AAP pediatrician gun survey anti-gun
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By Dr. LateBloomer

I recently received a letter from the American Academy of Pediatrics, requesting my participation in one of their surveys about three issues – Suicide Prevention, Maintenance of certification, and the topic I particularly want to discuss—“Firearm Injury Prevention”. The letter and survey were accompanied by a 2-dollar bill as a “token of appreciation”.

I was treating this as just more AAP junk mail, when I perked up at reading the part about firearms. I briefly considered participating in the survey. Maybe they are finally wising up, I thought naively. But my excitement was short-lived as I read over the wording of the questions and saw how slanted the survey was from the get-go.

When I was in college, and also in my Master’s program in public health, I distinctly remember being taught that survey creation is a delicate process because of the amount of bias that can be introduced merely by the wording of the questions. Iʼm going to share a sampling of these firearm-related survey questions, and you can decide for yourself if this survey is a biased load of hooey or not (not that Iʼm trying to bias your opinion or anything).

Iʼd include a few photos of the survey questions, but unfortunately I already scribbled smart aleck comments all over most of them in my initial fit of pique.

Hereʼs a sampling [emphases are mine]:

13. When providing health supervision, how frequently do you or your staff: (Always, Sometimes, Never)

___ Identify families who have firearms in the home.

___ Recommend to families who have handguns their removal from the home.

___ Recommend to families who have any firearms their removal from the home.

___ Recommend to families who have firearms the unloading and locking away of guns.

___ Counsel families to inquire about the presence of guns in homes where their children play/spend time.

14. If you do not always identify families who have firearms in the home or counsel them on removal or storage, what are you reasons for not doing so?

___ Parents object to inquiry/counseling on firearms.

___ I am fairly certain no families in my practice have firearms.

___ Firearm injury prevention is not an important issue in my practice.

___ There is not enough time in health supervision visits to address firearm issues

___ It is not the role of a pediatrician to ask/advise families on firearms.

___ Concern that the law does not permit me to inquire/counsel on firearms.

19. Overall, how well prepared do you feel to counsel patients and their families on firearm injury prevention? (Not at all, Somewhat, Moderately, Very Prepared)

20. Overall, how interested are you in receiving additional training on firearm injury prevention? (Not interested, Somewhat interested, Moderately interested, Very Interested)

22. Pediatricians should support community efforts to enact legislation:(Strongly Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Neutral, Somewhat Agree, Strongly Agree)

___ Restricting possession or sale of handguns.

___ Banning the sale and possession of handguns.

___ Banning the sale and possession of assault weapons.

___ Banning the sale and possession of high capacity magazines.

___ Requiring universal background checks.

___ Holding gun owners responsible for child and adolescent use of guns.

___ Requiring safe storage of all guns (ie; trigger locks, storing firearm and ammunition separately, using a gun safe)

___ Requiring firearms be subject to consumer product regulations regarding child access, safety, and design, thereby restricting access to unauthorized users, and facilitating reporting of firearm-related injuries.

Thereʼs more, but you get the idea. This is nothing but a laundry list of their usual party line anti-gun talking points. Iʼm surprised that they even included the option to disagree. And there is one (count ‘em, one) option which allows you to check the idea that none of this is the pediatricianʼs role. Iʼm especially interested in number 20, and who they think is going to provide this “additional training”.

There is no doubt in my mind that the AAP leadership plans to use the results of this slanted survey to claim that the membership supports their anti-Second Amendment agenda. They will continue to do what they are already doing, but now they will claim that they represent their membership in this “mission”.

How about if the AAP bigwigs stick to actual medical issues, like—oh, I dunno—maybe measles outbreaks, and why we have to medicate literally millions of American children just so they can make it through the school day? That ought to keep them busy for the next 20 years or so.

They need to stay in their lane, and leave their nanny-state paws off the Second Amendment.

AAP pediatrician gun survey anti-gun

As for me, Iʼll not be returning the survey, but I will be taking their $2 “token of appreciation” and buying more ammo.


Dr. LateBloomer’ is the pen name of a female general pediatrician (MD, MPH, FAAP) who enjoys competitive shooting sports, including IDPA, USPSA and 3-Gun. Evil semi-automatic firearms are her favorites. 

This article originally appeared at drgo.us and is reprinted here with permission. 

