
It’s no secret that the modern sporting rifle market has come back down to earth following the post-Newtown panic. Anyone who’s visited their local gun store knows that inventory is plentiful and prices are back down to their previous levels. If not lower. And given the frenzied buying that sucked up every black rifle that producers could turn out last year, you’d expect that demand would take some time to catch up with the newly refreshed supply again. Hence, Daniel Defense has announced a new financing program for their retail customers, providing an added incentive to get that weapon of war you’ve been wanting. That’s right, you can now put the rifle of your dreams — up to $7500 — on a payment plan. Press release after the jump . . .

Black Creek, GA- July 15, 2014- Daniel Defense, engineering and manufacturing the world’s finest firearms, precision rail systems and accessories, today announced a new, more comprehensive financing program for all consumers.

Customers have a wider variety of in-stock products to choose from than in previous years, and with the option to finance, what may have been previously out of reach, is now obtainable. “For many, shooting sports is a lifestyle, and having the best equipment is a priority,” explains Daniel Defense Director of Marketing, Jordan Hunter. “With this new financing program, it provides them the option to get what they need now, without having to settle for lesser-quality firearms that tend to fail or not offer that level of accuracy and precision that’s expected.”

Unlike with previous attempts at financing that offered Law Enforcement payment plans on LE Packages, now all qualifying customers will have the ability to finance Daniel Defense complete rifles, upper receiver groups and other products. “We ran into a few issues with the past program and decided it best to end the option until we could provide a solution agreeable to all our valued customers,” says Hunter.

Initially soft-launched on April 28 of this year, the program is now fully live on the Daniel Defense web site and offers faster approval and turnaround times. The previous credit limit of $3500 has now been raised to $7500 with tiered APR and term offerings based on FICO and other credit factors. Hunter went on to say, “Many customers have already taken advantage of the financing, and we are excited that more people can now afford to own the best firearms in the world.”

About Daniel Defense

President and CEO, Marty Daniel founded Daniel Defense at the turn of the 21st century. From its humble beginnings as a start-up company, creating rails and accessories for the AR-15 platform in small batches, Daniel Defense has grown exponentially over the last decade, and is now known for its premium line of rifles and firearms accessories. Now with two locations and a combined 137,000 square feet of available manufacturing space, Daniel Defense looks forward to continued growth, as well as the opportunity to better serve their customers.

For more information on financing, visit www.danieldefense.com.


  1. Cool idea. But that’s quite a bit for any semi auto rifle. I see no reason to pay more than 2 grand for any AR. Unless it happens to have a giggle switch.

    • Ummm…you do realize that it is a $7500 credit LIMIT…that is NOT the price of the rifle. Many retail around $1700, well within your $2000 AR ceiling. So, you could buy/finance, like, a bunch of ’em. 🙂

    • Great…Then you would have no problem buying a Daniel Defense rifle since they do not cost more than $2,000. That pretty looking rifle in the picture only costs $1,500.

      • Just picked up another MK18 for $1450 out the door on Father’s day….well not out the door….but $1450 from wall to their safe 🙂 Way below 2k

  2. Awesome idea! Turning 18 in a month and this means I can get the rifle of my dreams with my grocery store job! 😀

  3. Financing a gun? Really? Are people really so ill disciplined that they can’t save for luxury items?

    • I did. I saved up $1200 to buy a perfect AR15. Had it all picked out, knew exactly what I wanted on it, features, parts, etc. Went to a Dallas Gun show to buy it. Problem was, it was Thanksgiving 2012. $1200 wasn’t enough. If I had bought a month ago, on a payment plan perhaps, I would have had what I wanted at the price I wanted. But because I waited, the rifle I wanted was only available at twice the price.
      tl;dr Check your privilege.

      • You make a really good point that’s an unfortunate reality these days. Options of when to buy are limited. Im doing exactly that, saving up for an AR to get by September. Don’t see another panic happening, but its still unnerving to know that a couple events could happen and another panic could kick in tomorrow and I would be SOL until that panic ended.

        • Case in point, as TTAG is reporting, the importation of Saigas has been banned by EO. They’re going to triple in price easily. I’m really regretting not picking one up when I had the chance a couple weeks ago.

        • Yeah…. talk about an oh shit moment. Now I’m actually worried. Not that this should have any effect on prices of ARs…. At least I hope. Last time I said “I shouldn’t have to worry” and Bam and hour later Izmash and Kalashnikovs banned. Uhg….. God I hope ARs remain cheap….. Maybe I should just max out the credit card now and quit worrying about it.

