Wayne LaPierre
(AP Photo/Michael Conroy, File)
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For those of us who follow gun news, it’s well-known that the NRA has been a corrupt organization for a long time and that the problem has grown worse over time. Self-serving “leaders” wasted the organization’s money and largely abandoned the causes of fighting for gun rights and firearms education. So, it’s great news that Wayne LaPierre’s time at the organization is over and that him and his buddies now have to pay the NRA back. Even better, there’s a good chance that the organization can now be reformed and put that money to good use.

But, the anti-gunners don’t understand that LaPierre and Co. have to pay the money back to the NRA.

If you’re an anti-gun “progressive,” the NRA is the worst of the worst, and anything that hurts the evil Wayne LaPierre (a diabolical child-killing man who wears custom baby seal leather boots that he no doubt clubbed himself) is good for the righteous and honest movement to ban firearms and let America finally become Eurotopia.

According to Giffords, the NRA has had a very bad week, and the people taking over for LaPierre were too quick to say that the organization isn’t dead. After all, now LaPierre lost in court!

Even Letitia James, the woman who took the NRA to court, should know better but wants to make this look like a big loss for the NRA:

If James were honest, she’d admit that this was a loss for LaPierre and for the others who were found to be corrupt. That much is true. But, the NRA itself is going to receive that $6.35 million. So, the NRA (specifically members and donors) is going to be fine. If anything, she was technically fighting for the NRA and not against it.

But, the anti-gun crowd doesn’t want to tell their donors that the NRA is about to come back more powerful than it has been in decades. With the money returned (as much as is possible to recover, at least) and corrupt leadership removed, the NRA will get back to its mission. If things go right in the post-trial motions and hearings, there’s a good chance at leadership reform that keeps the inaction and corruption away for good.

To admit that the NRA was the real winner would mean that the anti-gunners didn’t win, and that they aren’t a good place to send donation money. Nobody wants to admit that they didn’t win, and nobody wants the gravy train to stop moving down the tracks.

But, by the time it’s all settled out and the reformed NRA gets back to serious work, the unserious and unsophisticated fans of these anti-gun people and organizations will have forgotten about this round of gloating. When the NRA roars back, they’ll be able to blame it on Trump or something instead of admitting that they fixed the NRA.

So, consider bookmarking this article. When the time comes, you’ll be able to dig up some old Tweets showing that the gloating was ill-advised and premature.


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  1. “who wears custom baby seal leather boots that he no doubt clubbed himself”

    I had no idea that Wayne LaPierre had clubbed foot.

    • RE: “If anything, she was technically fighting for the NRA and not against it.”

      You made it sound like the Gun Control democRat james is the kind of leader NRA membership has been wishing for. The warrior princess democRat is technically acting giddy about winning a case but beneath that technical giddiness is a fuming self serving ny democRat lowlife about to blow a gasket over the fact she and her lynch mob could not wipe the NRA off the map.

      Hopefully NRA leadership bumkins can now cease living the lifestyle of the rich and famous mostly to fit-in…sorta no different than those on this forum who see bigotry and remain silent to fit-in.

      • Just so you know, Debbie, when you post using the “Reply” function in order to get your words as close to the top of the section as possible, and your comment has nothing to do with the one you’re “replying” to, I never read your words. And, I’m that much less likely to be interested in what you have to say even when you aren’t so discourteous.

        • Do you think she writes her posts thinking “I need to write this so Alan Esworthy will read it and care.” ?


        • Alan, here’s a pro tip: scroll past anything with Lil’ Debbie’s moniker on top — unless you’re into repeated rants about racism.

          Another pro tip: if you’ve read one, you’ve read them all.

        • RE: “If you’re an anti-gun “progressive,” the NRA is the worst of the worst,”

          Never mind the antics of a handful of greedy NRA small fries when the insane progressive democRat Anti Gun Agenda is Rooted in Racism and Genocide…

  2. You should suffer from no delusions that Attorney General James and the State of New York will find a pretext to confiscate EVERYTHING that the NRA has. They will be just as predatory as they have been with President Trump.

