US Fedex Shooting Indianapolis
(WRTV via AP)

A mass shooting has taken place at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis, Indiana. Eight people have been reported killed, with many more wounded. The police say the shooter then committed suicide.

From the Associated Press . . .

Eight people were shot and killed in a late-night shooting at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis, and the shooter killed himself, police said.

Several other people were injured Thursday night when gunfire erupted at the facility near the Indianapolis International Airport, police spokesperson Genae Cook said.

People stand outside a FedEx facility near Indianapolis International Airport after a shooting with multiple victims was reported late Thursday night, April 15, 2021. (Mykal McEldowney/The Indianapolis Star via AP)

At least four were hospitalized, including one person with critical injuries. Another two people were treated and released at the scene, she said.

The shooter wasn’t immediately identified, and investigators were in the process of conducting interviews and gathering information. Cook said it was too early to tell whether the shooter was an employee at the facility.


Jeremiah Miller had finished a shift at the FedEx facility and was preparing to work a second consecutive shift when he and a coworker, Timothy Boillat, heard gunfire, up to 10 shots.

The scene outside a FedEx facility in Indianapolis where multiple people were reportedly shot late Thursday night, April 15, 2021. (The Indianapolis Star via AP)

Miller said, “This made me stand up and actually look out the entrance door, and I saw a man with a submachine gun of some sort, an automatic rifle, and he was firing in the open. I immediately ducked down and got scared and my friend’s mother, she came in and told us to get inside the car.”

Police have not revealed what type of gun was used.


  1. I don’t understand –

    Isn’t FedEx a posted ‘gunfree-zone’?

    So how did someone get a gun in there?

    Who’s responsible for this? No guns were allowed!


    • Really?

      The perpetrator broke the law as people often do, regardless of what law is in effect.

      Are you suggesting that, as people sometimes violate laws, therefore, we shouldn’t have any laws whatsoever?

      Your child-like approach to jurisprudence is a sad commentary on the immaturity of many Americans.

      • No it’s you with the childish ideas that a GFZ keeps bad people with guns out.
        For bad people, a GFZ is the preferred place to do their evil.

        • We have speed limit signs posted on every highway and ballet, yet people continue to violate the law and speed recklessly.

          By your logic, we should just remove all speed limits from all roadways, genius!

        • We have speed limit signs posted on every highway and ballet,

          Speed limits are NOT for safety, they are for revenue sharing and when the funds get low or someone NEEDS a new cop car the enforcement level rises…

        • By your logic, we should just remove all speed limits from all roadways, genius!

          Faulty logic as usual.

          You can make the logical argument that a reduced speed reduces fatalities.

          In contrast, you can’t say GFZs make a zone safer especially when most mass shootings are in GFZs.

        • You can make the logical argument that a reduced speed reduces fatalities.

          One of the “safest” roadways in the world is the Autobahn (no speed limit, 2.7 deaths per billion Km travelled)… One of the worst? (any heavily regulated roadway in America at 4.5 fatalities for the same distance travelled)… Hmmmmmm…

        • If we just banned cars all together we could save tens of thousands of lives every year. And stop global warming at the same time.

      • Considering Geoff labeled their comment as sarcastic your inability to comprehend that makes for a sadder commentary on the lack of education in the US.

        • And the fact he labeled it sarcasm makes it better?

          Eight people are dead, guns involved again, and you think it’s an appropriate subject for sarcastic humor?

          Yeah, that’s really helpful.

        • “Eight people are dead,…”

          The real tragedy is that you weren’t one of them.

          Get cancer and suffer… 🙂

      • Miner49er,

        The point is simple: laws — which are nothing more than words on paper — do not stop bad actors from harming people.

        And yet civilian disarmament proponents claim that “gun free zones” somehow provide security, which is both logically and demonstrably false.

        The only person who can provide reliable security to me is me. Therefore, it is wrong when a private institution or government declares that I am not allowed to secure myself — because it is glaringly clear that those private institutions and government do NOT provide anywhere near as reliable security for me as I do.

        • “And yet civilian disarmament (traffic safety) proponents claim that “gun free zones (speed limit signs)” somehow provide security, which is both logically and demonstrably false.“

          Again, by that logic, speed limit signs or no swimming in these dangerous waters signs, etc. should not be used because many people won’t obey the sign.

          More childlike arguments.

          Perhaps if men had better coping skills, they would not feel the need to lash out with violence when they are angry or frustrated.

          And perhaps if our culture wasn’t soaked with violent representations of firearms, if thousands of POTG weren’t parading around in their soldier boy dress-up costumes, shouting about how they’re being persecuted, men would be capable of responding more appropriately to their disappointments.

        • minor49IQ…Pull your thumb out of your pompous pasty mouth, climb down from your highchair and go take a long nap. The last time a jump-the-gun wishful thinking turd like you spoke on this forum he got it all wrong and made an utter fool out of itself just like you do 99 9/10% of the time.

          Even though FedEx probably has an ATT style Jim Crow Gun Control policy for its employees/soft targets it does deliver to my FFL promptly. With all the self serving election fraud dirty diaper deranged DC democRats at the helm I need many means of self defense now more than ever…obviously like everyone else does. Don’t you agree?

        • Speed limit signs shouldn’t be used outside of urban areas or other high risk areas. Autobahn proves this out, yet you just ignored those that brought it up because its inconvenient. As for other posted signs, you’re being disingenuous as always. There’s a marked difference between a sign that is the product of a law that informs people they have to be disarmed, and one that informs people of actual physical dangers in a location. If that has to be explained you’re either dumb or just being completely disingenuous.

      • “Gun free zones” are the law at schools, courts, correctional facilities, and mental institutions in most states.