      • I’m not sure what you mean by privilege, other than insinuating that I have money or something. Let me help you with that. I’m not even remotely close to rich. But you won’t get rich either by financing every little bauble that catches your eye. A car is pretty much a necessity, so financing one makes sense. Same goes for a house, or maybe an emergency purchase that you don’t have cash for. Say, a blown engine on your car, or a new roof on your house. But a gun? You’re going to borrow money at what is sure to be a high interest rate, rather than saving for a while? Let me put it to you like this. If you can’t afford to pay cash for a $2k rifle, you can’t afford that rifle.

        Last year, when gun and ammo prices went nuts, I was fine. I was fine because I didn’t try to buy a flashy MSR, or .22lr ammo. I bought a duck hunting shotgun, and stopped shooting unless I found the ammo for pre-crazy prices, or reloaded it myself. I saw a guy at a gun show right after Newtown that paid $1800 for a WASR/10. I saw a dealer at a show selling a SCAR in a pelican case for $6000. Smart people don’t do that sort of thing. I’d love a SCAR, but I bought a beautiful used CZ .300wm for $350 instead. It’s not privilege, it’s common sense and a little foresight. You wanna finance $2k at %18 for a few years for a toy, go right ahead. Or, buy a rifle you can afford (gun shows in my area are full of sub $600 ARs), and hold onto $1200 compounding daily at %18.

        • If going to drop that much I’m getting parts and building what I want. I know of 2 ffl’s that went bankrupt gouging on MSR’s. Bottom dropped out the gun they bought @$750wholesale is now retail $600. I bought 2 @ 20% less than 1guys cost cause he had always treated me decent & was about to lose his home. Tied everything credit line, cards, jewlery to the pawn shop. Hoping to make a killing(no pun) in the market then he realized no
          one had any $$$ to spare on them.

    • I agree, I would never take out a loan on a gun. A house/vehicle is one thing…but for a gun…not gonna happen.

      I think it’s a good idea from DD point of view, I blame the idiot who would do it. Why throw money away at the interest, when you could of used that wisely…..and bought another gun. 🙂

    • Yes, we can afford luxury items. We also have the brain power to know that sometimes holding liquidity close and paying on very agreeable terms over time is the better option.

  4. I love Daniel Defense, but I will save up for one instead. If
    I “had” to have one now, okay. Great company and rifles.

  5. Anyone who’s visited their local gun store knows that inventory is plentiful and prices are back down to their previous levels. If not lower.

    What about firearmConcierge’s prices?

  6. Ummm…my credit sucks. That’s why I use layaway. It locks in the lower price and I’ve put down as little as 10% to get the ball rolling( because I’ve cultivated a relationship with the seller and tell everyone within earshot what a great shop they are). No finance charge either and I’ve switched a layaway 3 times for a different gun…and I can hide purchases from the wifeLOL.

    • Get a “Spouse” receipt! If the gun cost $1000, tell the dealer to write up a receipt on a sheet of paper, showing that the gun was “On Sale” at a huge discount. Reduced to $129.99 or so.
      You could even print one up on the computer when you get home.
      Don’t knock it! It works for me!

    • You just gave me a great idea; a credit account specifically designed to conceal your purchases from your wife. No statements sent to your house, no calls to any phone except those that you specify…someone should do that!

    • To each their own, I like variety in shopping and hope to continue to see quads. At one point almost bought an LWRC SPR but the idea of screwing rails to my handguard turned me off on the idea and I didn’t like that the M6s quads were so short.

    • DD offers non-quad rail options too, but either way most of the complaints against quad rails (weight, bulk, sharp edges) don’t really apply to DD rails, IMO.

  7. This isn’t about maintaining sales, it is about maintaining sales at an inflated price point, Cut the price by 20 or 30 percent and they’d be flying out the door (if it was all about maintaining sales). Now I don’t have any inside information, but I have to believe that everything that goes out their door is at least double the cost of manufacture.

    • Exactly. Credit is Viagra for prices.

      Retailers are reluctant to cut prices since it may signal cheap/inferior product.

  8. My credit score is OK. I still have my heart set on an LWRC, though. (It would be DesertTech’s new MDR, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’ll be largely vaporware. Plus, ‘dem spare parts.) Failing that, I might just pick up a DD in the end anyway. Nothing wrong with it at all.

    • Just throwing this out here…..18 months 0% APR, SBR or ISR, while it is in jail your not paying out of pocket! Sounds pretty good to me!

  9. Financing for a gun? On the one hand, not terribly different that using your Best Buy card for Best Buy purchases. On the other, when I see something like this the first thing to pop in my head is…Bubble bubble toil and trouble.

    And what bank pray tell is working with them (usually banks like Citi, Capital One, work with retailers on store credit programs).

    Because I guarantee whatever bank that is is now on Holders choke point short list.

    P.s. “weapon of war”?? Have we gone anti now?

  10. This is how you spot market tops, folks.

    When there is a need to invent more types of credit to “aid” sales, you’re seeing a market get into bubble/frothy territory.

