The latest attempt to expand constitutional carry comes to us from the Mountain State. SB347 would remove the penalties for carrying a concealed weapon, if the person is not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms. From

(a) Any person who carries a concealed deadly weapon without a state license or other lawful authorization established under the provisions of this code,

who is prohibited from possessing firearms under section seven of this article

shall be is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 and may be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than twelve months for the first offense; but upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense, he or she shall be is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary a state correctional facility not less than one nor more than five years and fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 . . .

The bill also removes the prohibition of carrying concealed handguns on the person while hunting.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon pursuant to the provisions of section four, article seven, chapter sixty-one of this code who is not prohibited at the time from possessing a firearm pursuant to the provisions of section seven, article seven, chapter sixty-one of this code or by any applicable federal law may carry a handgun in a concealed manner for self defense purposes while afield hunting, hiking, camping or in or on a motor vehicle.

The bill leaves in place the existing permit system so that those who wish to have a permit for reciprocity purposes will be able to do so.

The West Virgina Citizens Defense League has reported that NRA-ILA is fully on board and supporting the bill. Sponsors of the bill include at least two Democrat senators, making it truly bipartisan. The bill looks like it has a good chance of passage.  In 2012 Governor Earl Ray Tomblin signed a bill requiring confiscated firearm to be sold instead of destroyed.

©2015 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Gun Watch


  1. WV has come a long way since I left it. Most of America has come a long way on civil rights. It’s just backward, inbred states like CA and NY that deny a persons civil rights.

  2. i love West Virginia. Harper Ferry, Shepherdstown, etc. Would love WV even more if they passed this.

    not to get too political, but I’d live in a pro-2A democrat state before I’d live in a republican state that was “may issue”. party affilitation is less important to me than the holy grail of civil rights: concealed carry.

    • *republican state that was “may issue”*

      … Does that even apply to any states? Maybe New Jersey and Maryland because governors even though their legislatures are ridiculously blue? There’s only like 6 left I think after the 9th struck down Cali’s may issue.

      • All I’m saying is that I’d even consider putting up with Marylandistan’s or Taxaxhusset’s socialist nonsense if they were “shall issue” states.

      • New Mexico is democrat but solidly pro gun. It’s quite a nice state. It’s a shame it’s so poor.

  3. Not that I endorse concealed carry licenses under any circumstances … however, decades ago, a concealed carry license was logical if a police department wanted to be able to instantly know whether to arrest or set free an armed person on the streets. These days, technology enables police officers to instantly know whether to arrest or set free an armed person on the streets and concealed carry licenses are thus totally unnecessary. For that reason alone concealed carry licenses should go away.

  4. “The bill also removes the prohibition of carrying concealed handguns on the person while hunting.”

    True, but it looks like you must have a concealed carry license to take advantage of that provision, whereas constitutional carry covers you for other situations and activities.

    • Yeah, in MI our governor with the (R) party, keeps vetoing bills that are pro gun, the latest was one to make it easier to obtain a cpl.

  5. I view concealed carry licenses as a direct violation of the Constitution, period. Any time you must purchase a license to exercise a right, it ceases to be a right.

    • Nice theory. Won’t help you, though, if you get arrested for illegally carrying a concealed weapon.

  6. The West Virgina Citizens Defense League is amazing. I give to them and the NRA-ILA, simply because I believe they positively impact my life in a much more immediate way, as compared to the necessary national issues.

  7. According to LegiScan, the bill has 10 total sponsors – 7 Republican, 3 Democrat. The WV Senate has 34 seats (18 Republican, 16 Democrat).

    Hopefully it’ll soon be another victory for Constitutional Carry.

  8. Now just bring jobs in & I’d move back yesterday. SC went out kissed butt to get PTR & Ithaca, PTR layed off right after opening and Ithaca has yet to arrive. FnH is the only plant left in the state firearms wise. The Chinese just negotiated a deal to buy almost 50% of thhe golf courses at Myrtle Beach. We are supposedly 2A friendly and are, comparitively. Odds of constitutional carry here are zero, took 30 + years to get CCP. WV get some jobs.

    • West Virginia would have gotten some more if it wasn’t for Manchin and his UBC bill. I have heard of one or two gun companies that turned down relocation offers from WV because he is still their Senator. There are some new jobs being created in the state since labor costs are low, but it isn’t enough. Corruption is still a huge issue in the state and it really prevents things from getting done.

  9. “(a) Any person who carries a concealed deadly weapon without a state license or other lawful authorization established under the provisions of this code, who is prohibited from possessing firearms under section seven of this article shall be is guilty of a misdemeanor . . .”

    Sure looks like this law makes carrying a lock-blade knife (or any knife for that matter) illegal unless you have a state license. I can see a local prosecutor attempting to make carrying a knife a “crime”.

  10. I bought land near Berkeley Springs, WV about 20 years ago and was going to retire and build a home there.
    I have decided not to, do to the poor economy, high building prices, and the fact of every time I open my mouth,
    I am greeted with “You ain’t from around here” and “All you fer-in-ers are drivin’ up our taxes” ( I was born and raised 300 miles away), etc. They are usually nice enough, but I was told that I would never be accepted by the locals. I’ve experienced/been told the same thing about a lot of states. People in Florida seem much more accepting of out-of-staters, housing is cheaper than in B.S.W.V., 2A rights are about equal, but it’s too hot for my Mrs….still trying to figure out where to go…gotta get out of the NE

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