Shannon Watts Tweet

Shannon Watts is the “stay at home Mom” crusader-in-chief for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. As such, the highly paid Bloomberg shill’s supposed to be a nice woman pushed to stridency by self-righteous anger about “gun violence.” Of course she’s nothing of the sort . . .

Ms. Watts is a PR professional protected by armed guards, whose first priority is her saintly public persona. The mask only drops occasionally. As it did in the Tweet above, where Ms. Watts equates a military parade with a white supremacist rally.

Her target: President Trump. Because guns? No, because she’s just another mean spirited progressive, an elitist without any connection to the values or sacrifices that made America great. Did I just say that? Yes. Yes I did.


  1. Maybe Watts needs to see some “gun action” up close…
    literally or metaphorically…either works…LOL
    Even idiots are entitled to their opinions, of course

  2. I saw a link about this yesterday that just said ‘gun control advocate’ or something so I refused to click (gotta draw the line somewhere). I figured it was probably Shannon though.

    As far as the parade, I’m assuming Thedonald didn’t mean for a N Korean style display as it’s been painted out to be by the leftist media. But there’s much better ways to use the money. Right now survivors of vets that commit suicide are left without benefits. Many of them can’t even afford to bury them. We put these vets through hell and then kick their widows out on the streets if they can’t deal with it. Lets fix this and leave the parades to the tin-pot dictators.

    • I’m not even sure The Donald actually wants a parade. I’m pretty sure he’s just trolling the left and getting them all on record with gobs of brain dead anti-military statements. The video of the protests (should it really come to them protesting a celebratory military parade) will be like money in the bank come the midterms and re-election time.

      He’s like a puppet master telling them to dance. They can’t do anything but dance. He tosses a proverbial flaming bag of crap in front of them and they can’t help but start jumping on it and tossing it around playing catch getting covered with the contents without even realizing it.

      • The best reason to hard parades is BECAUSE the progtards hate the idea. Once a month a regional parade. All to take place in “Sanctuary” and prog cities.

      • “He’s like a puppet master telling them to dance.”

        I’m beginning to suspect the parade isn’t aimed at the presiden’t ego or the American people.

        I’m likely over-thinking this, but I suspect the real audience is North Korea. A parade of high-tech anti-missile goodies, as a warning perhaps?

        Trump spent a *lot* of time on the State of the Union address on the Nor-Coms…

        • Well then, by all means we should schedule the parade as soon as possible. I nominate downtown Pyongyang for the route. That way li’l Kimmy will get a good view.

    • Showing the military that they are appreciated is important too the mental health of service members who did something most people are built not to do, i.e., killing. (On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society; Dave Grossman).

      • I’ve seen that book recommended so many times on this site that I actually bought and am about halfway through it. Have to say I’m a bit disappointed and unsure of the validity of the premise. I mean, SOMEBODY was doing a helluva lot of shooting in WWII, Civil War, for example, a lot of people sure as hell wound up dead. To think just 20% of the people were doing the shooting strains credulity, IMO.
        Frankly, I’m not buying it.

        • @RidgeRunner — Well, being that the vast majority of of our armed forces throughout our history are in non-combat specialties to support those in combat specialties, I could certainly confirm that notion.

          @Mister Fleas — The ones calling Grossman a fraud are willfully pig ignorant retards who can only be wholly unqualified to speak on anything combat-related, full-stop.

          • As I read the book for infotainment purposes, I didn’t check all his sources and methodology, but it appeared to be sound, and I’ve never heard a specific and legitimate complaint about his sources or methodology. Any statement of “well, I was in combat and …” is a data point. It could be typical or an outlier.

            I have heard complaints that are logical fallacies. The WWII data he cites isn’t his, so, if that’s the basis for saying he is full of it, the complaint should be that he is a dupe.

            I don’t disagree with a lot of what he says, but I don’t disagree with everything he says either. Most of what he says makes sense.His sources appear to be reputable. He doesn’t seem to be hiding anything. As a pioneer in the field, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was more wrong than right, but just saying he is wrong or a fraud is going to move the ball forward.

            • @TX_Lawyer — Oh, I’m sure he gets things wrong and he could be wrong about a lot of things, and I’m certainly not taking what the man says as gospel, either. But, the naked assertion that he’s a fraud, especially without citing any specifics like Mister Fleas did, is thoroughly unfounded.

              • I agree. My point is that, while I don’t agree with everything he says, and what he says isn’t the gospel truth, I’ve never seen a legitimate scholarly criticism of his theories. His work appears professional to me.

  3. Hmmm…my ex-combat veteran DoD employed son also made sport of the parade. But not over any white nationalist concerns. Just a “why” when we’re shutting .gov down every few weeks. Oh and a large % of the military ain’t white. The demanding shill is just a well paid prositute for hire.😧

    • Still proud of electing the sexual-assaulter-in-chief?