        “No firearms allowed” zones at private businesses are a choice; a choice to disarm the victims in advance.

        I think if you restrict firearms posession on your private property, you should be responsible for their safety and protect them from all risks if violence, including gunman like this one.

      • I’m afraid it is you who has a childish view of the law, disregarding the reasons for their existence and what they can actually accomplish. Mala in se laws exist so that punishment can meted out to those who do harm to others. Deterrence is only one of many considerations in measuring that punishment. Mala prohibita laws, on the other hand, exist to prevent actual harms. If they don’t do that, they serve no legitimate purpose.

        Now let us examine your example of speed limits. They exist, like most traffic laws to prevent unintentional harm being inflicted between generally well-meaning people who neither want to harm nor be harmed. And if most people follow them, even more-or-less, they serve that purpose and accomplish their mission.

        But “Gun Free Zones”, like so many other gun laws and regulations, purportedly exist to prevent gun violence, which is overwhelmingly intentional in nature, and arises from the antisocial behavior of a very few people. The majority who follow the law make no difference, because they never wished harm on anyone to begin with. The law fails to accomplish its goal, and therefore serves no legitimate purpose.

        • “But “Gun Free Zones”, like so many other gun laws and regulations, purportedly exist to prevent gun violence, which is overwhelmingly intentional in nature, and arises from the antisocial behavior of a very few people.“

          One of the major reasons property owners may post a gun free sign is to prevent firearms accidents from wounding or killing those on their property.

          The idea that gun free zone signs are intended strictly to prevent intentional gun violence is another childlike position.

          We know the speed limit signs cannot somehow magically stop those who want to speed on the highways, but we still employ them because the science shows they are useful in preventing accidents.

        • One of the major reasons property owners may post a gun free sign is to prevent firearms accidents from wounding or killing those on their property.

          Simply utter horseshit completely divorced from reality. These signs and rules simply did not come about as a response to negligent discharges, they were never sold as a remedy to firearm accidents, and you know it. Now you aren’t merely being ignorant, you’re lying.

        • minor49IQ…You put up a Gun Free Zone Sign and law abiding individuals see it one way and criminals see it another. If your head was not sideways up your biased behind you’d relize those wjo hung up Gun Free Zone Signs have blood on their hands. In order to succeed at murder, theft, kidnapping, rape, child moestation the perp needs comfort knowing their path is clear of resistance…And what better way to clear the path than a Gun Free Zone Sign? The sign says Gun Free Zone however it includes whatever the perp can gert their hands on. That should go without saying providing your head is not sideways up your butt like in your case.

        • In a country with over 350 million inhabitants and a similar number of firearms, the average number of negligent discharges resulting in death average roughly 500 per year, and most of those are either hunting accidents or some idiot cleaning a loaded gun. The number of wounded is less that 5000. I challenge you to find ANY that occurred in a GFZ. (Actually, I can think of one where DEA agent Paige shot himself during an April 2004 gun safety presentation to parents and their children at the Orlando Youth Minority Golf Association in Orlando, Florida.)
          The gun free zone laws have NOTHING to do with accidental discharges, but instead everything to do with protecting persons in schools, government buildings and other “sensitive” places from intentional bad acts.

        • I challenge you to find ANY that occurred in a GFZ.

          Well, there was that drunk, dancing FBI agent in the bar…

      • I’ll explain the concept to you since you seem to be unable to understand the point.

        We have approximately 30,000 laws on the federal books. This does not include state and local laws. You can hardly argue that the United States is a lawless place.

        In fact, we have so many laws on the books it is impossible to live your daily life without violating them. We are at the point where the government can deprive its citizens of their liberty at any time – all you need to do is find a law and bring charges.

        The vast majority of current laws do not keep us safe. Adding more laws will make us no safer.

        What we do need to do is strictly enforce the laws on the books. Stop letting people out of prison for good behavior. Attempted murder should result in life in prison. Murder should result in the death penalty.

        Put away the bad guys for life and watch crime rates fall.

        Democrats don’t seem to understand these simple concepts.

        • Yet another childlike response:

          “Put away the bad guys for life and watch crime rates fall.“

          Do United States has tried to use the corporate prison industrial machine to handle the problem and it is approved inappropriate, resulting in the mass incarceration of our citizens with very little impact on violent crime rates.

          “As of June 2020, the United States had the highest prisoner rate, with 655 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population. El Salvador, Turkmenistan, Thailand, and Palau rounded out the top five countries with the highest rate of incarceration.
          Prisoners in the United States
          As the statistic above illustrates, the United States has one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world. With 655 inmates per 100,000 of population, the U.S. is by far the leader among large industrialized nations in incarceration.
          Not only is the U.S. among the leading countries worldwide in incarcerations per 100,000 of the population, but it was also home to the largest total number of prisoners in 2020.”

          Of course, personally I’m hoping that those violent criminals who attacked the United States Capitol on June 6 are indeed locked up and the key thrown away, as any individual, regardless of race, religion, nationality, etc. should be brought to the bar of justice for violent crimes against people.

        • “…resulting in the mass incarceration of our citizens with very little impact on violent crime rates.”

          The rate of violent crime has dropped by more than 40% since the early 90s. Clearly, something had a very significant impact on the crime rate.

          Now take a look at the date of the Clinton-era “tough on crime” bills and the beginning of that precipitous decline in crime. Interesting correlation, isn’t it?

          I’m no fan of our mass-incarcerating borderline police state, but if I’m being honest with myself, I have to admit that it’s at least possible that mass incarceration has made society a lot safer.

      • Miner- his logical point was exactly what you are saying: criminals will break the law; they don’t care about the laws. So, legislating guns out of law-abiding citizens is not going to have any effect on criminals, because they are going to get and use guns regardless of whether or not it is legal. If anything, making guns illegal for law-abiding citizens will make it even easier for criminals to shoot up Fedex facilities. Get it?

