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As expected, Diane Feinstein’s federal assault weapons ban bill – the one that she assures Americans won’t take “any weapons away from anybody” – passed out of the Senate judiciary committee today on a 10-8 party line vote. From there it goes to the full Senate for consideration, where it will need 60 votes to pass. DiFi seems to have no illusions about the bill’s ultimate chances of being signed into law. reports that “She knows ‘the road is uphill’ for the legislation, but sought to press her colleagues to consider the bill. ‘Are we going to stand with the thousands of police chiefs and law enforcement officers who do support this bill? Are we going to stand with the victims of gun violence?'” Were those rhetorical questions?

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  1. I am standing up for victims. I am willing to help you defend yourself by giving you the choice own a tool for self defense.

  2. Sometimes I reflect fondly on the days before mid-December of last year, when I did not have to obsessively check the internet all day to see if I still had my rights.

    • > when I did not have to obsessively check the internet
      > all day to see if I still had my rights.

      You have rights other than gun rights.

      And Donkeyrats aren’t the only ones trying to take away your rights.

      If you weren’t checking every day to see if you still had them, then you’re one of the “sheep”, and all the guns in the world can’t help you.

      • Really, because the Dems are the ones who signed away the 1st Amendment rights, and I used to think they would always be the defenders of it.

        • Both parties don’t like the 1st if you say something they don’t want you to say. Terminology differs – one side likes to cry “traitor”, the other one refers to “hate speech” – but the underlying notion in the same.

          Ditto 4th and 5th. One side wants to get rid of them for drug users, the other one for gun owners, and both for “suspected terrorists” (and they would happily classify anyone they don’t like as such).

      • Since I don’t have a uterus, and I am not a foreign terrorist, I don’t have rights that the Dems care to protect. So sad.

    • Shows you how fast something you thought was rock solid (gun/freedom rights) can be put into instant jeopardy.

    • I can’t wait to read that the troll finally died. Hopefully from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. From an “assault weapon”.

      • No. That would just give more credence to her anti-gun babble. I’d rather she get in the tub and throw in a toaster plugged into a non-GCFI outlet. Or run her car off a bridge or into a bridge abutment. Or any of a number of other ways not related to guns.

        • You make a good point Rebecca. Lets hope she slits her turkey neck throat from ear to ear, thus showing the libtards the stupidity of trying to pass knife laws (which, by the way, can be assclown crazy as well).

  3. i have a weird feeling that they let Feinstein put in all the stuff she wants so this bill will get the death knell it deserves.

    anybody know the bill #?

  4. We are doomed. The Nation is changing and we are going to disappear. In the end they are going to win if not now then later.

    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity. -Yeats

    • This is a great opportunity to put the 6 Democrat Senators from rural, gun-friendly states (e.g., Tester of MT) on the record concerning gun banning.

      Let them vote with their good buddy, Feinstein of Frisco.

      And let them live with that vote next election.

    • Actually, I see the tide turning and blowback on these gun grabbing schemes (as well as various other socialistic type ‘Big Gov’ designs), and I am usually the pessimistic one.

    • Actually, I see the tide turning and blowback on the various gun-grabbing schemes, as well as other ‘Big Gov’ programs, and I am usually the pessimistic one. I think (hope) this will be shown as a HUGE overreach come the 14′ midterms.

  5. God RF, I open up TTAG and get a shot of that troll again. You gotta stop doing that to a dude!

  6. This bill is simply potential political capital for the next election at this point, so someone can say they supported or opposed it, regardless of its passage.

  7. What’s does today’s stupid “ribbon color” mean?

    It’s green, so I’m going to take a guess… “Save the Old Growth Trees?”

  8. So for thoes of us a little less versed in law making, was this going to happen, did we know it was and there still is no chance in hell it becomes law or is this just flat out bad news?

    • Unless the GOP completely rolls over, it won’t even make it to the floor of the house. Probably won’t even pass the Senate.

        • Yeah. Senate Judiciary committee is 10D-8R. Making the Senate floor was guaranteed. My bet is it gets withdrawn without a vote. They have at maximum 56 votes, I bet (just my gut here), and that is giving them all the D’s and the 2-3 I’s plus one traitorous R. They still have to get 4 more to send it to the House.

        • @Kelly

          I see less support than that 5 Dems already said NO to this and 5 more may do the same no GOP support at all even antigun Mark Kirk said no today. Keep the pressure up call call call!!!!

  9. (4) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to–
    the possession, by an individual who is retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving a firearm, of a semiautomatic assault weapon–

    • Laws would be meaningless without enforcers, so they have to keep reminding them who butters their bread.

  10. Oh NO my Chuck Grassley next to that Wicked Witch! Move Chuck before you catch something bad from it(her). If ya do don’t bring it home!

  11. in her own words:
    Feinstein said during Thursday’s hearing: “The whole point of this bill is to reduce over time the supply, purchase and transfer of military type weapons.”

    • In other words calling herself out for lying about “not taking any weapons from anybody.” I dont know about her but I consider denying someone something as taking.

      • She’s taking them out of the hands of our children and grandchildren (all future generations), who won’t have the ability to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights in the ways we have enjoyed up to this point.

        It’s still confiscation, it’s just delayed confiscation. Which is why it must be defeated.

  12. The billed has advanced and that is all anyone should be concerned about and that is horrible and very concerning!

    Beat the phones up and call your Senators and Reps and mandate that they Vote Against this Bill!!!

  13. Not all gloom and doom no GOP Senators support the bill and 5 key dems already said NO to this we have a good chance in killing this fascist bill.

    And Robert quit showing pics of theta nasty hag on your web sight a turd is a better pic then that hag!!!

    • We just need 41 senators firmly on board. We have more than that. The Democrats have all but forgotten about the 1994 mid-term elections.

