
“Three stab victims staggered past stunned witnesses after two parked vans were torched, then exploded, in a suspected clash between rival gangs,” reports. “Three suspects are now being hunted by police after the ‘targeted attack.’ The attackers drove a stolen Ford Transit van at three men sitting in another van in Cardowan on the outskirts of Glasgow on Sunday afternoon. The three men in the parked van…managed to get out of the vehicle but were then chased and attacked with knives in Frankfield Road, Stepps. Both vans were then deliberately set on fire, sending flames ‘as high as a house’ into the air, according to one witness.” Guns? Them too . . .

Emergency service sources confirmed that witnesses had reported seeing guns. They added: “It’s very fortunate the injuries weren’t even worse given the amount of weapons on show.”

Another insider said: “There were reports of men with machetes running around the street.

“A van was then set on fire and this sparked a fire in another van parked next to it.

“Three people were found injured at the scene and witnesses also confirmed seeing firearms.

“One had a stab wound to his belly and the others had some puncture wounds to their hands.”

I suppose you could say that the attack showed the success of UK gun control, what with knives and machetes being deployed and guns being held in abeyance by the attackers. But that would be ridiculous.


  1. Since nobody was killed by a gun, this incident never happened. Sounds like Progressive Utopia to me.

    • Absolutely, Only gun murders count, the rest are of no importance. Of course knives are next on the Progressives’ hit list

      • The UK is going to ban 90 degree corners and edges on furniture next. After all, you could bump into them and get a bruise.

        (Yes, this is sarcasm. For now.)

        • All it takes to make any bit of steel into a knife is a hammer and some heat, knowledge is what makes tools, and unless you want to live in the stone age, we are not going to outlaw knowledge..

  2. You get what you deserve. You let them take away your freedoms and you become victims.

  3. And no one died…A minor incident compared to the hundreds of thousands of shootings that happened daily in the US.

    It’s easier to run from a nut with a machete than a nut with a gun.

    What’s the point of having regulations then if you idiotically believe criminals won’t follow the law?

    • So, the strong and fast survive, but the weak and disabled die in the leftist utopia.Got it.

      • More paranoia about “evil leftists wanting to take your guns bullcrap” got it.

        I swear the NRA kool-aid drinkers are out in full force today.

        Well let me know when machete attacks actually occur on a daily basis then. (Here’s a hint, They don’t.)

        You still didn’t answer How does a minor incident like this compared to the hundreds of thousands of shootings that happen in the US versus only a few minor RARE incidents that happen in the UK.

        I’m not afraid to call a NRA zombie out on their bull crap.

        • It is great when emotions are used versus facts

          A knife attack every 4 minutes; 130,000 per year – but ministers still insist crime rates are falling. More than 350 people are the victim of knife assaults every day in England and Wales, the latest crime figures have revealed.


          Damn! that is rare! So rare it happens once every 4 minutes in the UK — Wow! a unicorn event!

        • Hundreds of thousands? Yeah, I don’t think so. Maybe check your facts before commenting.

        • Hundreds of thousands of shootings happen daily in the US. Got it.
          I suppose that might be possible if you count each round fired at shooting ranges…

        • More paranoia about “evil leftists wanting to take your guns bullcrap” got it.

          …Which is why California is about to ban all semiautomatic long guns that take detachable magazines. Which is why Obama, via executive order, banned the import of surplus M1 Garands and M1 Carbines and has made it more difficult for people to acquire silencers. Because we all know how silencers and surplus WWII rifles are such a problem with mass shootings and gang violence in this country.
          It’s not paranoia when they’re actually out to get you. Another thing, but the constant persistance and vigilance on the part of gun rights people is what keeps the government at bay to the extent it can be held that way.

    • “It’s easier to run from a nut with a machete than a nut with a gun.”

      Unless you happen to be weaker and slower than the nut with the machete . . . or old, handicapped, infirm, a woman trying to run from a man, cornered in a room or an alley, or already injured in some way.

      Then, you are simply a defenseless victim because your government and people who think it’s okay for the strong to prey on the weak have wisely decided you shouldn’t be armed with a gun to defend yourself. After all, we wouldn’t want the poor guy with the machete to get hurt, would we?