      • Yes, laws help. In almost all cases, laws serve as a deterrent. Almost always!!!

        One of the times when it doesn’t is any course of action when the aggressor plans to commit suicide, or forfeit their life.

        In this case, there is no “after” time for punishment.

        Future threats are meaningless for someone who gives up their future.

        Minor49er, why do you pretend not to get thus?

      • I think his sarcastic comment was designed to point the fact that gun control only works with non criminals and mentally stable folks. France is a perfect example of that, the average law abiding citizen cannot legally any type of firearm for self defense purposes, but in recent years a few nutjobs have had no issues whatsoever in purchasing fully automatic AK47, hand grenades, body armor, and semi automatic handguns. Unless you manage to turn the US into North Korea, then people will always have access to guns, and a highly motivated nutjob or criminal will find ways whether it’s legal or through black market.

      • Your child like approach to all this violence puts blood on your hands.

        Instead of yammering about inanimate objects learn why people commit these acts of violence and then work those problems. Most of these incidents are mentally ill people with little to no resources to help them or, these severe cases, to contain them.

        Instead of talking about the roots causes and taking action on those you argue about signs? Seriously? That’s all you got? SIGNS!!!

      • There are already laws against murder and assault. Adding laws prohibiting the carrying of firearms only affects those who would like to legally carry to protect themselves. As you said, criminals break laws so laws do not affect them

      • yes I do think we should do away with about 90% of the posted speed limits. An approach like Montana has for its highways/interstate, or the autobahn has makes much more sense; posted only in urban areas or in specific areas that have heightened risk, such as school zones or high traffic commercial areas that are remote. That will never happen though because its about money.

        Further, you make the error of assuming all laws are made equal or operate the same. Laws in which someone has already been has already been harmed, or has other reasonable claim to tort in being unnecessarily wronged, placed at risk, or had their rights or property violated and then charges the perpetrator in question with a penalty are fine. Laws which just attempt to prevent something which harms no one, or violates no one’s rights or property, are generally worthless with perhaps a few notable exceptions.

      • Miner’s solution is to punish the innocent if you can’t punish the guilty.

        Have you applied for the ATF yet?

    • Yep. I had to go to the local FedEx hub to pick up a package and there were very prominent no firearms allowed signs all over the place. Maybe they just need bigger signs?*


      • Maybe men just need better coping skills.

        88% of all violent crime is committed by men, it’s very likely that the shooter was a man as well.

        It seems clear that many men are unable to handle the stresses of everyday life and resort to violence when they feel anger or frustration.

        Maybe that’s the root cause of these situation.

        • Miner49er just discovered the role of testosterone in human development!

          Men, throughout history, have always been the aggressors. Men have fought the wars and defended their people.

          Women are willing to give up liberty for security – and eventually end up with neither.

          Miner49er is like an undergraduate college kid who thinks they are discovering everything for the first time. It’s comments are hilarious to read.

        • Everyone is responsible for their own actions. How do you explain that, despite growing up and living in the same society, the vast majority of men and women never go out and shoot up a Fedex facility? So you can’t blame society nor men in general for these crimes. One man can have the exact same, even more “frustrations” than the next man, yet only one of them shoots up a post office. The blame is on the man, and ONLY that man, who decides to shoot up that Fedex.

          Did a man hurt your feelings recently?

        • “It seems clear that many men are unable to handle the stresses of everyday life and resort to violence when they feel anger or frustration.

          Maybe that’s the root cause of these situation.”

          Although I believe you’re being a bit disingenuous, you may be on to something. Obviously it has nothing to do with the “stresses of everyday life” or we would see A LOT more of these shootings, as in multiple mass shootings in every county, every day. Is the Party of Science looking into these root causes? No, they’d rather blame the inanimate object or pretend that the problem is just men in general as you did, preferably white right leaning men, since they are political enemy number one.

          The problem is, the Party of Science doesn’t want to admit that there may be specific problems that men face that’s different from women. To the Left, a white man is a person of privilege, End of Discussion.

          As you’re driving around, do you ever notice people that are most likely homeless backpacking along public roads? Have you ever seen homeless encampments along railroads or within wooded areas behind a commercial area or near a VA hospital? Do you think these are mostly women or men? Who lives longer, women or men? Why doesn’t this qualify as an inequity? It’s almost as if the people in charge of this country aren’t interested in solving the root problems.

        • I’ll agree that many men need better coping skills (I would also say that anyone who wants to be a healthy individual should work to develop strong coping skills)! I’ll also say that the gun owners I know are among the more reliable, healthy, and trustworthy people I know. I don’t believe they are in the minority of gun-owners either.

        • Nonsense. As others would tell you the number of mass murders would be vastly greater if what you suggest were true.

          When the perpetrators of these attacks are studied, or at least their history examined posthumously, the common factor is mental illness. Almost in every case there is some record there, people were concerned, efforts made to get them help.

          I believe in Science, I’d worked in it most of my life. If you believe in science then why aren’t you arguing for both sides to dig into root causes and act on those.

          So far all I read from you is a lot of pot stirring.

          As in the opposite of helping.

        • It’s cultural, go to Kurdistan or Israel and you’ll see plenty of women who will not hesitate to put a few bullets in your chest if they have to, and they’ll probably do it very well too. If you wander on the Palestinian side you could very well become the victim of a female jihadist. Women fought for the commies in Vietnam too. During WW2 in Europe thousands of women contributed to the resistance against the 3rd Reich.
          In the modern West, women in general might have different, more subtle ways of coping with issues than some men. But one of the two shooters in San Bernardino was a woman, a brainwashed jihadist who was born in Pakistan so again, it depends on culture, religion, nationality, etc.

