When seconds count armed bodyguards are only seconds away. What up with the beat-down? One gets the impression that Bulgarian politicians are a bit  . . . thuggish. [Wikipedia tells us that Ahmed Dogan is the founder and leader оf the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), a liberal party that represents the interests of the Turkish minority in Bulgaria. And a secret police collaborator.]


  1. If only crimminals in America were made to regret their crimes. Instead they get a TV show with their faces censored and released on bail the same day.

    Edit to Add: Forgot to say that a crowd in America would be chanting, “Jerry Jerry Jerry”

      • Both Religions are alien to Europe.

        Both have been motive for the slaughter of Europeans.

        The lot of them are Jewish brainwashing weapons.

        • I won’t take sides in the issue, but the unique contribution of Judaism (and then Christianity and Islam) was the concepts of heresy and anathema, which were unknown in Hellenistic and Roman religion. Some advance.

        • Islamism is the big problem of the last quarter century or so. They need (as does the middle east) a reformation because the whole place is a crap hole and has been for over half a millenium.

        • Not sticking up for Islam but I haven’t noticed a preponderance of Muslims running the banks, investment firms, law firms, media, movies, TV, drugs, education, etc. Just saying you might need new glasses.

  2. Hesus F’ng Cristos, Bulgaria, keep ya sh*t together!

    We may need a few desperate more years of quality AK/Circle10 mag imports into America!


  3. Looks like the guy lost his nerve at the last minute. Otherwise this would have been an assassination, not just an attempt.

    • I thought the shooter just hesitated for a second. I love the reaction of the target. It shows how useless a concealed carry weapon is in a situation like this. You guys keep blowing smoke up each other’s asses about how much safety the concealed carry gun gives you, but the truth is, unless you’re very lucky and just happen to be in the perfect position, your gun is useless.

  4. I got the “pleasure” of passing through Bulgaria a few times by rail in the late ’90s. It’s very obvious that country is run by the old Soviet regime left overs. Visually it was a great example of what the Soviets would do to one of its satellite countries. Plenty of old run down abandoned industrial areas.

    • Lits of sex trafficing from there too. Lots of women from the poorest ex soviet states like Bulgaris, Moldova etc end up trafficked around the world.

  5. Haha, never thought this would be applicable “If you want to kill a public servant, Mr. Maroni, I recommend you buy American.”

  6. Can anyone ID that pistol? The mainstream media is as usual throwing out wildly conflicting information. One report I saw called it a ‘gas gun’ which seems to be like a conversion or replica that fires pepper spray or tear gas. If that’s the case, then ‘assassination attempt’ is an inaccurate phrase.

  7. Looks like the assassin pulled the trigger, but no bang? Maybe bad round or he didn’t rack before his John Wilkes Booth performance?

  8. He pulled the trigger, no fire, tap rack, and he pulled the trigger at least once more as the speaker went at him, no fire again. Bad pistol, and/or bad ammo.

    I thought the speaker did quite well considering the surprise attack. He did not stand like a deer in the headlights, but nearly instantly pressed the attack a bit on the attempted assassin. I would only hope I would be even more aggressive and savage faced with this situation.

  9. Death of Ahmed Dogan this guy ruined Bulgaria. I am Bulgarian and I know what they did together with Ivan Kostov and Richard Rahn. These three must should be shot.

  10. Svetoslav, this is just ridiculous. Furthermore you are expressing death threats, something that is misdemeanor in every modern jurisdiction.

    p.s. seems my previous comment with weapon IDed ended in spam folder. The gun is Ekol Volga, it is a Turkish made “gas-signal” pistol, unable to fire bullets, designed to fire blanks and pepper spray loaded ammo.

  11. Bulgaria is already considered a gangster state on its way to being a full-fledged “failed state” in NATO’s book.

  12. I saw all these security guys and not one of them had a pair of handcuffs? Not even zip ties? As for the beat down, Hey when an assasin comes into a politician’s home turf, and tries to kill one of them, he should expect a beating at the bare minimum. Some countries would have held him down and shot him on the spot. I was actually surprised to see him get up and walk, he took some serious kicks to the groinal area which should have made him pretty much immobile.

  13. I feel bad for the poor assassin because no one should be beaten just for trying to shoot the poor old dude in the head. Now I’m sure obumas fools would have been gentle and kind to this moron because it’s not nice to beatdown scumbag assassins.

    • So because someone tries to kill you, your people should be “swept away”? It doesnt make sense. Ahmed Dogan himself is Turkish.

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