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Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Blue Lives Matter, Dems Doing What They Love, and Pat-Downs 101">Next Post



Gunman gets shot in Las Vegas by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob – “A gunman and his underage driver tried to rob a group of people playing the popular Pokemon GO game, triggering a shootout after one of the players pulled out his own weapon at a Las Vegas park that has become a hot spot for virtual creature hunting. … Police said an armed man and the young driver drove up to the group in an SUV and demanded their possessions at gunpoint. One of the Pokemon players who has a concealed weapons permit drew his own gun and the two sides exchanged fire.” Just because you’re a geek doesn’t mean you have to be an easy target.


This will be a heavy lift: Petitions cleared to overturn California’s gun-control laws – “Opponents of stricter gun laws will have an opportunity to overturn six recent laws expanding background checks and attempting to curb rapid-reloading firearms. But the effort is a long shot as 365,000 signatures are needed on each of six separate petitions by Sept. 29, just two months from now.”


Does it seem there have been an awful lot of shootings lately in a country with such strict gun control laws?: Two shot dead, including doctor, at Berlin hospital – “A man opened fire Tuesday at a hospital in Berlin, killing a doctor and turning the gun on himself in the latest deadly shooting to rock Germany, investigators said. … The attack occured the same day top security officials in the country called for tougher screening of asylum-seekers. They announced more police officers would be hired following four major attacks in the country in the span of a week — two of them claimed by the extremist Islamic State group.”


What gun for flying monkeys? Best Paper Targets for Shooting at the Range – “Baker Targets offers plenty of fun paper targets. 164 different options to be exact. One target being a depiction of Flying Monkeys. If the Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz ever scared you, then this target maker may be for you.”

Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 1.12.15 PM

Pastor will destroy AR-15 rifle he won in a local raffle – “A pastor plans to destroy a rifle he purchased through a raffle fundraiser for a local girls softball team. Jeremy Lucas, a pastor at Christ Church Episcopal Parish in Lake Oswego, spent $3,000 on 150 raffle tickets in hopes of winning the AR-15 rifle. He said he feels good about helping fund the girls softball team’s trip to a tournament in California, but he’s also pleased about taking a gun off the street.” Should we tell him he could have gotten five of them off the street if he’d gone to a retail store with that amount of cash? Nah. He looks so pleased with himself.

You cursed brat! Look what you’ve done!! I’m melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world. Who would have thought that some little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness.

Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest - NYPD Gears Up, TSA Screws Up, and an Aussie Mobster Fesses Up">Previous Post
Texas Firearms Festival Daily Digest: Blue Lives Matter, Dems Doing What They Love, and Pat-Downs 101">Next Post


  1. I can’t really fault the pastor for being true to his own beliefs UNLESS that money came from the church…

    • I would imagine it did. Way too many of these ‘Passovers’ make a living through priest craft off their congregation.

      • Funny thing about leftists like that preacher, they have no understanding of economics. The more he buys and crushes the more profit the manufacturer makes and they are then encouraged to make more guns and economies of scale start coming into play and it is then cheaper for people with less money to afford an AR. We should write the dolt a thank you!

    • Episcopals=Anglicans, and Anglicans support the British political elites’ war on civilians’ being able to defend themselves. Same with Methodists, Catholics, and Presbyterians and their respective European aristocracy. I don’t trust any preacher as far as I can throw them, and that includes Southern Baptist preachers and their “God rock” music.

      Also, I don’t play Pokemon Go, but I look forward to Gen7 on the 3DS. I miss the Pokemon pedometers they came out with for the Gen 2 remakes (HGSS), though.

      • All the priests i know either have no opinion on guns or love guns. I’ve met a priest who goes hunting every year. In fact you will find most Catholics are against gun control. Yes i know what the pope said and i think he’s an idiot who either doesn’t know about or conviently forgot about Luke 22:36 If a man does not have a sword he should sell his cloak and buy one.

