biden beto gun control
Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke gestures after endorsing Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden at a campaign rally Monday, March 2, 2020 in Dallas. (AP Photo/Richard W. Rodriguez)


Democrat Joe Biden made it clear in Texas that he despises American gun owners by declaring former rival Beto O’Rourke, the gun-grabbing former Texas congressman, as his point man on what he called “the gun problem,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“For Biden to embrace Beto should erase any doubt where the former vice president truly stands on gun rights,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Months ago, we vowed to let nobody forget O’Rourke’s brazen threat to take away people’s firearms, and we meant it.”

O’Rourke’s presidential campaign crumbled after he declared during a debate in Houston, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR15, your AK47.” When nobody else on stage at the time made any effort at all to counter the statement, Gottlieb said Democrats had officially become the “Party of Gun Confiscation.”

Biden told O’Rourke in front of his Dallas audience, “You’re gonna take care of the gun problem with me, you’re gonna be the one who leads this effort. I’m counting on you, I’m counting on you, we need you badly.”

“I’ll tell you what Biden needs even worse than O’Rourke,” Gottlieb responded. “He needs to kiss any credibility he ever had with gun owners a permanent goodbye. Beto O’Rourke represents everything that is wrong with today’s gun ban extremism, and he is one of the worst enemies of the Second Amendment. While he was campaigning, he said gun owners would be given the option of turning in their guns in exchange for cash, or risk being prosecuted. Then he outright threatened to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding Americans.

“We’re not sure how to explain this to Biden,” he added, “but accepting O’Rourke’s endorsement and then vowing to put him in charge of national gun policy, should he win in November, amounts to quid-pro-quo.

“Biden’s mask is completely off,” Gottlieb concluded. “He’s not just a doddering Democrat pushing to become president, he’s an extremist anti-gunner who just promised to put a gun prohibition fanatic in charge of his administration’s gun policy. That’s not just a difference in philosophy, it’s a declaration of war.”


With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.


    • Only has to work once. Hopefully this round will be a ruinously expensive failure for the DNC and all their contributors.

        • “When do we get to start calling them by their real name: The National Socialist Party”

          When do we get to start calling them by their real name: The Communist Party USA?

          Fixed it for you.

        • Gordon. socialism/communism/fascism are all the same animal. Does the arm band the thug is wearing when he loads you on the cattle car make a difference in the results?

        • “Gordon. socialism/communism/fascism are all the same animal. Does the arm band the thug is wearing when he loads you on the cattle car make a difference in the results?”

          No it doesn’t. But applying the right name now may wake up some people.

  1. Considering Beto was arrested for theft, he’d be the ideal creep to run a gun confiscation scam. And given Beto’s history of wearing women’s clothing, pervy old Biden would run afoul of the etiquette of professional courtesy if he selected anyone else.

      • no it would be more like Beto and Biden tag teaming some kids…cause we know drunk, creepy Joe loves giving kids “special hugs”

  2. Ole Creepy Joey, he’s gonna let O’Butto be the point man through the gun confiscation door. Does the term “expendable” apply? Ooops, O’Butto.

    • Hell yes, War has already been declared!

      Does anyone honestly think O’Rourke was just referring to himself? The Clintons have been engaged in war against gun owners for over two decades. That’s not to mention DiFi, Pelosi, and others.

  3. Solid majority of Americans approve of AR-15s being confiscated by Daddy Government. So, Biden’s not exactly going out on a limb here.

    • That might be easier to believe if no one bought them. But then, if that were the case it wouldn’t even be a consideration for anyone.

      • That might also be easier to believe if it were actually true. I’d really like to see evidence that the “majority of Americans approve confiscation of AR-15s”, please.

        Even in SoCal, I’ve only met one single person over my entire life who has ever stated private citizens shouldn’t have ARs. Everyone else is either indifferent or supports constitutional rights.

