A Government of Manitoba aerial surveillance image is pictured from a night hunting incident on a municipal road in the Carberry area on Dec. 12, 2016. (Government of Manitoba image)

“An evening of night hunting has resulted in thousands of dollars in fines and the seizure of hunting-related equipment and a vehicle from the four men found guilty,” reports Canada’s Brandon Sun. The bust represents a combination of plenty ‘o tipsters (not a stripper) and a gaggle of game wardens, some higher than others.

The night hunting incident took place in the Carberry area during the early morning hours of Dec. 12, 2016, when conservation officers acted on numerous complaints of night hunting.

In response, 14 conservation officers and the chief constable of the RM of Cornwallis Police Service conducted an aircraft-assisted night patrol, according to a release from the province.

The airborne Game Wardens spied the poachers near a gun free school zone. I mean residential area . . .

A vehicle on a municipal road near Glenboro was seen from the air, and was followed.

This vehicle was seen shining a spotlight several times to light up a privately owned field in an area that was reportedly “very near to private homes.”

Officers on the ground moved in and tried to stop the vehicle.

The driver refused to comply, lost control and got stuck in the ditch following a short pursuit, after which four men were arrested at the scene.

Carberry Mayor Stuart Olmstead said that night hunting, also known as spotlighting, has been an ongoing problem in the area.

“I think everybody has heard a story in regards to night hunting, or knows somebody who has had something shot on their land, and it’s always a safety issue, regardless of any other issues,” he said.

“It’s just dangerous and stupid.”

Props to city cops who enter dangerous situations in crowded urban settings. Same goes double for Game Wardens — men and women who have to approach dangerous people with high powered scopes, at night, on vast land.

Wikipedia.org tells us that the original provisions of Britain’s Night Poaching Act of 1828, convicted poachers could be sent to Tasmania. Maybe we should send our night poachers to . . . New Jersey?


  1. Not to be snarky, but this happened 14 months ago, not sure why it’s news today.

    Now, back to the Outdoor Channel, where they have programs on night vision-enabled hog hunts and shining coyotes with big spotlights.

    • I don’t see much, if any, skill going into hunting like that. I have watched a few shows and saw that at least a couple of the hunters can’t even get their guns on target quickly.

      • For the hogs it’s not really “hunting” – it’s pest management with a side of target practice.

        Which is all to the good given how feral pigs are trying to conquer the US Southwest.

        There’s still skill involved – but it’s not traditional hunting – more like how many can you knock down with one mag.

      • Who cares if any skill is involved? Answer: Apparently Michael, but not me.

        I’m of the opinion that something should only be illegal if it is harmful to the rights of someone who isn’t the actor. It does sound like the guys in the article fit that bill as they were trespassers.

        • Night hunting, is often harmful to others. On the low end you have property damage and trespass. On the high end you have injury and death from errant shots into dwellings and vehicles. Rarely is an illegal night hunter going to be hunting on their own property with safe methods, and hardly ever for sustinance.

          • Is night hunting inherently dangerous, or is it the general lack of respect for other people and their property that is dangerous? My answer is the second thing. I’ve hunted at night and shot at night. It’s only dangerous if you behave in a way that would be dangerous at daytime.

        • A good tactical flashlight can easily light up 100-150 meters, even better if you have a hardware flood light. Night hunting is not dangerous, its idiots trespassing and not going a basic checkup on google maps to make sure no roads or houses are in their field of fire.

    • swine really are adaptable. when did they attain night vision? otoh, a coyote’s ability to shine is a dubious survival advantage.

      • I get that it’s a joke. Even a funny one, but as they are active in low light conditions, probably many millions of years ago, but that’s just a guess as I’m no zoologist. Haven’t even read up on a pig’s vision.

        • seen anything pertaining to shining ‘yotes?
          swine are near brilliant. they prefer to forage under the sun.

          • “seen anything pertaining to shining ‘yotes?” – Only next to the nuclear power plant.

            “swine are near brilliant. they prefer to forage under the sun.” – I’ve only noticed this when it’s pretty cold out.

  2. “and a gaggle of game wardens, some higher than others.”
    I guess they do things a little differently up north, although as long as they had a designated driver/pilot it’s all good.

  3. Hmmph.
    Youngest of the four was 25… really expected at least a couple of teens in the group – that would have been the norm here in Texas… no word on how intoxicated any of them were (which would ALSO be the norm for a Texas poacher).

  4. And in orher news a poacher in South Africa was lunch for a pride of lions. They left the head. Wardens found two, I think, 456 rifles. Wardens think he had friends who unfortunately got away.

    • It seems like the lions attack was planned out with some intelligence. This, along with the feral hogs overrunning ISIS positions in Syria… the animals are getting smarter and organizing due to the competition with humans.

    • *shrugs*
      Sure. Why not? Law of Survival of the Fittest would dictate that if the lions are to pass their genes along then they’ll need to adapt. If that means outsmarting and eating a poacher of any type (or ISIS) I’m quite cool with that.

  5. Night hunting with spotlights is legal for pest control in most of Australia with permission of land owners.

    Unfortunately there are always the people who think any land they can drive past is ok to shot over. The occasional shot horse, cow and sometimes person really makes it hard for the rest of us. So no sympathy for poachers.

  6. How about trapping the feral hogs in large numbers and turn them loose in the middle east. Take care of two problems at the same time….

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