      The Hump who slurred the moderator as menstruating because she dared to challenge his bullshit?

      You and your ilk remain disgusting troglodytes

      • You do realize Trump wasn’t elected in a vacuum, right? The Liberal Terrorist™️ who ran against him has a history of not only massive corruption, but murder as well. And her husband, who actually raped women, and didn’t just talk about grabbing women, was fiercely defended by Hillary, herself. So yeah- even though he wasn’t my first choice, in the general election, he became the ONLY choice as he ran against the most vile, filthy hatchet wound ever involved in US politics. Sorry for voting for him? Lol. The only thing I’m sorry about is that he hasn’t become the President the feral left claim he is. Let that sink in

      • The sexual-assaulter-in-chief was actually kept out if the White House this time around.

        The Shill who slurred all black people by calling them “super predators” while her husband rode the Lolita Express.

        You and your fellow troglodytes love to project your disgusting bullshit onto everyone else.

  4. And this how you know a leftist has lost the argument: they whip out the accusations of racism in completely unrelated conversations.

  5. Yeah… funny how when the alt-right holds a rally alone, nobody gets hurt. When ANTIFA shows up, people wind up dead or in the hospital. Right now, I’m a significantly less concerned about a bunch of pissed off white guys with tiki torches than I am about commie vermin decked out like ISIS.

    • The hilarious part is that the Alt-Right are basically SJWs for white people. I take it the commies don’t like their own arguments being used against them?

      • But since they’re white that makes it racist, because only white people can be racist.

        • I always like to play the “Women’s March or Richard Spencer” game with liberals. When you take the racial context out of the quotes, it’s impossible to tell.

  6. Donald Trump could come out against cancer tomorrow and the liberals will begin espousing all the benefits of cancer.

    Trump derangement syndrome is very entertaining.

    • Donald Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and the libs would claim he was taking jobs from oncologists.


  7. Seems like she’d be best served by staying on point and on topic. Whenever anti’s float out to the typical partisan divide they hurt the mainstream appeal of their alleged cause. So keep at it Shannon!

  8. Here’s an idea… How bout we bring our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq when their missions are complete (i.e. both countries are functioning democratic constitutional republics, secure, and with stable economies) and have a huge parade/kegger in the style of VJ and VE day back in the 40s?

    • At least ATTEMPT to keep up. The US is pulling troops out of Iraq because we won (vs Obuma pulling out after surrendering)

      • No we haven’t won. We just managed to beat back the latest threats there. The Iraqi Army (minus ISOF and the LSF) still have no will to actually fight, much like the 2 previous wars they fought under Saddam they surrender rather than try to win. We lost quite a bit of equipment and tanks to isis just because the damned Iraqis wouldn’t stand and fight. When isis came through waving their black flags the IA abandoned their posts and ran. They wouldn’t actually fight without US advisers putting boot to a$$ to make them fight. No our mission there is far from complete and until the IA will stand on their own and fight the threats to their new government and new way of life that country will not be secure or prosperous. Then there’s the rampant corruption seen in the Iraqi Police forces that must be dealt with. ATTEMPT to keep up.

        • Third-world militaries cannot stand against first-world militaries. Even a rag-tag refugee based (although still first-world) Israeli military using cast-off weapons whupped up big time on everything the Arabs could throw at them. The distinction still stands.

        • “our mission is far from complete”

          Our primary mission is utterly complete. By absurdly overstating our mission you move the goalposts. We won the cold war against the Soviets, but if you want to look backwards and invent a new mission and claim it was not complete because Russia and North Korea are not democracies you set up a sophist position.

          “What makes any of that the business of the US government? Or anyone else?”

          What was the stated business of he US government, was insuring total compliance with the WMD inspection regime, which was a condition of US troop withdrawal after Iraq I, which Saddam refused right through the time the US was forced to use force to remove him.

          Over the eight years of Clinton, the Clinton administration justified the killing of 500,000 Iraqi infants age 0-5 due to the Clinton sanctions over this issue.

          The Saddam government was also allowing large terrorist groups sanctuary and resources to train.

    • Unfortunately Bob this will Never happen until the Sunni’s or Shiite’s wipe the other side off the face of the world. This is a religious war that’s been going on for thousands of years and will continue until one side is victorious over the other. No amount of support by The United States,The U.N. or any other country will change this. History in this case is the teacher and only complete control by one side or the other will stop the cycle of violence. This a hard truth,but none the less it is the way of humankind.

