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If it weren’t for generations of gun control imposed upon Chicago residents, they might more fully embrace the live-saving benefits of conventional, law-abiding firearm ownership.  Instead, among the good guys at least, there’s a paucity of gun ownership.  That lack of gun ownership allows the bad guys to intimidate, bully and ultimately, to victimize the innocent with impunity.  Gangs have gained a solid foothold in the neighborhoods and the “gangsta” lifestyle has proven to be hazardous to everyone’s health and well-being.  We see that first-hand in a Sunday evening prayer vigil in Chicago for a 23-year-old ‘banger killed the day before when a van showed up and its occupants open fire on the crowd.  One woman was killed, another is critical and a third got shot in the butt.

What a mess.

When will prosecutors start putting violent criminal actors in prison for extended terms?  It’s not happening at the moment.  In many cases, charges are dropped against arrestees.  It’s not uncommon to see victims of criminal violence in Chicago (including murder victims) with dozens of arrests, many of them felonies, with only a handful of convictions.  And when they are prosecuted, they are often grossly undercharged.

  • A gang banger stabbed a good Samaritan in the chest for having the audacity to defend a mom and her toddlers from the gangster’s bullying in the Windy City.  The stab puncturing a lung and nearly causing the victim to die from blood loss.  The charge?  Misdemeanor battery (up to 365 days in jail upon conviction).
  • A woman (rumored to be a felon) carried a pistol in her purse to a nightclub (without a carry license), got drunk, then left the club and fired five rounds at people she was arguing with on a busy street in Rahm’s paradise.  She was arrested thanks to witnesses identifying her (and a YouTube video that proved embarrassing for the city).  The charge?  Misdemeanor reckless conduct (up to 365 days in jail upon conviction).
  • Three young men committed a drive-by shooting of a group of people at a public park, firing dozens of rounds, wounding three.  After a short police chase (just like on the TV show Chicago PD), cops captured the would-be killers, and recovered three guns including an AR-15-style rifle.  Prosecutors charged the three with Unlawful Use of Weapons, a Class 4 felony (punishable by 1-3 years in prison upon conviction).

Couple that with prison time in Illinois is like dog-years in reverse, and anyone can see that there is zero concern about arrest or potential incarceration among these people with almost no impulse control to begin with.

Chicago isn’t safe.

The Sun-Times has the gory details.

Officials: Woman shot to death at vigil for man slain day earlier

A woman was shot to death Sunday night at a vigil on the same Brainerd neighborhood block where a man was killed a day earlier on the South Side, officials said.

The 18-year-old was among three people shot at 8:07 p.m. in the 8900 block of South Justine, according to Chicago Police. The group was standing outside at the vigil when a grey minivan drove toward them and two people got out and began shooting. The shooters then got back inside the van and drove away.

The woman was shot in the head and pronounced dead at Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park, police said. The Cook County medical examiner’s office did not immediately confirm the death.

Two boys — 16 and 17 — were also wounded in the shooting and taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, authorities said. The 17-year-old was shot in the right arm and was in critical condition. The younger man was shot in the buttocks and his condition had stabilized, police said.

We’ll see how many arrests and convictions these “boys” had when my friends at Chicago Police send me the daily sitreps.

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  1. I’ll light a candle and throw a gang sign tonight in remembrance of the fallen hero. How will we survive without him?

  2. Clearly these upstanding young men would have been working on their PhD dissertations, rather than shooting up a memorial vigil, if only Wayne LaPierre hadn’t personally sold them automatic ghost assault weapons at an Internet gun show.

  3. I do not know why we, as a nation, insist on preventing suicide by adults and “children” over the age of 16. Where does a society gain the authority to decide we know better than the person for whom suicide is the resolution?

    In the case of people living in known gang territory, they eradicate the threat, or admit they have chosen death over life. When you and your family are threatened daily by the presence of a murderous crown, you are obligated to do everything to reverse the moral slide, or move out.

