Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (courtesy nypost.com)

“Security means everything to Facebook — security for Mark Zuckerberg, that is,” nypost.com clarifies. “The social-media company shelled out $5 million last year to make sure its co-founder and CEO had protection around the clock, according to regulatory filings . . .  powerful Apple CEO Tim Cook spent relative chump change of $209,151 on his safety last year.” I’m not sure how much I spend on security. I pay ADT a monthly fee and despite TTAG freebies, I spend lot of [my own] money on guns, ammo and training. Call it $10k per annum. How much do you shell out a year to keep you and yours safe? Be honest: do you see all your gun stuff that way?

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  1. $275.00 a year….that’s my membership renewal for my private gun club I belong to here in Dallas….

  2. As the man of the house, everything I spend in one way or another is for my families safety.

  3. I don’t spend money on security. I spend money on freedom. Security is a useful byproduct of advancing the cause of liberty,

    • Now THAT is an American point of view. I like it.

      I bought my guns simply because I wanted them, not to provide security. My freedom to own and carry them also happens to provide some security for me and my family in case we have to defend our lives and our home.

      The only money I’ve spent exclusively on security is the cost of three boxes of 9mm Gold Dot.

  4. I wonder how Zuckerberg’s security force is protecting him without guns, because guns are evil. Maybe he employs ninjas?

  5. Unfortunately, a lot of my local 2A activists are moving to Social Media, I mean Cock Suckerberg’s pocket.

    My state OC organization’s web forum is pretty much dead. I’m told it’s because everybody’s posting on fb instead.

    I not only refuse to go to Zuckerland, but have literally banned all things fb from my home network’s server, so I’m out of the loop on a lot of activity around me.

    • I hear that. Life without the Zuck-ster’s rules is liberating, albeit slightly quiet.

  6. Interesting perspective. Like Mack above, I spend a bit on having fun, putting meat in the freezer, and in challenging myself at each outing.
    Feeling and knowing I’m more secure is a neat byproduct of these endeavors.

  7. I fully agree with Mack Bolan here… I’m investing in liberty, and the means to promote/defend it – right along with my life and property. Put that way, it isn’t easy to set a dollar value on any of it, but let’s see:

    $50. a year to maintain NRA instructor status
    $25. a year for gun club/range fee
    About $1,000. a year for ammunition
    Various amounts for ongoing personal training… possibly several hundred $ a year
    $50. to $100. a year for supplies and gear replacement, sometimes more/less
    ALMOST bought another gun yesterday, but managed to regain my sanity in time… LOL (Ok, real reason… I was at a gun show and was about $40. short of his price… and he wouldn’t come down that much. 🙁 )

    Dry fire – free
    Ongoing situational awareness practice – free
    Teaching others about self defense: priceless, at least to me. I learn as much as I teach, at least.

    Couldn’t care less about Zuckerberg or any of the rest of them. I don’t “do” farcebook, twitter, or any of the rest of it.

  8. How much one spends on security is arbitrary. While the necessity exists for some to spend exorbitant sums of disposable income on state of the art security, the vast majority of Americans posses the ability to vastly enhance our personal safety at little cost.

    Much of our personal security is greatly enhanced by simply staying aware of our surroundings and remaining vigilant. Naturally this is just one aspect among other time tested effective steps.
    As much as I harbor disdain for using the term “common sense” it nevertheless remains a basic formula for personal safety that everyone can employ at no cost.

    • Even yappy dogs provide invaluable advance warnings. They hear things and are aware of situations long before humans are. Dogs are extremely valuable in the home setting for security and deterrence. Criminals, no matter the crime, don’t want to be caught and yappy dogs increase the chances of being detected. Of course, so does security lights and video surveillance systems, but lights and cameras aren’t always happy to see you but at the other end of the spectrum, you don’t have to scoop a cameras crap off the lawn.

      And then there is me who has dogs that watch the security monitor and alert me if they see something.

      • The flip side to yappy dogs is owners often get desensitized to the yapping. It yaps at everything and then gets ignored.