  2. Again, How does a few minor incidents in Europe and Asia compare to the 100’s of 1000’s of mass shootings that happen everyday in the US.

    This doesn’t happen in the canada, japan, china, south korea, signapore, australia on a daily basis.

    These countries cracked down on gun violence and became one of the best safe places in the world.

    The “pro-gun” movements culture is nothing but a culture of nihilism and death.

    And look here, Another mass shooting in gun friendly florida…


    There goes the “gun’s make us safe” argument the kool-aid drinking sheep believe.

    I’m happy to stand strong for this great country of america and reject the fascist, insane and debunked MYTH of ” good guys with guns reality” and glad I have no comprehension of it whatsoever.

    • If those other places are such utopias, go live there yeah?

      Also, 1000’s of mass shootings in America daily [citation needed].

      You did get one thing right though, you have no comprehension of the topic at hand whatsoever.

    • Concernedamerican, if you feel you must lie to prove your point, it is likely that your point has no merit. Even if it did have merit, people do not believe liars.

      Seriously, why in the heck do you troll this site? What purpose does it serve? You are not going to convince anyone on this site to give up their 2nd amendment rights. Unless your parents have grounded you, wouldn’t you rather get paid by Bloomberg to protest in front of the DNC convention or something? Son, my God, do something with you life other than sitting in your parents basement trolling websites.

      • Soros isn’t throw his spare change to Crazy Bernie so he is back to funding idiot libtard trolls across the web.

      • He trolls this site because you dum-dums respond to his nonsense. He gets off on spinning you up. Heck, he’s not even posting new material, he just pastes the same shit and it gets a response from you guys every time.

    • Move to Japan, Korea, Vietnam or mainland China, then. See how you like it. I hear they are really, really respectful towards pasty liberals there.

    • Again, How does a few minor incidents in Europe and Asia compare to the 100’s of 1000’s of mass shootings that happen everyday in the US.

      There is a lot more than a “few” minor incidents in Europe and Asia. Between Germany’s rapefugee rapefest and China’s Falun Gong organ harvest, I’d prefer the US, despite its inner city gang slaughterings with or without guns. There are not hundreds or thousands of mass shootings daily in the US. You made that crap up.

      This doesn’t happen in the canada, japan, china, south korea, signapore, australia on a daily basis.

      Then move there and stop telling me what I can and can’t own.

      These countries cracked down on gun violence and became one of the best safe places in the world.

      Then move there and stop telling me what I can and can’t own.

      The “pro-gun” movements culture is nothing but a culture of nihilism and death.

      The pro gun culture is one of self reliance and embracing of responsibility of our own self defense for ourselves and our family as the government has proven to be unreliable in this circumstance. Our culture is not one of violence but one of defense. It has nothing to do with inner city gangs and their amazingly high death rates.

      And look here, Another mass shooting in gun friendly florida…


      Two people is not a “mass killing.” Also, if he didn’t have access to a gun, how do you know he wouldn’t have used something else? It was his decision to take their lives – not the gun.

      There goes the “gun’s make us safe” argument the kool-aid drinking sheep believe.

      Well. I’m not looking to hurt anyone, so my guns help make me safe from crazy people who shoot their own kids like in the example you provided.

      I’m happy to stand strong for this great country of america and reject the fascist, insane and debunked MYTH of ” good guys with guns reality” and glad I have no comprehension of it whatsoever.

      You are having some comprehension problems. Crazy people and criminals will seek, make, and obtain weapons for their use in their nefarious activities. The common man/woman follows the law and abides by it even when the law empowers criminals over them (gun bans, gun control, etc). This is a definite negative impact to people’s ability to defend themselves and the freedom to do so.

      • He might be correct….if you use the right definition of “mass”. If we consider a “mass shooting” as the shooting of an object that has mass rather than a group of individuals being attacked, hundreds of thousands of mass shootings a day might be on the low side:

        Bullet – has mass
        arrow – has mass
        nerf dart – has mass
        spitwad – has mass

        Now double that number because both the projectile and target have mass and therefore they both are shot simultaneously.

