“Jared Lee Loughner is set to plead guilty Tuesday in the shooting attack that severely wounded Rep.Gabrielle Giffords,” latimes.com reports. “Mental health officials believe [that after force-feeding Loughner anti-psychotics] he is now competent to understand the charges against him in the assault, which killed six people and injured 13 at a gathering with the congresswoman’s constituents in Tucson.” Which freed the killer to cut a deal for life in prison, as opposed to the death penalty. One can imagine that the arrangement will not please many of Loughner’s victims, their loved ones or survivors of the attack. Nor, it would seem, Loughner himself . . .

Once, advised he might face the death penalty, Loughner sobbed for nearly an hour. “I want to die,” he said. “Give me the injection now. Kill me now.”

Newly released documents reveal that the murderer was sane at the time of the killing.

“The indictment said a search of Loughner’s home turned up a letter hidden in a safe in which Giffords thanked him for attending an earlier Congress On Your Corner event. Also in the safe was an envelope with handwriting that said, ‘I planned ahead’ and ‘My assassination’ and Giffords’ name.”


  1. This case really stinks of government meddling with a suspect and lots of unrevealed manipulation behind the scene. If he was sane at the time of the shooting why need to force feed him anti-psychotics all these months? Is the USG trying now to paint these crazies who commit mass murder with a gun as just another gun owner who can turn violent implying all gun owners can possibly go bad therefore ban high capacity? I really have no solid idea how to view this case other than I sense something really weird in the background going on.

    • If he was sane at the time of the shooting why need to force feed him anti-psychotics all these months?

      This shit isnt new. They get off on it, thinking that it will somehow miraculously correct whatever deviant behavior their subject displays, thereby bettering society, even if it is only a prison society. I know they’ve been doing to children for a while, when I was 15 (29 now) I had a Cook County judge change the terms of my probation to include forced medication. One more reason to never accept a plea bargain, or to talk to a shrink.

    • he wasn’t necessarily sane at the time of the killing, those are Mr. Farago’s words. It’s just his interpretation, using a loose definition of “sane” that an insane person is categorically non functional. Mr. Farago is not a mental health professional.

  2. “I want to die,” he said. “Give me the injection now. Kill me now.”

    No so fast Loughner, you pond scum sucking POS. I’ll give you a ticket to see Batman with James Holmes as your date and arm you both. The winner gets the needle.

  3. My reaction is, wow, I didn’t know people still used Rovner ligatures on the saxophone. I had one when they first came out. I’ve been out of the music scene for more than two decades so I didn’t realize they were still around.

    Or at least I suppose that should be the reaction when you show a picture of a crazy murderer with an alto sax mouthpiece in his maw.

    • Agreed. Rovner lignatures are awesome. I used one back in high school and the beginning of college and they were the best.

      As for Loughner, hopefully he disappears and we never have to hear of him again.

  4. My guess would be that JL’s tenure in the penal system will be fairly short. IF he takes the meds, and IF he keeps his mouth shut, he MAY survive for a while, but the population will probably contain at least one person who will take exception, and eliminate him in short order for a perceived wrong.
    Just my two cents…..

      • I think these are federal charges, so chances are this guy’s going to be in solitary 23/7 and have no access to other inmates. Frankly I’d rather be dead than life in solitary, and after a few years with no hope for release I’m guessing this guy will feel the same.

    • Well Mr. Internet Tough Guy, how so? Shooting a congresswoman and her supporters by yourself takes some pretty big balls. By comparison, police often won’t even leave the station to drive around in a car by themselves.

      • You’re going to defend him? I’d volunteer for his firing squad. That’s neither Tom stone courage or empty bravado – merely a punishment that fits the crime. I’d rather donate ammunition to this cause than have my tax money support his imprisonment for life.

  5. You’re going to defend him?


    I’d volunteer for his firing squad.

    Once more demonstrating that the police are more than willing to engage in extra-judicial executions of American citizens.

    • Wow. You’re going to defend Loughner? I’m at a loss for anything positive to say about that. I’m curious as to why, but I’m not sure I even want to know.

      Yes, I support the death penalty. I did in the Marine Corps as well – its not an LEO thing. I’d be in the wrong line of work if I was paralyzed by fear.

      • Wow. You’re going to defend Loughner? I’m at a loss for anything positive to say about that. I’m curious as to why, but I’m not sure I even want to know.
        Everyone deserves a defense. Anyways, no one here has explained how shooting a congress woman is the face makes you a coward. I would think that would take some pretty big balls, because someone is likely going to shoot back at you, put you jail for the rest of your life, etc. Compare him to the military or police, who will only wantonly engage in violence if they can call in overwhelming force. And if you think he was a coward because his victims were unarmed, then are the Navy SEALs cowards too for shooting an unarmed Bin Laden and wife?

        And how many people here or in general talk about ‘taking my guns from my cold dead hands’, or otherwise fight back against the oppressive government? He actually did something other than just act tough.

        I did in the Marine Corps as well – its not an LEO thing.
        I’m sorry, let me correct myself. Once more demonstrating that the police and service members are more than willing to engage in extra-judicial executions of American citizens.

        I’d be in the wrong line of work if I was paralyzed by fear.
        So how many times have you ever called for backup, working as a LEO? Or drove around in a car with a partner?

        • I’m in my car solo presently. I will be all day. Life is good.

          As to Loughner, he had his day in court and lost. Hence the penalty. We’re just not going to agree on this one. Have a nice day.

        • I’m in my car solo presently
          You also dodged the question about calling for backup.

          As to Loughner, he had his day in court and lost.
          Was the trial fair? Did his defense attorney have the same level of resources as the prosecutor? People generally don’t plead out, especially part way thru their trial, unless pressured to do so by their public defender. I know I’ve had that happen to me, because my public defender refused to put any time at all in to my case.

  6. While I’m all in favor of frying those caught red-handed killing large numbers of people, this isn’t all bad. He doesn’t get to create a circus in court, with his antics leading the evening news. He doesn’t get to drag this out for years. So, not my first choice, but I can feel some justice here.

  7. We’ll see what happens when he hits the yard or the shower. Dalmer didn’t last too long.

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