Philadelphia Shooting
A storefront window with bullet holes is seen at the scene of a fatal overnight shooting on South Street in Philadelphia, Sunday, June 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Michael Perez)


In Philadelphia today, most people can get a legal handgun and a legal permit to carry it concealed everywhere they go in a matter of minutes. The few who are legally ineligible can buy a gun illegally, or steal one, mainly thanks to diversions from the gigantic legal supply. As a result, thousands and thousands of people out on the streets every night are packing heat, and as we see, some of them are either spoiling for a fight, or jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control.

Any pleasant night out on the town—[Kristopher] Minners, for instance, was a popular mentor out celebrating his birthday, where he hoped to meet some women—can end with you being shot to death by accident. Even [Micah] Towns, who by all accounts genuinely did only use his weapon in self-defense, helped touch off the rest of the pointless slaughter with the fear spread by his shots.

In other words, Philadelphia has become something like a conservative gun utopia, where the problem of a “bad guy with a gun” has prompted a large fraction of the whole population to arm themselves. This is no way for human beings to live.

— Ryan Cooper in An Armed Society Is a Mass Shooting Society


  1. Do these people really believe the rambunctious yoots causing the trouble are standing in line, filling out 4473’s, visiting their local PD and filing permit applications?

    • Fiction writers aren’t particularly concerned about the facts.

      I wrote a novel about aliens using a space tunnel between the Bermuda Triangle and the planet Venus to kidnap humans and obtain examples of their technology, in preparation for an invasion of Earth. True story! Well, not the part about writing the novel, but everything else …

      • No doubt a head full of demoCrap and a Gun are ingredients for disaster…It is never wise to be unarmed and defenseless while in the vicinity of demoCrap fed loonbirds who belong in a cage.

    • In the south street incident he referenced at least one, and according to some accounts both, of the shooters were licensed and legal. I have not delved into it deeply so I cannot confirm those are facts, but that is the surface level reporting.

      • IF you cannot confirm what you say it’s best to keep you elfin gob shut. It’s easy enough to ascertain the bloody facts. ‘Some accounts’ usually means that it’s YOU making them up and avoiding responsibility for prentense. Am I right or wronng? And where are the ‘some accounts’ to be found?? You’ve read them m so you must know .

        • Yes, you are ‘wronng’ Albert Hand Licker Hall. Again. Still. About everything you speak of pertaining to Freedom and Liberty. I’ll leave it to you to figure out why that might be.

        • Keep up the good work Albert. Remember you are dealing with uneducated Hillbillies here in the U.S. of Hey.

        • dacian the Dunderhead. And we have to deal with indoctrinated fools like you and Albert the British Subject.

    • Not likely. Saw a pair of videos a couple of weeks ago of some objectively identified gang members in the parking lot of their high school. Walking up an flashing pistols at the camera, then repeating inside the school gym. With one having a short barrelled AR in his waistband under his poofy coat.

      At a high school in a large (D) ran utopia, let that sink in again for a moment.


      • I cannot think of any place where those under 21 can lawfully carry a concealed handgun in public. And I KNOW there is no government fnuded school in the US where students can even possess firearms, especially conceale d handguns. SO thise observation puts the lie to the opening statement for this article.

        Once more, they LIE.

        • That they do, oft enough where it’s nearly every time they utter words betwixt their lips.

    • Shire-man, yes they do believe that and they also believe that there are thousands of people in states waiting for a form of constitutional carry law to be passed before they buy and carry. Also, they believe the good honest citizens will generate the proverbial “blood in the streets”. Sorry to say that many are just that lame.

  2. Philadelphia County has almost 800k democrat voters and a mere 120k republican. Hardly what I’d call a “conservative gun utopia.”

  3. The gun show loophole just got tighter. Now the ATF has almost unlimited authority to arrest anyone selling their guns at a gun show who does not have an F.F.L.. The result will be that many gun shows who formerly did not require all sales to go through a Federally Licensed dealer will probably be forced to do so with the new law. Those people that are renting tables and buying guns and selling them without an F.F.L. will be on the hit list of the AFF.

