“A Baton Rouge man is accused of opening fire with an assault rifle on a group of people as they returned home because he said they previously helped someone rob him,” theadvocate.com reports.
“The victims drove past Jones’s home on Hammond Street and saw him with the gun before he shot at them on Thursday, the report says. Jones is held on a $120,000 bond.”
Say no more? Just this: in most states you can only use lethal force if you face an imminent, credible threat of grievous bodily harm or death.
I will say that if his claims are true I feel for the guy. Getting robbed sucks and it really screws with some people.
This ‘guy’ would rape and kill your family if he knew he wouldnt be caught. no more than a wild ape.
Looks like he is already wearing appropriate prison garb – white and black striped hoodie!
Again with the “assault rifle.” And journalists wonder why nobody trusts them.
Look ’em in da eyes and you’ll see da crazy
As they used to say on “People’s Court;” “Don’t take the law in your own hands. Take them to court.”
Source article doesn’t say whether anyone was injured, which some might consider a salient detail for a reporter to mention.
It was an AR in .223, so no one was very injured……. 🙂
Maybe he should have taken lessons and used a double tap on all of them.
I will have my revenge! *twirls mustache*
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