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Remora Holster (courtesy Ralph for The Truth About Guns)

Remora Holsters is launching a new Safety & Defense Blog with a post from Randy Ferris of Violence Prevention Strategies. The post, titled Before You Draw Your Weapon, talks about avoidance strategies, de-escalation techniques, empty-handed close combat skills, and less than lethal weapons. The post is not a training program, though it recommends enrolling “in the most comprehensive training that is available to you.” It’s a discussion of having a well-rounded self-defense plan, and some things to think about along the way. “Avoidance strategies, de-escalation techniques, empty handed combat, weapons retention techniques and tactical shooting skills are all a part of a well balanced personal protection training program.” Read on . . .

Your Lockdown of the Dayâ„¢ comes from Fremont, California, where three schools were locked down over the “threat of a gun.” Around 9:20 a.m. on Wednesday, police received a call from a man saying he’d encountered a teenage boy on a bicycle across from Centerville Junior High School. The man said the boy challenged him to a fight and claimed to have a gun. Police showed up and immediately put Centerville Junior High on lockdown. A short time later, Washington High School and Holy Spirit School were also placed on lockdown “as a precaution.” After searching the area for about 40 minutes, police located a boy matching the suspect’s description. The teen denied having a weapon and officers were unable to locate one, but they took him into custody for questioning. According to, “Police are investigating the incident as a threat of a violent crime and are holding the teen pending further investigation.”

Sir Lancelot’s Armor is a company that makes screen protectors for mobile devices of both the iHiveMind and other varieties. On March 18th, they announced the “first reusable screen protectors for iPhones and iPads made of bulletproof glass.” That seemed like too good a challenge for Ars Technica to pass up, so they obtained a couple of them to put through the wringer. Spoiler: They’re not actually bulletproof. First, they attacked the protector with a screwdriver and hammer, then drove over it with a car. They finished up by taking it to the range and doing some ballistic testing. Which it failed. But they got video! All that aside, it does seem like a pretty good protector, and they even make one for my phone, the Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, which is surprising since it’s kind of a stepchild and not many people make accessories for it. I’ll probably pick one up for when my current protector goes away.

Reader Christian sent this in, “in case Matt needs a filler or something.” No thanks, I’m on a diet.

Nathan Entingh, the Columbus, Ohio fifth-grader who was suspended for three days after pretending to shoot another student with a “finger gun” has had his suspension upheld. A hearing was held on Monday during which the hearing officer upheld the suspension but offered to change the offense to committing a “volatile act,” an offer which was declined by the boy’s grandfather. He said the family plans to appeal the ruling to the school board, and then on to the courts, if necessary. The suspension has already been served, the appeals process is to try to have the offense removed from his record. Devonshire Elementary School officials called the family last week to discuss that an aide had discovered that Nathan had drawn a trident, swords, and a bow & arrow in his notebook. Nathan was not disciplined for the drawings.

The Georgia Senate on Tuesday passed a version of the embattled gun rights bill that has been a source of contention going back into the previous legislative session. The bill as originally written and passed by the House would have permitted concealed carry in churches and bars, and would have decriminalized the carry of firearms onto public college campuses down to the level of a low civil fine. The college campus part was stripped out days ago as a “compromise” measure, and the version that the Senate has now passed requires churches to “opt in” to allow firearms, though the penalty for carrying in churches that don’t allow it is the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket: a misdemeanor and a $100 fine. The Senate bill now goes back to the House to either approve it or let it die.

Primary Weapons Systems’ Half Cocked animated series has been something of a disappointment (although I’m sure the inside jokes are uproariously funny to those on the inside), but thankfully they still make really cool guns. Here’s a short video giving an overview of their MK1 Series long-stroke piston AR.


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  1. At least Nathan didn’t “draw” a gun.
    Good grief.

    I pulled over a car for speeding once. As I walked up, I noticed a bumper sticker that said ‘bad cop, no donut’. I was laughing so hard, I said something about slowing down and laughed some more. That was really funny!

    • Was he fiery red head driving a full size van? I know a guy that flaunted the same bumper sticker.