    • If only someone could sue Tump and make him pay back the Republican Party for all the wasted time, money and energy he scammed from them. I remember when I was proud of the NRA and the GOP, perhaps someday again…

      • “If only someone could sue Trump and make him pay back the Republican Party for all the wasted time, money and energy he scammed from them.”

        Let’s see what we got for that money –

        *3* brand-new SCotUS Justices that turned the court 6-3 in our favor, leading last year to the NY Pistol ‘Bruen’ decision, eliminating the two-step standard back to one step, and declaring the only legal 2A laws had to have a late-1700s equivalent.

        Are you seriously suggesting we would have gotten the same from president Hillary?

        • geoff…I recall your posts denigrating POTUS DJT on a level that would put a sht grin on the face of nancy pelosi. And you tried to blame me and those who support POTUS DJT for setting up another loss in 2024. Now that you see the writing on the wall it appears you want to make yourself look TRUMP. It must be which ever way the wind blows there’s geoff…pathetic.

      • mountoceanpos…It’s marxist propaganda regurgitating garbage like you and geoff who gave America Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe…Take a bow.

        TRUMP 2024.

  3. Jennifer, I’m glad that you go to sites such as the Giffords, Brady, et al, and spare me the ordeal of doing so myself. The last time I did, I nearly got ill from the lies.
    Better you than me…

  4. This was a minor win for James (helps her politically), but it only slightly helps NRA since just by his resignation NRA has to pay LaPierre $17 million. The money he has to pay back is pennies on the dollar to what he stole and misused. Despite what they claim the board knew what he had been doing, and they need to go too.

    • It may well be voided. I’d be curious to see honestly, and if I were the NRA I’d take that up probably.

  5. Getting the money from WLP is going to be an interesting game. It was, roughly, 10 years ago when WLP and some of his butt buddies CASHED OUT their NRA pensions. That’s when I knew that something stunk to high heaven at NRA headquarters.

  6. It’s bad news for anti-gunners as the NRA just trimmed the fat and became more useful. Now if they could actually become useful in general is then next goal.

    • Hopefully you are correct, but without a court appointed master or removal of the existing board for malfeasance . . . lets just say I’m skeptical. I will continue supporting SAF, GOA, and FPC, the orgs that regularly win the cases that stop me from being an overnight felon time after time. NRA will have to show me something before I fall for their shtick again.

      • Remain skeptical. They have a lot of work to do. They should’ve gotten the Bud Light treatment years ago.

  7. The new leadership for the NRA will just be a bunch of Fudds who will be for common sense gun contro appointed by the Dems.

  8. Besides the money that has to be paid back, I’ll begin to contribute again. I’m guessing I’m not the only one.

    • How will we know they purged everyone that enabled WLP & Co? How will we know this won’t happen again? It’s a lot more than 2-3 people. This wasn’t just WLP. They shouldn’t be so easily forgiven for allowing this. Once they clear NY, they have to completely reform themselves, and prove it.

  9. The sooner this dinosaur keels over and drops into history the better IMHO. Get out of the way of the real 2A warriors and stop sucking resources that could be better used fighting FOR our 2A rights instead of systematically negotiating them away.

    Good riddance!

    • Huh. I was pilloried on this site merely two days ago for explaining everything that would be lost should the NRA be dissolved and disbanded.

      “You want to target innocent people, that makes you the bad guy! Those people are innocent in this and thy do far more for self defense and firearm training/responsibility than I do.”

      “Do you ever get tired of blaming and ‘persecuting’ every one for the actions of one or a few? Typical left wing rant.”

      “Why don’t you just wear a big sign that screams “I’m a left wing anti-gun bigot and want to take away constitutional rights and make everyone suffer”

      “Pull you lips off the behinds of ny Gun Control zealots whose only motive was to get the NRA, they like you could care less about member contributions, the 2A, etc. … sit down twerp you have no podium.”