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  1. To doctors: Stick with what you know. Most doctors will never see a real gun shot wound in their career. Worry about the ratio of highly medicated population with the high rate of stupidity of Democrats. Worry about abused drugs like Valium or Percocet. Stop prescribing and start treating.

    • It doesn’t take much imgaination to see where this is going. Combine “concerned physicians” with a Red Flag law and you get SWAT teams kicking your door in. For you’re own good, of course and, besides, they have a larger public interest to think of that’s far greater than your firearms fetish.

    • While I agree that this is a ridiculously biased survey and can only be used for evil, I’m not sure where your supposition that most doctors will never see a gunshot in their career comes from.

      I am a practicing urologist. As a surgical subspecialist, my training included one year of general surgery. I trained in a rural mid south area where farming accidents and moped collisions were the most common trauma patients. That being said, I have treated dozens of gunshots in my career, mostly as a general surgery intern. Now I treat GSW (gunshot wounds) to the urological organs only occasionally as I don’t work at a trauma center. In residency there were mostly suicide attempts and occasionally drug deals gone wrong. Most hunting accidents didn’t make it to the hospital. Now it’s some drunken fool who tries to appendix carry and manages to perforate his penis scrotum or testicles. Always an upstanding citizen driving the kids to church on a Saturday night.

      That being said. It is darn near impossible to make it through training without seeing a GSW. Even pediatricians rotate through general surgery as a medical student. This is what we know. Figuring out ways to help patients should be a priority of organized medicine and gun deaths do happen.

      At the same time, I am a shooter and a hunter. I don’t write the questions on the admission forms and I don’t deserve the anger directed at me after filling out the paperwork. I have never asked about guns, except out of true interest as when a recent patient showed up wearing a Cooper firearms hat. We compared collections.

      My office uses Epic as an electronic medical record (one of the more common systems). Obama Era laws regarding meaningful use of electronic records do include asking about guns in the home. If your doctor hasn’t asked then they are probably intentionally skipping the question.

      In my community the response rate is less than 10% with the remainder having some form of snarky comment attached.

      Please understand the docs don’t write the questions

      • “Please understand the docs don’t write the questions…”

        The criticisms are not generally about individual doctors, but about the “doctor community” that thinks they should be influential regarding personal firearms…especially “doctor community” professional organizations that promote actual or effective removal of guns from the home. The questioned survey should have outraged the “doctor community”, and resulted in massive push back by the members.

        Not talked about much in this flurry of comments is the very real potential for doctors to become people who trigger gun confiscations because they have record of a patient having guns, and come to the conclusion that because of the treatment sought, the patient poses a threat of harm to others (i.e. “red flag” incidents). This crap has not only reinforced my stance with my doctor that he is serving me, but now I do not trust the entire medical profession with my actual conditions. The can lead to withholding information that may be important to treatment because I do not trust the medical profession with what they know about me.

        So doc, if you are not ignoring “those questions”, you deserve the heat.

        • I’m a pediatrician, now on year 13 of practice, I’ve never seen a fresh gunshot wound. I’ve had one patient who I took care of a few months after a gunshot wound (loaded 1911 in back of car, 6 year old sibling picked it up, dad claims the 6 year old racked the gun and shot his sibling by accident, yea I believe that, it was a miracle the kid survived, dad is obviously an idiot who kept a loaded 1911 under the drivers seat and easily accessed by a child in the back seat), but I wouldn’t count that. My rotations in surgery were never in a high enough level trauma hospital to warrant that kind of exposure.

          Pediatricians don’t know %&#$*^ about guns or effects of guns outside of what they see in Hollywood movies .Don’t trust a pediatrician on this unless he or she is a POTG, in which case the knowledge isn’t pediatrician based, but POTG based. I wouldn’t trust a pediatrician to tell me how to wire the lights in my house, or how to use or safely store a gun (same argument for both).

          Trust your doctor for health advice, or for medicine/disease advice. Don’t trust him or her for social advice, legal advice, constitutional advice, or any other kind of advice.

          And just for general knowledge, the AAP is a political organization at this point, not a medical one.

        • “Trust your doctor for health advice”…sure thing joe…maybe you missed the memo that your profession is the 3rd leading cause of preventable death in the USA?