  2. Speaking of holsters, I still haven’t heard back from Alien Gear. I’m starting to doubt that whole no-questions-asked money back guarantee. But I’m just thinking aloud now.

  3. Drawings of swords, bows AND arrows? Throw the book at him. /sarc

    That’s nothing though. When I was a kid, I drew a full color picture of the Eiffel tower getting nuked by GW Bush while he yelled, “Have some freedom fries, Frenchie. YEEHAW!”

    Based on a real in game moment in an RTS game called Rise of Nations. France was soon obliterated.

    Teacher thought it was awesome

    • Moreover, this kid actually knew what a trident was well enough to draw it? That should be extra credit!
      Most people reading that in the paper probably just thought “hmm…swords, bows and arrows….and gum. that’s strange.”

    • “Drawings of swords, bows AND arrows? Throw the book at him. /sarc”

      Poems! The laddy fancies himself a poet!

      All and all, it’s just another brick in the wall . . .

  4. Why on earth is that family fooling with appealing the decision and what-not, basically asking PERMISSION for the child to keep attending the indoctrination camp?

    That’s pretty upside down thinking.

    Get that boy out of that school! Find a way to make it happen, but do the kid the favor of his life and get him out of there.

    • Yet another reason why we need school vouchers, NOW. Once schools are forced to compete on quality instead of students going there merely because it’s all the parents can afford, we’ll see this crap stop real quick.

  5. I’ve been following the Georgia House all day and so far they have not brought the gun bill up for a vote. In addition to opt-in for churches the Senate also added language allowing hunting with suppressors. Today is the last day of the session, ending at midnight, so it’s getting down to the wire. Hoping the House will pass the bill as amended by the Senate because if they send it to conference committee it will probably die and we will get nothing. Church opt-in sucks but it’s better than what is law now and the rest of the bill is good.

    • And the Georgia House just passed HB60! Bars no longer off limits. Government buildings without security no longer off limits. No fingerprints required for renewal. Absolute defense against carrying in an unauthorized location when used in self defense. Churches not totally off limits but opt-in, but a $100 fine instead of arrest. Suppressors OK for hunting.

      Way to go Georgia!

  6. Nathan had drawn a trident, swords, and a bow & arrow in his notebook.

    If that upsets the school, they’ll have a coronary when they see what some kids drew on the boys room wall.

    • I had pages and pages of Sabre jets and MIGs dogfighting over Korea. Different time, different era.

  7. Hey Matt, something for tomorrow perhaps: FL House passes HB-89. It’s the House version of the bill codifying that threat of force is also covered under FL self defense laws. Still has to pass the Senate. I haven’t heard anything regarding Gov Scott’s opinion on the bill, but his task force on FL’s gun laws did come back with a recommendation to amend the existing laws to cover threat of force.

  8. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade the boys would draw there army with tanks and such on seperate papers, put the papers together and have a “war” between the two army’s. Omg paper drawn by a child OMG!!!

    • Same thing here, tanks on the ground with stick infantry, and fighters In the air. I personally loved the Voodoo and the Sabre. I would track the tank shells with a parabolic arc and red ink for the explosion.
      And this was Catholic school, 3rd grade.
      But then I like guns now so I must have been twisted, they were right.

    • Some call this the “war on heroic boyhood.” Boys like this are where the protectors of the next generation come from. When that drive is suppressed rather than encouraged and channeled correctly, that is where the criminally insane come from.

  9. I remember being scolded in highschool art class for drawing a sword, not a person holding a sword or someone being stabbed, just an inanimate object. I was told violent items and violent scenes were not allowed. A week later the same art teacher told us the story of how she made 100 screen prints of a kid shooting his classmates and put them all over her college. She said Columbine happened within a week.

    • In high school art class one year, I turned in a life-size painting of a Model 29 with a tri-color S&W logo in the background for a project using metallic paints. I got an A.

      Of course, our art teacher was a lifelong hunter who lived on a farm, raised (and dispatched) livestock, and wasn’t shy about wearing his NRA lifetime membership ball cap to school. He had a cabinet full of both domestic and wild animal skulls for models in still-life drawings, and usually required a project using one every semester.

