Saving the taxpayers millions of dollars while simultaneously depriving cable news networks of hundreds of hours of programming during a potential trial, alleged Facebook murderer Steve Stephens shot and killed himself after being chased by police in Pennsylvania today. According to, “Steve Stephens, the Cleveland murder suspect accused of posting video of the killing on Facebook, was found Tuesday in Erie County, Pennsylvania, state police said on Twitter. ‘After a brief pursuit, Stephens shot and killed himself,’ Pennsylvania State Police said.”


  1. One can only wish that more would take that route. Dead perps don’t: get off because some cop screws up the evidence, get released on parole, get out for good behavior, get released by mistake…

  2. Win win situation. Taxpayers saved the cost of the bullet. Too bad police lost opportunity to practice their markmanship. Now….for the liberal twinkies to surface. I am sure we will be informed this is Trump’s fault that a misunderstood soul, who was a “good son”, took his life. Damn those racisssssts!!!!

    • A black man with black parents killed a black grandfather, and when he was about to be captured, took a black gun and turned his gray matter into pink mist and red jelly. Somehow some where there was racism involved? Yep, cause how else are the Democrats going to raise money for their next election?

    • Not quite. Win-win would have been for the old guy in the Facebook video to have put him down instead of being murdered.

  3. Punk ass bitch took the easy way out.

    Too bad they didn’t at least have the chance to handcuff him to the steering wheel and light the car on fire.

    • I figured he would make a break for Erie, PA, and he did. I figured the cops would gun him down, though.

    • You sir, have just come up with a sweet heavy metal band name. I’m so gonna use that….. even though I don’t have anything that makes music (except an M1 Garand & a 401cid).

  4. As usual the Right Wing Neanderthal’s screaming for torture, quartering and execution miss the lesson of this tragedy altogether. Its a failure of our Mental Health System, dismantled and destroyed under the skin flint Reagan Administration that pre-ordained tragedies just like this in perpetuity. This in turns gives the anti-gunners more fuel for the fire for complete gun bans.

    Mental illness (which this guy certainly had) can strike anyone but of course the Far Right lusts after the Racial aspect of this case. To fund more money for a revamp of our Mental Health System which of course would involve spending more money on a Social Program (Socialism) is beyond the understanding and completely over the head of the Far Right. It is there philosophy (and always will be) to be penny wise and pound foolish. If this guy had went to trial and been incarcerated the cost to the public would have been way higher than spending money on prevention in the first place. Again spending a little money today by the Far Right to prevent spending millions tomorrow is an anathema in their way of thinking. I might add that Socialistic Countries have been way ahead of us on Mental Health Care for decades but they have the money to spend on such programs because they do not squander their tax dollars on never ending worldwide wars of rape, conquest and pillage.

    In the end the Republicans who refuse to spend money on Civilized Mental Health Care will in the end get what they deserve and that is a complete ban on handguns altogether. And of course since that does not solve the problems of a lack of Mental Health Care, in the end they will have to do what they should have done years ago and that is re-institute the prior Mental Health Care Programs we had decades ago only it will be too late to turn back the clock and allow people to own handguns for self protection, that privilege will be gone forever and of course given the blessing of the disingenuous Supreme court that votes according to the whims public opinion.

    • Of course, demonize Reagan and the Right in general. The U.S.A. has had a couple of Presidents since Reagan of the Democrat persuasion, including Bubba the Oval Office pervert and the Magic Negro (David Ehrenstein’s words, not mine). Why didn’t they do anything? So much fail on the Left. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

      • It was the Left that emptied out the sanatoriums where violent mentally ill were warehoused away from the general public.

        Locking up the mentally ill against their will was deemed by the Progressives to be inhumane.

        Their ‘humane’ solution was to release the mentally ill so that all can fairly experience their mental illness.

        Huh. Who’d thunk it?

        Dammed if you do, dammed if you *don’t*…

        • Wrong, it was Reagan that defunded the funding for State Mental Institutions and Mental Health Programs. The Left only protested to the inhumane treatment in Mental Institutions when they were still be funded. Get your story time line straight and quite trying two change history

    • Sorry, Crisco, you are looking for some way to place the blame for this on someone else, a classic Democrat tactic.
      You say, “Mental illness (which this guy certainly had)” with absolutely nothing to back it up, except hte notion that because he didn’t act like you, he must be somehow mentally unbalanced. I hear the same about Republicans; because they don’t think like Democrats, they must be unbalanced, too.
      You do realize that Reagon was many presidents ago, right? Much time to correct any problem you perceive from his actions, which even Obama didn’t fix. Why not, in your thoughts?
      The world just doesn’t work the way you think it should. That “diversity” you like so much guarantees it.
      Keep talking, though, it provides the rest of us much enjoyment.