      And here you are, not even receiving a disapproving “harrumph” from posters such as .40 cal.

      Most interesting, don’t you think?

      • Why would it be interesting that someone did not post everywhere you think they should? Sounds more like you think you are ‘entitled’.

        Nikita Tesla gives his opinion, and its obvious.

        And no, collectively … you didn’t ‘explain’ “everything that would be lost should the NRA be dissolved and disbanded”…you basically, trying to create drama posted that everything and everyone should be ‘persecuted’ because of the actions of a few, for example, here > https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/jury-finds-nras-wayne-lapierre-guilty-orders-him-to-repay-4-3m-for-misuse-of-charitable-funds/#comment-7031337 > where you posted…

        “Dissolve the NRA. Fold the tent. Seize the assets. Revoke all memberships. Halt the training programs. Stop all legislative action. Remove the organization from any and all litigation in which it is involved. Disqualify all NRA instructors and their programs. No more programs such as Eddie Eagle, School Shield, scholarships, awards or shooting contests. ”

        … and then you basically celebrated it by a copy-n-paste of the James and Giffords and Brady comments.

        And that’s why you were, in your words, “pilloried on this site merely two days ago” …. because overall collectively you out and out reflected and endorsed a left wing anti-gun ‘scorched earth’ concept that basically says ‘anything gun, any law abiding person with a gun, any tradition of guns, the 2A, is evil therefore needs to be eliminated’ > In other words, the typical left wing anti-gun agenda of ‘persecution’ of all the ‘innocent’ for the transgressions of a few.

        What you did and Nikita Tesla giving his opinion are two different things so don’t try to liken them as the same.

        • A total mischaracterization of my post, complete with selective editing. Nice job, Miner — I mean, .40 cal.

        • what do you mean “A total mischaracterization”?

          Are you saying now that which is clearly visible in your post with this > “Huh. I was pilloried on this site merely two days ago for explaining everything that would be lost should the NRA be dissolved and disbanded. ” was some way or another “mischaracterized” by me explaining why you were, as you put it, “pilloried on this site merely two days ago” by me using yet again your own words that you posted that were copy-n-posted in complete as you wrote them?

          “Nice job, Miner — I mean, .40 cal.”

          Don’t even try that childish stunt trying to make yourself look like a victim by that feeble transparent attempt to discredit. Are you like 12 years old?

        • “you didn’t ‘explain’ “everything that would be lost should the NRA be dissolved and disbanded”…you basically, trying to create drama posted that everything and everyone should be ‘persecuted’ because of the actions of a few”

          Wrong. I listed numerous programs that would end if the NRA was disbanded as James has originally sued them for. I called for no prosecution. That was your interpretation, which was incorrect.

          “… and then you basically celebrated it by a copy-n-paste of the James and Giffords and Brady comments.”

          “Basically?” Wrong again. I wrote:

          “The victory is being cheered by the anti-gun activists:”

          That’s a statement of fact — the snippets I pulled from each site showed their reaction. I made no statement “celebrating” their reactions. You made that mischaracterization.

          “by me using yet again your own words that you posted that were copy-n-posted in complete as you wrote them?”

          You left out the statement that I just repeated, so you did not post the words “in complete as I wrote them.” That is mischaracterization as you substituted your opinion “overall collectively you out and out reflected and endorsed a left wing anti-gun ‘scorched earth’ concept.”

          “that feeble transparent attempt to discredit.”

          You left out part of what I wrote while calling it “complete.” I likened your posting to that of another here who uses the same tactic and is routinely called out for it. Now you can be a man and own up to it, or you can stick with your ad hominems. Your choice.

          Wear the shoe, .40 cal — it fits, despite your denial.

      • “I was pilloried on this site merely two days ago… “

        Wow, whiny little victim, can’t you get your mom to kiss your boo-boo?

        You and Trump cry and moan like toddlers caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

    • Yeah, right. Miner gets a break from being the whiney little victim! Say, how about that TRUMP comeback? Gotta love it, right? Bwahahahahaaa!!!!!