        • Well Miner why don’t you set the example and physically emasculate yourself. You already have done so psychologically. Or are too enlightened to have such basic urges.

          But there are many people who do have poor impulse control and do overreact without thinking. And this is exacerbated by alcohol and narcotics. Many end up disabled, dead, or in prison.

    • I don’t know, I can’t imgaine a mental case nor a criminal that would have the audacity to ever break the “gun free zone” rule. It must be the feral guns fault.
      We need to get feral guns off the streets!
      (more sarcasm)

    • I’m sure that will be said (and just was). Regardless of reality.

      These types of actions do not make America great again. They don’t keep America great either. What it DOES indicate is more evidence that this country cannot be forced into the direction the Dems on the left try so hard for without driving everyone crazy.

      The only thing guaranteed here is this was someone with a firearm that had no regard for human life.

      • “What it DOES indicate is more evidence that this country cannot be forced into the direction the Dems on the left try so hard for without driving everyone crazy.“

        So you believe someone killed eight people at the FedEx facility because they were upset about Joe Biden’s presidency?

        Of course, you have no evidence whatsoever to suggest this shooting had anything to do with Democrat policies.

        • “So you believe someone killed eight people at the FedEx facility because they were upset about Joe Biden’s presidency?”

          I never said that. That’s what YOU said. What I said is that the Democrats cannot turn this nation full socialist without driving everyone crazy. As to the specific reason this particular incident happened…I have no idea. I never claimed to. Infact, I was responding to “Another Republican, Just Doing What Republicans Do” claiming to know why he did it.

        • He had no evidence to claim the political affiliation of the shooter, yet you took issue with the second guy following the same rules of engagement. Curious. Did you take issue with everyone screaming about white guys until the loser in Colorado until he turned out to be MENA? Surely you stepped in to stop that unsubstantiated rhetoric too.

          Stop pretending to be a “reasonable” left-leaning centrist and just outright admit you’re an anti-RKBA, anti-free speech hack. I can stand a person who admits they’re a passionate ideologue, even if they’re wrong or I disagree, but hypocrites and pretenders disgust me.

  2. well ok…

    Able to count 10 shot from an submachine gun. hhhmmm….

    Anyone ever wonder how it is that the Associated Press is ALWAYS on the scene as it happens in every case to tell the world and everyone else?

    Anti-gun leftist liberals want to tell us of the ‘blood-in-the-streets’ madness of we allow this or that but even with banning this or that, I still see headlines EVERY SINGLE DAY of a shooting with someone dead and someone wounded. Sometimes a cop or a child. It’s been that way my entire life. They can impose whatever restriction they want regardless of logic or legality but this will never change. There will always be crazy people and evil in this world. Neither one will ever be hindered in any way by 10 round magazine limits. People will kill people even if the AR15 were to be completely wiped out of all human consciousness.

    • Because the AP aggregates stories from other news agencies is why. They typically have the rights to use stories from local news papers and in return other organizations can use those stories. The guy on the ground is a local guy, the AP just publishes under their name.

      • It’s why everyone has ‘gravitas’. Just so long as we are all in agreement that what this person says is the thing we are all going to say. Why? Because we are legally bound by the group-think imposed on us by our betters.

  3. With 8 dead and “many more” wounded, using a “submachine gun” or “automatic rifle”, I’m guessing “up to 10” shots is going to be wildly off.

      • They’ll change the narrative to 11. Because the new mag ban proposed YESTERDAY.

        I’m not a conspiracy theorist but there’s a lot of coincidences lately.

  4. like the Ft. Hood incident….workplace violence…not a mass shooting or terror attack…right?
    Would this have been better if they locked the doors and burned the place down?
    Who was in charge of enforcing the “gun free” zone? Survivors should sue…big time!!! Members of victims’ families should sue…big time!!!

    • If my experience with fedex is as common as i expect I tend to believe the shooter was a disgruntled customer that had his package lost a few times too many. Here where I live we have fedex deliver to wrong addresses, fail to deliver but mark package as delivered, or repeatedly delay deliver because “no room on truck”. At work we had patient medication lost due to some stranger waking into the depot and signing for the package and walking out. Was on camera. Not the patient, not the nurse supposed to be receiving the medication to administer the following day. They are worse than the local post office in reliability and service. Their excuse is they use independent contractors on the local level and are not responsible. I have the local depot telephone numbers programmed in my phone, I often have to call and complain. If they can’t find an address on their computer system, one that is easily located on Google maps, they tend to deliver the package next-door or just leave it laying somewhere. It’s really a shame and understand how easily people get frustrated and angered with them. So…i am saddened for loss of life, sad that this will be used to propel political agendas, but not unexpected considering how much of a failure fedex is.

    • Judging by the morning news the “workplace violence” is the MSM talking point. CBS recounting the Orange Co “workplace” shooting.

      The recent incidents have not met the desired prog narrative, so this is their program to gloss over the facts of each case. Pathetic useless pinkos.

  5. The frequency of mass shootings has trebled under a democratic president, congress and senate.

    End the madness, vote republican next time.

  6. I thought FedEx was a gun free work place. Maybe this couldn’t read. Knowing he only fired around 10 shots, how long before some Lame Stream News Media expert calls for banning big magazines again? But my real question is: If a couple of those victims had been armed, is there at least a chance there could have been more survivors?

  7. This is the third mass shooting in Indiana this year. Is Indiana such a crap-hole state to live in that all these losers go there and start shooting people? Glad I don’t live in crap-hole Indiana.