        Except by your neighbors, who don’t know what a good nights sleep is anymore…

  9. Firearms are of course a tiny part of keeping my family safe .

    Living in a safer neighborhood, owning safer cars, keeping proper tires on said cars and on and on. Wearing a hi-vis sweat shirt and using a bright hand light while walking the dog along the road , is just one of many examples .

    Maintaining a proper weight, eating right and excersize keeps us safe from heart disease and the like .

    No way I can add everything up.

  10. How much do I shell out per year? That is somewhat difficult to quantify. Here are my estimates per year:
    $160 — dog food
    $300 — dog veterinary care
    $20 — Concealed Carry license
    $30 — handgun and magazine holster/s
    $20 — sturdy belt for handgun carry
    $120 — handgun ammunition
    $100 — long gun ammunition
    $200 — handgun/s purchase/s (amortized)
    $200 — long gun/s purchase/s (amortized)
    $50 — magazines and other firearm components/accessories
    $50 — basic/standard home security features (locks, lights, etc.)
    $0 — range time (free on private property and state/national forests)
    $1250 — Total

  11. Dog (whiteout buy only food and “obamacare) + security update of my apartment make arround 200 euros/225 dollars per month average in the last year + an glock 29 on black market for 600 dollar/675 dollar arround to only make 50m2/540 quarefeet half save ………

    The open borders here in eudddssr under merkel”s dictatorship thats increased emigrants to over 1 million have make it mandatory and i m still save some money to buy next time an tactical shotgun for more power at homedefense.

    • Libertarian,

      Semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns are excellent firearms for home defense. Note that there is nothing special or better about “tactical” shotguns unless their tube magazines hold more shells than “hunting” shotguns. Otherwise, a simple and inexpensive “hunting” pump-action shotgun that holds 5 shells in the tube-magazine (plus one shell in the chamber) is more than enough rounds to stop any human attacker and probably more than enough to stop even three human attackers … especially if you use slugs rather than bird shot.

      Since you already have a Glock 29 which is chambered in 10 mm, the Glock 40 (also in 10mm caliber) would be an even more effective choice for home defense with good hollowpoint ammunition because:
      (1) Glock 40 magazine holds 5 additional rounds of ammunition.
      (2) Glock 40 barrel is 6 inches (153 mm) — 2.2 inches (56 mm) longer than a Glock 29 barrel.

      More cartridges are better of course. And that extra long barrel increases muzzle velocity something like 100 to 200 feet per second (30 to 60 meters per second).

      I am highly confident that you would be able to successfully defend yourself at home with a Glock 40 … especially if you have a spare 15-round magazine that is also loaded with high-quality hollowpoint ammunition. For that matter you would be able to defend yourself from multiple attackers.

      • Also, I bet the long barrel has less muzzle flash.
        In .45ACP, going beyond Commander length does very little for muzzle velocity.

        In 10mm, I believe longslides are the tool of choice, unless the length interferes with your mode of carry. The only longslide 1911 I see in (now defunct) Para-USA’s catalog is the 10mm Hunter.

  12. Permit fees in four states (MA, NH, FL and NV). Range fees and ammo. Insurance. And my rent, living in one of the safest neighborhoods in one of the safest towns in Eastern MA. I’m not counting the cost of additional guns, because they’re for fun. MY EDCs haven’t changed in years, and won’t.

    I’m not doing the math, because in my book, personal safety and security is worth just about any price.

  13. About $10-14K / year on guns / ammo / optics / reloading supplies

    $600 / year on alarm system with motion lights and video monitoring

    $400 / year on dog food

    $20 / year on gym membership

  14. Overall, a lot more than most here, but security is a lot more than just a gun.

  15. $24.95 gun belt.
    $35 Holster
    $20 to $30 for ammo a month.
    $20 a year range membership.
    $90 CCW class.
    And the cost of moving out of the slave state of California over thirty years ago when I saw freedom being taken away from the people.

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