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  1. Swords don’t kill people, they just chop you up into lil tiny pieces. I know I’m being a smart ass, (mainly because I just eliminated my kinder gentler side cuz the lil bastard was driving me insane) but I really do feel bad for these people. It has to be one of the worst things in the world to lose a loved one to some nutjob killer, but life isn’t fair and that will never change no matter what bans or laws you pass. The facts of life are that bad things can happen to anyone at anytime.

  2. People killing each other with swords knifes bow arrows long before they where doing with guns. So find what said above laughable.

  3. The American Heart Association estimates that in 2002, approximately 927,000 Americans died of heart disease. The number two cause of death that year was cancer, with about 560,000 deaths (and America has good numbers when it comes to treating cancer).

    The video claims that 34 Americans die daily from gunshot wounds, maybe that’s true. It sounds about right. However, heart disease is killing an American every 34 seconds. How much of that is a result of obesity or poor dietary choices? 150,000 of those annual deaths from heart disease are in individuals under 65.

    34 a day is about 12,400 a year. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety automobile accidents kill 40,000 in the United States, annually.

    My point is this, complaining about the relatively few deaths annually from firearms demonstrates a complete lack of perspective on how many more people are dying from other preventable causes over the same time period (I’ll call a gunshot wound a preventable cause.) Furthermore, gun control does not have a record of reducing homicides from gunshot wounds. In the US, the violent crime rate was on the decline before the Assault Weapons Ban passed, it declined during the ban, and it continued to decline after the ban expired. In 1997, Great Britain banned handguns. Over the period from 1995 to 2007, the number of crimes in which a handgun was used increased from 299 to 1024 annually.

    I guess it’s true what they say, one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.

  4. Why you guys have to spin everything is beyond me. Don’t you have a good enough argument already?

    “34 a day is about 12,400 a year. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety automobile accidents kill 40,000 in the United States, annually. “

    Of course if you add the rest of the deaths by bullet you’ve got a more equal comparison. Then if you consider that people who own cars generally use them every day several times a day. Only the most extreme gun guys do that both among the criminal and law-abiding types. Allowing for that, gun deaths are far higher than car deaths.

    Another thing is many laws and restrictions exist to keep the car fingure as low as it is. If gun restrictions were similarly severe, those numbers would be proportionately lower.

    • Only the most extreme gun guys do that both among the criminal and law-abiding types.

      A great many law abiding gun owners keep a loaded and ready firearm in their house. The time exposed to a live gun is most likely greater than the time exposed to a live automobile, or at least comparable.

      Cars have seatbelts, airbags, and are sophisticated crush cages designed specifically to make them safe and to lessen the harm inflicted. There are no equivilents for guns except bullet proof vests which are very rarely used. While cars have all of these elaborate safety measures and guns are “designed to kill” the cars are the leading killer.

      Another thing is many laws and restrictions exist to keep the car fingure as low as it is. If gun restrictions were similarly severe, those numbers would be proportionately lower.

      Right, that explains the low rate of guns used in murders in DC, Chicago, and Oakland.

    • “Why you guys have to spin everything is beyond me.”

      Because we don’t want you and your wingnut buddies to have the monopoly.

    • “Of course if you add the rest of the deaths by bullet you’ve got a more equal comparison.” Adding suicides does bring the number of firearm deaths closer to automobile deaths, but banning firearms won’t eliminate depression. You would have to ban rope, knives, any and all sedatives, tall buildings, and any number of things to prevent suicide. That seems like a bit of a fool’s errand.

      Also, it still hasn’t brought the number into the same order of magnitude of the people killing themselves with bacon cheeseburgers and sedentary lifestyles.

      “Then if you consider that people who own cars generally use them every day several times a day. Only the most extreme gun guys do that both among the criminal and law-abiding types. Allowing for that, gun deaths are far higher than car deaths.”

      Guns are used an estimated 2.5 million times per year to defend against a confrontation by a criminal, according to Professor Gary Kleck of Florida State University’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Yet, they only manage to commit a homicide (even a justifiable one) between 12,000 and 14,000 times a year. If your argument is about deaths per time exposed to cars/guns, I live in the place my guns are located, I do not live in my car. Even then, it’s still a bullshit argument, playing with the statistics doesn’t change the fact that the absolute number of people killed by cars (which are designed not to kill people) is greater that the number of people killed by guns (which are frequently designed to kill something).

      “Another thing is many laws and restrictions exist to keep the car fingure [sic] as low as it is.” If by “low as it is”, you mean higher than the gun figure? It’s a lot easier to get a car than it is to get a gun, in terms of legality. No background check, no purchase license, no carry license, just a driver’s license that is so easy to get a child could do it (and at 15, they do). Financially, it might be a different story. Cars are much more expensive, but there are fewer legal obstacles to obtaining one, compared to a gun.

    • Oh my, the KING OF SPIN is busting our balls with “Why you guys have to spin everything is beyond me. Don’t you have a good enough argument already?” I hope Ralph isn’t tuning in cuz his ESP will fry his brain if he reads my mind. I can’t believe you have the gall to even think that, never mind actually printing it here for all to see. You have finally revealed to us what you’re all about.

  5. There are some sad stories in the vid, but what the organization producing it is asking for wouldn’t have prevented any of them. Leni Reifenstahl had more integrity.

  6. “Leni Reifenstahl had more integrity” says a lot because she was a no good NAZI sympathizer and this fool makes her look like an angel.

  7. Heh. Over 250 shooters in my house, with thousands of rounds of ammuntion (and the collection includes a shootable cannon and flamethrower) and never once has one of those suckers jumped off the wall, loaded itself, and shot something.

    Nor has the loaded home defense piece ever jumped from it’s little biometric safe on it’s own initiative and shot anyone. However, I did have a car smashed by a truck that decided, on it’s own, to roll down a hill because of an idiot owner.

    Hmmm. There’s the common denominator. The human. Time to ban those.

    Oh, wait – that’s for the extreme environmental blog. Sorry.

  8. Lets get rid of water as well,you know all them drownings and all,and cars,etc… we can be like dairy cows safe,and cozy with no real reason to think or worry.Other than the little detail of ending up a dinner.Nobody complains about the million in another country killed by hacking off heads and limbs with large knives,or the countries that have bans on guns and still have more killings with guns than countries w/out gun bans. Its only the 2nd ammendment right! Hell why your all at it lets get rid of the other ones as well,and to heck with that Bible too! G.Y.H.O.O.Y.A G stands for Get.I think you can figure the rest on your own.

  9. I always feel safer with a gun strapped to my side then without. I feel that the use of gun should be your last resort not your first. However, like war, sometimes use of deadly force is necessary to bring about peace. If I restrict our military to not using guns, does that make this country safer from other countries? This is the logic of gun control.

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