q Mini Fix Pistol Gray .300 AAC Blackout 8 Barrel 10-Rounds Optics Ready
    Q Honey Badger Sd 7 300 Blk Sbr W Silencer
    Nosler M48 Independence Handgun Bolt-Action 6.5 Creedmoor 15″ Barrel 1 Round
    North American Arms Ranger II Stainless .22 Mag 4 Barrel 5-Rounds
    North American Arms Ported Snub 22 22M 1.125-inch 5rd
    New Colt Python 2022 3 .357 Magnum 6rd Stainless Wood Grips
    Magnum Research BFR Stainless .357 Mag / .38 SPL 7.5 Barrel 6-Rounds
    Kel-tec P17
    Kel-Tec KSG 12 GA 18.5 Barrel 14-Rounds Optics Ready

    Kel-Tec KS7 Tactical Pump Shotgun 12 GA 18.5-inch 6Rds
    Hi-Point JXP 10 Pistol
    Heritage Firearms Rough Rider Small Bore Blue .22 LR 16 6 RD Fixed Sights
    Heritage Firearms Rough Rider Blued Cocobolo Grip .22LR 6.5-inch 6Rd
    Heritage Firearms Rough Rider Blued Cocobolo Grip .22LR 6.5-inch 6Rd
    Heritage Firearms Rough Rider Ace in the Hole Black .22 LR 4.75 Barrel 6-Rounds
    Glock 45 MOS 9mm 4.02-inch 17Rds Fixed Sights
    Glock 45 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 17 Rounds with Fixed Sights
    Glock 45 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch 10Rds
    Glock 43X 9mm 3.41 Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Glock Sights
    Glock 43 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 3.39 Barrel 6-rounds
    Glock 43 Black 9mm 3.39-inch 6Rds USA MADE
    Glock 36 Gen 3 Black 3.78-inch .45 ACP 6Rd
    Glock 34 Gen 3 Competition Black 9mm 5.32-inch 17Rd
    Glock 30 Gen 4 Black .45ACP 3.78-inch 10 Rds

    Glock 19X Gen 5 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.02 Barrel 19-Rounds Streamlight TLR7A
    Glock 19x Gen 5 Coyote Tan 9mm 4.01 Barrel 19-Rounds
    Glock 19x Coyote Tan 9mm 4.01-inch 10Rds
    Glock 19 Gen5 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.02 Barrel 15-Rounds
    Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 15-Rounds
    Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Sights
    Glock 17 Gen 5 Full Size 9MM 4.49-inch Barrel 17-Rounds Fixed Sights
    Glock 17 Gen 5 9mm 4.49-inch Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Sights
    Glock 17 Gen 3 Black 9mm 4.49-inch 17Rd Fixed Sights
    Girsan MC P35 Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol
    FN FNX-45 Tactical Pistol 45 ACP 5.3 Barrel Night Sights Polymer
    Fn Fnx-45 Tactical Pistol 45 Acp 5.3 Barrel Night Sights Polymer
    FN 509 Tactical 9mm
    FN 502 Tactical 22LR Pistol With Threaded Barrel–1 15 Round and 1 10 Round Mag
    Diamondback Sidekick Combo Revolver 22 Long Rifle 4.5 Barrel 9-Round Black

  29. CCI #41 – 5.56 Small Rifle Military Primers – 1000 pcs
    Ballistic Products Shotshell Wads 12 Gauge Multi-Metal 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Bag of 100
    Graf Brass 38 Auto 100ct
    9mm-Armscor Brass 200ct
    8mm Nambu Brass 100ct
    Hornady Brass 6.5 Creedmoor
    300 AAC Blackout – Armscor Brass 200ct
    30-30 Winchester – Hornady Cases
    Ballistic Products Shotshell Wads 12 Gauge Multi-Metal 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Bag of 100
    10mm – Armscor Brass 200ct
    Hornady Brass 450 Bushmaster
    .45 COLT – Armscor Brass 200ct
    .40 S&W – Armscor Brass 200ct
    .380 ACP – Armscor Brass 100ct
    .38 Super Rim Less – Armscor Brass 200ct

