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As an American, I respect your right to vote for whomever you please in the forthcoming midterm elections. If, however, you cherish your right to bear arms without “sensible” gun laws restricting that right, never mind the NRA’s realpolitik endorsements. Click here or make the jump for the list of candidates endorsed by The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. And then vote for their opponents.


U.S. House
Vote for Terri Sewell, 7th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Ed Pastor, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Raúl Grijalva, 7th Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Sen. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Senate

State Senate
Vote for Rep. Doris Matsui, 5th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Lynn Woolsey, 6th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. George Miller, 7th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Barbara Lee, 9th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. John Garamendi, 10th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Jackie Speier, 12th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Pete Stark, 13th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Anna Eshoo, 14th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Mike Honda, 15th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Zoe Lofgren, 16th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Sam Farr, 17th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Lois Capps, 23rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Howard Berman, 28th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Adam Schiff, 29th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Henry Waxman, 30th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Judy Chu, 32nd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, 34th Congressional District

Vote Rep. Maxine Waters, 35th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Jane Harman, 36th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Laura Richardson, 37th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Grace Napolitano, 38th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Linda Sanchez, 39th Congressional District

Vote Rep. Loretta Sanchez, 47th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Bob Filner, 51st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Susan Davis, 53rd Congressional District

State Senate
Vote for Noreen Evans, Senate District 02

Vote for Sen. Darrell Steinberg, Senate District 06

Vote for Sen. Ellen Corbett, Senate District 10

Vote for Sen. Alex Padilla, Senate District 20

Vote for Kevin DeLeon, Senate District 22

State Assembly
Vote for Michael Allen, Assembly District 07

Vote for Roger Dickinson, Assembly District 09

Vote for Susan Bonilla, Assembly District 11

Vote for Assemblymember Fiona Ma, Assembly District 12

Vote for Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, Assembly District 13

Vote for Assemblymember Nancy Skinner, Assembly District 14

Vote for Assemblymember Joan Buchanan, Assembly District 15

Vote for Assemblymember Jerry Hill, Assembly District 19

Vote for Rich Gordon, Assembly District 21

Vote for Assemblymember Paul Fong, Assembly District 22

Vote for Assemblymember Mike Feuer, Assembly District 42

Vote for Mike Gatto, Assembly District 43

Vote for Gil Cedillo, Assembly District 45

Vote for Assemblymember John Pérez, Assembly District 46

Vote for Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal, Assembly District 54

Vote for Assemblymember Warren Furutani, Assembly District 55

Vote for Roger Hernandez, Assembly District 57

Vote for Assemblymember Norma Torres, Assembly District 61

Vote for Renea Wickman, Assembly District 63

Vote for Assemblymember Jose Solorio, Assembly District 69

Vote for Toni Atkins, Assembly District 76

Local Endorsements
Vote for Don Perata, Mayor of Oakland

Vote for John Gioia, Contra Costa County Council


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Diana DeGette, 1st Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Richard Blumenthal, U.S. Senate

U.S. House
Vote for Rep. John Larson, 1st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Rosa DeLauro, 3rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. James Himes, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Chris Murphy, 5th Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Chris Coons, U.S. Senate

U.S. House
Vote for John Carney, At-Large Representative


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Corrine Brown, 3rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Ted Deutch, 19th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, 20th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Alcee Hastings, 23rd Congressional District

Vote for Joe Garcia, 25th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Hank Johnson, 4th Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Sen. Daniel Inouye, U.S. Senate

U.S. House
Vote for Colleen Hanabusa, 1st District Representative


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Bobby Rush, 1st District Representative

Vote for Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., 2nd District Representative

