The following appears on Nordic Components retail website:

NOTICE: We are unable to process credit card transactions at this time. Intuit Merchant Services [link added] has told us that they will NOT process anymore transactions and may put a freeze our accounts because we sell firearms related products. I was told that they are backed by Chase Banks. [ED: Intuit uses Chase as a gateway. The bank doesn’t own Intuit.] DO NOT conduct business with these financial institutions if you care about the Constitution of the United States, the Second Amendment or your RIGHTS as a firearms owner. We, as firearms owners, are under attack. I wonder how many of these anti-gun banks received Bail-out money from the current administration?

We are working on getting set up with a firearm friendly processor and hope to be back on line to serve you quickly. Thank You for understanding.


  1. The NRA, or someone of similar stature and national focus, should start compiling a list of those who have anti- 2nd Amendment policies. This way we can maximize the impact these companies will feel – sort of an ongoing boycott of these companies.

  2. Hopefully companies will start opening up factory direct stroes in multiple states and we can all just pay with cash anonymously.

      • Sales tax probably applies to most, anyway. At least, that’s how it works in Colorado and California – [legally,] you owe “use tax” on out-of-state purchases where you didn’t pay sales tax in your home state. You’re [legally] obligated to report and pay it on your state income tax return.

        I never understood my friends’ argument that buying online was “cheaper” because they didn’t “have to pay” sales tax.

        • Um… I live in a state with no state income tax. And isn’t interstate commerce supposed to be the exclusive domain of Congress?

        • We’re talking about sales tax, not income tax. Just because a state doesn’t collect income tax doesn’t mean the consumer isn’t responsible for paying “use tax” on purchases that did not have sales tax collected.

          For example, Florida doesn’t have a state income tax but does have a sales tax. If a resident of Florida buys something over the ‘net and has it delivered to his home in Florida (for use in that state), then he is required to pay “use tax”. He is supposed to pay such taxes quarterly.

    • No. Discrimination has to be on the basis of the victim’s inclusion in a protected class, e.g., sex, race, national origin, age, religion, etc. Gun manufacturers are not a protected class.

  3. Hm.

    BoA: took bailout money.
    Chase: took bailout money.

    Do they do shit like this to make conspiracy theories easy?

  4. Hm. I have the Amazon Visa card, but it’s issued through Chase. Think they’ll deny my next ammo purchase?

    I’ll keep the card for the association with Amazon. For now.

    • The day they don’t let me buy what I like will be the day that the account gets closed . . . . . . and they’ll know why.

  5. Bill Me Later and probably PayPal don’t allow firearms sales either. I know because I tried ordering an XD handgun through Academy after Thanksgiving and it wouldn’t authorize.

    • I’ve seen holster manufacturers use paypal for their payments w/o issue. Still… Pressure’s mounting against us in other ways as we put pressure on our reps.

      I don’t think there is a better way to hide truth, than to make it look like a conspiracy theory. If you can pass it off as such, you can get many people to ignore it.

  6. Sucks to see this happen, but merchant processors are a finicky bunch. If you’re running a business it’s prudent to have at least 2, if not 3 processors set up ahead of time. Cycle a little bit of business through the backups each month to keep them working and tested. I would hate to see this continue and have honest firearm merchants get shuffled into the “high-risk” segment though – if there is a firearm friendly processor, they can attract several new clients.

    • We just refinanced our house.
      Before the first payment was due, the note was sold to Chase.
      I’m not doing business what them by choice, and I don’t have several hundred thousand dollars lying around; if I did, I wouldn’t have a mortgage in the first place. 🙁

  7. This doesn’t sound like a new position for Chase.

    While looking for sources for gun related issues and Chase Bank other than this one story, I found a forum post of 2002 talking about a gun shop having a loan rejected:

    As I was leaving the range Sunday, the owner showed me a letter that he had gotten in response to a business loan request. The letter, signed by Gary Houchkin, Vice President, said that J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Small Business Financial Services would not grant a loan because they were “prohibited from extending credit to business in your industry.” It was never made clear exactly who or what prohibited the extension of credit. Although the letterhead had both New York and Houston addresses, in conversation, I learned that the refusal of the loan came directly from the New York Office.

    Firing Line Forum post

  8. The librarian doesn’t tell you what books you can take out, what business is it of a financial institution what you spend your money on?.

  9. I accept the fact that no business can be forced to do business with another. Freezing accounts is an entirely different matter and should incur significant liability.

    • Sadly in the merchant processing world, freezing accounts + month long rolling reserves are the norm and something you have to deal with as best as possible.

  10. What is it going to take for consumer gun owners and the firearms industry to wake up (if they really do care about freedom, liberty, and traditional American values) to stop doing business with the big banks and Wall Street firms? Those players are part of the morally corrupt FED Federal Reserve a private banking cartel whose only value is to make more money and have more control. Their goal along with the USG is to create a state of corporatism which is similar to fascism. Individuals and companies can do their financial services with qualified credit unions or smaller local and regional banks that still have a sense of integrity.

  11. What I don’t understand is why the big banks would line up against gun manufacturers, as would seem to be the case. On would think that politically they would be aligned with the Republican Party, which is generally pro-gun. Is it because they are based inNew York? Is Boomie putting the screws to them? Or is it that they are members of the 1%, and like all ruling classes in history, are determined to disarm the hoi poloi?

  12. I use Chase regularly for my gun purchase individually and as the trustee of my gun trust. I’ve had no problems. I purchased 300 rounds of 5.56 mm yesterday morning, and the charge already cleared Chase. I purchased 1,000 .45 auto bullets about two hours ago with no problems.

    I have not, however, purchased any actual firearms recently. If I can find a S&W XD-S in .45 auto in stock anywhere, I will test it out.

    • Same. I purchased an SR-22 with Chase pre-Newtown and had no problems, although they may change that now. I’ve regularly purchased ammo using both my chase cards with no problem.

      As as side note, I recently purchased a P226 with Amex with no problems. I’m not sure what their stance is, but if anyone’s looking for a new credit card…

    • I can’t see them doing that. If they did then many people would drop the cards and in the end that would hurt them big time.


    • Like you I have made plenty of purchases on a Chase card, from firearm purchases at gun shows and stores to ammo purchases at shows, stores and online. Last month I made plenty of purchases and had no issues.

      However, it does little to make me buying a gun or ammo harder as I will just hit the ATM and pay cash or use a competitor card. If they can cut the suppliers off, it’s a win for them.

  13. Hm, I had just switched credit card processors a few weeks ago, so that I’m no longer using Intuit. (There are some new regulations pertaining to law firms and credit cards, so I switched to a processor that specializes in processing for law firms and is set up for compliance with the new regs.) I’m now doubly glad I’m no longer using Intuit.

  14. A few weeks ago (31 Dec 2012), I paid an online retailer for a scary black rifle with my Chase debit card. Yesterday, I paid the LGS for the transfer with the same card.

    If there’s a Chase policy, it doesn’t seem to apply to consumers using Chase accounts/cards.

  15. Intuit is the owner of TurboTax. I’ve filed with them for years, and have FY2012 ready to submit . . . however, because of this, I’ll be deleting my account and telling them why.

  16. They’re about to lose some business from me, we were using them to accept credit cards at my wife’s studio, but we will be finding another provider.

  17. Looks to me like this is some of that “under the radar” type of gun control the president let slip not too long ago.

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