        • It’s a free country, Pg2, if you don’t want to use a doctor, as soon as you turn 18 and move out of your parents’ house feel free to never use a doctor again 🙂

          One question? We’re you vaccinated? If yes congratulations, you’ve finally convinced me that vaccines cause autism.

        • Joe, I’ll leave the autism to you. After all, you are part of the process in creating the 1in 40 autism epidemic. And no matter what you post here, you know it’s true.

        • Joe, what is the insurance reimbursement bonus for high vaccination rates in your practice? You have the balls to tell the truth?

        • Yes, a whole zero dollars.

          Glad to increase your knowledge base.

          How much do you get paid to lie about vaccines?

          For someone who blathers on and on about double blind placebo controlled studies you seem to lap up every conspiracy theory you can read online. Insurances bonusing us? They barely pay us for services rendered!

        • Joe, you’re a liar. But that was a given, you’d have to be to decent liar, or a sociopath, to inject these products into infants and developing children knowing they’ve never been adequately safety tested.

      • Where do you practice, inner city? There’s rarely a gunshot wound in the Chicago suburbs. Nothing in the suburban newspapers. There’s more drug related accidents than anything else. It hits the wealthy high schools, too.

      • I very much doubt “Rodsquad” is a physician of any type. Rodsquad certainly does not know the data, inverts much of it and makes statements that are objectively false. I am not a physician, but consult for one of (really the) major electronic medical records systems providers, servicing both insurers and 75% of the medical centers in my very large major metropolitan area.

        Rodsquad’s statements are not at all representative of the facts. To wit:
        “In residency there were mostly suicide attempts and occasionally drug deals gone wrong.”

        Suicide attempts with firearm are at best very small fraction, under 1%, closer to 0.1% of firearm injury presentation. Firearm suicide attempts are virtually all fatal. In most states they go to the ME, not the trauma center. They don’t get reduced by gun control either.

        As far as being pelvic injury, that is also very very rare. The numbers don’t support Rodsquad’s claim whatsoever. The largest specific single firearm injury type is acoustic injury, specifically treatment related to paid temporarily disability, which is seasonal, but not related to hunting — it shoots through the roof during annual law enforcement firearm qualification.

        All penetrative gunshot injury rates are decreasing, not increasing. Decreasing in every state. it is reporting of non penetrative gunshot, even “slide bites” as gun injury that has caused the apparent increase even though serious injury rate has plunged. Accidental fatal gunshot has fallen about 70% since the 1980’s.

        When it comes to hunting related, the largest minor, largest serious and debilitating, and largest fatal hunting injuries are all falls. Falls from tree stands are an increasing fatality risk. And not just falls from trees, falls while walking in the woods while hunting. If “Rodsquad” is a “hunter and a sportsman” (typical language of gun control advocates, and irrelevant given only about 8% of gun owners hunt with firearms) and concerned with injury he’d recommend people get out of tree stands, leave the bow at home, and get a rifle.

        Most hunting accidents didn’t make it to the hospital.
        Most gun hunting accidents don’t? I bet they do. Please support this statement with a citation.

        Now it’s some drunken fool who tries to appendix carry. Always an upstanding citizen driving the kids to church on a Saturday night.

        Always? Not even most. The vast majority of gunshot injury is in fact associated with criminal activity. The data show legal carry serious accidents are less than 1/10,000 gunshot injury. Driving or getting in a cab, or bicycle riding, to the doctor for your annual physical, with no firearm, is on the order of 100 times more risk of serious injury or death than legally carrying a firearm.

        Figuring out ways to help patients should be a priority of organized medicine and gun deaths do happen.

        do you think professional associations like AAP taking money or financial resources from the organized gun control lobby donors raises confidence in that?

        And do you think you, and the AAP; relying, respectively on utterly unrepresentative anecdote and false presentations of the data raises confidence?

        The data clearly show that having a firearm generally makes a household without criminals safer, not less safe. The real risk factor is criminals present in the home and criminal behavior by the injured person. Do you support having the AAP asking if anyone with a criminal record lives in or visits the home? And advise patients to prevent that? Do you support having physicians ask and report if they believe if the mother is in a relationship with someone with an arrest record?