    • JWM,
      There’s always that Barrett rifle raffle.
      If you win it, I let you store it at my place.

      • Gee, thanks for the kindness. I’ll bet you’d shoot it regular to make sure it functions right. What a bro.

        Saturday night, if all goes well I’ll take in my first coyote hunt.

        • Let me know if you need copper bullets. I’ve got a good supply.
          I’d love to go pig hunting with you and your son.

        • We’re still in the early stages of talking of reloading our hunting ammo. I have copper ammo on order. CA is such a mixed place. Where we’re going to hunt coyote is ok to use lead ammo. Where we plan to pig hunt is not. Condors.

          Once my son and I get the scouting done and get to know what we’re really doing I’ll let you know. Be glad to have you on a hunt.

          There are animals in abundance here. It’s just a matter of investing time and effort into finding the good spots. Next weekend I should have my meat rifle together and then it’s sight in time at the range.

  10. On the subject of children drawing weapons… While in Fallujah, my platoon received this massive pile of packages from a church school. We were sorting through them for useful items and I must confess that at first, we were just tossing the notes aside (please understand that we were focused on getting the useful items and moving on). On a whim, I took a look at a few of the notes and ended up looking at all of them. Each paper was from the child from whom the package came from. A form letter saying, “hi, my name is (kid’s name), I am (#) years old. Here is a picture for you.” every little girl had a picture of some nice scene, probably with a soldier / marine and family, maybe some animals. Without exception, the boys drew pictures of scenes of war, complete with soldiers with chainsaws, rockets, tanks, and hilarious phrases like “thank you for destroying our enemies”, or with arrows pointing to a soon to be destroyed by tanks buildings saying terrorists. It made our day, and is one of my fondest memories of an otherwise cruddy and probably pointless conflict. Kids are kids, and boys do what they do. I’m not entirely certain how it is that schools haven’t learned that by now.

    • It’s worse than slow learning. They used to know, but they purposefully unlearned it.

      PS: Thanks for destroying our enemies. 🙂

  11. Poor kid. Home schooling is the answer. When I was a lad(50 years ago) all us boys played war. Guns,violent drawings, superheroes,etc. No crime or real violence. Reality sucks.

  12. The remarkably prolix article by Randy Ferris on the Ramorra site contains remarkable misstatements of law, bad-mouths pepper spray foolishly, and suggests implicitly that concealed-carry licensees need to learn that they can’t draw and shoot to settle an argument.

    Essentially it speaks to Remorra customers as if they are idiots. If this is not indeed their target demographic, they should pull the article.

  13. Home schooling is not the answer, the answer is less dumb people. As for playing war, I did it all the time growing up, some kids even did it at school, (his was about 20 years ago, I just made myself feel really old), but we never got in trouble for that. The only trouble I ever got in was for “throwing” a rock, when it was more like picking up a rock and putting it down 2 feet away from me.

    • I remember playing “war” in grade school all the time, and I only remember getting yelled at once by a recess monitor when my stick-gun tried to use it’s bayonet against some other kid’s stick-broadsword.

      I was a freshman when Columbine happened, and while it was a little scary for a couple days, and we beat the shit out of a few kids who thought it was funny to wear their trenchcoats the next day, I don’t really remember much changing. I know the GFZ act preceded me by a couple years, but at least sophomore year I remember still seeing a couple shotguns on racks in the parking lot.

      What the hell happened to us? Bad things used to happen, but we’d get over it and move on. We wouldn’t call the SWAT team because some kid had some 12ga husks in his truck bead. Hell, I never remember even going over a school lockdown procedure, or shelter-in-place, or any of that stuff, and certainly at least some of that had to exist then.
      It’s a miracle any of us survived….

      • What the happened to us?

        What other institutional setting uses the term “lockdown” to control the inmates?

        See any other similarities?

        It’s conditioning…conditioning to authority, conditioning to institutionalization and conditioning to be mindless and unthinking.

        Read some of John Taylor Gatto’s writing for more details.

    • “Home schooling is not the answer,”

      Everybody with children home schools. The question is, what is being taught?