Vote for Rep. Luis Gutierrez, 4th District Representative

Vote for Rep. Mike Quigley, 5th District Representative

Vote for Rep. Danny Davis, 7th District Representative

Vote for Rep. Jan Schakowsky, 9th District Representative

Vote for Dan Seals, 10th District Representative

Vote for Gov. Pat Quinn, Governor

State Senate
Vote for Sen. John Mulroe, Senate District  10

State Representative

Vote for Ann Williams, House District 11

Vote for Rep. Harry Osterman, House District 13

Vote for Daniel Biss, House District  17

Vote for Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, House District 25

Vote for Rep. Will Burns, House District 26

Vote for Rep. Keith Farnham, House District 43

Vote for Rep. Fred Crespo, House District 44

Vote for Deb O’Keefe Conroy, House District 46

Vote for Michelle Mussman, House District 56

Vote for Rep Elaine Nekritz , House District 57

Vote for Rep. Karen May, House District 58

Vote for Rep. Carol Sente, House District 59

Vote for Rep. Mark Walker, House District 66

Local Endorsements
Vote for Jennifer Bishop Jenkins, County Cook Commissioner District 14


U.S. House
Vote for Cedric Richmond, 2nd Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Chellie Pingree, 1st Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Sen. Barbara Mikulski, U.S. Senate

U.S. House
Vote for Rep. John Sarbanes, 3rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Elijah Cummings, 7th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Chris Van Hollen, 8th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. James McGovern, 3rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Barney Frank, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. John Tierney, 6th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Edward Markey, 7th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Michael Capuano, 8th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Sander Levin, 12th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. John Conyers, 14th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Betty McCollum, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Keith Ellison, 5th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. William Clay, 1st Congressional District

New Jersey

U.S. House

Vote for Rep. Robert Andrews, 1st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Chris Smith, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Frank Pallone, 6th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Bill Pascrell, 8th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Steve Rothman, 9th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Donald Payne, 10th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Rush Holt, 12th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Albio Sires, 13th Congressional District

New York

U.S. Senate
Vote for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senate

Vote for Sen. Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senate

U.S. House

Vote for Rep. Timothy Bishop, 1st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Steve Israel, 2nd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Peter King, 3rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Gary Ackerman, 5th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Gregory Meeks, 6th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Joseph Crowley, 7th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Jerrold Nadler, 8th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Anthony Weiner, 9th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Edolphus Towns, 10th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Yvette Clarke, 11th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Nydia Velázquez, 12th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Michael McMahon, 13th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Carolyn Maloney, 14th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Charles Rangel, 15th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Jose Serrano, 16th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Eliot Engel, 17th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Nita Lowey, 18th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. John Hall, 19th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Paul Tonko, 21st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Dan Maffei, 25th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Louise Slaughter, 28th Congressional District

Attorney General
Vote for Eric Scheiderman, State Attorney General

North Carolina

U.S. House
Vote for Rep. David Price, 4th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Dennis Kucinich, 10th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Marcia Fudge, 11th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Betty Sutton, 13th Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Sen. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senate

U.S. House

Vote for Rep. Earl Blumenauer, 3rd Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Joe Sestak, U. S. Senate

U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Robert Brady, 1st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Chaka Fattah, 2nd Congressional District

Vote for Bryan Lentz, 4th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Allyson Schwartz, 13th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Michael Doyle, 14th Congressional District

Rhode Island

U.S. House
Vote for David Cicilline, 1st Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Jim Langevin, 2nd Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Steve Cohen, 9th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, 18th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Bobby Scott, 3rd Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Jim Moran, 8th Congressional District

Vote for Rep. Gerry Connolly, 11th Congressional District


U.S. Senate
Vote for Sen. Patty Murray, U.S. Senate

U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Jim McDermott, 7th Congressional District


U.S. House
Vote for Rep. Gwen Moore, 4th Congressional District

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  1. I am happy to vote against Jim Moran in VA's 8th Congessional district. I just wish my neighbors would quit voting for him. In addition to his execrable anti-gun record his personal habits would keep him from getting a decent job most places. But the senior Dems have killed every attempt to even have him face a primary challenge in order to keep this scum in power, and the voters in his district wouldn't vote for Ghandi if Ghandi was a Republican.

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