Spike's Tactical Spider Logo Fifth Third Bank
Courtesy Spike's Tactical

Press release from Spike’s Tactical:

APOPKA, Fla. – Representatives from Fifth Third Bank visited Spike’s Tactical, a Florida-based firearm manufacturer, last Tuesday to inform them that the bank was discreetly planning to exit the banking sector for gun-related businesses.

According to Spike’s Tactical co-owner Angela Register, the bank representative informed her and their chief financial officer that their business line of credit would not be renewed and encouraged them to find a new bank to hold their accounts, even mentioning that their commercial mortgage should be transferred or it could potentially be called early.

“This is frightening because yet again, we’re continuing to see the Second Amendment under attack in more and more places,” said Register. “It also seems completely hypocritical that institutions, which have been and continue to be protected by guns, are now attacking the very industry that is often their first line of defense.”

Fifth Third Bank, which according to Forbes is one of the largest banking institutions in the U.S., has now apparently joined a growing list of banks, which are choosing to no longer do business with firearms manufacturers.

Earlier this year, Bank of America and CitiGroup, announced they would also begin restricting their business dealings with gun-related companies.

As a result of the decision made by Fifth Third, Spike’s is now looking for a new bank to help them manage their multi-million-dollar yearly revenue.

Banking is not the only angle where firearms manufacturers and dealers have been under attack. Companies like YouTube, Facebook, Shopify, Google, Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods have all made recent moves to restrict or prohibit gun-related business.

“We understand that the gun industry is not a protected class and that banks and other businesses can choose to not do business with us, but we also believe that customers should know if that vendor has decided to enter the political arena and they’ve taken a stand against guns,” said Register. “Additionally, this is yet another example that the market is beginning to look highly lucrative for companies to emerge that will solely support the gun industry, which is estimated at $51 billion per year and employs more than 300,000 people in the U.S.”

About Spike’s Tactical
Spike’s Tactical was founded the day before 9/11 by Mike and Angela Register and is headquartered in Apopka, Florida. The family-owned business employs around 40 people and all products are made exclusively in the USA and assembled in Florida. Spike’s Tactical is regarded as one of the premier AR-15 manufacturers in the world. Their mission is to build the highest quality products and offer them at the best possible price to the consumer. Spike’s Tactical weapons are designed to military specifications for civilian, law enforcement and military use. All products manufactured by Spike’s Tactical feature a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.


  1. So, will banks be willing to stop doing business with ANY weapons manufacturer, or just small arms. Where exactly do they draw the line?

    • Where the progtards draw the line for today.

      Sue the bastards “shall not be” As the US was founded and is a capitalistic merchant nation. No capital = infringed.

      • In the near future firearm owners won’t be able to get home or car insurance because of the allegedly increased risk.

        Without home insurance your mortgage will be closed and without car insurance you can’t (legally) drive on the road.

        Dark days ahead.

        • except for one small problem,

          “What guns? I know not of what you speak” 🙂

          All these laws require compliance. as they make non-compliance the only viable option, they will find these laws increasingly difficult to enforce.

      • “As the US was founded and is a capitalistic merchant nation.” I think you’re forgetting about the South there, chief

      • just ask your self this. if you are a true red bloodied american. a rep. or dem. can you nAME ME ONE SINGLE SOCIALIST COUNTRY. THAT HAS A 2ND AMENDMENT. WELL COME ON IM WAITING.

    • As one of the sources said, the banks can discriminate because gun businesses are not ‘ a protected class.’ But you COULD legally require a baker to bake a cake for someone, because in America, all are equal but apparently some are more equal than others. George Orwell had it right, and we’re getting it wrong.

  2. Is there a site / page that consolidates the growing list of anti-2A companies (not just banks) so that we have a single reference on where not to spend or deposit our money?

    • Patrick poses a good question !! I do not want these anti 2nd banks , businesses , any anti 2nd getting a penny of my hard earned $$ boycott them all.

    • There are dozens of such lists — none of which agree with each other completely and (as of the last time I looked) none of which bother substantiating the basis for their lists.

