School Shooting Florida parkland
(AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee, File)

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School exposed breathtaking levels of incompetence throughout the Broward County Sheriff’s Department. It started at the top with the preening, clownish Sheriff Scott Israel and from there to Captain Jan Morgan, who ordered responding deputies to form a perimeter around the school rather than enter and challenge the shooter, which had been the standard law enforcement protocol since Columbine.

And who could forget the performance of Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who was on campus at the time of the shooting. He stayed outside the building listening to the sounds of screams and gunfire as 17 people were murdered.

While Israel, Morgan and Peterson were the most prominent Broward bunglers, they were not alone. When current Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony was appointed after Israel was finally dumped, he fired three officers for their actions (or lack thereof) the day of the shooting. One of those he fired was Sergeant Brian Miller. Now, as the AP reports, Miller has somehow had his job restored.

A Florida sheriff’s sergeant fired because he sat in a parked car during a 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will get his job back along with back pay, according to a statement from the union that represents deputies.

The arbitrator dismissed the case against Brian Miller after finding that his due process rights were violated when Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony terminated him, the South Florida SunSentinel reported.

Miller earned around $137,000 a year in 2018.

A former student gunned down 17 people and injured 17 others when he entered the Parkland, Florida, school on Valentine’s Day with an assault-style rifle. He is currently awaiting trial in Broward County.

On the day of the shooting, the deputy assigned to the high school, Scot Peterson, took cover while the gunman was inside the building shooting students, an investigation found. He was later fired and charged with multiple counts of child neglect.

The shooting exposed widespread failures at the sheriff’s office, and eventually led to the ouster of Sheriff Scott Israel.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis replaced Israel with Tony, who fired Miller and deputies Joshua Stambaugh and Edward Eason.

Miller was the first supervisor on the scene of the shooting, arriving in time to hear three or four shots, records show. A state commission assembled to investigate the shooting found that Miller took his time putting on a bulletproof vest and hid behind his car.

“Miller failed to coordinate or direct deputies’ actions and did not direct or coordinate an immediate response into the school,” a report from the commission said.


  1. The arbitrator along with the rest of the cops involved, or should I say not involved, should be jailed.

    • I’ll have to disagree. Such gross negligence, and failure of duty warrants more extreme measures. Public execution would be more fitting. I don’t care what charges are used – treason seems good enough to me. Each and every one of them have sworn oaths, which they have forsworn. None of them are any less serious than the oaths that all military veterans have sworn to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Here, I see domestic enemies. Up against the wall – make sure CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Fox, and all the rest have their cameras set up and recording. Jail is for petty criminals who maybe murdered a man for sleeping with his wife. You know, crimes that are somewhat understandable and/or justifiable.

      • Paul, you don’t care what charges are used to justify their public execution? Did you forget your meds this morning? This isn’t Zimbabwe or Venezuela.

        • Well, if the cops want to keep pretending they are not civilians, we can always slap him with an article 92… That carries the death penalty in times of war. (As we have been since 2001.)

        • We are still technically at war since the Korean War kicked off in the 1950s it is still an ongoing conflict. No peace treaty has ever been signed ending the hostilities. You Republicans love you some non stop war especially the war on drugs and personal freedoms.

        • I agree with COORBS. We need to stop these Republican imposed state lock downs and open up America again. All those Democrats out there protesting for their freedom from government tyranny. All the liberal media outlets complaining about how we need to end the unconstitutional quarantine measures. And then there’s the ultra-alt-right-conservative youtube, facebook, and twitter suppressing the free speech of all the democrat/liberals protesting government oppression. It sooooo needs to stop. /sarc/

      • Scot Peterson should definitely wear the “Coward of the County” shirt. And another that has “Broward County Coward”.

        He had but one job to do.

    • Well… this is what happens when you run off all the men who have the balls to do the job. Affirmative action and gender policies prioritize hiring based on race or gender quotas, sensitivity and EO policies, have lead to hiring a swath of people that can’t really handle a job that requires violence and bravery.