    .38 Super – Armscor Brass 100ct
    .38 Special – Armscor Brass 100ct
    .357 Magnum – Hornady Cases
    .357 Magnum – Armscor Brass 200ct
    Hornady Brass 35 Remington
    Hornady 308 Win Match Brass
    Hornady 308 Marlin Express Brass 50 count
    Hornady Brass 300 Savage
    Hornady Brass 300 Savage
    300 Blackout Hornady Cases 50/Bx
    30-40 Krag Brass Unprimed Bag of 50
    Case Hornady 30-06 Springfield Brass 50/box
    Hornady Brass 30 TC Box of 50
    Hornady Brass .30 M1 Carbine Box of 200
    .30 Carbine – Armscor Brass 200ct

    .270 Winchester – Hornady Cases
    .270 Wby Mag Hornady Cases
    Hornady Brass 250 Savage
    Hornady Cases 25-06 Rem
    Hornady Cases 243 Winchester
    ornady-cases .223 Rem
    Hornady Cases .220 Swift
    Hornady Cases .22-250 Rem
    .22 TCM – Armscor Brass 200ct
    Hornady Cases .22 Hornet
    Hornady Cases .204 Ruger
    Hornady Cases .17 Hornet
    Winchester X17P 17 Hornet 20 Grain Varmint X 20 Rounds
    Winchester WSC338LU 338 Lapua Magnum

    Winchester Wildcat Rimfire Ammo
    Winchester Varmint X Brass .22 Hornet 35-Grain 20-Rounds PT
    Winchester Usa 7.62x51mm Nato 149gr Full Metal Jacket Lead Core 20 Rounds Per Box
    Winchester Supreme 7mmwsm 160gr Accubond 20rds
    Winchester Supreme 338Winchester 225GR ACCU Coyote Tan 20rds
    Winchester Supreme 243WIN 55GR SBS 20rds
    Winchester Super-X 7MMMAU 145GR PP 20rds
    Winchester Super-X 307 Winchester 180GR PP 20rds
    Winchester Super-X 300WIN 150GR Power Core 95/5 20rds
    Winchester Super-X 22HORN 45GR SP 50rds
    Winchester Super-X .218 Win Be 46GR HP 50rds
    Winchester Deer Season XP Rifle Ammo 270 Win 130 Grain Extreme Point 20 RDs
    Winchester Deer Season XP Brass .300 WSM 150-Grain 20-Rounds EP
    Winchester Ammunition Target and Range Jacketed Frangible 5.56 50gr 20rds
    Winchester 55gr. FMJ 150 Round Value Pack Brass .223 Rem

    Weatherby Select Plus .300 Weatherby AccuBond 180 Grain
    Speer Gold Dot Rifle Ammo Brass .223 Rem 20-Rounds 75 Grain
    Speer Gold Dot Nickel Plated Brass .223 Rem 55-Grain 20-Rounds SP
    Sig Sauer Ammo OTM Match 300WIN 190 Grain 20/200
    Sellier and Bellot 6.5X55SW 140 Grain Full Metal Jacket 20rds
    Remington R300WB1 300WBy 180 PSPCL 20rds
    Remington Premier AccuTip 221FB 50GR BT 20rds
    PPU PPM7 Match 182 Grain 7.62x54mmR 20 Rounds Full Metal Jacket
    PPU PPM6 Match 120 Grain 6.5×55 Swedish 20 Rounds Hollow Point Boat Tail
    PPU PP7K 124 Grains 7.92KURZ 20 Rounds FMJ
    PPU PP30063 Metric Rifle 139 Grain 6.5x57mm Mauser 20 Rounds Soft Point Boat Tail
    PPU PP264 Rifle Ammo 140 Grain 264 Win Mag 20 Rounds Soft Point
    PPU Metric Rifle Brass 7.65 X 53 180-Grain 20-Rounds SP
    PPU Metric Rifle Brass 7.65 X 53 174-Grain 20-Rounds FMJ
    PPU Metric Rifle Brass 7.62x54mmR 182-Grain 20-Rounds FMJ