      If gun owners were to boycott every business that has ever had any location or employee accused of any sort of activity that can be considered as “anti-gun” or “pro ‘gun control'” we wouldn’t have any place left to shop.

      • He correctly said Anti Gun COMPANY. Not employee.

        Find a local state chartered bank or credit union. IF you state has not run all of them out of business..

    • In a capitalist economy it would seem that these sorts of corporate actions open the door for some enterprising “not the biggest bank in the country” to drum up some lucrative business from those shut out by the big boys.

      There is money to be made and customers begging for a place to put their loot and get their loans. The important thing is to find those institutions that WILL do business and let the pro-gun people and the gun manufacturers and the gun dealers know about it so they can transfer or set up their accounts.

      Same with insurance companies. There are bound to be second tier companies that would LOVE to pick up this business.

  3. Fuck “fifth third ” SPIKES TACTICAL find a bank worthy of your finances. I’m so disgusted with bankers playing pocket politicians , pocket pool also 🙂 assholes bank or run for office. Stop trying to controll our 2nd amendment rights.

    • its very Libertarian, I should know, i am one. However its also very Libertarian to simply start another bank that doesn’t discriminate. That is how MANY banks have started.

      If the gun manufacturers, NRA, etc want to put a stop to this fast, just start a bank. Then they can not only make money on firearms, they’ll be able to make money on the financing of the firearms through credit card transaction, facilitate startups, etc.


      • Kyle
        You and your super rich Libertarian associates should have no problem starting a new bank. Especially with all the marijuana intoxication money you have saved up for a rainy day.

      • BTW
        What are those billionaire pothead dealers doing with all the money they’ve made? Have they built anything with the money?

        Are they just going to save their money in a bank? Or they going to build something like Donald Trump has been doing for many decades now?

        The last drug dealers that I know of used their money to build a recording studio. Do Libertarians have greater Ambitions and these drug dealers?

    • Certain types of businesses don’t get to play politics. Common carriers are one of them. Id love to see banks have to play by the same rules.

      Companies getting to do their own thing is fine and dandy, until they collude with each other for political ends.

  4. All of these banks and big tech companies have been siding with the Chi-coms; and I think this may be a result of Spikes partnering with Alex Jones and InfoWars. Buy American, support freeness of speech and commerce, and bank with pro-America bankers.

  5. “Fifth Third Bank”? Who the FRACK names these ponzi schemes?

    Joey Jo-Jo Shabbadoo?

    • There were two banks in Cincinnati a long, long time ago. One on Fifth Street, one on Third Street. They merged and became Fifth Third Bank.

    • I see these banks a lot and since their sign reads 5/3 bank I call it Five Thirds of a Bank… now I’m glad I’ve been rather contemptuous of them since they’re hypocrites who use gyards with guns but wont work with the companies that supply their guards.

    • Willing buyer/Willing Seller.

      The seller of service (5/3 bank) is no longer “willing seller”.

      Its a pretty solid libertarian tenant.

    • Old Region man
      Are you one of those Libertarians that just came here for the legal marijuana intoxication?

      I suspect there are a lot of people who call themselves Libertarians. But they don’t really know what that means. They’ve never investigated the libertarian party or libertarian positions.

  6. I wish I could open a bank. SPIKES TACTICAL would be my first client with their own VP and Teller, dedicated only to their business affairs, a personal workspace and lounge, and their own keys to the Executive Ladies and Mens Facilities. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. While I don’t like the decision, Fifth Third is free to make it. I’ve never done business with them and now I won’t consider it.

    They have freedom of association but so do the rest of us.

    • strych9,

      I support freedom of association — which includes the freedom to NOT associate — as long as the entity exercising the freedom to NOT associate does not cause the literal financial ruin, grievous bodily harm, or death of the other entity.

      If there are no other banks that can support Spike’s Tactical business, then Fifth Third bank should be compelled to continue to serve them at reasonable rates.

      • Thanx, but I do not need government, ever, able to tell banks who they must or must not lend money to. You have to think about that for a few seconds, about the immense opportunities for graft, corruption and kickback you are advocating for. I mean, a Senator could enter office with a net worth of $500K, and leave office 6 years later worth several billion. Don’t be stupid.