    • ”What’s the point of having
      regulations then if you idiotically
      believe criminals won’t follow the

      Idiotic belief? One that doesnt follow the law is exactly the definition of a criminal.

      These trolls sure do say the wackiest shit.

        • Yeah because adding more guns to the solution will work.

          Hmmm… UK gun deaths are less than 50 people a year versus the various 40000 firearms deaths the US has every year and it’s still climbing despite the crap your gun-lobby masters feed you.

        • 30,000 and dropping. 20,000 of those are suicides that in all likelihood just find a different way. So if you are actually concerned about people killing one another with guns, the USA which is 405 times larger than the UK only has 200x more murders. More guns, more people, more land, less murder. Hurray for the USA!

        • Please don’t lump all people who disagree on social issues as Wack jobs.

          I’m “liberal” on many social issues, meanin I believe in liberty… including the right to own buy and sell as money guns as is humanly possible.

          We might disagree on gay right or abortion but let’s not alienate each other on issues that probably don’t directly affect either of us…

          Let’s rally behind our support of liberty, and the right to defend yourself and your family… and to shoot some awesome freakin guns.

      • And it’s far more easier to hit more innocent people than stopping the slasher nut.

        There have been statistically no cases of a ccw ever stopping an attack.

        Suggesting a gun to defend yourself in the UK will have your idiot ass laughed out of the country,

        More garbage from the brainwashed NRA nuts.
        How does a minor incident like this compare to the 100s of 1000s of shootings that happen on the daily basis in the UK versus less than a few incidents where guns were used.

        • None? Not even one? Oh really??

          Here ya go, and this site is dedicate to reporting the daily stopping of crime by CCW

          “According to a witness, it appears one man was stabbed in the side of the head and another was stabbed in the stomach. The exact condition of the victims is unknown, but police believe the injuries are very serious and possibly critical.

          Police say a bystander with a concealed carry permit witnessed the attack and stepped in to keep it from escalating.”

          Look, I get it. It is not a “lie” if you believe it. But it is still a lie. Get over yourself. Your are not even being intellectually honest. With all the various search engines, your BS is quickly debunked.

        • This person. Is very clearly a troll. Please do not feed them, it is the best way to deal with their kind. When no one plays their game they get bored and leave.

      • The UK doesnt want your idiotic and debunked “more guns less crime” snake oil crap.

        The NRA once WAS an organization that promoted firearm safety. Now it opposes all safety regulations that could easily save lives – just so that gun owners don’t have to be inconvenienced. When the NRA stops OPPOSING gun safety, then maybe you can make your claim. Today, they are nothing but a special interest lobbying group that promotes fear and violence for one purpose – to sell guns.

        My statements are true – all you can do is mock anyone who disagrees with you. Thanks for showing us how the NRA has “educated” you and every idiot i’ve destroyed on this website.

        • Please give one example of “gun safety” your words that the NRA opposes. Remember the word is “safety”

          Show proof that whatever that BS called “safety” would prevent a crime? Your problem is that you believe laws stop free will. That a piece of paper prevents something bad from happening.

          Just because you say your statements are “true” does not mean they are. That is the same crap politicians use. Show us proof not emotional pee in your pants drivel. If what you say is all true, you should be able to easily back up your claim. Correlate a gun law with the number of crimes it has prevented. It should be easy, after all you say every you stated is true.

        • Here you go again with the notion of NRA telling us what to think, leaving alone your other lies. It’s the members (over 5 millions of us) who tell to the Association’s leadership what to do. If anything NRA is too soft in the fight against those like you who are hell bent on robbing us of our freedoms. They still talk about background checks as if it was good thing for example. I would like to see NRA to play more offensive game and get back what we slowly, piece by piece, lost since 1934.
          And if you really believe that criminals obey laws and we just need to ban something to get rid of it -say, like heroin – I see a purchase of a bridge in your future.

      • I don’t fucking run ever, either. Because I busted my knee twice in the Army and it is fucked. I carry. I used to train BJJ. I still deadlift, bench press, and do pullups. But I don’t run.

        and i shouldn’t have to run to defend myself or family.

  4. “And no one died…A minor incident compared to the hundreds of thousands of shootings that happened daily in the US.” Complete bullshit. Hundreds. Maybe thousands in a country 405 times the size of the UK. And 90+% of those shootings are committed by a few thousand people in a few hundred total square blocks in cities where gun ownership is almost banned already.