    This has happened with houses, home equity loans for buying cars, student loans, farmland in the 1920’s, tulips, you name it.

    We now see this in large American corporations, who are really nothing more than banks in industrial drag; GM used to be the worst example of this, pre-2005. Cat, GE, Cisco… all have “finance” divisions to help prop up demand.

    The downside of these schemes is that when the customer runs out of money, guess what? The company is holding a bunch of bad debt.

    For those who want to buy (more) AR’s in the future: Absent another rush, prices are going to come down. The market is positively flooded with AR parts producers, competing on both price and quality.

    • I think the premium priced stuff is getting shaky in sales. I am seeing a lot more guns in the stores, and I think there may finally be some excess inventory of ARs and semi-auto pistols.

    • When you talk to him, ask where planning, preparation, and investments in REAL stuff for contingencies falls in his steps? And if he has been smart enough to do such.

  11. Except for houses, if I can’t pay for it in cash, I don’t buy it.

    Whatever happened to having the discipline to save up for a big purchase? I’m sure many people will end up maxing out their DD line of credit to buy guns they don’t need.

    • Paying cash is the way to go, BUT, if something is on sale for 25% off, and you can save a couple hundred bucks, use the credit card, and pay it off as soon as you can. Of course it takes discipline!

    • It’s a very American idea; spending money you don’t have on a weapon you don’t need (c’mon, you really NEED a DD? You can’t get by on a RRA until you save up enough for the “forever rifle”?), and then citing a vague undefined threat as the reason that the purchase is a shrewd move. I think I’ll ride down to my FFL to pick it up on my heavily financed Harley, and then I’ll go to the range in my heavily financed two-story pickup truck, and maybe when I get there they can sell me some ammo on my credit card, and afterwards I’ll take myself and my buddies to TGIFridays for drinks and steaks with my AMEX. This economy and this US dollar is stable, what could possibly go wrong? If I max my credit out I’ll just send my kids to college with the equity in my home, that’ll ALWAYS be there!

      • Why are you paying for college for your kids? Welfare.

        They get the benefits (if there still are any) then they work their butt off and pay for it. And no cosigning any moronic loans from Obuma. They pay for it they are more likely to choose wisely (school and major) and the degree will me a lot more to them if the EARN it.

        • Something else to think about. 99 percent of student loans cannot be claimed in bankruptcy! A lot of folks have gone to the poor house because of that.
          If you can’t pay for your kids education with money in the bank, do as neiowa says.
          P.S. How the hell do you pronounce neiowa?

  12. Colt 6920 @ Wal-Mart $899. We still have one that has an ffl. $400 for an eotech. & does not show on credit report. Wonder what your cards & fico will look like when they see a rifle company on credit history. State Farm will cancel your insurance. Personal knowledge when I wanted to add a civil war sharps in great shape to homeowners rider. Canceled because of firearms on premises. Sued got lawyers fee. NRA All the way on insurance even better it was cheaper for more value.

    • That’s interesting. Did you get to find out why they have a thing against firearms on the premises? I for one would like to know.

      • No reason other than to point me to a page in my policy showing that they would not insure; property or items therein that were considered to be modern (not antique) pistols, rifles, shotguns. Except properties that are owned or occupied by a law enforcement officer with there primary police weapon.
        I literally had to use a 10x magnifier to find it buried under exclusions. That was 2 years ago they may have changed but I refuse to give them a dime. Everything was in a safe that came out of a police evidence arsenal locker. 1800 pounds of steel 3 locks with 3 different keys
        Before you get to the combo locks. It would take an hour to get into it with a plasma cutter. Guess they think safes are unsafe used a pic in court Judge just went damn. They are also based in Illinois that may influence these things also.

        • That was some idiot underwriter. What you cited says that they don’t insure the firearm themselves, not that they don’t insure people and houses where firearms are kept. That they do not insure a particular item is not a ground for cancelling coverage; it would be like saying that “we insure jewelry only up to $1000 in value, but since you have $10,000 worth we are going to cancel you.”. Very weird. State Farm is generally a very good company. I was an insurance defense and coverage attorney for many years, and they were one of my favorite clients. But that was at the claims end, not underwriting.

  13. Going off on a slight tangent here, but DD has got to be the slowest website I’ve ever encountered…or maybe it was just trying to out-do TTAG on Chrome.

    I wouldn’t finance a rifle either, for all the reasons mentioned above, but I can’t fault DD for doing everything they can to make an extra buck. That’s just good old fashioned capitalism at work.


  14. Just don’t default on the payment. You’re not going to have some repo guy in a tow truck sneaking off with it, you’ll have SWAT at your door with a no-knock warrant. I mean you do have a gun so clearly your dangerous, and since you can’t pay your bills you’re likely depressed and therefore unstable.

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