  8. It just doesn’t seem right that a company can refuse to continue to provide a service that they have historically found acceptable without some sort of breach in the behavior of the client. No laws appear to have been broken, The only thing that seems to have changed is the political climate. I get that they could refuse service to anyone they choose, but after accepting to serve you they shouldn’t get to stop just because they FEELZ different. If this is not illegal, it should be.

    • It’s not right. But the banking industry is highly regulated, and FDIC examiners can strike fear into the hearts of the most powerful banking executives. These examiners have quite a bit of latitude to cut a bank some slack, or not.

      An examiner who wants to move up in the ranks of the FDIC will bend over and do what his boss tells him to do. If he is told to tighten the screws on banks that do business with gun makers, he will abide by those directives, written or unwritten.

      This is obviously an abuse of political power by someone. Proving it would be difficult.

    • What I can’t wrap my head around is ‘you might want to refinance your mortgage before we call it on you’.

      They’ve got a callable mortgage, which the bank can demand full payment on without cause?
      Or the bank is asking for a suit that they assume Spike’s doesn’t want to pay for?

      • Commercial mortgages are very different from consumer mortgages. Callability is pretty standard.

        • Callable for defined cause, or just plain callable at will?

          If the latter, then it seems like fixed rate mortgages would be called just for rates going up.

    • “Mr Banker, if you want my business, sign this contract.” That is the way these things are handled. If they did not sign a contract, the services are “at will”, either party can withdraw at any time. I have no personal contract with my bank or broker, don’t see a need for one. My guess is that different industries will begin to see reason to have them, with severe penalties for cancellation of service.

  9. Local Banks and Credit Unions are the way to go. They are usually from the community they serve, staffed by people from the community they serve, and are just all around nicer to deal with because they are a local business dealing with local businesses.

    • Local banks and credit unions are great options for the consumer or small business.

      But big businesses need big banks with big lending limits.

      Here’s hoping Spike’s can find a good bank with the asset size to handle their needs.

  10. This is such a huge commercial banking opportunity, whichever other entity eventually steps in is bound to make a killing as long as it doesn’t affect their other business.

    • Great idea. I have a large cash-back balance on a Chase card. I am sure Chase is as anti-gun as the other large banks. Now if I could only get rid of 5/3, which bought the servicing rights to our mortgage….Still strikes me as an odd move, with Cinci being in the most conservative part of Ohio, right across the river from KY. Makes one wonder who controls their stock. Pension fund from California?

  11. What’s the difference between this and the wedding cake bakers that refused to make a cake for people they disagreed with?

    • The difference is the wedding cake makers never had or would make homosexual cakes as part of their business model.

      Fifth Third is ostensibly providing these EXACT same financial services to other businesses and will continue to do so.

      I’ll support the cake makers right though I disagree with them in principle. I won’t support Fifth Third with their political statement that my enumerated rights are subject to the whim of big business.

    • PG2,

      You ask an excellent question and I will honestly say that the righteous answer is difficult to formulate and explain.

      The best I can explain is what I said in a comment above.

      I support freedom of association — which includes the freedom to NOT associate — as long as the entity exercising the freedom to NOT associate does not cause the literal financial ruin, grievous bodily harm, or death of the other entity.

      Bakeries who refuse to bake a wedding cake for someone will not result in financial ruin, grievous bodily harm, nor death for the wedding party. Therefore, the bakery should be able to refuse the business. On the other hand, a convenience store who refuses to sell cold water to a person who is suffering from heat stroke will result in grievous bodily harm or death of the customer. Therefore, the convenience store should not be able to refuse service to that customer.

      Using that same standard, a bank should be able to refuse business with someone if reasonable alternative banks are available at similar/reasonable rates. If no other reasonable alternative banks are available, the bank should be compelled to conduct business with that customer since the customer will suffer financial ruin without any banking.