        • I suppose I should call into question my reasons for commenting. More than anything else I was referring to the supposition that most Physicians have never seen a gunshot wound. While I certainly have no data to support my point of view I can tell you that my experience has been quite the contrary. I still find it difficult to believe that the majority of Physicians could have made it through training without having seen a gunshot wound. That being said my residency training was in a 900 bed hospital that was a level one Trauma Center. They had two helicopters that ran frequently up to 200 miles away from the hospital to bring in a large volume of trauma which led to perhaps higher than representative experience with gunshot wounds. My current hospital is a 950 bed level 2 Trauma Center. In general level 2 Trauma Centers don’t get many gunshot wounds. We don’t have trauma surgeons on staff. Part of my anecdotal experience is also due to selection bias. The way Trauma Centers work, trauma surgeons are the ones who triage the patients and manage patients with injuries occurring in multiple organ systems. It is only the rare patient with a single organ system injury that would come specifically to a subspecialty service. In my case I freely admit that pelvic injuries from handgun wounds are not common but you must understand that as a pelvic surgeon I see all of them.

          In terms of hunting accidents I was thinking only in regard to gunshot wounds but certainly recall from my hunting safety course that falls from tree stands are still the number one cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients. Of course that would not involve a urologist.

          In terms of suicide patients a fair number of those patients did make it to the hospital. Again I have no data as to the overall percentage because I don’t have a denominator. All I can tell you is my vivid memory of seeing an older gentleman recently diagnosed with cancer who per report from EMS had put a 38 caliber pistol to his right Temple and pulled the trigger. I was ligating his right temporal artery in the emergency room and he was awake and talking to me at the time. Of course this was not a survivable injury and ultimately he did die 24 hours later.

          Similarly, I agree that most patients with gunshot wounds were involved in criminal activity. Nearly every patient I’ve seen with a gunshot wound was in some way involved in criminal activity. Most of the urogenital gunshot wounds I have seen were handcuffed to the bed in the trauma Bay when I saw them. As far as I know none of these patients for carrying legally. Thankfully they generally carried small caliber handguns with Full Metal Jacket ammunition which makes the holes easier to fix. I have no specific idea what these patients were arrested for and it wasn’t really an important part of my evaluation when they were actively bleeding however I presume most of it to be drugs as that seems to be the primary issue in these circumstances.

          As a urologist I have no personal opinion on the American Academy of Pediatrics. My own Professional Organization the American Urology Association has largely stayed out of politics in this regard. I think this is appropriate and I certainly think that there is no rational reason for the American Academy of Pediatrics to have any opinion on guns.

          I thought I made my opinion clear regarding asking questions about gun ownership with my statements regarding the electronic medical record and how this was somewhat forced upon Physicians and patients

        • I suppose I should also point out that the “upstanding citizen taking the kids to church on a Saturday night” was a common sarcastic refrain muttered between residents tasked with trying to save the life of thugs and fools at 2 in the morning. Along with “minding my own business” and my personal favorite “sitting in my porch reading my Bible” as explanations for how they got shot. None of these are remotely true. By the way, the last one was from a guy who sustained a gsw through the anus leading to a permanent colostomy and urinary diversion (dual exhaust in the parlance of surgeons).

          Sarcasm again doesn’t translate well in comments

  2. Nothing to see here-move along. Years removed from pediatrician’s in my home but I’ll have to deal with this BS quite soon. Medicare…sigh😩😏

      • Awww pee gee ran out of meds?

        Every doctor worth anything agonizes over decisions that led to bad outcomes… we’ve all been there and done that.

        If ever your crazy conspiracy theories leads to a child dying of pertussis I’m going to guess you’ll still sleep like a baby.

        • Conspiracy theory that pediatric vaccines have never been safety tested against inert placebos? No joey, that’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s a fact. Sleep with it.

  3. Doctors nowadays are as disposable as diapers. I only discuss medical issues, nothing else. Pharmacists and other medical professionals should be allowed to prescribe medications. Prescriptions are the main reason that most doctors have a practice, especially if they don’t have a specialty, i.e. cardiology, surgery, etc.

  4. Well, I have performed first aid on a couple of my firearms, and had to take one to the gun doctor once, for a extractor transplant. 🙂

  5. ” I am fairly certain no families in my practice have firearms.”

    They actually, honestly believe that…

  6. Any specialist of any profession is your employee, not the other way around. Never forget, half of all the doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class.