      • Your Moronic babblings are making us laugh. It was the Republicans that blocked every social change Obama wanted to make for the good of the American People. Even during the 1950’s it was the Republicans who blatantly said they would try and block funding for the National Freeway Project because they admitted they were to damn cheap to spend the money and that no one would use the new Freeways anyway. The Republicans even screwed gun owners a few years ago when out west they refused to spend any money to construct a public shooting range on Government land, instead they let stand a ban on the discharge of firearms for safety reasons which would have been nullified with the building of an approved Federal Shooting Range that the Democrat’s actually voted for but was blocked the stingy cheap ass Republicans. They screwed their own supporters the Gun owners.

        • Who is “us”? Did your mom come down to your basement to bring you a snack and some juice? Tell Shannon Watts we said hello.

    • So how is Venezuela’s mental health system doing right now? Those commies run stuff better you know.

    • Two things.

      First, off it’s the Left that says we can’t have proper mental health care because it violates people’s rights (and in some ways they’re right about that). The result is that people like James Holmes, for example, are nearly impossible to deal with even though a lot of people know damn well that the person is dangerous.

      Secondly, if we were engaged in “…never ending worldwide wars of rape, conquest and pillage.” as you assert, it strikes me that we’d have a lot of plunder from all that pillaging and money wouldn’t be an issue at this point. Also, we’d have a lot more territory from, you know, all that conquest. In those areas we would be levying taxes on whatever we didn’t “pillage” and again, we’d be making money hand over fist. This is like that “no war for oil” bullshit. If the war was for oil we’d have taken Kuwait for the oil terminals and have been shipping crude back here by, quite literally, the giant-fucking-shipload.

      So I guess I’d ask, do you think about what you post at all or is it just some sort of stream of consciousness that you don’t bother to filter before showing up here to bother us with it?

      • President Eisenhower warned us as long ago as the 1950’s that the Military Industrial Complex would eradicate any worthwhile social programs and prevent any new ones from being instituted. One of the reasons the Vietnam War lasted over 10 years when even President Kennedy knew it was a mistake and could not be won and was actually withdrawing troops is that the Military Industrial Complex was raping the treasury hand over fist. Many people believe it was why Kennedy was assassinated.

        President Johnsons “Great Society Program” was never implemented because he squandered billions on the idiotic Vietnam War bankrupted the country and it put the U.S. behind in Social Programs to this very day.

        As far as oil is concerned. During the first Gulf War is was President Busch that went on National TV and blatantly stated that was exactly why were sending troops there. His exact words were, “Middle East Oil is necessary for the security and well being of America (his well being as he was heavily invested in Middle East Oil profits.)

        As far as your being completely blind to territory taken we have been occupying (until just a few years ago) the Philippian Islands for over 100 years (so businessmen could rape the economy). In order to get the Philippian Islands we murdered, tortured and raped up to 3 million Philippian’s in 1899 to 1912. We killed 1 1/2 million in China in 1896 to 1899. Notice the 1899 date as we invaded the Philippian Islands before we got through raping China that cause the the Boxer Rebellion. We have had troops in the Middle East since Busch invaded. We have troops in Turkey. We have troops in the Baltic States. We have troops in Korea. We have troops in Europe. We had troops in Vietnam because we thought we could rape its economy as the French had done for over 85 years. We have troops in Yemen. We have troops in Afghanistan. And we have troops in other countries too numerous to mention in this short space. It all costs trillions not billions of dollars.

        We have already gone the way of the Roman Empire which bankrupted itself too with a bloated army that was so huge they could not pay for it or maintain it or properly equip it. One of the main gripes of current military services is that they are short on everything because the services have too many countries to occupy and control. Just as the Romans had to in the end rely on hiring mercenaries so too the U.S. Military now hires “non citizens” from Latin America to do the fighting by promising them citizenship and the screwing them out of it after their service is over. The same exact thing the Romans did when they hired German Mercenaries so long ago and Rome also banned new immigration and the granting of new citizenship. It was the death knell for the empire of Rome and the empire of U.S. as well.

    • Oh Cisco, there you go blaming a symptom of the mental illness of the left, on the right.

      This Stevens individual is a perfect example of the victim mentality nurtured by the left, that encourages the powerlessness of the self, that then creates a feeling of self-loathing, that turns into a homicidal rage, directed outward towards the larger society.

      So out of his feeling of rage at his own created victim hood, he strikes out at the greater society he blames for his pathetic and despicable condition.

      Cisco, in the end, this is why the greater majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by those of the leftist bent.

