Ivory handled pistol (courtesy gunsamerica.com)

NRA-ILA Press release [via Ammoland.com]

Yesterday, the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee indefinitely postponed House Bill 1341 by a 3-2 vote. Sponsored by state Representative Joann Ginal (D-52), HB 1341 sought to punish law-abiding citizens who collect and trade ordinary items, including antiques, artwork, jewelry, knives, firearms and accessories, furniture and many other lawfully owned and obtained items that contain ivory or any other “covered animal species part or product.” The purported goal of HB 1341 was . . .

to prevent poaching and trafficking of animals threatened with extinction. However, it encompassed hundreds of animals in the family classes of elephants, rhinoceroses, tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, pangolins, marine turtles, sharks and rays that are not all under threat in the wild.

While the NRA supports efforts to stop poaching and the illegal trade of animal products, HB 1341 would not have materially contribute to that goal.

While HB 1341 contained limited exceptions, it would have harmed those who have no part in illegal activities; firearm owners, sportsmen, hunters, recreational shooters and gun collectors who have legally purchased or acquired firearms (as well as knives, jewelry, antiques and other items) that have incorporated ivory features for decades.

These include some of America’s most historically-significant and collectible guns. Furthermore, shark skin—a very common material used in belt and shoulder holster construction because of its high abrasion resistance—would have been a prohibited product under House Bill 1341. The NRA opposed HB 1341 because, if implemented, it would have amounted to the taking of property that had been acquired legally and in good faith.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org

Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2016/05/colorado-ivory-animal-products-legislation-defeated-senate-committee/#ixzz47ykA6xtw
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  1. Of course it was defeated, it went through the Kill Committee. (Coloradoans will understand)

  2. Just what we needed, more stoopid rules and regulations.

    IMO legislators should work 3 days a year. No more is needed.

      • At least your state gov has it right. The legislature gathers in Austin, what, once every year and a half is it? I forget, but the four years I spent in Texas for college showed me the key to a healthy state economy. Hint hint, crippling amounts of nanny-state worship ain’t it.

        • The Texas legislature meets every two years, and the best part is they’re constitutionally limited to only 140 days in the regular session. It’s frustratingly slow when you want something good done (like getting open carry passed), but it does tend to limit the damage those morons can do, and it’s supposed to help ensure that most of them have to have a “real” job rather than just being a parasite on society. Granted, many of them are lawyers, so they’re still parasites, but still…

  3. Good.

    Oh, you inherited great grandmas piano with ivory keys? Sorry, you’re a criminal now.
    Oh, that knife with mammoth tusk in the handle? Oops.

    • Currently legally owned ivory items would be seized?

      Turn over Granddad’s ivory grips from his WWII 1911?

      • I meant good, in that it was defeated.
        A couple of states have gone full retard and have banned possession, trade, sale, of any Ivory, regardless of age.

  4. Well, they got the press release right. “Sought to punish law-abiding citizens…”

    The whole thing is messaging gold. It inventories the excesses of this law, which track with most “gun control” legislation: virtue-signalling, othering “those people”, it’s punishment, creates criminals distant from any wrong, retroactive, over-broad, vague, magical thinking world-view that ignores side effects, won’t help. People don’t like that stuff. It’s hard to say in the emotional heat of “save the children”, but saying it now puts the arguments in people’s brains.


    “Gun laws are ineffective.” is lame. “You wanna take something away from people, show it’ll do some good first.” is better: same argument, really. “So you’re gonna take stuff away from people who haven’t done anything, and it won’t help anyway, just like your heirloom products ban?” is deadly, more so if you’ve pre-positioned the prior as restrictive, ineffective and won’t pass.

    Stopping this law, this way gives fodder for follow-ups, too (although The Stupid Party will likely blow this, as well.) Ban-The-Ashtrays is dirtied up now. He tried a stupid thing, so stupid. Tried and lost, so loser. And having lost on a moral imperitive, he’s not the hero to save the whales, so not worth supporting.

    Every time they do something stupid, dirty them up. It pays off later. (The anti’s biggest problem w/ a federal AWB is the last one. It dirtied them up – dumb, ineffective n they lost in the end.)

    Next stupid gun law comes up in CO, now this response works: “Well, we’re not surprised at this ill-formed anti-gun restriction proposal from Ban-the-Ashtrays. It’s got all the flaws of his earlier heirloom confiscation proposal. We expect this headline-chasing proposal to fail as badly as the prior one.”

    “As before we’ll propose something focused and effective to address the issue. On the last one we backed this: ‘Knowing purchase, possession or trade of materials or items made from materials newly harvested from creatures listed as endangered in the Colorado govt register is prohibited.'”

    “Ban-The-Ashtrays’ arms restriction proposal is longer, and broader than that. We’ll support a proposal that’s cafted to be specific, effective, on point, and likely to pass.”

    Somebody in the NRA messaging shop has some skills, finally. I wonder if the opposition political party will ever catch up?

  5. Gawd how stupid. THIS directly affects me as I and and my lovely wife are “officially” antique dealers. Most of those critters have been dead for quite awhile too. Not as bad as the retarded gubmint of Tanzania(?-africa)burning elephant tusks and rhino horns to “make a point”(that we’re a poor 3rd world shitehole looking for a handout?). Fairly certain that “ring of fire” pistolola is plastic gripped(lol)…real ivory would make it akin to “tits on a boar hog”.

    • I think polished turd would be a more fitting analogy, or perhaps lipstick on a pig. The whole gun as it sits in the image is already as worthless as tits on boar hog, or a turtle

  6. I have a 1960 Colt SAA with ivory grips. They were aftermarket, but not sure when they were installed.

  7. Musical instruments used ivory saddles and nuts for years before switching to bone. There are probably 10s of thousands of guitars in colorado alone that would have been affected.


  8. My first piano had ivory keys. What would they have done, confiscate it? Hollow out a huge mountain to stick all the pianos in?

    • Nah. You just can’t sell or transfer it or even alter it in the smallest way. When you die, it belongs to the government, which will probably destroy it just to make a point. (Point being, progressive governments destroy nearly everything they touch.)

  9. HB 1341 sought to punish law-abiding citizens who collect and trade ordinary items, including antiques, artwork, jewelry, knives, firearms and accessories, furniture and many other lawfully owned and obtained items that contain ivory or any other “covered animal species part or product.”
    Endless possibilities.

  10. They can have my shark skin motorcycle seat when they pry it out from under my cold dead ass!

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