    • AND, once again dacian the stupid lets his fascist freak flag fly.

      dacian the stupid, “person-to-person” private sales are, in most states, perfectly legal without a NICS check (since civilians can’t even ACCESS the NICS system to DO a check, you pathetic moron). Now, cite the the statistics on how many guns used in crimes have been demonstrated to have been purchased “in person”. Oh, can’t do that, can ya?

      Let me try to ‘splain this for you, Lucy, in short, simple words that even a moron can understand . . . CRIMINALS. WILL. ACQUIRE. GUNS. IF. THEY. WANT. THEM. Will ye, nil ye.

      IF I want to sell one of my guns, face to face, to a buyer at a gun sale, since I CANNOT run a NICS check (and do a little research on how much it would cost to allow civilian access to the NICS system), I cannot complete the sale unless I am reasonably certain that the buyer is not a “prohibited person” (and there are penalties for ignoring that. Granted, they are seldom/never prosecuted, but . . . tell me again how everyone is going to comply with your new, Leftist/fascist wet dream fantasy, and criminals won’t acquire illegal guns on the street because there is now a law against it?? Got any of your “respected” studies you’d like to cite???

      What is the percentage of guns used in crimes that were acquired in illegal transactions?

      dacian, seriously, you are starting to give me a serious case of the @$$. How about we make a deal – I promise not too buy any more guns in “private transactions” if you promise to either (i) stop being stupid, or (ii) stop posting on TTAG???

      Do we have a deal??

      • To the Lamp that went out in his head

        Quote———-Granted, they are seldom/never prosecuted, ———-quote

        You never cease to make a complete fool of yourself. Biden’s new gun law is now addressing that fact as they are now going to increase penalties for people trafficing in guns that do not have an F.F.L.

        quote————–dacian the stupid, “person-to-person” private sales are, in most states, perfectly legal without a NICS check——-quote

        Wrong my retarded nitwit. The ATF has been under fire for years (until now with the new Biden law) in declaring what constituted a gun dealer. A few decades ago they really got tough and were terrorizing gun shows and many people quite renting tables there altogether. Now with the new Biden law the ATF has more power than ever. And since you have no reading comprehension because I never mentioned someone selling one gun face to face, my post was about people renting tables and selling lots of guns for profit without a license.

        Once again you make a complete fool of yourself.

        • 20,000 gun laws on the books from local, state and federal government.
          How many more do you think we need that criminals ignore no mater what ?
          Guess what dummy, they have repeatedly increased the power of law enforcement and yet law enforcement keeps doing nothing.
          And prosecution is not done because DA refuse to do there jobs.

        • More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice Department only considered prosecuting about 30 to 40 people each year,

          Guess that would have included your boy Hunter Braindead. Prosecuted or not that’s 100,000 “bad” guys a year that were unable to “legally” purchase a firearm.

        • To the “Missing Link” (if you know what that is)

          quote————-More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration———quote

          You just proved my point because all those people were not able to buy new guns and would have been unable to purchase used guns as well if we had Universal Background Checks. Yes they should all have been prosecuted but your nut case thinking says we should throw the baby out with the bathwater and just do away with the Brady Bill. What lunacy.

        • You just proved my point because all those people were not able to buy new guns and would have been unable to purchase used guns as well if we had Universal Background Checks.

          And there is NO way that “prohibited” convicted felons (meaning they have ALREADY ignored the law) would ever dare to attempt to illegally purchase a firearm through an illicit private sale OR possibly just go out and steal a gun.

    • The “Gun Show Loophole” closure is easily negated by gangs/thugs; they can extort non-criminal residents of their neighborhood to legally purchase weapon for them or face gang wrath. Police are of no real help in such circumstances.

    • dacian the Dunderhead, This “bill”(sic) does not stop private sales. This bill is a piece of fluff for you control freaks. Do you really think that the criminals will now all of a sudden use an FFL to transfer a gun? You can’t be this stupid.

    • In California there is no gun show loophole. You don’t need an FFL to sell a gun, but the transaction must be processed by one, including the 10 day wait.

