You can win a Black Arch holster by entering the best caption for this photo in the comments by Sunday midnight. Have at it.
You can win a Black Arch holster by entering the best caption for this photo in the comments by Sunday midnight. Have at it.
“Ohh you want the Nacho Libré set. This is Flash Gordon.”
GAS Bombs signage authorizes, however if that was you….get over there.
Never-before seen photo of Ryan Lochte’s Brazilian robbery.
A bad hair day is no excuse… Put that bonnet back on that baby!!!
“Target released this photo Tuesday, purportedly showing the plight of transgender people before the retailer changed it’s bathroom policy…more at 11.”
Okay, Johnny, are you sure that this the guy who grabbed your tushy at ballet class?
Stop resisting!
I got nothing that beats ‘GAS BOMBS – for emergency use only’.
Hurry up, Joe. My girlfriend Miss Universe is waiting in the get-a-way car.
Aren’t you supposed to announce the winner from last weekend?
Buster was a real crab when I shoved that raygun in his side…hey jwm I have no use for a holster. Whadda’ you do with yours in commiefornia??
I’ll never tell.
Quick, pull my finger. I’ll show this guy a real gas bomb.
The ambiguously gay duo ask for directions.
Fart again in the hose kid otherwise I can’t shoot!!
The other option would be “If the caliber of the gun is the same size as that bulge in your pants, go ahead and shoot.”
Well, there is a sign warning about gas bombs…
I don’t care if you are Buck Rogers, that’s some horrible trigger discipline
“We caught him because he zigged when he shoulda zagged – dead giveaway”
Alright, pal, enough is enough: He dealt it, and I don’t give a damn who smelt it. Got that?
He’s wearing a ballistic dickey: Always remember to go for a belly shot.
You headgear and tux are so gay I could spit. Now take them off and give them to me or else…!
Hey Mr. ÀTFE agent It’s not really a spud gun so it’s legal.
“With your help this election, we can get assault rifles, like these fully automatic AR-Glocks-buzz word machine guns/death machines off the streets. This message brought to you by the always factual clinton administration.”
You guys aren’t supposed to have those, ya know.
Are you sure I should hold my trigger finger like this? Why?
Say Michael Phelps again, I dare you…..
Bad guy, “Hey look! Is that a pair of Cabot Big Bang 1911s?!” Good guy, “Nice try buddy! Everybody knows those are just non-functional safe queens and wouldn’t be seen in public.”
I’m Rick James bitch. Give me a no-look high-one.
“Listen up buckaroo, there’s a strict limit on silly outfits in these parts. Now git!”
Give us your clothes! Wait, never mind, they’re even worse than ours…
He’s gonna play the yo-yo, and there’s nothing you can do about it!
After their embarrassing first attempt at crime fighting, Batman and Robin lose the gun and cover their faces in shame.
“Am I sure? Of course, I’m sure! Go look for yourself! Remington dropped off a whole boxload of these things just this morning!”
Your credits or your life!
Last time I’m gonna ask. Where can I buy that dickie?
That was your mater plan Mordo? Farting in to klein bottles? Go stand in the corner and think of something better.
“We just ate at that Mexican place over there.”
Buck..”Go fill up those gas bombs!”
Black beanie guy..”I can’t today. I used ‘Beano!'”
“If you want to upgrade to an AR-500 chest plate, the store is that-a-way”
No, his is a fart gun.
Gas bombs for me, but not for thee.
Go over there with the other ninja wannabes!
This is the new Mark IV … you’ll never bust inspection with a dirty Ruger again!
Did you steal this kid’s codpiece?
Alright, get over there! And for the last time take my mom’s bra off your head!
“mom left me in charge, and i say it’s your bedtime!”
“the ad was for a bottom.”
The kid told me to gut-shoot you .
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