    “It’s easier to run from a nut with a machete than a nut with a gun.” It is easier to defend your family that can’t run from the nut with the machete with a gun that it is to watch them get chopped up while you run.

    “What’s the point of having regulations then if you idiotically believe criminals won’t follow the law?” Good question.

    • And you’ve my proved my point that more guns do equal more crime.

      I’m much safer in the UK than I’m in the state of florida which is “gun friendly” and has a higher rate of murders and assaults.

      There was increase in murders and rapes and an increase in crimes committed with guns. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the NRA myth of “more guns equals less violent crime” is just a marketing tool for the gun manufacturers to sell more guns. Gun nuts are so gullible.

      • ZZZZZ…Who cares….The U.K. will be Englandistan in less than 40 years. Florida will still be here.

        • ” Florida will still be here.”

          With more guns than all the ‘Subjects’ of England combined…


      • Armed citizens are not a deterrent to crime? Why are gas stations robbed more frequently than the much more lucrative armored trucks? Could it be those armed guards? I haven’t heard many reports of random assaults outside the police station. There’s too many armed people willing to put a stop to it. I live just down the road from one of the finest shooting ranges in the nation. There’s more guns than you can flap your flapper at. Guess how much crime happens there. Go on. Guess! More crime, including shootings, DOES happen in the parts of my town where there are statistically “less guns.” Kinda makes you think that it could be the man and not the machine, doesn’t it?

      • Murders and assaults have little to do with the number of guns but rather with other problems and variables. And the NRA is a grassroots civil rights organization, not an industrial gun lobby. The actual gun manufacturing industry is pretty tiny.

      • I’m glad you “feel” safer in the uk, by all means stay there, I’m staying here in Texas with my freedoms and means to defend them.

      • Actually, a person is more likely to be assaulted or raped in the UK than in the US. And most murders in the US are criminal-on-criminal.

  5. Id love to hear the names of these “gangs”? Members
    Probably not McPherson or Sinclair’s
    Machetes don’t seem to be a very scottish weapon of choice?
    Just my two cents.

      • Ever heard of being wrong on everything?

        Would you rather prefer the UK criminals if they were actual any be armed with machineguns, rpgs and motars.

        That’s what your precious NRA wants.

        I’m statically safer in the UK than in “gun nut” florida.

        There was increase in murders and rapes and an increase in crimes committed with guns. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the NRA myth of “more guns equals less violent crime” is just a marketing tool for the gun manufacturers to sell more guns. Gun nuts are so gullible.

        • Readyformonica16,

          Eliminate all murders where the attacker used a firearm and the U.S. still has a higher murder rate than the U.K. (Saying it another way, attackers who use their fists, feet, clubs, hammers, knifes, swords, axes, machetes, etc. still cause a higher murder rate in the U.S. than the U.K.)

          Nevertheless, firearm laws and “ready access to firearms” are NOT the deciding factor in violent crime rates. But don’t take my word for it. Look at the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports and look at a state like Vermont. Vermont’s murder rate is similar to the safest countries in Western Europe and Vermont’s violent crime rate is lower than the safest countries in Western Europe. And yet Vermont residents age 16 or older can legally carry a handgun or rifle — openly visible or concealed — without any government license, permit, or vetting. Any Vermont resident can legally purchase any firearm they want from any private seller without any government license, permit, or vetting. And any Vermont resident age 21 or over can legally purchase any handgun or rifle from any licensed gun dealer with nothing more than an instant background check. If firearms were a major factor in violent crime generally and murder specifically, Vermont would have the highest violent crime rate and murder rate in the world. Yet it has much closer to the lowest violent crime rate and murder rate in the world.

        • Would you rather prefer the UK Muzrats if they were actual any be armed with machineguns, rpgs and motars.

          That’s what your precious Imam wants.
          Coming soon…..

        • Anti gun nuts are at the least very stupid. Those at the top are evil. Which are you, blowingbill16?

        • The UK murder rate was ALWAYS lower than the US rate. But the funny thing is, the UK murder rate WENT UP after handguns were banned, even though it is still relatively low. The US murder rate had been DROPPING for 25 years even though concealed carry was spreading and guns in circulation were increasing, until Ferguson. The US murder rate is increasing due to a massive increase in post-Ferguson black-on-black murders, mostly in strict gun-controll areas.