      The problem in policing isn’t what a lot of people who post here think it is. Often people here complain about police being too militarized or aggressive.

      The opposite it true, actually. The current hiring standards across much of the nation combined with desperation to fill hiring, has lead to a crop of people in LE who react with fear or panic in an emergency. The men who would’ve been able to keep a cool head while being able to use violence of action, instead went into other lines of work. This is why veterans often make better LE.

      If you are enraged at police for shooting too quickly, the problem isn’t the gun like many if you here claim. A gun, or magazine, doesn’t control a persons thoughts or action. That’s gun grabber logic and many of you are falling for it. If you think that same logic won’t be used on you, you are wrong. It’s the person using the gun who’s too quick to use a gun in fear as opposed to a trained, strong, component man who would’ve been able to strong arm an opponent into submission. The same goes for no knock warrants.

    • “The Due Process Clause does not impose a special duty on the State to provide services to the public for protection against private actors if the State did not create those harms”

      I would argue that through the state’s negligence in dealing with the sociopath in question, they created those harms.

      • Good luck with that one. And do you REALY want the state to be required to proactively go after people just in case. That would be loads of fun.

        • No, I want the state to be required to enforce the laws when applicable. In this case, the scumbag in question was guilty of no less than a half-dozen felonies known to his school administrators that deliberately covered them up in order to get their Obamamoney. The bad faith actions on the part of the school administrations were the proximate cause of the danger and, as such, mean the government had a duty to protect against the dangers their agents created.

        • There’s nothing proactive about threatening to kill people. That is a crime. He committed that crime. They just went “fuck it we can’t let our numbers get too high.”

        • That’s a big can of worms, but maybe it needs to be opened. Multiple people reported Cruz for being a sick individual. He’s not the first to have been reported, then commit a truly heinous crime after the authorities winked at him.

          We need SOMETHING, just not the red flag laws being passed all around the country. We well and truly need something that can identify and neutralize the Cruz kids of the world. I’m just not smart enough to figure out what the SOMETHING might be.

        • How many will fit his profile? Hell according to surge entering a unlocked construction site is a felony. Anyone here managed to get threw a year without committing one? Please 2020 hindsight is a beautiful thing.

        • No Binder, according to Georgia STATUTE, entering a dwelling with the intent to steal something is a felony.

          But you wonder why people “take the law into their own hands” when the cops can’t even be trusted to respond to mass shooting situations?

        • That’s my point, anything is a felony. FYI Georgia has a case law about the appropriate use of force during citizens arrest. Chasing down someone with guns is going to be a issue given the felony (and there is some issue if it actually was) involved. I still think that they got the videos from the police department which is part of the reason for them not pressing charges. FYI the owners never reported anything stolen from the job site.

        • Um… yeah Binder, they did. Quit listening to the MSM bullshit spinners.

          … and again, it legally doesn’t matter. If he went in with the intent to steal (a reasonable assumption given his prior presence on site at night), boom, instant felony.

        • Oh, and FYI, Georgia is an open carry state, you carrying a gun while in the process of executing a citizen’s arrest not relevant. The fact that the scumbag was only ventilated AFTER he attacked somebody makes this an open and closed case.

        • The Case law I looked up on my own, you need to do that when you start looking up laws and decide to become a internet expert. They are going to get nailed by it too.

        • @ Binder You are wasting your time, this particular tard drinks and posts. Admits he lies and makes things up, does no research has no clue how the judicial system works. He goes on to claim he is part of the 1%, truly a legend in his own mind and seriously delusional.

        • I certainly think corruption and criminal collusion were involved between the education board and the sheriff’s office.

        • binder said: “How many will fit his profile?”

          Cruz had the police called on him 45 or 46 for domestic violence, he committed felony level animal abuse(on film), he made almost daily death threats against a certain set of students….not many fit his profile.

