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By Cliff H.

Submit your [Zhivago] doctored image to [email protected] with the word DA! (all caps) in the subject field. The winner gets a brick (500 rounds) of Thunderbolt .22LR.

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  1. Oh my GOD, Cliff H.!!! WINNER! My new lock screen iPad Mini image.

    Thanks. Absolutely great!

    • Thanks, Calvin. (Spacebo)

      It is in fact Russian for “Thank you.” Pronounced: Spah -SEE-bah.

      Can be heard frequently in Crimea these days whenever Putin is discussed.

      • Actually it is spasibo, according to Russia Today. I actually thought it was spaceba.

        Some of these anti-anti-gun agitprop posters have obvious misspellings. Kind of reduces their effectiveness and gives the gun-grabbers yet another angle to ridicule us from. People who can’t spell shouldn’t be making propaganda posters.

        Before you jump down my throat and call me a grammar Nazi, think about why it’s important to be disciplined about spelling and grammar as it relates to our efforts to win hearts and minds and defend our cause.

        • Any transfer from the Cyrillic characters to Roman alphabet is problematic. You can go with Russia Today, which would result in spasibo and the uninitiated would attempt to pronounce this as spah-sib-OH, which will result in hearty laughter from Russians, assuming they can figure out what the hell you just tried to say.

          In Cyrillic the “c” represents our “s” sound, but there is no roman letter for the Cyrillic “p”, the “i” looks to us like a backwards capital “N”, but is pronounced “ee”, and the “b” is similar to, but not the same as our lower case “b”. Allowing for the missing “p” and backward “N” the closest spelling of Thank You would be Cpacibo. That would be TOTALLY confusing for an English speaker and would look to a Russian like “srasibo.” (phonetically)

          In my experience it is also commonly rendered as Spacebo by actual Russians (I can show you the texts from my ex-wife), although I do see by a quick search that the official transliteration spelling is as you discovered: spasibo, so we seem to have a difference of official opinion and personal experience.

          In addition, in Russian the “o” always takes a soft, or “ah” sound (really more of a “uh”) unless it is the emphasized syllable in the word. Since in Spacebo/spasibo the emphasis is on SEE, the “o” is soft and the word is pronounced Spah-SEE-bah, not Spah-sih-BO.

    • So was the Psycho in “IT!” (by Stephen King). Assuming you meant “clown” and not just “fool.”

      (Wish I had a Cyrillic keyboard/font, would have made the poster even better.)

      • I just use copy and paste. I type in the latin spelling and it usually will show me the cyrillic. My wife is Ukrainian so she sometimes uses that word, on me.

  2. As an added bonus, not extra charge:

    The Helpless Vassals Song
    (To the tune of The Horst Wessel song)

    Bloody shirt on high! Our ranks tightly closed!
    MDA and MAIG march with quiet, steady step.
    Children shot by gun-loving whackos
    March in spirit within our ranks.
    Everyone shot by gun-loving whackos
    Marches in spirit within our ranks.
    Clear the streets for the anti-gun battalions,
    Hear in the media our storm of derision!
    Millions are looking upon Obama full of hope,
    The days of free healthcare and free iPhones dawns!
    Millions are looking upon Obama full of hope,
    The days of the Second Amendment are almost gone!
    For all the people, the call to disarm is sounded!
    For civilian disarmament we are prepared to fight!
    Already Bloomberg’s banners fly over the streets.
    The illusion of safety will be ours in a little while now!
    Soon Bloomberg’s banners will fly over all streets.
    All the guns will be only memories in a little while now.
    Bloody shirt on high! Our ranks tightly closed!
    MDA and MAIG march with quiet, steady step.
    Children shot by gun-loving whackos
    March in spirit within our ranks.
    Everyone shot by gun-loving whackos
    Marches in spirit within our ranks.

  3. His expression interests me.
    Has he spotted someone with a sugary drink?
    Perhaps severe abdominal distress?
    Or is he grimly facing the reality of 2A?

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