In a city where gunfire is more ubiquitous than bad pizza or losing professional sports teams, the first priority these days is minimizing the risk and damage to normal people who live there and haven’t yet been able to emigrate to safer locations around the country.

The “community group” called Native Sons has introduced an ordinance  The People’s Ordinance has put the call out to the city famously corrupt burg’s City Council Public Safety Committee for consideration.

According to CWB Chicago . . .

“We have to start somewhere,” Tatiana Atkins, co-founder of Native Sons, said. “Our goal is to approach our city’s gun violence problem strategically and not all at once. Things didn’t become this way overnight, and change won’t happen overnight.

“Under this ordinance, we ask that people stop associating with and glorifying’ shooters,’ stop glorifying ‘switches,’ and stop wearing those ski masks everywhere which perpetuates you as some ‘opp,’” Atkins told CWBChicago recently. “When those who live a certain lifestyle try to hang with ‘regular’ class citizens, they put everyone at risk.” 

Atkins apparently means activity like this . . .

This, of course, is an ideal first step to finally doing something meaningful about the Windy City’s out-of-control violent crime problem. Surely criminals and gangbangers will respect calls from groups like Native Sons to limit their drug dealing, turf battles, drive-bys, and gunfire to an arbitrary 12-hour window.

“If people know that after a certain hour, the likelihood of them being shot by an unknown and unprovoked assailant are at a higher risk, they will be less likely to be out and about, and they may become more proactive with the supervision of their children,” she continued.

Why didn’t we think of that?


  1. The main problem I see is that the product of the Chicago school system that this sign is aimed at will likely be unable to read and comprehend it.


    Wall off the entire city, seed it with small arms and marijuana, set up cameras, and charge $50 a day for Pay Per View. We’ll pay off the national debt in no time. And the lulz will be at a Galactic Level.

  3. and change won’t happen overnight.

    Well, yes, change CAN happen overnight! All it takes, is for honest citizens to start gunning down the criminals when the criminals attack you. It only takes a few seconds to put a perp in the grave. Doesn’t even take overnight! A dozen perps a night seems a reasonable goal to me. 30 dozen in a month. How long does anyone think it takes, before the surviving criminals begin to change their ways?

    • Ahh, your solution is apt, but don’t forget about reprisals from the gang if you defend yourself from one of their hood-rats. I think a better approach would be to hold the parents responsible for their children, and let them stand in municipal court when their child misses or disrupts class. Then focus on the teachers who push through students, and hold them criminally responsible as well.

    • You won this one! By the way I now need a new keyboard…good thing I was using the desktop since keyboards are a lot cheaper than an entire new laptop. Sweet tea really screws up keyswitches.

      • I see the results of liquids in laptops frequently where I work. It is a government agency where someone can break 2 laptops in as many weeks from carelessness and have no consequences.

        In private business you would expect to be airborne for a reasonable distance between the front door and the pavement for such stupidity.

        We are still at a loss how a very expensive enhanced custom laptop was “accidentally dropped into a full sink while powered on”.

  4. Of course, most of the shootings occur after dark and before dawn. I would assume residents knew this already. They should have their kids in at dusk and leave the bar by ten and they will be less likely to be victimized–or engaged in a shoot out.

  5. So….let’s, once again, not stop criminals and take them out of society… instead let’s beg them to stop.

    Seriously… is there anyone in Chicago with any living brain cells? First ya vote for it…then you complain about it…now you’re begging them to stop. For cripes sakes, just go all the way and simply surrender the city to them and leave.

    There not one person among you ‘Native Sons, group with any guts or common sense at all. These criminals would kill you given the chance and inclination…you don’t beg them, they are not your friends.

    • .40 cal Booger,

      No one wants to hear the TRUE root problem, much less how to fix it.

      The TRUE root problem is people who allow their passions (rather than truth, facts, logic, charity, hard work, and timeless standards of wrong-versus-right) to have the final say in their lives.