          The police should have acted, period.

      • Nothing is “created” through negligence. Something may be “allowed”, but not created.

  2. I hate to say this, and I know I am about to get flamed in the comments, but police have no obligation to protect anyone not in custody (DeShaney vs. Winnebago, Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales). This doesn’t mean I don’t think this guy was a p***y, but it does mean I don’t think he shouldn’t be allowed to get his job back considering he didn’t violate the oath he took. Bring on the flames…I’m prepared…

    • More to do with do process. I don’t know all the department bylaws, but I have a bad feeling that they went about it the wrong way

    • David B.,

      I would argue that he should have faced disciplinary action for violating department policy — that policy being that police are supposed to charge inside when a spree-killer is killing and this scumbag refused to uphold department policy.

      Given that his departure from department policy was a direct factor which significantly contributed to citizen casualties (or could have contributed to citizen casualties since he had no way of knowing if/when the spree-killer would stop), termination is an appropriate disciplinary action in my book.

      This is akin to someone who is going to put soapy water on the floor in a store and refuses to follow store policy which requires cordoning off the wet, soapy area. Refusing to follow store policy obviously exposes patrons to a huge risk of a significant injury (from slip-and-fall) and requires termination as far as I am concerned.

      • Cleaning up soppy water is not the same as taking on an unknown number of assailants armed with rifles. Policy is one thing. Truly training and equipping people to take on that kind of challenge in another. That is a door kicker job. Not a lot of door kickers in the world and they TRAIN to be door kickers.

        • Most cops don’t train to be door kickers if that’s what you meant, very few of them do. Most cops just attend their mandatory 2 or 3 shooting sessions per year, a couple of defensive tactics refreshers here and there, the annual driving recertification, and that’s about it. Their agencies don’t provide that kind of “door kicker” training, and most cops are too tired and stressed by their shift and job to find the motivation to do it on their own time and dime.

        • binder,

          That police officer was NOT tasked with a “dynamic entry” situation to serve a “high-risk” arrest warrant. His duty and department policy was to simply run inside the school immediately upon arrival and begin searching for the attacker (and engage the attacker upon finding him/her).

          Four more important details:
          — Plenty of time elapsed and enough calls went to 911 dispatchers for him to be fairly certain that there was one or maybe two attackers at most. So he was almost certain that he was not walking into a Beslan school massacre situation.
          — Risk is a well-known part of the job and he signed up for it. If he suddenly refused to do his job — which was certainly his choice — then he quit and cannot expect his employer to continue paying him nor providing a job (which he refuses to do).
          — Law enforcement officers know that something like 80% of spree killers immediately surrender or commit suicide as soon as they see police converging on them. That fact alone informs the officer that he faced minimal risk when charging into the school.
          — He could have easily grabbed his “patrol rifle” (AR-15) from the trunk of his car before running inside which further mitigates the risk of engaging an attacker with a rifle. That negates the, “I was outgunned,” excuse.

          Combine all of those details and I firmly believe that officer has no righteous claim to pay nor employment. He quit. He gets to enjoy the consequences of his choice — losing his pay and job.

    • Factually true at the same time it should be pointed out as much as possible every time someone wants to implement carry restrictions.

    • Yes, he did violate his oath.

      The widely used oath embraced by the International Association of Chiefs of Police reads, “On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the Constitution, my community, and the agency I serve.”

      He is an oathbreaker, diametrically opposed to oath keepers.

      • According to the Supreme Court Police have no obligation to do anything. It’s great they can disarm you and then fail to protect you and there is nothing you can do. What a jacked up system.

    • Flames? For your sake let’s hope the fire dept. can do better than the sheriff dept.

      • Right. Maybe he was just one of those “look, see” cops. You know, the ones sitting in their cars when antifa was beating up people in Berkley CA and Portland OR. Or, the 100 cops who show up when there’s an accident involving a beer truck.
        We had 50 cops show up at a local cemetery where there was a nude model photo shoot. They were called (by their friends) “to check out the illegal activity”.