        • Nice piece of anecdotal evidence you’ve got there. Meanwhile, in the real world, over two thirds of Americans, including over half of “Republicans” support banning those scary black rifles that only sexy, sweaty muscled soldiers in those totally realistic movies have. Gallup, Morning Consult, etc. Every poll you look at. Culture war has been lost, and it wasn’t even close.

        • All the polls said we would have hillary for president. If you’re throwing up polls you ain’t even trying.

        • cgray
          Go to the Gallup website and you will see that your stats are way off. It is about 51% in favor of a ban, according to their poll, and only about 30% of Republicans.
          You should also know that they have been asking the same question for the last three years, but slightly different wording, and the responses have not varied by more than 10% in all that time.
          And yet, more people than ever have bought the very rifles that the polls say people don’t want.
          When the data does not match reality, reality is not wrong.

        • “Gallup, Morning Consult, etc. Every poll you look at. Culture war has been lost, and it wasn’t even close.”

          You have a very rude surprise coming your way. Here’s a preview of the reality that in the near future will hit you and your little shit buddies like a ton of bricks :

          “Brett Kavanaugh Said Banning Assault Rifles Would Be Like Banning Speech”

          “A ban on a class of arms is not an ‘incidental’ regulation,” he wrote in 2011 dissenting opinion as a judge on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. “It is equivalent to a ban on a category of speech.”

          That’s right, little ‘cgray’, the Supreme Court will rule semi-auto firearms like the AR-15 are constitutionally protected.

          That means, there isn’t shit you can do about it. Fuck you, fuck every one of your little shit buddies, AR-15s will be legal everywhere in America.

          Guess what? That means, you will have an excellent opportunity to work on your coping skills… 😉

    • jwtaylor–Nice try. You simply went to the very first post that popped up on a Google search, and the entire piece is focused on semantics. Over 95% of Americans don’t own “assault weapons” and don’t give two shits about the people that do, and especially despise those goobers who walk around with them strapped to their chests at pointless rallies. Even in South Dakota and Oklahoma over 80% were opposed to the new constitutional carry laws. Government worship has been infecting this culture for decades, and it’s not going away.

      • Prndll–You summed up the whole problem. “Everyone” in your estimation is far less than 5% of Americans. Not everyone belongs to your social circle. And they vote.

        • Just so ya know,
          My social circle stretches from coast to coast and is filled with people I refer to as American.

          My reference to ‘everyone’ does not mean any living human. It is about the simple fact that the AR15 is more popular than any other semi. There are likely more than bolt action rifles at this point. In private hands, not just military.

      • Over 95% of statistics are made up on the spot. You use the same line of bs that vlad used to spew.

      • “Over 95% of Americans don’t own “assault weapons” and don’t give two shits about the people that do, and especially despise those goobers who walk around with them strapped to their chests at pointless rallies.”

        You crack me me up!

        You don’t seem to understand something – It’s in your best interests to be very polite to those ‘goobers’. In fact, you might as well start getting used to the taste and fragrant aroma of sweaty redneck boots, because you’re gonna be licking a whole lot of them, and there isn’t shit you will be able to do about it :

        The hammer, is gonna fall :

        “Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh’s gun views are clear”

        “Kavanaugh rejected the majority’s reasoning that semi-automatic handguns were sufficient for self-defense, saying: “That’s a bit like saying books can be banned because people can always read newspapers.”

        He belittled the description of the guns as “assault weapons,” saying that handguns could be called the “quintessential ‘assault weapons’ because they are used much more than other guns in violent crimes.”

      • Apparently you have trouble with reading comprehension. The article you were referring to is about semantics, and listed the results of each set of questions for the last three decades. Which always hovers around 50%, like I said. Thank you for proving my point.
        Read better, troll harder.

      • If 51% percent of the population thought it would be fine to remove the prohibition on slavery, does that mean we should do it?