  3. Maybe someone should fill that pastor in on the recent attack on the priest in France…that rifle might have been better served to have been stashed in the pulpit.

      • Yep, I think I know the type. He is likely so self-righteous that if ISIS started beheading people in his church one-by-one, he wouldn’t lift a finger to stop them. He is one step away from leading a suicide cult.

    • My Anglican pastor is well aware , and fully supportive of , me and quite a few of my fellow parishoners carrying concealed handguns during services. I love my family, I love my faith, I love my friends and I will be vigilant in protecting them. Truly, I pray I am never forced to shoot someone, but I don’t believe that Christianity is a suicide pact. I know I can function under pressure and keep focused under stress, but I have never been shot at. But I do have a pretty typical OFWG attitude– i.e., I’ve worked too hard to let some loser waltz into my life and start trouble. Church, home, office, grocery store I’m always paying attention. And I pray for courage.

  4. Imagine if the pastor had actually helped someone in the hood vs spending money from comfort of his home? Wait that would have taken effort.

    It’s like the difference between washing oil off ducks at the site of an oil spill vs washing rubber ducks in your sink and telling people how evil oil spills are.

    • There is no reason to believe that just because he’s anti-gun, that he doesn’t do anything else for the community. Let’s not make character judgements about a man who we only know through a single story.

      • So he likes to donate to charities that only benefit the owners and give jack-squat to the common jobless, homeless loser? Typical self-righteous “community organizer,” then.

      • The single story tells me all I need to know about this dipstick. He’s willing to spend three thousand dollars on a political statement. Think about that. In a world full of people who are sick, hungry, or alone, this jackwagon spends 3 grand on political nonsense that helps nobody. Three thousand could have bought a lot of books for the disadvantaged inner city kids this dingbat claims to care about.

    • Hood? In Lake Oswego? That area has some of the highest priced real estate in the entire state.
      So that little purchase was his lunch money for the day.

  5. Yes the retardation burns. This “pastor” in his apostate denomination is beyond clueless. His money (?)his gun to destroy…I bet some of these Europeans wish they had that AR(even a certain concerned troll):)

    • Hey, at least Pokemon Go has done more to combat obesity in a few days than Michelle Obama has done in the past 8 years.

    • If you’re old enough to carry a gun you’re old enough to do as you damn well please. As long as it’s with other consenting adults.

    • Yeah, no. I’m 25, I carry and until recently I have been playing Pokemon Go (I’ve been too busy at work and school). You do realize that the people who are of age to carry now, were the first generation of kids to grow up playing Pokemon, myself included. I personally know of four others besides myself that are also playing Pokemon Go and carry a gun. Clearly I’m not alone. Pokemon Go is the game that we all wished we were playing when we were kids. It brings back a lot of nostalgia. Even so, the game doesn’t lend itself well to children playing. It requires way too much traveling for kids to do by themselves, let alone the safety aspect. Parents travel with their kids, helping them play and get outside. Shouldn’t they be armed? Besides, if people use it as an excuse to exercise, who cares?

      • Too late. You can get a CCW at 21. Most of the Go players weren’t even born yet when Red and Blue came out in the US. It’s a high-schoolers’ game.

    • I carry and play Pokemon Go. So go Pokemon yourself. Great way to connect with my kids.

      • I’m not a gamer, but I will play video games with my kids… Good on you for engaging them with their own interests.

    • When is someone going to release an addon that lets the player SHOOT the stupid little targets. Chose your weapon and go hunt the things. Extra points for range etc.

      • The goal is to catch them, not eat them or put them on your wall. Blastoise has always been my favorite because he’s got a pair of bigass guns on his back.

  6. “The power of Christ compels you….” See, this right here is why I don’t trust organized religion. They all got agendas.

    • Duh. So do I, and everyone else that is not just floating along high on drugs. A cat has an agenda. Mostly eat and sleep.