      • “If he was under no obligation then what was he doing there?”

        Why, he was EARNING his $137,000 by cowering as his charges were murdered. As the old song goes “nice work if you can get it”

    • If not found guilty in criminal court, he should be administratively speaking and therefore not allowed to get his badge back. If stuff is hitting the fan and you’re sitting in your car while unarmed folks are dying, you shouldn’t be a cop. He wasn’t even clearing traffic for medics, helping with the injured or anything like that, it says he was in his car what the hell was he doing watching Netflix, waiting to get dispatched to a noise disturbance? This is just insane. At this point get out and give your gun, mags and body armor to someone willing to get in and neutralize the psycho.

    • The one time he was needed to actually *do* the job he was paid to do, he refused to do it. He should *never* get that job back, and I would not hire him to do any job that I could not see the results of, every day.

  3. $137000 annual for a COP? WTH. You can bet that’s + RollsRoyce benefits.

    What do the idiots in FL pay the SHERIFF?

      • They have a crap load of overtime. Working 60 hours a week with weekends can easily double your salary with overtime.

      • Ditto for teachers, at least in the VERY low/NO crime Chicago suburbs. Our band teacher was making $120,000 when he retired 10yrs ago.

    • neiowa,

      It is worse than that: you can refuse to do your job and violate department policy and still keep your full pay and employment.

      Where can I sign up?

      • Cops can also murder innocents, SWAT the wrong house and murder the occupants, and still get a “paid vacation” while the cover-up is in progress. “I feahed fo’ mah life” is the standard excuse that gets them off almost every time…
        This happens all the time, it is a normal component of policing in the united States of America. “We are all Palestinians’ now” as American police trainers routinely travel to israel to “see how its done”…
        The “thin blue line” takes care of its own.
        We would be better off with NO police.
        Police departments should be run like fire departments where they stay in their buildings until they are (rarely) needed.

    • According to the sun sentinel’s June 30, 2019 article, Gregory Tony earns $188,262. An interesting Forbes article on July 27,2018 says 34,873 Public Employees in FL with $100,000+ Salaries Cost Taxpayers $5.5B.
      I’d imagine examining every state would result in the same finding, public sector employees who couldn’t make it at for profit businesses fleecing the taxpayers of their hard earned dollars.

    • I’ve got a buddy near Portland that sucks up the OT shifts like a Hoover.
      He makes 120-130 easily. Don’t see him very often.
      He wants to finish off the last kids college, then he’s retiring.
      He’s one of the ones who’ll make more in retirement than his base salary.
      One of the few remaining tier 1 employees.

      • i work side by side with a hungry man. due to mgmnt not correctly predicting the attrition (retirement/ lateral) rate he took every drop i passed on and pulled 2300hrs. ot last year. i like my 16’s but beer/ girls/ bikeys. now we’ve got a hip replacement (out) and three unqualifieds (useless, don’t even point at anything here). this too shall pass.

    • Broward and Miami Dade have high cost of living, unless you want to live with the felons in the hood. I’d rather make $70k in the Tampa Bay Area than $120k in Miami Dade. Broward Cty Deputies start at much less than that, West Palm Beach PD and Miami Beach PD are among the top paying agencies in FL

    • Peterson’s priorities were his hide, his promotion, his career, and his pension.

      And certainly not the lives he was charged with protecting.

  4. Taxpayers in Broward aren’t getting just the best and the brightest, huh? Under Sheriff fecal matter for brains, it’s not that surprising.

    He’s got to live with himself for the rest of his life, knowing his dereliction of duty probably cost young people their lives.


    • Like any other murderer, he probably rationalizes his actions. He probably can’t understand how low a lowlife he is, or why people are angry with him.

    • Honestly dude, having seen a lot of of your posts here, your obsessive attitude with cops is a bit unsettling. All your posts and articles are about it.