    • yes, Indiana does seem to have a problem with criminals using firearms to commit violence, but some have suggested it is because they are fed up with democratic policies.

      That would be strange considering Indiana is a red state, didn’t Mike Pence spend decades in politics in Indiana before he went to Washington DC?

      “Indiana has long been considered to be a Republican stronghold and is rated R+9 on the Cook Partisan Voting Index. The current governor of Indiana is Republican Eric Holcomb, and Republicans hold supermajorities in both chambers of the Indiana General Assembly.”

      • That would be strange considering Indiana is a red state…

        The FedEx facility is in Marion County, so you should take it up with Indianapolis Mayor Hogsett (or perhaps Representative Carson). But thanks for proving that you know absolutely nothing about Indiana.

      • AND? Here Miner, let me use a method that YOU are familiar with (without the creative editing)…

        Politics & Voting in Indianapolis, Indiana
        The Political Climate in Indianapolis, IN is Somewhat liberal.
        Marion County, IN is Somewhat liberal. In Marion County, IN 58.0% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 35.5% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 6.4% voted Independent.
        Marion county voted Democratic in the last four Presidential elections, after voting Republican in 2000.
        In the last Presidential election, Marion county remained strongly Democratic, 58.0% to 35.5%

    • Only in the Democrat-run crap-hole parts of the state, such as Marion County and the Region.

      And we’re also glad that you don’t live here.

        • Odd that there’s no 49er comments to follow here.

          No, it’s the Miner MO… spread hate and discontent with disinformation with creatively edited articles, ut when he’s presented with the truth he just slinks off to his dark little corner with bottle of “Woodford Reserve” until the next time…

  8. 3,2,1…….ok, that’s enough grieving time for MSM. Now let’s spend the next week or two talkin about the gun and why we shouldnt be allowed to have em!!

  9. I heard it was because of the price of ammo

    looks like this should be a good summer boys!!!

  10. Sadly more people died at work the result of gun free zones again.It’s tempting these days for employees to ignore corporate policy to protect themselves from this happening.Better to be caught breaking rules and being fired then to wind up dead at the hands of a maniac.

    • “Sadly more people died at work the result of gun free zones again.”

      Do you think maybe the perpetrator with a gun played some small part in this tragedy?

      • Do you think maybe the perpetrator with a gun played some small part in this tragedy?

        Nut bag, RED FLAGGED, PROHIBITED, UNDER AGE, How many fucking laws do you think this “poor soul” broke BEFORE he committed EIGHT murders, FIVE aggravated assaults, an ILLEGAL ENTRY (into a “GFZ” target of opportunity) and committed suicide, BUT YOU want to blame an inanimate gun that is TOTALLY incapable of performing ANY function (other than existing) without a human operator… Instead of asking how this dirtbag managed to kill eight people with a gun how about asking how this dirtbag managed to GET a gun to kill eight people… You must be really well paid to continuously bash on guns and gun people while trying to pass yourself off as a pro-gun person…

        • Miner is at best a fudd. In his smug sense of superiority his solution is to ban guns to all but like minded, and well connected, people like him.

      • According to democrats its only the gun. So no, if only the signs which disarmed everyone in the vicinity had been effective. You cannot, under any circumstances, state that GFZ laws have saved one life or prevented one shooting. The ONLY measurable effect they have is to charge regular individuals who ignore it, if caught, with a fine/misdemeanor/felony depending on the state or context, or to tack another charge onto the guy who just stormed in and shot X amount of people.

        In the case of the former an act which harms no one and nothing is criminalized, and in the latter a pointless charge is added onto the X-amount of murder/assault/attempted murder and other assorted counts of charges which will likely be meaningless because the murderer will most times die either to himself, police, or private individual with a gun.

        Feel free to elucidate how any GFZ laws have effectively enhanced the safety of those within them, or have mitigated or stopped a tragic mass murder.

    • I have never seen a mass shooting that could properly be described as a “false flag”. There has never been a mass shooter who’s been uncovered as an FBI agent, and while there may be plenty of “dedicated” FBI agents, federal bureaucracy does not tend towards the kind of people who undertake suicide missions for psyops. Nor have I ever seen evidence of a mass shooter receiving material aid from the FBI.

      What we have seen are troubled individuals on the FBI radar that were just allowed to slide by. We also know that, in many cases, the FBI has provided encouragement though undercover agents and CIs, then provided fake munitions before arresting such individuals – as part of their regular counterterrorism efforts.

      So to me the question is: is there a middle ground? Are there cases where the FBI identified unstable individuals, helped radicalized and encourage them through CIs and undercovers, then stopped actively pursuing them for whatever reason? And if they did, how would we know?

      • You “have never seen a mass shooting that could properly be described as a “false flag” because you chose not to. in 70% + of mass shorting in the last 20 years the perpetrator was know to FBI. To begin with look at the latest shooting in Aspen Colorado.
        And please, spare from ” plenty of “dedicated” FBI agents” tired cliche . We heard enough of this BS from Sean Hannity.

        • “in 70% + of mass shorting in the last 20 years the perpetrator was know to FBI.“

          Well, that’s quite the claim!

          And a claim of that magnitude should have really solid evidence to support your assertion, right?

          Would you be kind enough to share your sources with the rest of us here?

        • To Deep State troll Miner49er:
          Here some info for you to start with:

          Boulder, Colorado mass shooting suspect known to FBI: report

          So the FBI knew all about the Colorado shooter…

          FBI Confirm Las Vegas Shooter Was Arms Dealer – Media Blackout

          FBI: Police were told Sandy Hook shooter threatened to kill mom, students

        • Hey Deep State troll Miner49er, why should i share “my sources” when you can get all this info from your bosses.?