  10. If only Oliver North had been successful getting WLP to resign, at least a few additional years of graft could have been avoided. There also might have been a general turn toward true support of the 2nd Amendment by those in leadership.

  11. Ben Carson Warns Of ‘An Entirely New Threat To Our Country’. In his address to CPAC on Thursday, former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson outlines this threat.

    • Really, you’re posting about CPAC?

      It’s strange to see you support same sex activities, they do appreciate your effort:

      “Two more sexual assault claims surface against head of conservative political organization
      By Lauren Koenig, CNN
      Published 10:16 PM EST, Sat December 16, 2023

      Matt Schlapp, the influential chairman of the American Conservative Union, is facing additional allegations of sexual assault that apparently took place before the incident that launched a more than $9 million sexual misconduct lawsuit against him last year.

      Carlton Huffman, a Republican staffer on Herschel Walker’s US senate campaign, initially accused Schlapp of sexually assaulting him last year. Huffman had been assigned to drive Schlapp to campaign events in the Atlanta area and alleged Schlapp fondled him without his consent during a car ride in October 2022.

      According to new reporting, based on court documents obtained by The Washington Post, Schlapp was also accused of sexual misconduct twice before – first in 2017 and then in early 2022. The updated court filing alleges the incidents were reported to staffers of the American Conservative Union, which hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, but “no action was taken against Schlapp,” according to The Post.“

      • “It’s strange to see you support same sex activities”

        There goes Miner49er again, with his admittedly “creepy” (his word) obsession with same-sex activities.

        • Really! What’s up with that guy anyway? Seems the sort who would b*tch if they hanged him with a new rope!

      • “It’s strange to see you support same sex activities”

        Never said or indicated any such support. Once again, learn what context means.

  12. quote————If you’re an anti-gun “progressive,” the NRA is the worst of the worst, and anything that hurts the evil Wayne LaPierre (a diabolical child-killing man who wears custom baby seal leather boots that he no doubt clubbed himself) is good for the righteous and honest movement to ban firearms and let America finally become Eurotopia.——–quote

    Moving toward European style gun control is inevitable in the U.S. and many U.S. States have already done so even though their laws would be more effective at the Federal Level. Cross contamination by U.S. Hillbilly States will continue to funnel in second hand guns with no paperwork until the Federal Government is finally forced to act and pass Universal Background Checks and get some sanity back into gun control in the U.S.

    • “a diabolical child-killing man”

      That’s news to me. Then again, I don’t give much credence to the rantings of the insane.

  13. The gun grabbers are afraid of an inanimate object.
    So of course they cannot understand it was not a bad week for the NRA.
    Just the corrupt leadership who has to pay the NRA back.
    They must of been educated in one of those DIE schools that teach that pronoun nonsense and not reading, writing and math.

  14. European gun control? They’re building ranges and passing out rifles…because reality introduced itself. They are also beset by crime from immigration policies as we are, but have no opportunity to resist either criminals or tyrants. If that is what you prefer, move there. Drink tea and clutch your pearls all you want, it won’t help…

    Gun control is for cowards and fools, so stand and be counted along with your kind:
    Europe is an entire continent of both…

    • “Europe is an entire continent of both…”

      Europe, as a whole, is quite rational, and peaceful, for generations, now. Governments have not reduced the citizenry to the level of serfs and vassals, nor established an inbred elite with divine right to rule. In general practice, the police and military of European nations have not created police states of the Stalin, or Nazi era. So….where is the tyranny that needs to be overthrown by an armed populace?

      Tyranny seems to be more at home and prevalent in Central and South America.

      Note: It has been 159yrs since the last attempt to overthrow tyrannical government in the US. One would think that in the US, a revolution would happen more often. Maybe we are overlooking something?