      My job brings me in repetitive contact with felons and criminals. I’ve come in contact with leaders of gangs, and most of them have less hate for the police then you and most of your TTAG followers. Holding such hate and rage is not healthy.

      • Any group vested with the power of state force ostensibly for the good of the people must be above reproach. The police don’t measure up. They commit crime at a rate higher than those who’ve jumped through .gov hoops to “earn” their right to carry.

        How could you not despise than at least a little bit; they have a terrible PR problem; their successes are largely invisible and their track record of failure is truly spectacular. Killing the occupants of THE WRONG HOUSE in a no-knock entry is utterly inexcusable; no career, judge or leo, should survive that. Killing the subject of a “welfare check”. Killing the occupant of a home when investigating a reported open door. Failing to protect the innocent and hearing gunshots from a safe distance. I could go on.

        With protection like this who needs enemies?!?

        • The officer in this story and the ones who killed the innocent in the previous story are disgusting and need to be punished. I didn’t write my original post to defend them. I wrote that to pick a fight with Boch. My problem is more with Boch and his opinions. But many of you here have a irrational fear and hatred of police that he foments for clicks. I’ll tell you this: The criminals who actually physically fight the police routinely and are arrested by them routinely have a better attitude toward them then you do. And that signifies some major issues with you. Now I’m certainly not saying criminals have great deal of respect for the police. They don’t. But many of you here routinely brag about targeting their families and torturing them to death publicly. And all your rage comes from shit you read online.

          • Well I’d agree there is some specific extreme hate here. I very much want them to have an untarnished reputation and enjoy universal public support; I want them to be trustworthy beyond all doubt. But they’ve got to earn it as a whole. Once won it’s a fragile thing to keep; as with everything, the few bad ruin it for the rest. But they can do something about the few.

        • Ron, maybe criminals have better attitude towards the police because deep down they know they deserve whatever cops do to them.

        • Ron, I have always gotten along with cops pretty well, but you need to recall that today, we are regularly being told by Dems and other crazies that it will be cops coming through our doors at 3 AM to enforce draconian gun laws or kill us in the process, including the use of nuclear weapons on us in our homes. If you start believing that, your opinions of cops is going to head downhill, fast. More cops need to broadcast that they will never violate their oath to defend the Constitution, every time some asswipe like Swalwell spews his bullshit.

    • Didn’t you hear? Said sack of manure is running for Sheriff again! I think I’ll donate to Sheriff Tony.

      IRT the deputy getting his job back the citizens of Broward County (if they have any) should ridicule and shame him until he resigns. I, personally, couldn’t live with myself if I hadn’t acted to stop the killer. I’m sure Sheriff Tony will figure out ways to make this coward’s life unpleasant. And what in the world is up with his salary? My yearly comp after 20 years in the Navy was less than half of his! What a racket!

      • How many years of back pay does he get at that rate? Take the check and then resign. He’ll have enough to start over somewhere far away. As others have said he probably rationalizes his actions. “Well, I had to get my vest on before going in….”

  5. The cops are not going to help, nor are they required to. I just stayed at the Holiday Inn

    • Holiday Inn Express is the place mentioned in the commercials. Mebbe you ain’t as smartypants as you sez you iz.

      Yoo needz to stay at da Express joint to getz yur smartz back.

  6. Rewarded for cowardice. When he should get a white feather. How special(and it’s still our fault ’cause gunz).

  7. Now Sergeant Miller will be on the front line when some poor innocent woman is beat with a truncheon when she opens her nail salon in defiance of this fake pandemic.

    Cops. Ya gotta love ’em, for the laughs if anything else.

  8. $137k is a ridiculous pay for a low IQ job that more often impedes justice and productivity than contributes to it, I didn’t make that much when I worked an 11 hour a day job as an IT manager at a mid-sized company where I a was very accountable for my performance. Public sector unions are blight on this country.