    • The difference is that homosexuals are a “protected class” against whom private business may not discriminate (by statute). The private business can be sued for a civil rights violation for practicing discrimination. There are other protected classes who have suffered “invidious discrimination”, all specified in the statutes, but other businesses and gun owners are not among them.

      • hell no on protected classes. their “rights” afford them superior treatment & privileges because of some lawyer-determined characteristic? you have to address me according to what I say or you will be sued?…FU.


    • There shouldn’t be any difference. sadly, the law does not agree with me.

      If a bank doesn’t want to do business with spikes, or Baker Bob doesn’t want to make a cake for any damn reason the please, should both be completely legal.

      ….with all attending costs of lost business that that entails.

    • What’s the difference between this and the wedding cake bakers that refused to make a cake for people they disagreed with?

      Like it or not that case was about an alleged sexual orientation as a protected class (like race, gender) standing of the client wishing a gay wedding cake vs an alleged religious freedom protection for the baker. Totally different set of issues.

    • They built Two on top of One, then There on top of them both. That collapsed so they built Four on the ruins. Then the 80s happened and someone lost Four so they had to build the Fifth.

      True story! I read it on the internet.

  12. Well, for whatever its worth. I emailed them using the contact link on their page. I will close out my savings accounts there. The crap thing is that I have my house financed through them… *shaking fist at the sky*

  13. Fifth Third was also unsurprisingly right in the middle of the sub-prime mortgage debacle, and received billions in bailout funds (which it later repaid, but still profited from insofar as it allowed them to continue staying in business until markets recovered)

    Part of me wonders if they are paying a debt more than making a statement.

  14. First, name them. They wanna compel compliance by cutting people out, fine. In the extreme, let’s see who lasts longer without whom: NYC (DC, LA, etc.) or the farms, towns and watersheds that support them. (BTW, they hate it when you mention this. NYC has *severe* problems starting about half a day after the in and out stops. Three days and they’re basically down to cannibalism, but at least there will be lots of Soylent Green from the plagues.)

    Second, set up alternative networks. Why not throw business to people you otherwise agree with. It was evil, horrible, and wrong when Black People couldn’t get a hotel room or similar: cut out from the web of commerce and community. They wanna do ideological segregation, OK. We’ll trade among ourselves.

    Third, who’s behind it? Banks are spineless, Pavlovian entities, just as “Wall Street is coin-operated.” What leverage was applied: regulation, threat of investigation (I’m looking at you NYS attourneys’ offices; Holder’s DoJ, Dept of Ed, FCC, and what the hell was the State Department needed to pass off ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of an internal US pipeline?!) Operation choke point, much? So who funded it? Who threatened to talk bad about them in the capitol markets? Who threatened investigations? Who just gave a little advisory letter about liability to their lawyers. (“Dear colleague…”)

  15. Most of my banking has been with 5/3 since around 2006. They closed the closest branch to me and this finally gives me a good enough reason to switch banks.

    Even though I disagree with 5/3 and will be switching banks, at least they were classy enough to warn Spikes ahead of time. Unlike some of the credit card companies that quit handling transactions for companies in the gun industry with no warning and were refusing to release money from completed transactions for months.

  16. The NRA and the Second Amendment Society and others should get together and create a bank. It would be an interesting endeavor. I think they would become an overwhelming force in the banking industry and they could promise a certain amount of their income to Second Amendment activities and declare that none of the income would be used for salaries or benefits for any NRA Leadership, other organization or Board member for any reason and would only be used to compensate employees of the bank and to further the interests of the NRA and other associated organizations. I think that would an overwhelming success. I also think that NRA TV would benefit from creating a “Gun Channel” to take over the You Tube world. It would create an outlet without the restrictions. But I’m just one voice and it’s unlikely the NRA will go there.

  17. For the love of christ, when will the gun community start their own bank! If the gun manufactuers start one, The NRA, and every other gun owner in america would have an account at it in 2 weeks!

    • “…when will the gun community start their own bank! ”

      Are you willing to help raise the roughly 15 million dollars needed to get one started?

      • I don’t deal in that world, but prove to me that it’s on the level and I’m in for $100K to start. There is plenty of money, somebody has to begin.