          BTW, lilly-white Vermont has essentially zero gun control and their murder rate is lower than France’s. British colony Jamaica enacted a virtual handgun ban in 1967 and yet their murder rate is about 12 times the US national average. the moral of the story is that murder is CULTURAL, not about the legality of the tools.

      • Jwm…i get it.
        The whole edge weapon thing.
        My fam is scottish.
        Just as i hit post comment i thought…someone will be quick with a correction.
        Apparently i haven’t kept up on current street weapon trends in Scotland…the machetes are abounding there.
        I thought the story may have other roots?

  6. Readyformonica16,

    First of all, laws do NOT prevent violent criminal attacks. Rather, laws simply define what specific behaviors the State will punish AFTER a violent criminal attacks someone … if the State ever finds and prosecutes the attacker.

    As for your implication that laws will prevent violent criminals from acquiring firearms, such laws mean zero to criminal distribution networks. Just like criminals find ways to acquire and distribute illegal narcotics, criminals find ways to acquire and distribute firearms. Such “alternate” methods include stealing, smuggling, manufacturing, bribing, and coercing government agents.

    In the real world, whether or not a criminal uses a club, hammer, ax, knife, machete, pipe, or firearm is simply a function of how lazy or motivated the violent criminal is. Lazy violent criminals will simply grab whatever is at hand. Motivated violent criminals will acquire firearms.

    • Saying criminals will still obtain guns despite the lack of laws is bullshit.

      Like I asked, What is the point of having regulations then if you idiotically believe criminals won’t obey the law.

      Not either one of you idiots on here answered my question which means you don’t know the answer.

      And how does a minor incident in the UK be so bad for you versus the hundreds of thousands of shootings that happen in the US on a daily basis.

      How does a slight incident compare to the mass shootings that the US sees once a week to a month.

      I’m statically safer in the UK than gun-nut florida which has seen a increase in murders and rapes commited with firearms.

      More guns makes us more safe right? *sarc*

      I’m not afraid to call an NRA whore out on their bullshit.

      • Readyformonica16,

        You asked, “What is the point of having regulations then if you idiotically believe criminals won’t obey the law.”

        Like I said, “… laws simply define what specific behaviors the State will punish AFTER a violent criminal attacks someone …” That answer to your question would be abundantly clear if you would calm down.

        Your assertion that, “… hundreds of thousands of shootings that happen in the US on a daily basis.” comes from what source?

      • TRIGGER WARNING: The only example you have is Florida. If the UK is statistically safer than Florida, stay the hell out of Florida, and go to Merry Ol England. It’s ok to have violence, as long as we don’t use a firearm to do it right? That’s what you’re saying, FLAME DELETED Go find your safe space, because this site, with free thinking going on, isn’t it.

      • Mexico has strict gun laws. Their murder rate is way higher than America’s. Brazil has strict gun laws. Their murder rate is way higher than America’s. Russia essentially bans civilian ownership of handguns, but their murder rate is 4 times that of America.

        Vermont has essentially no gun control. Their murder rate is lower than France’s.

        South Korea is essentially gunless. Their suicide rate is 2 1/2 times the American murder rate and suicide rate COMBINED.

  7. Readyformonica16: It’s been reported that hospitals, their doctors and staff make mistakes that kill somewhere between 200,000 and 440,000 people per year. I bet you write about licensing and background checks for hospitals, their doctors and staff too.

    Readyformonica16: CDC says at least 50,000 people die from opioids prescription drugs each year (that’s a low number). Bet you are mad at the pharma industry making sure they sell a lot of that shit too.

    Who knows how many abortions kill children each year.


    Bet you call yourself a Christian.

  8. Actually if you remove the minority gang banger action, the US gun violence rate falls to that of Finland.
    So sure guns are the problem?

  9. Van crash was not effective, edged weapons got the point across. Guns present but not used/needed shows conservation of ammo, saved for another day!

  10. Saying criminals will still obtain guns despite the lack of laws is bullshit.

    You know they make em if they can’t get them right?

    It’s a very old machine we are talking about here. They hand make them in Pakistan with simple tools

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