      The vast majority of Americans, left and right, R and D, whatever, are teaching their children some combination of:

      (a) Money and what I want to do is most important, so I will work this job and spent less time with you; you will spend your days at the government funded babysitter we call “school.”

      This becomes extra poignant for the ‘second working parent.’

      (b) Government knows best and will teach you best; trust government for all.

      (c) Following the social pack, some might say “herd,” is the way to get through life. Sell out your values to fit in and / or be “popular.”

      Harsh statements? Perhaps. But look at it from the outside. What does what we are doing with our lives in general and our children in particular look like to an outside observer?

      Everybody home schools. And, recognizing that *IS* the answer to a lot of social problems. Increasing parental involvement is one thing most in the ‘education debate’ agree upon. So, why not put that to the extreme…and eliminate the inefficient, ineffective “middle man” completely.

      Fun Fact: Literacy in the US has decreased since the compulsory educations laws have been passed and the move to public education was made (mid 1800’s onward).

      That does not fit the popular meme, of course, but it is verifiable fact.

    • They don’t allow kids to play dodge ball any more. At least in the California school system. It’s for the children–someone might get hurt!

      • It’s not just about the possibility of getting hurt.

        I know a lady that is rabidly against dodgeball (interestingly, she’s anti-gun, too).

        She hates the very premise of the game…two sides squaring off for the purpose of throwing a ball at each other. Even if a rule was made “no hard throws” or some such…she’d STILL hate it.

        She’s not protecting the children from being hurt, she THINKS she’s protecting them from (a) competition and (b) confrontation / conflict. Or something.

        I’ve found my life is easier when I try not to figure out her reasoning on these matters.

        • I was being sarcastic about the “someone getting hurt.” You are right, though–it is already about eliminating “violent” games and sports. Pretty soon it will be football and lacrosse that get the ax.

    • When I was a kid in school in California, we played a game called “smear the queer.” It had nothing to do with sexual orientation – whoever had the ball the was the queer and we’d chase him and gang tackle him until he tossed the ball up. But nowadays that would be such a politically incorrect term.

      My wife has been a life-long teacher. She knows that boys play with sticks to make guns and swords and weapons, and they want to play with cars and trucks. This is just natural and in our DNA. Trying to suppress it is idiotic.

      • We used to call that “Kill the Man with the Ball.”

        It would likewise not be allowed these days with words like “kill” and “man” in the name.

  14. Luckily for me, I attended a private school for grades 6-12, so absurd things such as getting suspended for gun and weapon drawings was never an issue for my friends and I.

    The most I ever got was a confused frown and a “…Should I be concerned?” when a teacher noticed my drawing of a pirate holding an AK-107 dangling from a zeppelin’s rope ladder shooting at a katana-wielding, sentient block of tofu riding a hover board.

    I simply replied “Nope.” and he just walked to his desk and began class.

    Good times

  15. I bought a Remora while waiting on a Kirkpatrick leather holster. It sucked. It was sold as a dual purpose IWB/OWB holster, but it was good for neither. Too loose to hold a gun OWB–and wouldn’t stay put, and too fat for IWB or pocket use. As soon as the Kirkpatrick arrived, it was relegated to the dead holster drawer. It came with a free mag holder–that is twice the size it should be. Haven’t used that either. At least they were cheap.

    With that experience, I can’t imagine that there is anything on the Remora site worth reading.

    • Which goes to show how personal these “Fit” decisions are/can be.

      A lot of folks like Remora holsters. I’m sure a lot don’t. I’ve never tried one, but I sure am tempted.

      It bugs me (for some reason) when folks ask a “what should I get” type question and people answer with stuff like “get x, it’s the best.” Ugh. No, it’s best for YOU, but that means little as “advice.”

  16. When I was a kid we used to play act ‘war’ with starter pistols in the woods behind the school. They sounded like the real deal! Good times…

  17. The kid story is just another battle in a real “war on boys” in contrast to the fake “war on women”.

  18. Christian’s donut offering made laff out loud. Thanks!
    I once prosecuted an assault in a parking lot among 4 women. I told the jury that in opening argument that it was the first time in my career that the cops showed up while the fight was still in progress.
    I said I thought it was because there was a doughnut shop next door.

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