  9. Only one group of people would have to go into that school, the local Cops are not them. They are still just civil servants, case law re-enforces that. A department full of ass-kissing buddies will not fare well in a major event. Why would they, 20-35 years of no major events, so handling them is not what gets you promoted. Add a command system that tells you to say put, even if you want to go in, they could fire you. (some did go in with the PD officers)

  10. Cops aren’t in it to be heroes, save lives, or uphold the law. They’re cowards who put “going home uninjured” at the top of their priority list followed by getting that steady paycheck culminating in a nice pension at retirement. If that means following unlawful orders or murdering people in their sleep on a no-knock drug or gun confiscation raid, oh well.

    With ‘public servants’ like these, we may just as well save our money, abolish the police and repeal all gun laws, and assume responsibility for our own safety like we use to do 200 years ago. Now there’s an idea

  11. Well there’s good news, and bad news as I see it.

    The bad news: some guy making $137,000 /yr is NOT going to refuse to violate his oath or your Constitutional rights, and jeopardize that big paycheck. He’ll do whatever he has to do, up to risking his safety or life, to keep that money coming. That’s too much money for most people to walk away from on grounds of principles alone.

    The good news: they’re so afraid of even an untrained high school kid with a rifle and one magazine that the entire force is paralyzed by inaction, stopping to waste time getting kitted-up, forming a perimeter, waiting precious minutes for more back up to arrive and build overwhelmling numbers. There are some valuable lessons for be learned there for people willing to read between the lines.

    I’m not a high school kid. I’ve been “training” for nearly twenty years. I carry more than one magazine. When/if the “bad” news above ever intersects with my sphere, you can bet I’ll have already formulated a plan that takes into account the “good” news in the next paragraph.

    You should have a similar plan. Because cops are not your friends. The politicians pay them what they do to foster unquestioned loyalty from them. Plan accordingly.

    • Agreed. Cops are not our enemies, to be sure, and there are many good ones among us. But it must always be remembered that they are also not our friends, nor are they ever required to be. They are human beings, with families, homes, and pensions of their own to protect. We hope they would come to our aid (at their own peril) in our moment of crisis – and some will – but we cannot rely on that hope. This is why I tire of the casual use of the word “heroes” to describe all who wear a badge. Only the ones who will respond in a heroic fashion can earn that title.

      Always be prepared to protect yourself and your own.

      • Disagree.
        The cops who are standing around watching one of their “brethren in blue” mistreat or even murder a “suspect” are just as guilty as the primary “abuser in blue”.
        Look up Philip Brailsford, Mesa Arizona “police officer” who murdered Daniel Shaver in cold blood for not crawling with his hands behind his back (impossible for anyone to do) while his supervisor and others were watching. He had the words “your f#cked” engraved on the dust cover of his AR-15. If he wasn’t a cop, a prosecutor would have had a field day with that, alone, proving intent.
        Brailsford was “re-hired” by the Mesa police department for one day so hat he could receive a (disability) pension.
        Who says, the “thin blue line” doesn’t take care of its own?

        • Please explain how your comment has anything to do with mine. It’s like me talking about how to observe a herd of deer in the woods, and you walking up and saying, “I like turtles.”

  12. Where we used to live, the basis for public pensions was pay over the last two or three years before retirement. It was routine for cops to bust their asses working overtime those last years. It had a huge impact on their pensions.

    Note that they aren’t the only examples. For several years, my wife drove a school bus for the company that had the student transportation contract with the school district. Each spring, at the end of the school year, personnel from the state unemployment office came to the bus company’s headquarters to help drivers fill out unemployment applications for the summer. Since they had job offers for the next school year, they weren’t required to look for jobs during the summer. During my wife’s last year with the bus company, she didn’t want to work as much. They managed her hours so that she didn’t earn enough to lose any of her unemployment benefits.