      The liberal/regressive, based in the evils of Marxism/communism, which denies a higher power, is a cult of societal and cultural suicide. They have been responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in the last hundred years, not including the deaths of tens of millions of the unborn in our country alone. In my view; we as a society, will either return to the Truth as brought to us by Jesus the Christ, the Son of the I AM, or we will be destroyed by the lies of the son of perdition.

      • “quote————————Cisco, in the end, this is why the greater majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by those of the leftist bent. —————–Quote

        Where in the world Jethro do you live in cave. Turn off Fox New and Rush Limbhead and listen to some accredited news programs and maybe you just might educated yourself to the facts that the majority of mass shootings in the U.S. were done not only by U.S. born citizens but the majority of them were Far Right Fanatics shooting up abortion clinics, and churches with Dillon Roof your hero and poster boy waving the Confederate Flag.

        And as far as your ranting’s on abortion how many unwanted children do cheap skates like you adopt. The answer is none. Actually you are your own worst enemy as most Conservatives are. Unwanted children end up on welfare with their mothers which in turn costs “you” the taxpayer millions of dollars each year but your simple solution would be to let them all stave to death by eradicated social programs. Yep, its the ultimate blasphemy of your own religion which you only pay lip service to on Sunday’s.

    • I prefer New York City’s mental health program. Instead of putting a nut case in a psycho ward for life, he’s placed in the Mayor’s mansion for a four year term.

    • sissyco kid:

      Just think after we deport all the illegal aliens that are in “holding centers” in every state in the Union we can them transform those facilities into secure a facilities for detaining ALL the dysfunctional mentally ill you bleeding hearts demanded be released, “mainstreamed” and are out prowling out communities committing crimes and ruining OUR quality of life.

      We WILL Make America Great Again

      We WILL Make America Safe Again, of that there’s no doubt and we will begin by passing National Concealed Carry Reciprocity which will allow law-abiding Americans across the country to “take out the trash”..

      • You got it backwards. We will only make America great again when we deport cheap skate hillbillies like you and grant citizenship to all the illegal aliens living here because unlike you they believe in all of the U.S. Constitution not just some of it. Immigrants down through history not only ended up contributing more to America but made much better citizens as well. History has proven that it was the Immigrants that made America Great, not some Billionaire Buffoon in the White House that never paid a penny in taxes. It was the immigrants who paid taxes and created new businesses and hired other Americans to help them run the businesses and make them a success, they did not make their money by declaring bankruptcies and screwing investors out of their money like Herr Trump did. Immigrants made honest money.

        • Crisco said, “You got it backwards. We will only make America great again when we deport cheap skate hillbillies like you and grant citizenship to all the illegal aliens living here because unlike you they believe in all of the U.S. Constitution not just some of it. Immigrants down through history not only ended up contributing more to America but made much better citizens as well. History has proven that it was the Immigrants that made America Great, not some Billionaire Buffoon in the White House that never paid a penny in taxes. It was the immigrants who paid taxes and created new businesses and hired other Americans to help them run the businesses and make them a success, they did not make their money by declaring bankruptcies and screwing investors out of their money like Herr Trump did. Immigrants made honest money.”

          I apologize. Profusely. I had you all wrong.
          Now, I realize you are only using sarcasm to get your ideas across. All we have to do is look at what you say, and understand that you are only seemingly getting it all wrong, when you are simply being sarcastic. Wonderful!

    • Obama was president for eight long years, famously saying he would transform America with his pen and phone. Remind me how much he accomplished on improving the mental health system during that time.

  5. I read earlier that the killer had been spotted by someone at a McDonald’s, who then tipped off police, and the chase ensued.

    About half an hour ago I was at a McDonald’s, well, at the co-located Chevron connected to it, and I saw a guy who looked exactly like this killer. Had I not already read the report of the chase and his suicide an hour earlier, I would have called in this guy I saw. The resemblance was uncanny.

    He’d gotten out of a different type of car than the white Ford Fusion being reported, but that doesn’t prove anything.

    Poor guy was just looking to grab some lunch, but nearly had his whole day turned upside down.

  6. Well it’s also reported this dead coward had a legal cc gun. And had no record. Mentally ill? Or just an evil f##k who gambled away his life and got kicked out by his galpal…we may never know but it’s a just outcone.

  7. Thank you for assuming room temperature, but wish you did it sooner.

    Cheers n’ Beers, another one bites the dust.

  8. “Saving the taxpayers millions of dollars while simultaneously depriving cable news networks of hundreds of hrs of programming . . . “

    Wow, amazing how much the guy had in common with President Trump!

  9. Is it just me or did that guy look like a cross between Suge Knight and Capt. Spaulding? Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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