      And if such a rule had been considered or adopted a a regulation (which legally cannot happen over night it certainly would have appeared here months ago.

  4. In the conservative Utopia of an armed Society. The power will be returned to the family. They will decide if they’re mentally ill family member needs to be committed for treatment. Using the information provided by their private doctor. The government will have no power in making this decision.

    And people with children will be able to have their children bring their guns and ammunition to school for weapons practice. Under the supervision of trained School staff. And the people who have no children, will have no power whatsoever, to decide what is taught or not taught in schools. And a non hunting 16 year old would be able to ccw and open carry.

    And in the public schools the children will be able to read the Bible, and all the passages regarding, the carrying and safe storage of weapons.

    All arms would be legal. Brass knuckles, gravity knives, machine guns, Etc. If you want to open carry a samurai sword. More power to you.

    • “Able to…” or as part of the curriculum? It’s a difference with a distinction. I’m not aware of any recent book burnings in public schools, or have I just missed it?

  5. Conspicuously absent is the accountability and personal responsibility that are also inherent to a conservative gun utopia. 60-70 years of blue cities doing everything possible to “keep those [people] voting Democrat” put both of those things to bed long ago.
    I seeent it. With my own eyes.
    Living the good life in a rural conservative gun utopia now (in the south) , but I drive into a deep blue mess every day for work.

  6. Man I need to move to Philly, usually takes me at least an hour to “legally” purchase a firearm and it took two weeks to get my concealed carry permit.. A matter of minutes in Philly sounds like deal.

    • I had to wait 97 days AFTER completing the course to get my CCW permit here in NC. Philly really does have it good.

      • In upstate NY it was six months. Maybe that will change now? Fortunately it’s no longer my concern. I moved to a conservative gun utopia last year. I have to use a rowboat to commute to work through the oceans of innocent “gun violence” blood, but it was totally worth it. I like boats.

    • The author has obviously never been through the PPD Gun Permits unit routine. It has changed, and improved, but it will still take longer than he thinks.

      Just buying the gun can be done in an hour, depending on how fast PICS is moving that day. But the license to carry will take longer. Out here in Leb-A-non it is still a week or so. Some places in Berks county I think have instant issue. every county is slightly different. But Philly is one of the longer ones.

    • And in Los Angeles County, some of us are at almost a full year and still waiting for a final decision from LASD.

  7. “In Philadelphia today, most people can get a legal handgun and a legal permit to carry it concealed everywhere they go in a matter of minutes.”

    Dayum! It took me weeks to get a CCP in Florida. Application, background check, electronic fingerprinting, and there were no hitches or delays in the process.

    I shoulda just hopped on a plane to Philly. I wonder how many minutes it would have taken to jump through the hoops?

    • Oh, forgot the CCP course by an NRA-certified instructor, review and test on the applicable laws, and 50-round demonstration of proficiency on the range.

  8. Philadelphia is NOT a conservative gun utopia because the Soros funded DA there keeps letting the bad guys off the hook and the law abiding citizens are not all armed. Philadelphia Police have a substantial backlog of applications for licenses to carry firearms as applications have increased 600% this year.

    In a conservative gun utopia, all law abiding citizens are armed as a civic duty and crime is low because the bad guys are either dead or incarcerated by prosecution by conservative law & order prosecutors and judges.

    Once all of the law abiding citizens are legally armed and tough prosecutors and judges incarcerate violent criminals with stiff sentences, Philadelphia will become a conservative gun utopia.

    But don’t hold your breath…

  9. Just checked the gun safe. Nope, none of the firearms there snuck out last night and drove down to Philadelphia and shot anyone. Are there idiots who had legal guns and a permit to carry and who then do stupid things? Yes, people are people, and there will always be idiots in every crowd. But notice that I used the past tense. People who use their firearms outside of the very strict parameters established by the law governing self defense and the use of firearms always end up losing their firearms and their right to own or carry a firearm forever. Which is why the lawful concealed carry gun owner is usually the most law abiding citizen. This is also why all my guns have a 10:00pm curfew.