      • Now there is a valid point. You are correct, the two sides will never reconcile and even if they somehow do there’s still the issue of the Kurds, Chaldeans, Yazidi, and the other non Islamic sects in the country. There is no real way to reconcile all sides without maintaining a presence in the region to help mediate disputes. Both Sunni and Shia are still hung up on the prospect of eliminating or dominating the other and until they finally release that mindset they’ll be in a perpetual state of civil war. However there is hope if we can maintain a minimal presence in the country like we did in post war Germany. However, this approach will still not prevent the next radical cleric from inciting a civil war or kicking off the next great Middle Eastern Genocide (TM). There really are no great outcomes and about the best we can hope for is that their own government finds some sort of balance with representing all groups and finding some measure of peace between them.

        • Mediate? Are you serious? Our ‘role’ is historically untenable, and unsuccessful. We’re talking about primitives, fighting over interpretations of the ramblings of a power-hungry warlord, who stuck his schlong in anything he could find, and really liked 9 year old girls.

          Give all sides (actually more than 2 sects) all the small arms and munitions they want. Historically speaking, the only way this is “resolved” is by the warring factions inflicting enough death and destruction to be sick of it. Or wiping the other off the map.

          Then, and only then, should negotiations begin about their be allowed into the civilized world.

        • You obviously have never been and don’t know the geopolitics of the region at all. You sound like Watts.

          Kurds are “non Islamic? No, the Kurds are by a huge majority,, adherents to Islam, mostly Shafi Sunni Islam (65-70%), Shia Muslims (20-25%), and a small minority, 10 to 5% are syncretic religions offshoots of Islam that Muslims consider to be unislamic (Alevite, etc).

          Keeping a presence in the region is something ALL US presidents have done and announced intention to do despite the status of conflict.

          Implying that the US has intention or policy to fully democratize and normalize the middle east is false Setting the bar/expectations/metric of success like that is silly. The US interest and intent is limiting/reducing the ability of that region to maintain state level export of terrorism to the US, something that has been achieved. To define US policy or practical goals it as 100% stopping of export of state level terrorists, or complete democratization is absurd

        • Really so my tours there mean nothing? Awesome glad I didn’t learn nothing from it. Now the problem there is we started this crap and we screwed the pooch leaving a power vacuum in the first place when we took out their original government. I’m not gonna say Saddam didn’t deserve what he got cause him and all his family deserved every bit of what they got. I never said the Kurds were non Islamic I will admit that sentence was poorly structured. I’m saying they are a different sect that historically haven’t been treated too well by the others, just like the various Christian groups in Iraq, while letting them wipe each other out might be fun for yall to watch you also have to realize it ain’t just Iraq that’s gonna be fighting it out in Baghdad. Every other Middle Eastern country is going to join in for fear of seeing their sect lose and without a decent government in place Iraq will still breed terror and export it so long as radical clerics are around to scream death to America as they preach. That’s why we can’t afford to let Iraq fail. It isn’t just one 3rd world sh!thole going down the pipe. The entire Middle East will get in on the fighting without some sort of deterrent in the region. You really think Iran is gonna sit there and watch Shiites get butchered by Sunnis? You think the Saudis are gonna just watch Sunnis get gassed?

        • “Now the problem there is we started this crap and we screwed the pooch leaving a power vacuum in the first place when we took out their original government.”

          Exactly, after 911 Bush got seduced by the idea of “nation building” then spent trillions running down rabbit holes trying to figure out how to make it all work.

        • If we’re going to nation build, we should do it like we did in WWII. Go in, kick the absolute crap out of everyone to the point where they renounce fundamental, but troublesome, aspects of their religion and culture.

        • “Really so my tours there mean nothing? Awesome glad I didn’t learn nothing from it. ”

          If you think the Kurds are not Muslims I bet you are a fake vet. Which is about as low as it gets. You don’t know the mission and you don’t know the country and claim to have ‘so many tours.” BS. You disgust me.

        • CC learn to read before you start insulting people I admitted I could have structured that sentence better and never meant to say the Kurds were not muslim.

        • bob, You clearly don’t know anything about the region.

          And your defining success in Iraq as full democracy is sophist and asinine.

    • @ notATFagentbob: Please avoid being such a glaring an example of poor US history study.

      It was the end of about a decade after WWII when Japan had actual functioning democracies, and about 15 years after we left Korea that S. Korea did. We still had parades immediately after the main part of the hostilities was over. We had huge parades DURING the conflicts

      And the issue with Afghanistan was its broad and deep government support, supply of terrorists. Not “democracy.”

  9. If there was ever any doubt that the Monsanto Mom was a low down dirty shill for Bloombucks, it’s gone now.

  10. As if there is anything wrong with being a white nationalist. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Europe for everyone else except whites.

  11. The Hysterical Mother is just trying to be relevant. At some point, her Sugar Daddy will grow weary of her constant failures and cut her off. When he trades her in for a younger, more competent model, she will need something to fall back on. Maybe she could start a blog, “The Truth about Cat Ladies” or write a self-help self-hatred book.

