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ARE YOU READY? ‘Revolutionary’ and Opportunistic Violence Ramping Up Ahead of November

Self defense gun firearm training

GSL Defense Training image by John Boch

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Many politicians and the mainstream media persist in gaslighting Americans about widespread violence and looting in America. Even with buildings burning in the background, reporters keep reciting the mantra of “mostly peaceful protests.” Meanwhile, Democrat party leaders like Rep. Jerry Nadler claim that the fascist violence in Portland (for more than 80 days) and elsewhere is just a “myth.”

Plenty of people I know and respect believe more political and opportunistic violence is coming. I concur.  If and when Trump wins on November 3rd, I expect much more widespread violence, both in commercial areas and in residential neighborhoods as well. Yes, even outside of America’s biggest cities.

We got a taste of this after the death of George Floyd. And now, Kenosha and other cities in Wisconsin are enduring “civil unrest” by those with serious revolutionary zeal.

Violent mobs graduated from attacks on commercial and government buildings to “confronting” motorists.  Thanks to a lack of aggressive law enforcement, they’ve now moved into residential areas, terrorizing residents in otherwise peaceful neighborhoods.

They’ve hit cities big and small, too. In other words, this “revolution” can find innocent, unsuspecting people, even if they ordinarily seek to avoid it.

People like Shaun King have publicly advocated for more mayhem. Everywhere.

Are you ready?

You have a little over two months until the election to take some prudent steps to protect yourself, your home and your family. The time to prepare is now.

Guns and ammo The first rule of winning a gunfight is to “not be there.” But if thugs want to “cancel” you with a personal touch, the second rule is to have a gun. Carry yours every day where you can legally do so. If you can’t carry at work, have one in the car to help ensure your safety to and from work.

Old timers will tell you that if you have to participate in a gun battle, a handgun is what you use to fight your way to a long gun. They didn’t get to be old timers by being stupid, so have a defensive rifle or shotgun, along with suitable ammunition and a sling. Clint Smith is a big fan of shotguns.

I hope I don’t offend any chairborne rangers when I tell them that for shotguns, birdshot isn’t suitable for self-defense purposes outside of patty-cake distances.

Test drive your gear Practice with your gear at home while dry-firing to see how it all works together. Is it a happy family or is there conflict between the elements. For instance, if you bought armor or a “tactical vest,” does it impair access to your handgun carry rig for drawing or re-holstering? If your local range’s rules permit it, try doing some basic live-fire shooting drills while you’re geared up.

Don’t wait until there’s a chanting crowd forming nearby to find out that some of your gear doesn’t play well with your life-saving tool(s).

Self-defense insurance Nothing good happens after a defensive use of force aside from probably living another day. Self-defense insurance gives you access to outstanding legal representation at little or no charge. Because hiring a skilled attorney to beat a murder charge costs big bucks, money that most folks just don’t have.

The three companies I like and trust are US Law Shield, Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network and US Concealed Carry Association. You can explore the companies to find the one that’s the right fit for you.  Regardless, get yourself covered. Today.

Build relationships with neighbors Do you know your immediate neighbors? Do you have their phone numbers? Have you assessed them yet as possible assets in times of crisis or are they potential liabilities?

It’s still summer. Go chat them up. Take some cookies with you, or maybe a pie. Help them put you and your family into the “asset” column.

Image by Oleg Volk. Used with permission.

Armor Buy yourself and your loved ones soft body armor, especially if you live or work in higher risk environments or if you are a higher profile potential target. Fortunately, decent armor is plentiful, affordable and available to everyday citizens.

GSL Defense Training image by Boch.

Training You can’t have too much training. If you’ve got a good foundation of skill sets, take an intermediate or advanced level course. If that’s not challenging enough, take a force-on-force class. Good training will keep you from making rookie mistakes that might get you killed in a gunfight, or others that might get you imprisoned afterwards.

Video surveillance If you act to the standard by which you will be judged in using defensive force, a video record will be your friend. And it’ll give peace of mind. Install a video surveillance system at your home and business. Nice 4k (ultra-high definition) systems (cameras plus recorder) are available for about $500.

Image by Boch.

Yes, at first look, that might seem pricey.  However, after something happens, the images and scenes it records may prove priceless both to exonerate you and to prosecute the bad guys.

A “Never Give Up” Mindset. Even if you haven’t sought out a lot of training, don’t have armor, insurance or good neighbors, a positive “never give up” mindset will go a long way to surviving a violent attack.

Listen to Clint Smith!

The bottom line: You have about two months before the election and the violence almost certain to follow nationwide. With a little preparation, you can help turn a potentially life-threatening situation into a manageable inconvenience for you and your loved ones.

Either way, be prepared to defend your home and business from “revolutionaries” who want to destroy and burn everything to the ground.

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