  10. I would agree that modern cities are no way for people to live. They’re counter to our innate programming and there’s reasonably strong evidence that packing that many people into that small of an area doesn’t just exacerbate but actually causes certain types of acute mental illness which can then get the person into a vicious circle where the initial problem causes other issues which and the former then feeds off the latter and vice versa.

    Also, am I to understand that Phili is regularly issuing CCW permits to “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” so that they may legally carry a handgun?

    Perhaps I need to refresh myself with the law in PA and Philly itself but I really rather doubt that there is a plethora of actual teenagers legally packing concealed burners within the city. Further, I’m virtually certain that in any large city I can, provided a long enough time frame, find someone who caused a major problem with guns (or something else) even though they had no malice in doing so. Cherry picking such incidents doesn’t really make one seem to be an honest broker.

    And perusing the story, it seems that 3/5ths of the people involved didn’t possess CCW permits and were probably carrying illegally while a 4th person was actually prohibited but his arrest record was not properly entered into a database that would have caused his rejection.

    To extrapolate this story the way that Mr. Cooper does is, essentially by his own admission, to libel ~52,000 people.

    • “They’re counter to our innate programming and there’s reasonably strong evidence that packing that many people into that small of an area doesn’t just exacerbate but actually causes certain types of acute mental illness which can then get the person into a vicious circle where the initial problem causes other issues which and the former then feeds off the latter and vice versa.”

      A ‘target-rich environment’, so to speak…

      • IMHO, an inevitable consequence of ceasing to ask big questions and eschewing the lessons of great thinkers from the past.

        “Welcome to complex systems”.

    • I would agree that modern cities are no way for people to live.

      Hilariously, most of the people who deplore the inhumanity of factory-farmed poultry seem to be the most likely to choose such conditions for themselves.

      The article overall is brilliantly calculated to appeal to the stupid, using a catchy “conservative” headline before describing the horrors of a consistently leftist s#ithole.

  11. “In other words, Philadelphia has become something like a conservative gun utopia, where the problem of a “bad guy with a gun” has prompted a large fraction of the whole population to arm themselves. This is no way for human beings to live.”

    After much contemplation, I think Ryan is 100 percent correct. That’s no way for anyone as sophisticated and intelligent as he is to have to be forced live. Especially in a nation as fundamentally evil and racist as America is.

    There are far better countries where those like he is can go, so why doesn’t he?

    Pack your luggage and get the fvck out of my country, you hate-filled, goose-stepping fascist… 🙂

    • There are far better countries where those like he is can go.

      Yeah, like Norway or one of those other “civilized” countries with their health care and gun laws and taxes…

      • I believe that Norway just experienced a shooting at a gay bar (and other locations) in the past day. Two dead, 21 injured last I looked. Sounds like a… mass shooting.

        So, Norway’s a no-go.

  12. I notice the author must think that there is no upside to self defense. He has probably forgotten that in every state that enacted Make My Day and Castle Domain laws home burglaries declined. When the bad guys know that their victims are armed it changes the landscape dramatically. I would say that given time with more good guys carrying that many of the shootings will be in self defense and the criminals are going to be on the short end of this stick.

    • not to mention a steadily decreasing percentage of the general population…….. either by being terminated altogether, or having made informed decisions that there are safer ways of making a living.

  13. Philly is not conservative nor is it an utopia. That destroys his whole premise and makes his points moot. Next.

    • “Philly is not conservative nor is it an utopia.”

      Compared to directly across the river (Camden), it sure is… 🙂

  14. “Cooper: A ‘Conservative Gun Utopia’ With An Armed Populace is No Way to Live”

    another work of fiction arrives from Cooper.

    1. There is no such thing as a ‘Conservative Gun Utopia’ nor does one exist. There are people who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Not all people who own guns are ‘conservative’, many liberals own guns, many on the right own guns, many on the left own guns, many that swing across the whole spectrum when it suits them own guns, heck, even members of Everytown own and carry guns. People on the left own computers too, does that mean there is a ‘Left Computer Utopia’ ?