    PPU Metric Rifle Ammunition Brass 7x64mm Brenneke 20-Rounds 140 grain Soft Point Boat Tail
    PPU Blank Brass 5.56 NATO 20-Rounds
    PMC Ammunition X-Tac Match Brass .223 Rem 77 Grain 20-Rounds OTM
    PMC Ammunition X-Tac M855 5.56 NATO 62GR Green Tip LAP 20Rds
    PMC Ammunition Bronze Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail 55 Grain Brass .223 Rem 20Rds
    PMC Ammunition Bronze .223 Rem 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail Brass- 1000Rds – Full Case
    Nosler Match Grade 28 Nosler Ammunition 185 Grains 20 Rounds
    Nosler Match Grade 260 Remington Ammunition 130 Grains 20 Rounds
    MagTech Sport Shooting Brass .38 SW 146 Lead Round Nose 50Rds
    Hornady V-MAX .17HMR 17GR 50Rds
    Hornady Superformance Varmint .17Hornet 20GR V-Max 25Rds
    Hornady Superformance .30-06 150GR SST 20rds
    Hornady Subsonic Brass .450 BM 395 Grain 20-Rounds Sub-X
    Hornady Precision Hunter 143 Grain ELD-X Brass 6.5 Creedmoor 20Rds
    Hornady Match Ammunition 6.5 PRC 147 Grain ELD Match Box of 20

    Hornady Frontier Cartridge Rifle Ammo Brass 5.56 20-Rounds 55 Grain FMJ
    Hornady DG .416 Rigby 400 Grain DGS FMJ 20Rds Box
    Hornady Dangerous Game Series Centerfire Rifle Rounds Brass 450 Rigby 480 Gr
    Hornady Dangerous Game Series .376 Steyr 270GR SP 20Rds
    Hornady Dangerous Game Ammunition 470 Nitro Express 500 Grain DGX Bonded Box of 20
    Hornady Dangerous Game Ammunition 450 Rigby 480 Grain DGX Bonded Box of 20
    Hornady Dangerous Game Ammunition 416 Rigby 400 Grain DGX Bonded Box of 20
    Hornady Dangerous Game .500-416 Nitro Express Ammunition 20 Rounds 400 Grain DGS Projectile 2300 FPS
    Hornady Critical Defense .223 Rem 55gr 20-Rounds FTX
    Hornady Black .450 Bushmaster 250 GR FTX 20 Rounds
    Hornady American Whitetail .30-06Sprg 150GR SP 20Rds
    Hornady A-Tip Match Custom Bullet Seating Stem 6.5mm
    Hornady 82303 9.3X62 286 SP/Rp 20rds
    Hornady 82214
    Hornady 416 Remington Dangerous Game 400 Grains DGX Bonded Per 20

    Hornady 338LAPUA 250FR BTHP 20rds
    Hornady 218 Bee 45 gr HP Ammunition Per 25 rounds per box.
    Hornady .500 Nitro Express 570 Grain DGS FMJ 20 Round Box
    Fiocchi 308D 308 165 BTSp 20rds
    Federal XM193BK 5.56 NATO 55GR BTMC 1000Rds Case
    Federal Range & Target Ammo .40 SW Full Metal Jacket 165 GR
    Federal PWRSHK 8MM MAU 170GR SP 20rds
    Federal PWRSHK 6.5X55 140GR SP 20rds
    Federal PWRSHK 300WIN 150GR SP 20rds
    Federal PWRSHK 300SAV 180GR SP 20rds
    Federal PRM 7MMREM 160GR NP 20rds
    Federal Premium V-Shok Brass .224VAL 60 Grain 20-Rounds NBT
    Federal Premium Nickel Plated Brass 7mm WSM 160 Grain 20-Rounds NA
    Federal Premium Nickel Plated Brass .30-06 168 Grain 20-Rounds BHH
    Federal Premium Cape-Shok Centerfire Rifle