    I do find it interesting that specialists for hire believe they are the superior in the arrangement, just like the central committee decided that the federal government is sovereign over the states that created the government.

  7. These doctors require their patients to take a loyalty oath to the Democratic National Committee, right?

  8. Geez, the study isn’t about statistics, it’s about identifying activists they can rely on to act unprofessionally & peddle the org’s talking points. Also, to see which members are susceptible to becoming activists (they agree with gun banning, but aren’t actively influencing patients)

    Why does my junk mail never come with 2$ bills?

  9. Are you certain that was a 2 dollar bill? In my experience it’s usually two singles. The actual 2$ bill has a long history of being used for bribes. So much so that after an election anyone spending a two was thought to have sold their vote for it.
    I consider this too bad, as the two is my favorite bill. It got a bad rap by being used so often by criminals in office. It has my favorite President on the front, and the signing of the declaration of Independence on the back. What’s not to love?

    • I give $2 bills as gifts and tips. The young kids look at it with wide eyes. They’ve never seen one before. Some waiter thought it was a fake. I enjoyed the chuckle.

  10. To a large degree, the political views of the leadership of the American Academy of Pediatrics (who produced this VERY UNBIASED survey of its members) reflect the views of the members. If 90% of the members thought like myself and the author of this article, the survey might be a bit different. Reading through the questions and choices, there is NO way to answer in a manner to reflect my views except to throw the survey away and save the two dollars for reloading supplies.
    I am not and never will be a member of the AAP.
    If there were a group such as docs with Glocks, well, now you’re talking.

    • I work in a hospital. I have never met a pediatrician who wasn’t anti-gun. They all hate guns with a passion that rivals the love they have for their cats.

      • I worked in a family practice clinic for 14 years. The pediatrician there was one of my biggest supporters as I considered buying my first firearm just 7 or 8 years ago. The day after I told him about my new 10/22, I walked into my office to find a brick of 550 cartridges with a note saying “have fun!” That was in the middle of the ammo shortage during our last president’s term.

        I no longer work with him, but that pediatrician and I continue to talk politics and share shooting stories. He’s a good doctor and a great man, and though he isn’t reluctant to talk to his patients’ parents about firearm safety, he refuses to document firearm ownership in his charts. Please that like any large demographic group, pediatricians are NOT all the same!

  11. Years ago, before this issue was on the radar, my son’s pediatrician asked if there were any guns in my home. Thinking he was just making conversation I said, “Sure. About a hundred.” I thought he was going to faint. Now he began to lecture me on how to store them. I interrupted him and told him I had two gun safes and kept most of them locked away except for a few that were accessible for home defense. Now he began to lecture me on Florida Statutes. Me, “Dr. Jones, I’m a L.E. firearms instructor. There’s little are nothing you can tell me about this subject. Besides, John owns his on firearms. He and his sister (also a patient) have even shot my issue full auto SMG. In fact, I’m carrying handgun now.” I thought he was going to have a stroke. He never raised the subject again.

    • From my perspective, if a doctor gives firearms advice as part of their practice, they should have the proper certifications to give that advice, they should be held accountable for giving advice that is false or advice from flawed studies, and they ought to be properly insured for this additional role. As a firearms instructor, to teach classes at any reputable gun range, I am required to be certified and insured. If the medical community wants to get into this field, they should be certified and insured too.

      • Good point. We should ask for their certificate. Then, ask them if they want medical advice from us. “You know doctor, you should be standing straighter. You have poor posture. That could be harmful to your spine. How would that fly??

  12. I cross of questions about firearms at the pediatric office and write, “Not what I’m here to discuss. My child is sick…”

    • Not the pediatrician for me, because no kids, but when I’m at the doctor, I’ve never been asked about firearms, not even once. I dunno why – I live in a blue state (NY), and I go to the doctor in a rabidly blue upstate community, but still no leading gun questions. I suspect it’s because they do honestly believe no one around them owns guns. Except for me, they are probably right.

      If I ever am asked, I’m tempted to invite my physician to the range, just to see what kind of mayhem it would cause…

  13. My daughter’s pediatrician, a D.O., asked us about my guns on our first visit, and I declined to answer. My shop is 2 blocks away from her office, so when I saw her in MY waiting room, asked her about cooking utensils in her attic. Just as relevant to my job (mechanic) and guns are to hers.