    No one is without resources to relocate; there are always alternatives; might be hard choices, but choices exist. When faced with death or flight as the only options, you suffer whatever is necessary to flee. But, if people want to play suicide roulette, why should anyone step in to save those people?

    • The problem is that they don’t just shoot each other. They hit bystanders with alarming regularity.

      I bet that would stop if a few of these drive bys ended up with the car and it’s occupants riddled with bullet holes and YouTube videos of the dying gangbangers crying for mommy started surfacing.

      • Fighting back is a good measure. The more, the better. Of course, it would be good to see one of those drive-by vans (cars) covered in burning napalm from a home-grown flame thrower.

        • The movie Death Wish comes to mind. When the law abiding citizens in those neighborhoods start returning fire, the gang bangers will think twice about harassing anyone in that neighborhood. A couple of hard working, honest citizens who have had enough of being pushed around, armed with AR’s with bumpfires and hundred magazines turning a couple of these animals into hamburg will turn the tide.

          Better yet, the next time one of these animals ventures in a neighborhood, if they’re found the next morning with their throats slit and their bodies hanging from a street lamp, gang activity will drop off dramatically.

      • Opening dialogue from “Romancing the Stone” as near as I can recall it:

        “The only problem with shooting bastards is that bastards ALWAYS have brothers!”

        And in a gang neighborhood those bastards know where you live.

        • Having lived in such a neighborhood I am well aware of this.

          I’m also well aware that gangbanger balls shrivel up and disappear when the entire neighborhood opens up on one of their “gunships” and makes it clear that everyone here will face-shoot your ass if you fuck around.

  4. in Alabama, all 3 crimes cited would be charged as attempted murder or at least first degree assault. (A class A felony, 10 to life). Plus,any prior felonies they had would be used as habitual offender enhancement at sentencing, not to mention the mandatory 5 years for using a firearm in the commission of a felony. In conservative AL we don’t fool around with criminals. Illinois needs to get serious.

    • Problem is, Chicago is a city run by and for criminals. They have to go through the legal motions, but their real goal is to take care of their own.

    • Light sentencing of criminals is common in enlightened gun free Australia (note the sarcasm).

      A criminal in possession of a prohibited firearm used in a crime might end up serving a year or so in prison or is more likely to be released for time served.

      But a licensed firearm owner caught for a minor technicality would permanently lose their license, have their firearms seized, and end up in SuperMax for 5 years or more.

  5. And Chicago will say all those guns came from Indiana!! Oh, so they will want to sequester Indiana and the lawyers will continue to make money getting criminals off on lesser sentences.

  6. I think the under-charging is a big part of the scandal. Add in the way the city would prefer policing to be done and what you have is an equilibrium. Equilibria are not accidents – Chicago is exactly as violent as they want it to be.

  7. They are doing this to themselves with the improper convictions and statues like its playtime with guns; in the south these charges would send someone up river for decades. And then in ten years the Jr. Learns not to be a convict or not.

  8. If you want a running commentary on this insane stupidity check out and the blog

  9. I agree that the gang problem would go away if bangers went to prison until they were old and feeble. That’s not going to happen because Illinois is too broke to maintain, much less build, the necessary prison space.

    • Why would a modern, enlightened society want to forever incarcerate young people who just made a few misguided decisions about purchasing goods, and relating to others in the society? Barbarians !

  10. Liberals for decades have been downgrading charges of serious crimes to obtain better crime stats for their city. It happens in the city where I live and it’s absolutely infuriating.

  11. But if a law abiding gun owner makes a mistake, those same prosecutors will throw the book at them. Crooked bastards.

  12. Due to BLM’s busy schedule, they were unable to attend this event. They did offer their condolences.

    • Yep. And holy crap on that youtube video… but hey, BLM would have you believe that’s just a normal thing, and police should have no reason to treat those situations differently. Looks just like an average day in any neighborhood, right?

  13. Breeding criminals. Perpetual poverty because shaniqua can’t close her legs. All brought on by gheir continuous terrible choices…

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