    Federal Premium Cape Shok 416 Rigby 20rd Box/10 box Case
    Federal Premium Brass .300 Win Mag 180 Grain 20-Rounds SSII
    Federal Premium Brass .300 Norma Mag 215 Grain 20-Rounds BHH
    Federal Premium Brass .30-06 Springfield 165 Grain 20-Rounds SSII
    Federal P500NWH 500NIT 500 WHCS 20rds
    Federal P500NSA 500NTR 570 SWAFR 20rds
    Federal P458WH 458WIN 500 WHCS 20rds
    Federal P458T3 458Wn 500 TBSL 20rds
    Federal P458T2 Federal 458 Winchester Magnum 500 Grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw 20rds
    Federal P458SA 458MG 500 SWAFR 20rds
    Federal P458LWH 458LOT 500 WHCS 20 ROUNDS
    Federal P458LTI 458 Lott 500Grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw 20rds
    Federal P416RT2 416REM 400 TBSL 20rds
    Federal P375T4 375Hh 250 TB 20rds
    Federal P375T2 375Hh 300 TB 20rds

    Federal P338TC1 338 225 TCVTL 20rds
    Federal Gold Medal Premium Rifle Ammo Brass .224 Valkyrie 20-Rounds 90 Grain Sierra MatchKing BTHP
    Federal GM260M Gold Medal
    Federal Game-shok .22 LR #12 Bird Shot 50-Rounds
    Federal Fusion 300WIN 180GR 20rds
    Federal Fusion 300WIN 165GR 20rds
    Federal F6555FS1 6.5X55 140 Fusion 20rds
    Federal F300WFS1 300MG 150 Fusion 20rds
    Federal BallistiClean Brass .223 Rem 55-Grain 20-Rounds Frangible
    Federal American Eagle XM 5.56 NATO 62 Grain 20-Rounds FMJBT
    Federal American Eagle Value Pack .45 ACP 230gr 100-Rounds
    Federal American Eagle Brass .308 Win 150-Grain 20-Rounds FMJBT
    Federal American Eagle .223Rem 62GR FMJ 20Rds
    Federal 300 WSM 200 Grain Terminal Ascent 20 Round Box
    Federal .470 Nitro Express Cape-Shok 500 Grain Swift A-Frame Bullet 20rd box 2150 fps

    Corbon Hunter Rifle Ammunition HT4570460HC, 45-70 Govt, Hard Cast, 460 GR, 1650 fps, 20 Rd/bx
    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper
    CCI/Speer CCI Shotshell 22WMR 52 Grain Shotshell #12 20/BX 2000/CS
    CCI Quiet-22 .22LR 40GR Lead Round Nose 50Rds
    CCI Ammunition Varmint TNT Green Brass .17 HMR 16-Grain 50-Rounds HP
    Browning BXS Solid Expansion 180 Grain Nickel .300 WSM 20Rds
    Barnes Bullets Vor-Tx Rifle Ammunition Brass .30-06
    Barnes Bullets VOR-TX 300 Remington Ultra Magnum (RUM) 190 GR LRX Boat Tail 20 rds
    Barnes Bullets VOR-TX 30-06 180GR TTSX BT 20rds
    Barnes Bullets BB552X1 Vor-Tx Rifle Ammunition
    Barnes Bullets 21531 30-06 150 TTSX BT 20rds
    Barnes Bullets 21520 223 55 TSX 20rds
    5.56×45 Ammo 55gr FMJ Wolf Gold Brass Case 1000 Round Case
    45-70 Government by Winchester 45-70 Govt, 300gr, Super-X Jacketed Hollow Point, (Per 20) [Winchester Ammo]
    223 5.56×45 Ammo 55gr FMJ Federal American Eagle (XM193X) 500 Round Case