        Last I checked we were a constitutional republic with a bill of rights. It explicitly protects the rights of the people to keep and bear all of the terrible weapons of the soldier (Look up Tench Coxe). It is a severe restraint on the government. There have been multiple writings from the late 1700s and 1800s that discussed that the bill of rights were absolutely off limits to the democratic process. We are not a nation ruled by the whims of polls and we never should be.

      • Ahh, as our friend ‘Duddits’ once said said in DREAMCATCHER….”DUDDITS DO IT!”. For your edification: The majority of Gun Owners in The United States, HATE the Gun Grabbers with an undying passion, and will NEVER answer ANY Gubmint, DEMONrat or “Official” Poll Honestly. Are you really the sort of America Hater who thinks that YOU are the smartest pig in the Barnyard? Good! Enemies like YOU need to STAY stupid and uninformed.That’s why I really enjoy the truths you tell with your ‘lies’. WE are “lying” too. Those like YOU, will only learn of our “Dishonesty” when you DIE. WE vastly outnumber you. That’s our little ‘secret’…Some of ‘us’ are loudmouthed “Gun Hating Liberals!” YOU think….See you in Hell.

      • CGray is a troll…do not feed the trolls. As far as a ban and confiscation…well that will be a very bad day for everyone involved.

    • According to WHOM? MDA? Everytown? Giffords?

      Tell me citizen. IF a majority of Americans supported the return of human slavery would that make it moral or legally right in light of the BOR and the 13th and 14th Amendments? Or do we ignore those protected rights as well?

  4. “He needs to kiss any credibility he ever had with gun owners a permanent goodbye.”

    So embracing Bob was the turning point? Really?

    Biden is more concerned with getting elected than worrying about guns. Getting Bob on board was a move to get more votes from Texas.

    • And “The Manchurian Candidate” is pulling their strings. The Democrats will be the best government money can buy.

  5. It’s amazing to watch the Democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Bernie will bleed off votes from Biden and will make the Trump waltz back into another four years even easier.

      • As Trump ACTUALLY IS still in the race, I would not say ‘zero chance’.

        O’Rourke has zero chance.
        Steyer has zero chance.
        Klobuchar has zero chance.
        Buttigieg has zero chance.

        The only chance Hillary Clinton might still have is through someones’ VP.

        Or have you not been paying any attention?

      • “Trump has ZERO chance of winning.”

        On election night, 2016, the New York Time had Hillary the favorite at 95 percent.

        How did that work out for ya, dumbass? 😉

      • Just as his chance of being elected instead of Hildebeast was ZERO? You are a GOOD Lefty, Arrogant, Ignorant, and DOOMED to unending disappointment. When President Trump WINS his Second Term, I understand that “Voluntary Euthanasia” Clinics will open in DEMONrat controlled slums, and College Campus’s Nationwide… It SHOULD have happened last time…Hindsight is EVER SO accurate! I am forever grateful for the decades of Combat Training I first received as a nineteen year old Volunteer/Patriot. WE have NO trust in those like YOU, except that YOU have NO idea just how much trouble those like you are in…You ‘poll’ us–We LIE, you have ‘numbers’ that ARE pure Fiction. Enjoy the surprise ‘Party’.

  6. My God the Democrat Party is turning into a meth head BBQ over a dumpster fire, in a trailer park.
    I really am starting to enjoy this.

    • Echo5Bravo,

      I was thinking along the same lines and finding myself quite surprised.

      Then I thought about it for a moment — and the current status as well as the future prospects of the Democrat party really should not be any surprise at all. Why? Because the Democrat party is the party of emotion and fantasy which are all over the place, ever changing. Thus, whatever the Democrat party allegedly stands for today could radically change tomorrow, and again the day after that, ad nauseum. The natural outcome is that their base will continue to fracture and splinter as their emotions and fantasies become ever more extreme and volatile — inevitably diverging and ultimately opposing each other.

    • Based on what I said above, I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Democrat party, unraveling all by itself.