      I, for one, have high hopes. Rand Paul’s injection of Constitutional Conservatism mixed with the outright assault on our rights (too numerous to list here, but definitely not limited to the 2nd Amendment) will hopefully spur the Republican Party into action and contribute to its physical and intellectual growth into the opposition it has to be in order to put this Republic back on track!

      November 2014 – throw the bums out.

      • We do have them read Politico ted Cruz and John Coryn ripped the hag a new one. we have 5 Dems who will vote no on this bill keep calling we can kill the hag’s bill.

  14. It looks like this bill will go to the floor of the Senate under a rule requiring 60 votes for passage. If so, it probably can’t pass. If it goes to the floor requiring 50 votes (plus Biden as the potential tiebreaker), then it will surely pass on a straight party-line vote. The lily-livered A-rated Donkeys like Manchin and Casey will be able to vote”no” in either case, if they so choose, because their votes won’t affect the outcome and they might need political cover.

    Right now, the Donkeys are praying for another school massacre so they can ban guns — for the children.

    • Sorry if I am asking a stupid question but who or what determines how many votes are needed?

      • They need 60 votes now. there are 5 Dems saying NO to the AWB no real GOP support for this at all either.

  15. DiFi’s bill will not see the light of day. The real one to worry about is Schumer’s where there is some slight-of-hand going on:

    “Chuck Schumer’s S. 374, the Orwellian “Protecting Responsible Gun Sellers Act of 2013,” has been an empty shell… until he slipped in Amendment ALB13180 (PDF) today, which shows the “teeth” of the bill. It is an extremely aggressive attempt to destroy the Second Amendment by isolating and criminalizing extremely common behaviors among gun owners.

    Doubt me?

    Take a looking at a sampling of what it Sebastian notes it would outlaw:

    If you leave home for more than 7 days and leave anyone at home, that becomes a felony illegal transfer. 5 years in prison for each of you.
    if you take a friend shooting and allow him to fire your gun, that is a felony illegal transfer. 5 years in prison for each of you.
    If you have a gun lost or stolen and don’t report it within 24 hours, you’ve committed a felony. 5 years in prison.
    If you lend a gun to someone for to try out at the range, provide a loaner for a student in training, let your son shoot a rifle you purchased while hunting, or provide a gun to a woman for self-defense, you’ve committed a felony. 5 years in prison for each of you.

    That’s just scratching the surface. ”

    More here also:

    • Just read the text of the amendment. Yeah, pretty bad. I’m not sure all of the above is true. I’m no lawyer, so I’d be happy to hear some comments, but…

      >If you leave home for more than 7 days and leave anyone at home, that >becomes a felony illegal transfer. 5 years in prison for each of you.
      Yeah, if that person isn’t your wife, kid, parent, or grandparent. Even then, it’s unclear whether the gun would have to be “gifted” to them. If you are not married and leave it with a GF, or with a roommate, then you could be nailed.

      >If you take a friend shooting and allow him to fire your gun, that is a >felony illegal transfer. 5 years in prison for each of you.
      Depends where you are. If you are at a gun range, might be OK in many circumstances, but may not be OK if there isn’t a formal event of some kind (like an NRA shooting competition). It’s not clear to me whether this would apply without such a competition or formal event.

      >If you have a gun lost or stolen and don’t report it within 24 hours, you’ve >committed a felony. 5 years in prison.
      Yeah, this is clear. Even if you are out hunting, lose the gun, and can’t make it back in time, you could be nailed. Also. you could have a gun stolen while you are away from home for a few days, and you could be nailed if the gun shows up somewhere else in that time. Basically makes any gun owner at risk for becoming a felon at any time through no fault of their own.

      >If you lend a gun to someone for to try out at the range, provide a loaner >for a student in training, let your son shoot a rifle you purchased while >hunting, or provide a gun to a woman for self-defense, you’ve committed >a felony. 5 years in prison for each of you.
      Most yeah, some no I think. For example, it seems you can loan your son or even a friend a gun for hunting, provided it is in a place where hunting is legal, in season, and the loanee has a license and required tags. If your friend didn’t have a license, and he fired a gun, then you might be in trouble.

      One other thing I found really disturbing: You could hand someone a gun inside your own home, but you couldn’t outside on your own land. So, you couldn’t teach someone to shoot or take someone out shooting ON YOUR OWN LAND. Also, the AG is allowed to set the maximum fee required for x-fer. He could set it at $50,000 if he wants. It’s not clear to me whether he could set the minimum fee.

      Anyway, Schumer’s last minute amendment to S. 374 was like dropping a big ass dose of cyanide into the soup right before it leaves the kitchen. It seems designed to trap law abiding gun owners into felonies. And once you are a felon, then…

      • >> Yeah, if that person isn’t your wife, kid, parent, or grandparent. Even then, it’s unclear whether the gun would have to be “gifted” to them. If you are not married and leave it with a GF, or with a roommate, then you could be nailed.

        Forward that to any liberals you know, and remark that Chuck Schumer is trying to pass a bill that discriminates against same-sex couples to the point of criminalizing some activity by them punishable by 5 years in prison that is a-ok for married heteros. Then fetch the popcorn. 🙂

  16. Just remember , and pass the word to your friends & family, that without a DOUBT, democrats are the party of gun control & confiscation. Yea, bust my nuts over the few that are pro-gun, or the few GOP that are spineless, but the Dem Nat’l Comm is all for taking away firearms, period. Don’t forget next election cycle.

  17. Keep on your senators. I never thought Obama care could pass. Never underestimate the Chicago style machine.

  18. ‘Are we going to stand with the thousands of police chiefs and law enforcement officers who do support this bill?’

    No, we are going to stand with the tens of thousands of sheriffs who have pledged not to enforce it.

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