    223 5.56×45 Ammo 55gr FMJ Federal American Eagle (AE223BKX) 1000 Round Bulk Case
    Tikka T3/T3X Extended Magazine Black 6.5 Creedmoor 5Rds
    Tikka T3 / T3X Extended Magazine For .308/.243/7mm-08/.22-250 5Rds
    Savage MkII Magazine .22LR 10rd
    Savage Magazine 60 SER .22LR 10rd BL
    Savage Axis Magazine .308 Win / .243 Win / 7mm-08 Rem / 6.5 Creedmoor / .260 Rem / .338 Fed 4-Rounds
    Savage A22 Magazine Blued .22 LR 10Rds
    Ruger Magazine American Rifle Polymer Black 450bm
    Ruger BX-25×2 Magazine for Ruger 10/22, SR-22, Charger, 77/22 50 Rounds
    Ruger 10/22 Magazine BX-25 .22LR 25rd Black Value 2-Pack
    Ruger 10/22 Magazine BX-25 .22 LR 25rd Black
    Ruger 10/22 Magazine BX-1 .22 LR Black 10Rd 3 Pack
    Ruger 10/22 Clear Sided BX-25 Magazine Clear / Black .22 LR 25Rd
    ProMag RM5 Rollermag AR-15 Magazine .223 Remington/5.56 NATO 5 RDs
    ProMag AR-15 Drum Magazine .223 Rem/5.56 NATO 65 Rounds Polymer

  30. Pro Mag Mossberg 702 Plinkster Magazine Blued .22LR 10rd
    Magpul PMAG .308 AC/AICS Magazine Short Action Black 7.62 X 51 / .308 Win 5Rds
    Hi-Point Firearms Redball Sports Magazine Black 9mm 20Rd
    CZ Factory OEM Rifle Magazine .22LR 10 Round Black 452 ZKM 12004
    XS Sight Systems XS Standard Dot Tritium Express Front Sight AR Style
    XS Sight Systems GS Marlin 1895/45-70 with BO Sight
    Truglo Ak-47 Tritium Front Sight
    Trijicon Fiber Sight Set CZ P-10 C Fiber-Optic Red-Green
    Midwest Industries Combat Sight Flip-Up Rear
    Midwest Industries Combat Rifle Fixed Front HK Type Mil-Spec Black Finish
    Magpul Mbus Rear Flip Sght Gen 2 Gry
    Kriss Defiance Low Profile Flip Up Front Sight
    Hiviz Rg1022 F/r (Lw) Combo Rug 1022
    Hiviz Hyr2012 Henry H001 Lever Action Rifle
    Hi Viz Lightwave Adjustable Sights Fro Henry Rifles

    Griffin Armament M2 Sight Rear Black Ar-15 A2 Compatible Modular Rear Sight 17-4 Ordnance
    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper
    Seekins Precision Scope Ring, .92″ Medium High, 30mm, 4 Cap Screw, Black Finish
    Ruger Optic Adapter Plate for Ruger-57 – Burris & Vortex Red Dots
    Leupold Standard 2-Piece 1 Scope Rings for Tikka T3 and T3x
    Leupold PRW/LRW Rings Matt Black 30mm Use PRW bases or any other Picatinny-style mount rails
    Leupold Mark IMS 1-Piece 35mm Scope Mount Bolt Action
    Leupold Mark 4 IMS 30mm Flat Top Mount Matte Black
    Leupold Mark 4 30mm Medium Matte
    Leupold LRW Black 1 Inch Scope Rings Medium
    Leupold Backcountry Set 2-Piece Base and 30mm Rings Medium for Weatherby Mark V LT
    Browning X-lock Integrated Med30 Mat
    Browning X-Bolt Integrated Scope Mounts 34mm High Bronze Cerakote
    Barrett Scope Rings 34mm 1.4″
    Ultra Dot Ud 30mm Tube Ultradot Mblk

    Truglo TRU-Brite 30 Series Tactical Rifle Scope 1-4×24 Fully Coated Lens 30mm Tube Matte Finish Black
    Truglo TG8516TL
    Truglo Eminus Tactical Riflescope 6-24×50
    Trijicon TR232G Accupoint Rifle Scope 5-20X50 Green Dot
    Trijicon TR202G AccuPoint Rifle Scope 3-9X40 Green Mil Dot
    Sun Optics PS30432IR Tactical Precision 4x 32mm Black Matte Illuminated Mil-Dot 3 Color
    Sig Sauer Tango4 Scope 6-24×50 30mm Sf Mrad Bk Mrad Illum Reticle Sidefocus Blk
    Sig Sauer Tango4 Scope 6-24×50 30mm Mrad Dev-l Illum Dev-l Holdover Reticle
    Sig Sauer Sierra 3bdx Black 4.5-14×50
    Sig Sauer Electro-optics Romeo-msr 2 Moa Red Dot
    Ncstar Ultimate Sighting System Gen-2, 3-9×42 Mil-dot
    Ncstar Mark Iii Tactical Gen 2 3-9×42 P4 Sniper
    Ncstar Mark Iii Tactical Gen 2 3-9×42 Mil-dot
    Ncstar Mark Iii Tactical Compact Scope Gen 3, P4 Sniper, Reticle
    Nc Star Uss Gen Ll 3-9×42 P4 Sniper