  18. You know we have gun and gun accessory retailers who are just as jackass.

    My sister lives in DC, has a registered firearm and a CCL, is lifelong NRA supporter and lifetime member, and Palmetto State Armory will not only refuse to send a legal gun to the DC FFL for her with all the necessary checks done by her FFL, they won’t sell her gun oil.

    • Probably taking no chances regarding sales to DC or California, given the potential for prosecutorial abuse from those locations.

      • Nope, the owner of Palmetto says he is making a poltical statement. He won’t sell you gun oil.

        And palmetto was selling guns in California which has a way more limited roster than DC (DC roster has more than 25 times as many current handguns).

        99% of major FFLs sell guns to DC residents via the DC FFL. Buds does, Brownell’s, Grab-a-gun, midway, primary, you name it.

        Palmetto is no different than whatever bank or business refusing to do business with any gun company as a political statement

  19. After many years, I stopped doing business with Fifth Third 20 years ago when they would not close on my new house because the front lawn wasn’t seeded…. in July. Would not do escrow either. After I closed my accounts, for 3 months they sent me statements with zero balance fees. It took many phone calls talking to idiots to get straightened out. Lucky I had supporting paperwork. Hard to beleive they could get worse.

  20. I just fired off an email to Roush Fenway Racing asking if they knew that one of their sponsors is getting ready to piss of a major part of NASCAR’s fan base.
    [email protected]

    Hit 5/3 in their marketing pocket book.

  21. Why not buy one share and then go to the stock holders meeting and do a call to remove the CEO or force them to be pro 2A, 2 million share holders and 2 million votes, just like the Nun’s and Smith and Wesson..use the liberal tactics on themselves.

  22. Fifth Third is a shitty company. They’ve done some shady shit to cover their asses in a regulatory sense. I won’t go into it, but I have known and seen it first hand.

  23. 5/3 has been anti-gun for a while. I noticed ~10 years ago when they started covering their doors with no guns signs and posting guards and metal detectors in some locations.

    Oddly enough, I know people that work in 5/3 offices.
    I couldn’t even begin to count how many times I’ve walked my gun-laden-self right in and enjoyed their company-purchased snacks and beverages. Frak them.

  24. As others have said this is a perfect opportunity for some capitalist to make a LOT of money.
    A second amendment friendly bank, credit card company and internet transaction company would have my business in one second.
    I am certain millions of other gun enthusiasts would want the credit card where 1% of the profit goes to promoting youth shooting sports.
    There are so many profitable gun companies needing business accounts, construction loans, letters of credit, credit card clearing services, bridge loans, etc.
    Each of these services has fees associated and…profit!
    I wish I had the capital to do this.
    It is a terrific business opportunity !

    • You’re missing half of it, startup costs are minimized because hundred million dollar facilities are not required, we’re not trying to impress the peons, a storefront will do, customers can fly they ass to your door and walk out with their 30 million to continue operations. You don’t need continuing mailings to entire states, 20, 30 customers and you are done. You get my drift.

  25. I wouldn’t conduct business with a bank that can’t do fractions! I really like the Pro-Gun bank idea. Something like Unified 2ND National Bank and Trust. I would use it.

  26. If anyone would like to “get back” at this bank LEGALLY, you can always take advantage of their checking account $200 bonus promotion.

    You open a new checking account with them ($500 min. to open, but $1,500 min. to avoid monthly fees). Maintain that balance for 60 days and within the following 10 days Fifth Third will credit your account with $200 FREE.
    You can close the account immediately thereafter and the money is all yours.

    No direct deposit requirements. No debit card transaction requirements. You do need the promo code, which you must print out from their web page and bring with you to the branch to open rhe account. That’s a slight catch: you must open the account in person, which limits the offer to people living in the ten states where they operate.

    Still, $200 for parking $1,500 for 70 days is a great deal. They expect you to become a permanent customer, of course, but there’s no obligation to do so.

  27. That’s ok, some other much more deserving bank will very publicly announce they will take all those that 5th 3rd Bank is cancelling. It’s all just a P/R gimmick.

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