    2. An ‘Armed Populace’ of law abiding citizens is exactly the way to live if one wishes to be prepared to defend them selves against the criminal and lunatic onslaught that is slowly engulfing the country thanks to people on the left and liberals trying to create their own little ‘Utopia’ with their ‘criminal justice reforms’ and ‘policy’ that lets criminals and lunatics roam free to prey upon society.

    3. Philadelphia, there is no problem of a “bad guy with a gun”. But rather its a problem of the “bad guy” with or without a gun being allowed to roam freely to prey upon the populace in Philadelphia. Its not the gun stupid, its the bad guy.

    Do some people in Philadelphia that are prohibited from having guns have guns? Yep, not every system is perfect and every ‘society’ system dealing with people has its weaknesses that lets them be exploited and/or allows those ‘prohibited’ to slip through. But why should a ‘not prohibited’ law abiding person be denied exercise of a right to family/self/home defense because others choose to be criminals and lunatics?

    I agree this is no way to live, but its a necessary way to live and that has more recently been pointed out in SCOTUS Justice Alito’s rejoinder to a dissent in the Bruen decision a few days ago.

    So although it would be nice to live in a world where one did not need to worry about defending their self, the reality is that ‘a good guy with a gun’ is necessary on the individual level when such defense is needed. When such defensive gun use is needed there are two classes of victims – Class one is the victim who is armed and prepared and has a much greater chance of survival, and Class two is the victim who is not armed and has a greatly decreased chance of survival.

    According to Kleck’s “Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America” – the leading authority on the subject:

    1. Any form of resistance, except with firearm, carries with it an injury rate of 52%.

    2. Resistance with a firearm carried with it the risk of injury of 17%, but use of a firearm early in an encounter carries with it a risk of injury of 6%.

    Overall, in Kleck, you have a minimum of a 25% chance of being injured if you comply, but you are 4 time less likely to be injured if you have your firearm and are prepared to use it.

    Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%

    If you are armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 25%?
    if you are not armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 52%?

    Compliance or not, resistance or not – is not a decision one needs to make. The answer is already provided, non-compliance and resisting via firearms offers the best chance of less injury. But if you want, you can roll the dice and take the chance of being a good-n-dead witness.

    • I’ll butcher the quote from a respectable Cooper here: “The criminal does not fear the courts. He does not fear the police. Therefore he must be taught to fear the victim”.

  15. What an idiot. A conservative gun utopia would have no progressives living in it, and the Democrats who were left would have enough sense to come in out of the rain. There might be a few socialists left, but even they would be a heck of a lot smarter than they are today.

    I wish I knew where a conservative gun utopia could be found. I’d move there in a heartbeat.

    • I wish I knew where a conservative gun utopia could be found.

      Two years ago I’d’ve recommended my (Nye) county, but – as great as the locals are – it’s stuck in a state colonized by CSSRites who brought us UBCs and Ghost Gun laws.

  16. Meanwhile in free America 🇺🇸

    At the lake laying here half hopin I don’t catch a fish

  17. jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control
    Since anyone under 21 cannot legally purchase a handgun, and no one under 21 can apply for a conceal carry permit in PA, jumpy teenagers carrying a handgun is already illegal.
    Unless 21 year olds are now teenagers…

  18. Hey, Cooper, all that you and your Democrat buddies had to do was not be crazy — and you couldn’t even do that. You let violent criminals skate, you punished honest people who wanted to own guns by erecting as many unwarranted obstacles as possible, you let gangs burn, loot, and murder, and now you got what you got.

    You did this. You deserve a lot worse, but this is the world you made. Choke on it.

  19. Ryan Cooper proves only that he’s a whiney sore loser that can’t even play the age-old game of lie, deny, and counter-accuse. He inadvertently admits the leftists revolving door policies of failing to keep unlawfully armed and/or otherwise violent criminals locked up is causing those that are voluntarily complying with existing laws to wrongfully suffer the unlawful and unjust jeopardization of their constitutional rights. He’s now caught in an indirect admission such leftist practice is being liberally applied by design in a futile desperate effort(s) to further tyrannical gun control. Such is the only effective means left after theft of our elections to usher in irreversible tyranny, domination, and control by what will prove to be a nation run by a political party that operates like an organized crime syndicate. Ryan is one ineffective poor bastard that only succeeds in exploiting his paranoia and skill of grift to hilarious extremes.