    NC Star SRT Scope 3-9x40mm, P4 Sniper Reticle with Green Laser
    Leupold VX-Freedom 1.5-4x20mm Pig-Plex Reticle Mate Black Scope
    Leupold Vx-3i Cds-zl 3.5-10x40mm Duplex Reticle
    Leupold Vx-3i 4.5-14x50mm Matte Black
    Leapers Utg 1″ Bugbuster Scope Ao Mil-dot Reticle With Qd Rings
    Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper
    Bushnell Engage Riflescope
    Bushnell Engage 4-16x44mm Deploy Moa Reticle
    Bushnell AR Optics 4.5-18x40mm Illuminated Windhold Reticle
    Bushnell 614124 Banner Scope 4-12×40
    Bushnell 613947 Banner Scope 3-9×40
    Burris T.M.P.R Fastfire M3 w/ Mount 3 MOA Dot Black
    Barska Optics Ac11672 6-24×50 Sniper Scope
    Barska Optics 10-40x50MM Illuminated Reticle Mil-Dot Sniper Scope
    Weaver Top Mount Scope Base for Thompson Center Contender and Rossi Single Shot Rifles

    Weaver Base System 430T Ruger 10/22 Aluminum
    Weaver 49713 See Thru Mount for Marlin 336
    Truglo Offset Picatinny Mount
    Trijicon RMR Mounting Kit – Fits Glock MOS Models
    Trijicon Black MRO Low Mount Adapter
    Springfield Scope Mount M1A 4TH Gen Aluminum
    Seekins Precision 20 Moa #6-40 For Remington 700
    Ruger 10/22 Fiber Optic Sight Set Front/rear Matte Black Finish
    Leapers Utg Low Profile Flip Up Front Sight Aluminum Black
    Leapers Inc. Utg Pro M-lok Ar15 Super Slim Free Float Handguard 13-inch, Black
    Keystone Crickett / Chipmunk Rifle Scope Mount
    Henry Repeating Arms Big Boy Drill/TAP Mount
    DNZ 182000S Savage 220 Slug Medium Mount
    Agm Victrix Tc50-384 1x 50mm 7.5×5.6 Degrees
    Winchester Wildcat 22lr 18 Barrel 10 Rounds Bl Sy

    Walther Ccp M2 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol
    Springfield Armory M1a Socom Rifle 308 Win 16.25-inch 10rds
    Sig Sauer P320 Axg Equinox Semi-automatic Pistol
    Savage A22 Precision 22lr 18-inch Tb 10rds Blk
    Savage A22 Forest Green .22 Lr 18 Barrel 10-rounds
    Ruger Pc Carbine 9mm 16.12 Barrel 10-rounds
    Ruger 10 22 Target Lite .22lr 16.13-inch 10rd Black W Laminate Thumbhole Stock
    Ruger 10 22 Carbine Vote 2020 American Flag .22 Lr 18.5 Barrel 10-rounds Fourth Edition Collector’s Series
    Nrf Assault Rifle Badnews 338lap 26-inch Blk
    Nrf Assault Rifle Badnews 338lap 26-inch Blk
    Noreen 204-30 Bad News Semi Auto
    Kalashnikov Kr-9 Rifle 9mm 16.25-inch 30rds With Folding Stock
    Henry Repeating Arms Us Survival Viper Western Viper .22lr 16.5-inch 8rd
    Geissele Automatics Super Duty Desert Dirt 5.56 Barrel Semi-automatic B5 Enhanced Sopmod Stock Geissele Rifle Grip Grip
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