    • Well, to be totally accurate JWM, that phrase, “The power of Christ compels you….”, is something that Catholic priests use to expel (exorcise) evil spirits that possess people. During the exorcism, the priest tells the evil spirit that the power of Christ compels the evil spirit to release the prisoner (the person) and leave.

      In my world, that is a good thing, not bad.

      In case you are thinking, “Oh, come on, there is no such thing as evil spirits possessing people.”, I recommend that you research the topic and decide whether to maintain that position or change.

      Disclaimer: I am not a member of a Roman Catholic church.

      • In my head I had an image of preacher boy throwing holy water at the AR and using that phrase and others. I made my comment too brief.

        I do believe in good and evil. I just have no faith in organized religion.

  7. Hope his flock asks who’s fifteen percent paid for such stupidity.

    That says nothing of China’s latest school stabbings.

    Oh and the irony of selling a gun to get to Cali.

    • 15%?

      I thought it was 10%. Jesus having a tough time with inflation in your neck of the woods?

    • Before he disappeared, TTAG’s Gunr told the tale of how he shot a rabbit once, in that exact spot. Dead rabbit, with no entry wound.

      Since he had at the time ‘tail pipe’ cancer, I asked him if it was that rabbit that swore vengeance on him for that shot.

      He kinda painfully chuckled and implied that may well be the case.

      I kinda miss Gunr, if he had to pass, I hope it was easy for him…

      • I miss him too. I tried to hook up with him and take him shooting. He said he couldn’t get more than a few feet away from a john. I was gonna borrow a pull behind shultzy from a farmer friend. He was only an hours drive from me.

  8. Should we tell him he could have gotten five of them off the street if he’d gone to a retail store with that amount of cash?

    But then he would have been quietly living his beliefs as he understood them instead of getting on the news. Say what you will about his views on the Second Amendment, he’s still a ‘Murican.

  9. “pleased about taking a gun off the street.”

    Not making sense. First, I have driven down a lot of streets, including the occasional inter-urban utopia, and have never seen a gun on any street. Ever. Besides, the street is a terrible place for a gun. It’ll get run over and rained on. Who the hell would put one there?

    This self-righteous Bozo would fit in well with the Prius drivers who think they’re saving the world by buying a car. Sorry Pastor, but you haven’t taken any guns off the “streets,” but you did help the firearms manufacturing industry by tightening up the used gun market just a bit.

    Speaking of helping the industry, I think the NSSF should publish a thank you letter in the local newspaper every time some local government run by morons destroys a pile of perfectly good guns. It surely warms the hearts of manufacturers everywhere.

  10. As a Christian, I find the myth of Christian pacifism exceptionally offensive and an ideology which depends on the mortal sacrifice of others.

    Don’t judge the Faith by the too often misguided, progressive teachings of those who would rather win a place of sanctity in society than at the side of Christ.

    The pastor portrayed here is a fool, and there is no leniency in my mind for “feeling genuine” when his beliefs directly contradict the gospels.

    We are entering a point in time when faith will be tested and there is little room “going with the flow” just to be popular with the secular crowd.

  11. The pastor didn’t take a gun off the street though. The gun he won wasn’t on the streets. It was in possession of someone associated with the girls team and then in the home of a pastor.

    How nosebleedingly idiotic. By destroying that gun he is actually DECREASING the overall safety of society.

    • If he really wanted to take a gun off the street, he would have gone a few miles south to Woodburn and bought a gun from one of the local Nortenos in a strip-mall parking lot. But why do that when he can safely signal his own virtue without leaving the well-manicured confines of Lake Oswego?

  12. I tell you what, it pains me to see a pile of guns on the verge of being destroyed, even if most of them are pieces of crap. You know there’s still gotta be a few gems in there, or at least some solid pieces. FYI I also have a soft spot in my heart for Charlie Brown Christmas trees.

  13. That pastor is a sissy. The one at the church my family went to when I was a kid enjoyed target shooting and saw nothing wrong with guns. He would have shot the crap out of an AR15.

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