      The only real question is whether or not Democrats’ desperate longing to be one cohesive group will outweigh their desperate longing to act on their emotions and fantasies. Time will tell.

      The other aspect to this is both comical and sad: the Republican party will come out on top — not because they have broad appeal but rather because they will be the only cohesive party, the “last man standing” if you will and win by default because all of the competition has taken itself out of the running.

      • “Based on what I said above, I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Democrat party, unraveling all by itself.”

        Well, if they end up losing, I’ll be inclined to agree.

        In reality, no, even if they lose, they won’t change a thing. They will just blame the ‘stupid hick voters who don’t know what’s best for them’ and double-down on Marxism.

        They live in perpetual denial… 🙂

  7. Oh good, they got it on video and it’s under 15 seconds. Perfect ad material. Just that clip of Biden and any of Robert’s outburst’s will be glorious campaign ads.

    • Nanashi,

      Just that clip of Biden and any of Robert’s outburst’s will be glorious campaign ads.

      Ha ha, I love it. I especially like your choice of the word “glorious”!

    • For a trolling effort I would give this a 3 out 10 because of Godwin’s Law. You made the Hitler reference way too soon. You need to go back to trolling school to learn how to do it properly.

    • I”ll take a win, by any way it comes, marsupial one… 😉

      • Ever since possum got that tin foil wrapped around his head rooting around in the dumpster behind Piggly Wiggly he ain’t been the same.

        • Your are right, I’m not the same. I was forced to move from my run down shack with spiders and critters entering the holes in the floor, always fighting broken water pipes, leaking roof, toilet falling through the floor, heating stove not working, never seeing a human for weeks on end to this City. Oh you’ve got it much better now they say. Better? My thermostat keeps the apartment the same temputure winter or summer,all the windows have glass in them, something breaks maintenance fixes it. And street lights, I had to take the pellet gunm to the street lights on this block, but eventually they’ll be replaced and I will get caught shooting them out. Cataracts have me close to blind, troubles with the Medicaid plan I picked so I’m not getting anywhere very fast with that..The bug spray guy shows up every month and kills anything that crawls. Concrete sidewalks, ,pavement, and gas fumes, people everywhere and if I walk to the river or just out to get out past 23:00 hours a frickin cop has to stop me and ask questionss,or some humanns dog starts barking..This is not better, better was finding another gunny sack to stuff in a busted window to keep the howling wind from blowing ice into the shack with the stove that didn’t work. ,,,I’ve always squawed Illuminat and space aliens, that’s not changed. Liberal troll??? If a liberal troll is someone who puts the Constitution above all other laws, I’d say We need more liberal trolls

        • Why is your English suddenly much better gunm owner? Hmm? Aren’t you a hillbilly?

          Is it because…. you’re a shill?

          You think people don’t notice.


  8. J.B. just handed President Trump a great big sledgehammer with which to pound J.B.s campaign with. Not the swiftest senile old man is he?
    As an aside, why are all the trolls that come here, all overly smug and condescending glue sniffing ignoramuses?

    • I haven’t seen Vlad or one of the Ritalin induced alter egos here in a while. Probably getting ready with the other ANTIFA spy boys getting ready to riot if Bernie loses, or wins.

    • “why are all the trolls that come here, all overly smug and condescending glue sniffing ignoramuses?”

      Because their masters have convinced them that it is now their time, they WILL win it all and will achieve their utopia. Virginia is a sign, Venezuela is their goal.

  9. Liberal gun owners will vote for this guy. Because they love social programs more than they love guns. Guns to them. I just things that vibrate in their hand and make loud noises that excite them.

  10. i prefer ak’s anyway. they are not so interested in taking our guns but, OUR FREEDOM .remember what
    the founding fathers had to say on this subject . remember the movie RED DAWN !!

  11. Run as “Democrats”, once elected, rule as anything but. More of a criminal organization than political.

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