        • The gunman in the FedEx shooting spree was previously known to federal and local authorities — and had been flagged up to law enforcement by a concerned family member before the deadly attack, according to a report Friday.

          The suspect, who committed suicide after killing eight at the Indiana facility Thursday night, has not been publicly identified by police. But CNN reporter Ana Cabrera said he’s no stranger to law enforcement.

          “Authorities were warned about FedEx suspect’s potential for violence in the past, sources say,” Cabrera tweeted. “The suspect in the Indianapolis mass shooting was known to federal and local authorities prior to the attack.”

          Citing three law enforcement sources, Cabrera added that a relative reached out to authorities to warn them of the gunman’s “potential for violence.” It is not clear when the warning was issued.

        • There are probably thousands of people who are “known to me”, but none of them are in my employ. It seems a rather obvious difference to me, I’m amazed that it seems to elude you.

  11. Seeing as people are allowed to carry guns in public and shootings take place in public areas all the time, what difference does it really make if a place is a gun free zone?

    • crap…If shootings happen in public places all the time and people are allowed to carry guns in public places as you proclaimed how come 99% of the deceased in public places are unarmed like those stupid enough to stand beneath a Gun free Zone Sign? For your crap to fly you need plenty of deceased citizens in public places wearing guns and obviously you ain’t got ’em.

      • One guy killed in the parking lot tried to engage the shooter with a rifle from his vehicle… Not prepared? Didn’t properly train? Don’t know, but he failed for whatever reason…

      • Debbie – There is a very easy answer and that is because people don’t want to carry a gun on themselves. Very few people in the USA are enthusiastic about wanting to carry a gun on themselves at all times while in public.

        Seriously, what percentage of the American population really wants or enthusiastically carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public?

        The whole gun free zones argument only works if a very large minority like 33%+, if not majority, of the population wants, and I emphasize wants, wants to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out and about in public and at the job.

        • 19,500,000 active concealed carry permits plus unknown numbers of carriers in 20 Constitutional carry States (4 allow concealed carry without permit)… People don’t go to the trouble (and expense) of acquiring a concealed carry license unless they WANT to carry a concealed weapon on a daily basis… Much like a restraining order does not stop an irate individual from killing the object of their desire I do not allow a stupid little “gun free zone” sign to stop me from carrying my “concealed” firearm just about everywhere (except Fed and State buildings) and unless I need to use it YOU will never know it’s there…

        • MADDMAXX – Count me as one of those that got a permit to carry in Minnesota but doesn’t even own a firearm. The reason why I got mine was I was considering purchasing a gun, and having a permit to carry made the process easier as well as reduce technicalities with regards to having a locked handgun in the passenger cabin instead of in the trunk.

          The truth of the matter is that gun free zone arguments only really work if there is a very substantial, if not outright majority, of the population wants to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public. The vast vast majority of people don’t want to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public and that is why the gun free zones argument won’t work as a matter of policy because you have no real enthusiasm from the majority of the population to carry a gun in public at all times. You might as well be advocating that people should wear body armor at all times while out in public.

          Your 19,500,000 isn’t even 10% of the adult population.

        • Chip Bennett – What percentage of those people actually carry on them all the time while out in public? So, let’s do the math 8 people died, 25% is 2 people, let’s assume 100% of those licensed to carry a gun on them at all times while out in public. Let’s say those two people were the first ones he shot….now what? Let me put it to you this way, how many people who are legally allowed to carry a gun wear body armor while out in public? I mean this FedEx place isn’t an armor free zone, so why weren’t the those LTCH people at FedEx wearing body armor? Let’s take this question a step further, how many people wear body armor at all times, and more importantly want to wear body armor at all times while out in public? How come you, Chip, don’t wear body armor at all times while out in public?

          Why is it that where these shootings take place, how come none of the victims are wearing body armor? These are not body armor free zones by the way. So, how do you explain that?

        • Why is it that where these shootings take place, how come none of the victims are wearing body armor? These are not body armor free zones by the way. So, how do you explain that?

          Please allow me… For the uneducated morons of the world, (1) body armor capable of stopping a round from an AR/AK rifle or a large caliber handgun is VERY cumbersome, it’s awkward, it’s hot and makes it difficult to perform daily functions.. (B) REAL high level body armor is expensive (I have invested about $1500 in my level IIIa “soft” rig, not including attachments for magazines, handgun, trauma kit and stuff)… I must assume that you don’t read your entries before you post them otherwise you would have realized you sound like the little kid in the back seat yelling “are we there yet, are we there yet?”… BUT, thanks for playing

        • MADDMAXX – Very good on why people don’t wear body armor at all times. The light bulb should be going off in your head now why people don’t want to carry a gun on them at all times while out in public. Most people, believe it or not, find having to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public to be very cumbersome. Now you know why the vast majority of the public is not enthusiastic about carrying a gun on themselves at all times while out in public.

          Hence why the gun free zones argument is not a very compelling argument because the vast vast majority of the population doesn’t want to have to have to carry a gun on them at all times while out in public, and that includes those that have a permit or a license to carry a gun. As a result, the gun free zone argument doesn’t work because no one wants to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public.

        • no one wants to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public.

