[h/t Bryan]


  1. My uncle once made the mistake of inviting some Armenian immigrant friends of his to my cousins wedding… homemade vodka/moonshine and handguns… good times 😈

  2. Jealous? I’m not jealous…. now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over in the corner crying on a copy of the Constitution.

  3. Jealous? I ain’t jealous…. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over in the corner crying on a copy of the Constitution.

  4. Massively scary and unsafe, a violation of most of the safety rules I can imagine.
    (Unless he was shooting blanks, which I doubt.)

    I don’t see how our country would be improved one iota by such idiocy.

  5. Chechnyan blood from my mother’s side… they really do celebrate pretty much every event with gunfire over there, although the use of the full-auto was just being a show off…
    Surprisingly enough, they have quite a few deaths attributed to stray bullets there… yet they talk about it like its something that can’t be prevented, like being struck by lightning or something. “He was killed by a stray bullet, so sad… oh well, lets get drunk after the funeral and fire some rounds off in the air.”

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