  14. If I get this survey I’d fill out 14, 19 and 20 as “it’s not my place”, “I don’t have enough info”, and “I don’t want more info”.

    That should tell them where to shove the survey.

  15. And the American Psychiatric Association recently added “Toxic Masculinity” to their guideline’s list of mental health problems for which men and boys need treatment. Some Psychiatrists and Psychologists are protesting this obvious leftist bias in their ranks. What’s next? Will Ambition become a disease that requires treatment to eradicate? It’s the precursor to aggressive behavior. It leads to Questioning Authority and we can’t let THAT HAPPEN!

    • Ah, just like the old days in mother Russia where any opposition was treated as a mental illness with free psychiatric care in one of their many luxurious treatment facilities in the beautiful winter wonderland called the Gulag.

  16. Lol, but this trade organization is honest about pushing vaccines, the financial foundation for nearly every pediatric medical office in the country. The AAP’s #1 stated goal this year is to eliminate religious exemptions for vaccines. That before providing assistance to insulin to type 1 diabetic children who are financially struggling.

    • Take you endless attempts to flog your anti-vaccine nuttery elsewhere. This is a firearms interest website and virtually all your posts are anti vaccine.
      I am fairly certain you are left wing, since anti-firearm and anti-vaccine people have a lot in common, in fact Pew Research shows most anti-vax nuts are on the left.

      • How many profiles you post under? I’ve seen that same ridiculous, canned response from another profile here, and it’s the only place I’ve ever seen it online.

      • I am mostly antivax too, very conservative as well. Remember, it’s government entities that are pushing vaccinations the hardest. As a ‘self-identified’ conservative, do you follow the governmental directives faithfully?

        • It’s troll profile, a troll bot I suspect. That exact post surfaces here occasionally though the username changes.

    • “religious exemptions for vaccines” should be eliminated, period. Your religion does not give you the right to put my children or grandchildren at risk, period.

      And now back to our regularly scheduled fireamrms related program.

      • An individual shouldn’t need an exemption from the government to avoid any medical procedure. And no, you have no right to demand anyone else undergo a medical procedure to make you feel safer. People like you are part of the problem.

  17. What the American Academy of Pediatrics failed to note in their survey was WHY there’s about 250,000 (that’s right: Two Hundred Fifty Thousand) deaths from medical errors annually. In fact, it is now the third leading cause of deaths in America. In order:

    #1: Heart Disease
    #2: Cancer
    #3: Medical Errors
    #4: Chronic lower respiratory disease
    #5: Accidents
    #6: Stroke
    #7: Alzheimer’s disease
    #8: Diabetes
    #9: Influenza and pneumonia
    #10: Kidney disease

    So it would seem that Doctors (which are a part of the medical community) should be focusing on REDUCING medical errors. The American Academy of Pediatrics has an issue looking inward and reflecting on the facts.

    • They also ignore the 400+ vaccine deaths reported to VAERS each year. HHS funded study through Harvard found that 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are reported. The science isn’t settled, and this is trade organization only a fool would trust.

      • This is not what we give a shit about here. You had might as well be barking at a brick wall. Troll elsewhere, you’ll get more out if it.

  18. With somewhere around 300 million lawfully owned guns out there owned by legal gun owners, if these people were the problem in this country with guns, I think you would now it in a big way and in a hurry.
    Also more people die from medical screw ups in hospitals, when their care is overseen by doctors than by guns in this country. Also from drug overdoses, and auto accidents.
    I know that some people in Ma. have been talked to by doctors about guns.
    I have not had that happen to me yet. That would really make me angry.

  19. “Identify families who have firearms in the home”

    Because that is not chilling at all…

  20. If my Doc said ANYTHING about my FireArms, other than asking me for a recommendation of his next Hunting Rifle, I would get up and leave his Office in the middle of the exam, and find a new Doc… Fortunately, I live in Alaska, and visit my Doc, only once a year, while in town, and he is a Hunter, and sportsman, himself… Just because an MD has 10 years of education, to get where they are, doesn’t grant them any more knowledge on Firearms Safety and Operation than the average Joe Schmoe,…. and certainly does NOT make them an Advice Giver I would trust, on this subject… Give your Patients a break, and leave the Firearms Advice to those that actually have experience in the field… Best you stick to what you are educated in….

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