          I carry EVERYDAY, EVERYWHERE even in my home and I can name at least another 100 people in my neighborhood and immediate surrounding area who do the same… I am not FORCED to carry a firearm, I carry because I want to and I have done so for 50 years and guess what, I will continue to carry a concealed firearm for as long as I am physically capable of doing so and yes I will continue to carry EVEN in places that some Snowflake idiot has designated as a GFZ… You are obviously a product of the indoctrination instilled by our “improved” Government run education system (everybody gets a trophy, boys can call themselves girls and compete in womens sports, 2 plus 2 equals 5) and the brainwashing is too deep to reach you… Attempting to conflate the body armor argument onto concealed carry firearms is a real stretch, most people choose their concealed carry piece and carry position based on several things, among them is comfort.. I carry a 10mm Glock G29, it is heavier than most concealed carry guns, but it is Not uncomfortable to wear, not overly expensive (about $750 total investment with holsters extra mags and stuff) It is not cumbersome, does not make me get overheated and it does not look ridiculous when worn in public… So carry on with YOUR GFZ fantasy and your warped ideas about who wants to do what with their guns (maybe you should ASK some REAL concealed carry license holders) Hell, maybe you should go get yourself a REAL handgun and try concealed carry, who knows you might like it… But do understand that my part in THIS conversation is finished, one can only argue a point in so many ways (except for you of course)…

        • Craptacular (username checks out):

          What percentage of those people actually carry on them all the time while out in public?

          Knowing this part of Indiana? There’s a very good chance that a) more than the state average have an LTCH, and b) more than the state average carry daily.

          Let’s take this question a step further, how many people wear body armor at all times, and more importantly want to wear body armor at all times while out in public? How come you, Chip, don’t wear body armor at all times while out in public?

          How about, none of your f&$%ing business? How I choose to exercise my right to life and self-defense is my choice, not yours. That’s really all the answer I need to give you, but I’ll throw you a bone: a handgun is, unquestionably, the single-best, most convenient, most effective tool in the history of mankind for personal self-defense. Body armor isn’t.

        • Craptacular (username still checks out):

          As a result, the gun free zone argument doesn’t work because no one wants to carry a gun on themselves at all times while out in public.

          Holy straw man, Batman!

          You are implying that the lack of a Gun Free Zone requires all persons to carry. That is, in a word, absurd.

          Carry, or don’t carry, as you choose. If you choose not to carry, good for you, but the presence or absence of a Gun Free Zone thus has no direct impact on you.*

          There are those of us, however, who both do not find the daily carry of a firearm to be in any way cumbersome or inconvenient, and also ARE directly impacted by the presence of a Gun Free Zone.

          * Note that the presence of a Gun Free Zone does have an indirect impact on you, in that a) it increases the likelihood that such location will be targeted by a spree shooter, and b) it decreases the likelihood that armed friendlies who could repel such a would-be shooter will be present in that location.

  12. I think we are starting to reap the psychological fallout of what we’ve all been dealing with this past year. Some have been able to handle it better than others.

  13. The rats called Democrats take power and suddenly there’s a shooting every week. Seems legit.

    • Hard to believe it’s only been a month since those “Asian” women and those “other” folks were killed in Atlanta…

  14. An Indianapolis City-County councilwoman, Ali Brown, a Democrat, wrote on her Facebook page Friday morning that “the conversation will be tough, but we must get a firm grip of the situation and the collective epidemic — and if that means passing background check legislation, banning AUTOMATIC rifles, and advocating for other common-sense gun control measures, let’s get that done immediately.

    Cool, this one wants to ban AUTOMATIC rifles… Hmmmmm, didn’t somebody already do THAT… AND, oh yeah, she wants background checks, gotta have those background checks, why don’t they do background checks in Indiana like they do everywhere else in the country?

  15. Bottom line…There is no way I will allow some knee jerk lowlife pos with a deranged bias towards a Constitutional Right to use any tragedy as a reason to stand on a podium and dictate to me what I can have to defend myself, etc. Unless a mealy mouth pos like minor49IQ can provide me with 24/7 armed security willing to take a bullet for me like Jim Crow Gun Control joe and his ilk enjoy then the only alternative for pompous pasty mouth Gun Control Scumbags is to go pound sand.

  16. This was probably “work place violence”. Just like the post office in the 80s, the new factory pace of warehouse and delivery centers create stress for the workers and middle management.
    The “middle management” catches all the flak and then tries to “fix” it. The will blame someone else and then that someone gets written up.
    When it happens again, that someone gets fired. Incompetent middle management, or procedures that tie their hands are usually the problem. When that type of stress is heaped on someone that is actually doing their job and then they get admonished, you can see why they might snap. Add to this a middle manager covering his own ass and/or not wanting an overachiever to replace him, you can see motive.
    As these warehouses(who are NOT making widgets) become the norm, we will see more of this type of thing.
    Items or different size and weight can get lost, misplaced, stuck to larger items, etc. There is no real standard for handling, so there really is no solution here.

  17. Miner49er is a utopian. Just like Pol Pot was a utopian. All gun grabbers are utopians. And they are just as dangerous as Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, etc, etc.
    The goal of people like Miner49er is to have as many people murdered as possible. They need “their perceived obstacles” removed from society. So they can have the utopian degeneracy that they crave so much.

    Every gun owner who wants to keep their civil rights needs to get off their a$$ and go down to every public meeting and protest to protect YOUR rights.

    The victims of this shooting should sue FedEx for making the workplace a gun-free zone. And then not providing an armed security detail, to protect their workers. Turn the issue of “workplace safety” against them. By not providing an armed security Force at the job site, they have created an “unsafe working environment”. Use their own language against them.

    • Turn the issue of “workplace safety” against them. By not providing an armed security Force at the job site, they have created an “unsafe working environment”.

      According to FEDEX their “security measures” worked… After all ONLY four people (plus the shooter) died INSIDE the building, the other four dead were in the parking lot, no word on where the four/five wounded were located… The big takeaway is that employees of the Coroner’s office (you know, the people whose job it is to deal with dead folks on a daily basis) will need YEARS of counseling over this… Fukin snowflakes…

    • “Miner49er is a utopian. Just like Pol Pot was a utopian. All gun grabbers are utopians.“

      Nope, I don’t want to take anyone’s guns unless they are mentally ill or otherwise unqualified to handle the awesome responsibility of carrying lethal weapons.