      • THIS says it all: “Note: It has been 159yrs since the last attempt to overthrow tyrannical government in the US…” That would have been 1865, the end of the War Between The States, when the Confederate rebellion was crushed, slavery was finally abolished, and black folks were given full citizenship and the same civil rights as everyone else, including the vote and equal protection of the law… (13th, 14th, 15th Amendments).
        You appear to be saying that the Southern Rebellion was a GOOD thing- along with everything that implies.
        The Secession and the ensuing war was NOT a good thing, and in every Article Of Secession passed by the states in rebellion mentioned the election of Lincoln and the feared possible abolition of slavery as a reason for secession. You are suggesting that the destruction of the Federal Union and maintenance of the institution of slavery was in some sense a revolution against tyrannical government- spoken like a true secessionist and slaveholder. You may be neither of those things but you have spoken like one.

        • “You are suggesting that the destruction of the Federal Union and maintenance of the institution of slavery was in some sense a revolution against tyrannical government- ”

          Not at all. Point is/was, slavery was not addressed in the US Constitution, thus, slavery was a matter for the individual states (note: slavery was not abolished on 09Apr1865).

          Being a matter for the individual states, the federal government kept attempting to use simple legislation to usurp the power of the individual states (tyranny). All because there were not enough votes to ratify an amendment to the US Constitution. There were multiple attempts by the federal government to establish “might makes right” with regard to simple legislation. Ultimately, the anti-slavery states were left only with “might makes right” through military superiority. Even then, it took until 31Jan1865, with a subjugated “South”, to ratify the 13th Amendment.

          Interesting you jumped on slavery as the thrust of my comment. The question at hand was/are we misapprehending the threat. The countries of the EU are often called socialist, and examples of the horrors of not having wide-spread private ownership of firearms. Yet, those countries are not suffering government tyranny and enslavement of their governments. Are we missing something in our analysis of the need for individual arms to prevent the US government from enslaving its citizens?

        • “You are suggesting that the destruction of the Federal Union and maintenance of the institution of slavery was in some sense a revolution against tyrannical government-”

          Prior to 1865, the question of whether states could disengage from the union was a matter of political/legal debate. Had the confederacy not fired upon Ft. Sumter, the matter would have remained in the political/legal realms.
          (Of note, four “slave states” remained in the union, with slavery still practiced).

          So, eleven US States declared independence from the US, as the people/legislatures desired. And there it sat, until the pride of the confederacy was demonstrated, considering federal control of Ft. Sumter to be an illegal and hostile occupation of confederate sovereignty. Essentially, at the time, there were two independent nations, identified by two philosophies and cultures. No one knows what would have unfolded, minus the attack on Ft. Sumter.

          Further note: Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation” freed zero slaves, either within the confederacy, or the four “slave states” that remained in the federal union.

  15. Hey – is someone monitoring the comments? I sent a comment praising what had taken place, (and also correcting the folks who incorrecty labeled this thing a “crime”) but it didn’t appear along with other comments. Just “disapeared”? The NRA will alwsys be there to protect the people from corrupting politicians who want to seize control of a country and its people. Generally, if you look at history, the first thing a tyranical “leader” does is to take the guns away from the people of the nation. One of the best=known such “leaders” was Adolf Hitler.
    Our Founding Fathers, wise men all, knew that for we, as a people, and our nation, to remain “free” , we had to retai our right to keep and bear arms – aright sceond onlk y to “free speech if you’ll simply check our Bill of Rights
    May the Good Lord continue to watch over us and our country – a country like no other that has ever existed in our world – and our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the reasons for this.

    • “The Second enforces the First”… freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition, protected by the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and carry arms. “Arms”, btw, not just guns.

  16. Please excuse my typos – I have arthritis in my hands and fingers and they seem, at times, to have minds of their own as to what keys to push.

  17. “…it’s well-known that the NRA has been a corrupt organization for a long time and that the problem has grown worse over time.”

    Complete garbage. There may be some now-corroberated findings of wrong-doing by several in leadership but it’s utterly ludicrous to infer that the general employees, staff, and even many of the elected Board members are, or were, corrupt. Idiot generalizations by an out of the loop writer looking for sensationalism to try to make herself relevant.

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