    As far as the Broward Cowards are concerned, I expect there were some deputies willing to go in after Cruz. Had they done so, contrary to orders, they would have been subject to departmental discipline. Departmental policy is what it is. There is no guarantee it will be designed to save lives.

    • My fireman uncle spiked his pension in the very early ’90s so that he got a pension of about $100k/year after working only 22 or 23 years. He manages money well and has been a millionaire for about 20 years now and it still collecting that pension almost 30 years later.

      • Holy cow have I been doing it all wrong!

        I am dumbfounded at the idea of starting work for a fire department at the age of 18 and retiring at the age of 40 or 41 with a pension of $100k per year. Wow. Just, wow.

      • My uncle (LAFD Captain) also spiked his before retiring several years ago. Bragged that he was earning 90% of his previous salary for the rest of his life after retiring early, and still double-dips by participating as a well-paid “consultant” when we experience large fires that require all hands on deck. His overbloated pension is the very reason why former Gov. Brown tacked on an extra annual fee to all homeowners living in newly designated “danger zones”. Brown got around the requirement of our Legislature’s approval by declaring it as a “fee” instead of a “tax”, even though your money is deposited into the very same fund. Brown admitted on camera that this was necessary to prop up the failing CALPERS system for firefighters, and not for actual firefighting services, yet not enough people cried foul for it to be removed because only a fraction of our populace lives on the outskirts where the fee is applied.

        Little known fact I learned while researching the history of firefighting in the U.S. Do you know why nearly all Departments across the nation include the traditional Celtic symbols in their logos such as Gaelic wording, the long belt, etc. (which are typically used in their Pipe & Drum bands)? It’s because firefighting was considered a dirty job 150 years ago that no gentleman of society would ever engage in, so when Irish immigrants came to New York en masse during the 1880s and 1890s, the Fire Department eventually came to comprise itself of hardworking Irish. They were paid little and were considered in the low tier of society.

        That’s no longer the case today. They’re rightfully treated with respect due to the danger they’re often in (as well as Hot Shots and Smoke Jumpers), but their unions have bloated themselves to the point of financial royalty. There is no reason to reward someone for 30 years of service by paying him 90% onward for the next 30+. And at our expense.

  13. One of the things that disturbs me more than most things lately is that in these pandemic relief bills, the public (often in other states) are likely going to pay for these exorbitant government employee pensions a second time. I do realize that the states haven’t fully paid for them the first time yet but they have been fleecing the tax payers for the payments so far.

    • I erred when I implied most of those with huge spiked pensions were state employees. Most are municipal employees, but they seem to be clustered in a few states.

      • Look up the website “Transparent California” and it shows the salaries of CA public employees

  14. The corrupt cleptocracy that is Broward county Government deserve the best and apparently, he is it. Sadly, state police and corrections make a fraction of what some of the county sheriff’s offices pay in Florida. Kind of tells you a lot right there.

  15. Bring back the Dirty Harry type cops. They got the job done right, the perps were scared to death of the real cops. Then the S J W’s came along & got rid of the cops that actually did their job & replaced them with payroll cops that just want a job & F ___ k everything & everyone else. This is what this article is about, a puss cop & P C administration.
    Not only that but the police chief is under the thumb of the mayor & usually not part of the rank & file personnel. Where I live the rank & file cops don’t really get along with the chief so much…

  16. We should shitcan or reassign all of these resource officers and save the taxpayers dollars. This was viewed as a gravy assignment by some clout baby thinking the day wound never come. It did come and he failed the test. If there’s no obligation to serve and protect then why are we paying for these people? Just get rid of them now.

    • Requiring every teacher to be armed, every day, made a lot more sense to me from day one. Sure, some teachers will refuse, they can find another job, perhaps bagging groceries. Take the money spent on “resource officers” and buy ammo for training and bonuses for excellence or whatever. I would bet the quality of education would improve, and student safety could not get worse.