      I think classes on the legal aspects of firearms ownership and utilization, as well as actual range time for training should be requirements before an individual is authorized to carry a lethal weapon concealed.

      It is the extreme right wingers who shout “all rights are absolute!” who want to live in a utopia of their own devising.

      • The right of all humans (and indeed all life on this planet) to exist is absolute. When the right to life gets marginalized to the point of meaninglessness, then the only thing left for you to do is crawl into a hole and die. This is the epidamy of loneliness and despair. You have my sympathy for you isolation.

        As for me, human life is sacrosanct and absolute. It’s protection is paramount and never ending.

      • You’re too late Miner 49er. Lawmakers in same-sex relationships like Tom ammiano got elected so they could prevent 2nd Amendment education, and rifle team training to high school kids. And they have been working to prevent adults from getting this type of education as well

  18. Warrants have been issued to search shooters home but they won’t release identity? You know what that means… The shooter drove up and started shooting randomly, no confrontation, no arguments just a bunch of unintelligible shouting (foreign language?) and gunfire… This story is not going to be Media/gun grabber friendly… Move along, nothing to see here…

  19. Prayers and love for the victims.

    I’m no expert but suspect a significant contributory cause to these shootings is the degradation of the family.
    At our casa, the plan is to strengthen family relationships and carry. You do you.

  20. I gotta admit, Miner must love self-flagellation, and the harder he pushes, the more he is punished, the happier he is, a trait exhibited by most masochists.

    Miner said” “The idea that gun free zone signs are intended strictly to prevent intentional gun violence is another childlike position.”

    So speaks the most child-like poster on this board….

    It’s when you’re still mentally a toddler that it’s difficult to actually make any kind of logical sense.

    Miner also said: “… because the science shows…”

    Science, the Latin word for knowledge, presupposes that you have actually studied and have knowledge of the things you assert. As a mental toddler, it’s hard to reconcile….

    Thanks for playing, you just make it too easy…. 🙂

  21. A Democrat in the White House promises to Do Something ™ about the “gun violence epidemic,” and suddenly we’ve got an epidemic of mass shootings popping off while they were virtually nonexistent the previous couple years. Could be a simple coincidence, but it does make a guy think…

  22. Once again a person known to the authorities .

    19year old Brandon Scott Hole, had a previous encounter with police during a mental health call in 2020. A behavioral unit was called to his home in March of 2020 on reports of a man voicing suicidal ideas. The unit encountered Hole, who had purchased a shotgun within 24 hours of the call.
    The behavioral unit immediately detained him and took Hole to the hospital.

    CNN’s Ana Cabrera reported that the suspect, Brandon Scott Hole, was on authorities’ radar before the mass shooting.

    “Authorities were warned about FedEx suspect’s potential for violence in the past, sources say,” she wrote on Twitter. “The suspect in the Indianapolis mass shooting was known to federal and local authorities prior to the attack.”

    Cabrera added, “A family member of the suspected shooter reached out to authorities warning about the suspect’s potential for violence, according to three law enforcement sources briefed on the matter.”

    A year and a month later he detonates.

    There were a number of Sikh working at the site.
    Maybe that matters maybe he was just looking for a high body count.

    • Maybe we should follow Donald Trump’s lead and set up red flag laws to preempt their ability to commit these tragedies.

      “By the time you go to court it takes so long to get the due process procedures,” Trump said.

      “I like taking guns away early,” he said. “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

      The president also asserted that many Republicans were “petrified” of the NRA and called on lawmakers to produce a “comprehensive” gun bill while also dousing prospects for a GOP-backed concealed-carry proposal as part of a broader legislative package to deal with gun violence.”

      So Joe Biden is just following Donald Trump’s example, that should please the conservative Trump supporters, right?

      • Stop redirecting and explain how GFZ’s enhance safety, stop or mitigate violence, or otherwise do anything other than criminally charge people who are caught with a weapon for their own safety, or add a meaningless charge onto myriad a surviving mass murderer will be charged with. Explain how a preventative law which criminalizes an act that harms no one produces any successful or objectively good outcomes. Explain how prohibition aimed at an object or class of objects actually does something meaningful.

        • You Sir, are straying into very dangerous territory, politically speaking.

          Personally I applaud this act. But you should be aware that most, even those ostensibly “on the same side” do not.

  23. As of the time I type this a certain troll makes up 11.1% of all comments on this board and replies to that troll make up 35.9% of the comments.

    That’s one entity is responsible, essentially, for 47% of the comment content right now and they’re not the only troll present.

  24. AR15 were not used at Columbine and Virginia Tech, how many people died? Handguns are used every week in Chicongo alone when blacks are killing each other, many of them are convicted felons who cannot pass a background check. The reality of a black market and the fact many things can be used as weapon to slaughter people is willfully ignored by politicians, mainly the anti freedom leftists.

  25. They have a 19 year old former FedEx employee, with known suicidal tendencies along with possibly other mental problems that shoots up a former workplace, and they blame the gun. Typical liberal logic.

  26. We spend a tremendous amount of money incarcerating people often for non-violent crimes including addiction to drugs. Most civilized countries give drug addicts free treatment while we incarcerate them costing tax payers millions, far more money than it would cost to treat their illness. The money would be better spent on making mental health care more affordable which the Republicans have been blocking in Congress for years.

    It is also worth noting that civilized countries have mandatory mental health checks before one can get a firearms purchase card and they have had way less mass shootings then we have. The success of this system has been proven beyond all doubt. And remember every time a maniac engages in a mass killing its the law abiding gun owner that gets the blame and then there are more calls for draconian gun bans.

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