    • Notice “The peoples ordinance” more collective commie BS. What that open air shooting gallery needs is for one P.O.’d mofo with night vision and a suppressed bolt gun to clean out the coyotes.

  6. Even dumber than the Christmas “cease fire” of WW1 when the two sides stopped shooting at each other from trench lines and had a friendly soccer game, then went back to killing each other when the cease fire ended. Put the clowns in jail for like a million years and be done with it.

    • This is actually one of the greatest gentleman’s agreements of all time. The closest we come today to that is not mowing lawns between 8PM and 8AM… kinda pales by comparison IMHO

    • .40 cal Booger,

      Republicans in California exposing big criminal operation.

      I think you meant to type, “Republicans exposing big criminal operation known as California.”

  7. Is this the beginning of The Purge? I’ve not watched any of those movies, they don’t interest me (Now Battle Royale? That’s a fun one!) but lets just call this what it is – Chicago is officially declaring the city a free-fire zone after dark, if you’re out after 9PM then you’re agreeing to be a target. It will all come down to attrition I guess.

    • It’ll all come down to attrition when homeowners start dropping the bangers out on the street at 9:01 PM and move the bodies into the traffic lanes for Sanitation Dept. to clean up on an overtime call.. everyone’s a winner !!

        • Nah, not that many more trucks, just a couple Cat 775s, with loudspeakers playing the “Bring out your dead” sound clip from Monty Python and the Holy Grail – how many skinny gangsters does it take to add up to 70 short tons? That little saying could replace the one about dancing angels and the heads of pins…

  8. Interesting … mandating communist “gun control” results in requests for shooting control since the “gun control” is an absolute FAILURE. It’s simply the Chicago and IL way of doing things.

  9. Looks like they know the solution right there in their ad. The Peoples Ordnance would fix the problem if the people of Chicago would ever just stick to their guns!

  10. So this is their idea, instead of locking criminals up? It will be a utopia alrite, for the criminals.

  11. Geez Tatiana everyone in Chiraq knows a gangbanger. They’re your sons,nephew’s,baby daddy,uncle,cousins ad infinitum nauseum. Estimated 150000 bangers. He!! I sold life insurance in Altgeld Gardens,West Pullman & Douglas Park. One household had a large sign on their porch “you hit us we hit you” near Halsted & 115th. This was over 30 years ago. Much worse NOW…no solutions. Avoid the city☹️

    • Why not ? Dead centering the six “O”s would leave a lasting message of it’s own, don’t you think?

  12. Notta Gonna Happin, losers. The ONLY way they will even consider slowing down is when the consequences of continuing with the ginfire results in a whole lotta cheap funerals to bury the tiny chep tin can with the ashes of Shaquomanny Oblivio Brown. Make sure someone spends ten bucks on a chunl of stolen cardboard and a handful of broken crayons so tney can make a sign reading “We sho nuff gonna miss you. To bad them doods with the fancy car you tried to steal didn’t.

  13. Chicago, the ‘Stupid Meme Of The Day’ every day.

    Seriously, all you need to do is round these criminals up and take them out of society. But what does Chicago do? Why of course, they decrease policing and coddle the criminals and create their own problem by actually voting for it to happen.

    When are you people in Chicago going to wake up and ‘depose’ your ‘democrat progressive’ voting slant? Its literally killing you, yet you still vote to keep it in office.

  14. Try that in a small town > Home Depot Shop Lifter Gets Tackled & Hogtied By Angry Customers. (this isn’t in Chicago, but seriously people are getting tired of it. If you idiot left wing progressives in Chicago wont do anything about the criminals eventually the people are going to take matters into their own hands and do something about it. Stand up Chicago and get rid of your left wing progressive politicians, they are literally killing you.)

  15. awww, the din do nuffing’s are just going to the basketball ball court to get in a game of hoops, now you don’t want them do anything at night ??
    but the democrats told everyone that midnight Bball was a great way to bring people together and it would stop crime.

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