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How come we never see movies where characters (or their straw purchasers) go through a proper NICS background check before obtaining a firearm? To be fair, the gun shop owner in Terminator did tell the cyborg that there was a 15-day waiting period for the handguns.

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  1. I have to say, I’m looking forward to seeing this. Certainly seems to put an interesting spin on victimization and gun control.

    • lol I loved the way he said “the Uzi 9mm”. When that movie came out I was in junior high and you could be walking in the hall or in the lunch room and you’d here someone shoot off a line from that flick everyday for a good few months after i came out.

      That 15 day California state waiting period was thanks to Reagan btw. We can’t trust any politician it seems.

      • Strangely, the new ad-hoc group “gun appreciation day” has a quote from Ronald Reagan on their masthead. Not exactly a shining example of RKBA…

  2. Did I see a drill in there somewhere? That was one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s favorite tricks to pull on some of his victims.

  3. I would guess that Uncle Joe will recommend to POTUS that this movie not be shown, you know, as part of a broader plan to combat gun violence….not

  4. Uzi 9mm?

    Anyway – this movie looks retarded. I can’t wait until two goth high school girls cut up their boyfriends in some backwoods down in PA because they saw this movie about hating men. Of course, the guns will be blamed. If there are any left by then.

  5. Perpetuating the myth that proximity to a firearm turns anyone into a homicidal maniac. Very helpful, Hollywierd.

  6. I watched that bounty hunting film with Katherine Heigl (forgot the name of it already), and interestingly it has her getting her first gun in NJ, and everyone pretty much giving her a pass on having and carrying a handgun around without having gotten a permit.
    (I’m in favor of “constitutional” carry, as a gun person I thought the way it was handled in the film was interesting).

  7. Part of the reason can be attributed to PsyOps carried out by the likes of our beloved gun running, drug cartel supporting US Attorney General, Eric Holder.

    In a 1995 Press Conference for a public campaign to “really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way”, Eric Holder elaborated saying,

    “What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”

    • But I do agree that Congress needs to act and do something about the Handcuffed Cop Loophole.

      Think of the children…THE CHILDREN!!!

  8. Bertrand Russell also wrote:

    “With the support of the media, educational system, & the right propaganda tools, you can make people believe snow is black.”

    Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science in Society, (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1952), p. 40.

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