  17. A great majority of law enforcement supervisors are RISK AVERSE. This guy was no different. Yes, he acted cowardly, but in his mind he saw ZERO benefit in actively engaging a shooter with a long gun in an enclosed space, like a school building. The police are under NO obligation to protect private citizens. To Serve and Protect is a grotesque myth. Ultimately the police union supported him and his petition to get his job back. The Sheriff fired him, but probably knew deep down that the sergeant would win his case. Police work is difficult, but the police represent the interests of the state, and not the individual citizen. People need to look out for themselves, your safety starts with you. The police draw chalk lines around dead bodies and investigate crime, protecting lives isn’t one of their mandates. The police union could have declined representing him, but it did not, and that speaks volumes.

  18. It’s a myth to think that a person being paid by the taxpayers actually have to do the job!

  19. I’m sure that the formerly ex-sergeant will redeem himself by flash-banging an infant or killing a hostage or something. You know – cop stuff.

  20. I don’t wish the man ill, but he has demonstrated a lack of willingness to do what needs to be done in a deadly force encounter.
    For that, he should be removed from that job.

  21. Bottom line is you are your own first responder, any law that that infringes on your ability to do such should be ignored.

  22. The Union handling this Deputy is as chickenschiff as he is. Anyone with the proper training could have made some type of difference in this guy’s position. It’s not easy but it is the job.

  23. The sign said “How Many More?”

    How many more Mr. David Hogg? Do you really think going after Smith&Wesson was the answer? I don’t!

  24. If I were a Broward Deputy, I wouldn’t want to be partnered with him, Too much chance of getting caught in the overkill.

  25. He (they) should never work in law enforcement or any position of trust again. He is (they are) less than zero. My position is simple. Their job was to stop bullets. Either by neutralizing the shooter, or by soaking them up with their bodies. I expect any “school resource officer” to get between the kids and the shooter. Period. I don’t give a flying fig what any court has “held” about duty; their job is to die before the kids. If they can’t handle that reality they need to get a different job.

    Seriously, why is this even in contention?

  26. This is an excellent illustration of the absolute insanity of allowing public employee unions. There is no one representing the taxpayers. Like teacher’s unions, Police unions ONLY exists to protect bad cops/teachers.

    This is also a vivid illustration that Police have no obligation to protect you or your children. “Protect and Serve” is a 70’s era marketing slogan from the (I believe) LAPD. People take it as some sort of gospel.

    Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you/us, this clown is living proof.

  27. Thus reinforcing that “there is no requirement to “protect and serve” ” by the police. Learn your rights and take control of your own safety.

  28. “Hello, 9-1-1? I have an intruder in my house… I need the police right away. Oh, by the way, don’t send Sgt. Miller.”

  29. Remember, you don’t need a gun because the police will (pretend to) protect you.

  30. Here’s a question… will anyone work with him? That would speak volumes of the rest of the department. He should become a pariah, otherwise the rest of the department is still tainted.

  31. I am not defending this Sergeant, however the supreme court ruling is clear, Police have no duty to endanger themselves to protect anyone. That is the law, do a agree with it? no but if you think the “protect and serve” quote on the patrol cars mean anything, you are mistaken. They have a duty to investigate crime, that’s it.
    Many policies instigated by the public have hamstringed L.E. As an example, Many policies make sense, No pursuit policy were implemented because pursuits are a real high risk to the public. There are so many policies now, I am surprised cops are allowed to do anything!

  32. One wonders as to how this deal was arranged, or is the answer obvious. Seems that his firing offended the rights of this officer. How about his inaction, and the rights of the victims. Who speaks for them? Perhaps the Gun Banners, though one can hardly credit their antics as “speaking for the victims”.

  33. Warren v. District of Columbia (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981) is an oft-quoted District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to citizens based on the public duty doctrine. In other words, there is no duty to protect. Be prepared to decisively and overwhelmingly deal with violence, evil and mayhem…..or be a victim. You are on your on.

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