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The synthetic Soviet certainly has a following. And say what you will about his safety record (not that he’s likely to hear anything you say anyway) he does manage to get his hands on some interesting ordnance.  Now he’s spawned imitators of his Euro-gonzo style. Not that FPS Lithuiania (sic) displays much style of his own in this intro to his shiny (loaded) Rossi 720 .44 wheel gun. We’re sure misspelling the name of his home country has nothing to do with his authenticity. Typos happen, right? We can’t wait to see him demo that bad boy.

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  1. Dude needs to practice more. There are times when his accent slips and he sounds like the South African hunting guides on some of the hunting shows.

  2. I’m calling dibs on FPS Jamaica! Ja, Mon… Wa a gwaan? I feelin irie wit mi H&K ninty tree. Jah guide, Rastafari!

    Now I just have to grow some dreads!

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