    • “The truth about Cat Ladies” Now that’s a great idea
      Have just enough of them to keep her busy with some more relative to today’s world.

  12. With the exception of Obama’s surrender and capitulation to Iran, just as the sanctions were gaining traction, the US has achieved enormous victories in the Middle East in our goal of severely limiting state level export of terrorism and WMD development thanks to the policies of Bush and Trump.

    Only cranks and nuts defined victory in Afghanistan as somehow fully democratizing, normalizing and brining into modernity a third world place that has been a craphole forever. What we were faced with after 9/11 was Clinton being asleep at the wheel while all elements of the Afghan government were actively supporting a HUGE and effective major terrorist organization that was able to reach around the globe and kill thousands of our innocent civilians and destroy billions in our infrastructure.

    with Iraq we faced with a state that had actively been breaking every single WMD treaty, and was refusing full inspections. They no longer are refusing inspections. AS an major side benefit, Libya which a had a state level program and had been proliferating technology, immediately stopped their major program as soon as we invaded Iraq.

    Those are all major victories. Saying we had to turn these countries into fully developed democracies to have accomplished our major goals is BS

    • Only cranks and nuts defined victory in Afghanistan as somehow fully democratizing, normalizing and bringing into modernity a third world place that has been a craphole forever.
      Sort of what Rand Paul was alluding to. We do not know what victory looks like.

      • Only cranks, nuts, and the historically uninformed believe that there is anything called “victory” in the entirety of the ME.

        Civilization(s) have always come from a combination of education, intelligence, and genetic predisposition to cooperate with others – it’s an organic process, forcing it has worked precisely never in recorded history.

        I’ve never been able to completely nail it down, but anyone who suggests that we have ‘accomplished’ anything positive in the entire region since we purchased the first barrel of oil, is either delusional, or possesses hubris by the truckload, and historical ignorance by the trainload.

        Chinese, Persians, Western – none of this happened except that the people drove the development. The ME doesn’t want, need, desire civilization, nor could they handle it if you flattened whatever s-hole they currently inhabit and replaced it with all the trappings and institutions of the modern world.

        Eleven, if you think the Iranians are slowing their nuke program, or allowing free and open inspections, you might want to read some non-fake news. Islam is the problem, if you can’t understand that, then you understand nothing.

        • We had stunning victories in the middle east — it is you moving the goalposts to “civilizing” the entire middle that that is laughable.

          The denuclearization of Libya alone was massive benefit to US security.

          your contention that Iran’s Nuclear program or Iraq’s WD were decelerated from where they would be by US policy and actions the past 20 years is specious.

  13. I like the idea of generally pulling back from many areas of the world, and then having ANOTHER WW2 victory parade. Considering our military has been spread globally as such since WW2. Frankly, I say we then invest the defense spending we save in MORE nukes and more other futuristic weaponry. That’ll absolutely terrify the world.

  14. ☞Shannon Watts is the “stay at home Mom” crusader-in-chief for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. As such, the highly paid Bloomberg shill’s supposed to be a nice woman pushed to stridency by self-righteous anger about “gun violence.” Of course she’s nothing of the sort . . . Ms Watts is a PR professional protected by armed guards☜

    for now!
    while she’s “useful” to TPTB…..
    when her usefullness has ended, they’ll just dump her in the garbage…
    dats how dem ni99az roll!

  15. Is it bad that I wish she would die a gruesome death? Not by guns, but by something more random. Something from Final Destination. Like a malfunctioning tanning bed, or a flaming garbage truck…

  16. Overwhelming majority of anti-military are moral cowards like you, who absolutely would kill anyone they were told to if they were drafted.

    Far from the cloistered echo chambers devoid of moral and ethical standards as well as facts and the ability to reason, you moral cowards should be stood up against a wall and shot.

  17. You do realize Trump wasn’t elected in a vacuum, right? The Liberal Terrorist™️ who ran against him has a history of not only massive corruption, but murder as well. And her husband, who actually raped women, and didn’t just talk about grabbing women, was fiercely defended by Hillary, herself. So yeah- even though he wasn’t my first choice, in the general election, he became the ONLY choice as he ran against the most vile, filthy hatchet wound ever involved in US politics. Sorry for voting for him? Lol. The only thing I’m sorry about is that he hasn’t become the President the feral left claim he is. Let that sink in.

    • @ Little Horn

      True ,two weeks ago they had to bus in thirty partially out of state demanding Commie mommies to a hearing at the state house.

      Thankfully those from out of state were not allowed to testify,kind of like letting a Illegal Alien vote,oh wait.

    • These aren’t photos taken from any military parade, but a rally.

      She’s actually not right. She never is, she never was, and she never, ever will be. Period.

  18. I bet Shannon Watts is not her full name. I would almost guarantee her middle name is Theresa. That would make her ShannonTWatts. Not such a catchy headline for the news now.

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