  20. It has taken my wife 18 months to get her new FOID card from the Illinois State Police. We had to finally go to their building and apply. This is typical here, but it is improving. I have waited as much as two weeks to take delivery of a firearm due to COVID, blah, blah. I had to wait 72 hours on an original Black Powder rifle and a .22 pellet rifle.

    The author obviously thinks law abiding citizens are idiots, and would prefer that only criminals have guns.

  21. “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control”

    Apparently Cooper does not know that ALL teenagers are “jumpy” and have poor impulse control.

    But anyway when it comes to the ones who are violent….

    Annually, over 30,000 (collectively – varies) kids and school staff in our nations schools are assaulted by “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” by use of hands and feet or a blunt object (sometimes a sharp instrument such as a knife) and no gun at all. Another ~63,000 people (varies) in the general public nationwide are assaulted each month by “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” by use of hands and feet or a blunt object (sometimes a sharp instrument such as a knife) and no gun at all.

    Of the school incidents by “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” by use of hands and feet or a blunt object and no gun at all about 15% of the victims are killed (or die later as a result of injuries) and another 28% are left with serious injuries that cause life long disability.

    Of the ~63,000 general public nationwide assaulted each month by “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” by use of hands and feet or a blunt object and no gun at all, ~26% are killed (or die later as a result of injuries) and another 30% or left with some form of serious injury that causes health problems of disability for life.

    Over 85% of these “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” who use hands and feet or a blunt object (sometimes a sharp instrument such as a knife) and no gun at all are never caught and prosecuted.

    Maybe we should start rounding up “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” because according to Cooper “jumpy teenagers with poor impulse control” must be armed with a gun.

    • quote: “Apparently Cooper does not know that ALL teenagers are “jumpy” and have poor impulse control.:”

      No, not LL. I know presently a couple dozen, and have in my sorta long life known at least a couple hundred who re teenagers but NOT jumy and possessed of poor impulse control. Many of the non-included ones I’ve known from the past are presently dedicated to raising their teenagers” to BOT be jumpy and to have GOOD impulse control.

      I rather suspect, however, if the population presently attending government funded schools were to be assessed, the vast majoirty of the teenagers would fall solidly into the “jumpy” category, as well as the one having poor impulse control.
      Maybe yuo should get out more often Seems you are not exposed to a signficant portion of the population.

  22. This Cooper is clueless.

    Jeff knew what’s up……..

    ‘If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.’

    –Jeff Cooper–

    GAFC Ryan.

  23. I’ll take Cooper’s feared Conservative Utopia with a gun in every pocket over the Libturd Utopia where only the Police and government thugs have the guns. Been there, seen that, fought that.

    For once I agree with Bill O’Reilly….forgive me as I sin….. Bad guys shooting people is the price of freedom. Liberty is risky business. That’s why our Founding Fathers recognized our God-given right to shoot back.

  24. We are armed to the teeth in Wyoming… I can spot men and women carrying in public meetings, in restaurants and such all the time… and we don’t seem to have the problems he worries about.

    Why is that?

  25. Democrats are the majority decision-makers, and residents, of the cities where gun-related crime rates (including murder) are highest.
    The individuals who have created the squalid culture of violence, by relaxing enforcement of laws and prosecutions of criminals, are the same ones who expect you and me to believe they’ll fix communities’ problems.

    Liars, these Democrats are……
    Democrats cannot win Second Amendment arguments on data, math, numbers, evidence and facts, the Constitution, or existing laws.
    That’s why Democrats always exploit the deceased.

  26. Top prosecutor ‘stunned’ at how few gun cases brought to trial yield convictions.

    But it’s the law abiding people who are at fault if you listen to the anti-gun people.


  27. “maybe until nobody has guns everybody has to have them.”
    — Jesse Hughes lead singer of Eagles of Death Metal

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