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Gun control is no laughing matter. Except when it is. Personally, I don’t find comedian Grant Cotter’s idea of gun control humorous. But at least he resisted the urge to connect gun ownership with penis size.

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      • Well, you have to see it from her perspective — how else is she going to pay for her clothes and school supplies?

        • Especially since she has such a short penis.

          Hey gun grabbers, hate to break it to ya, that level of fear is permanent. Permitted gun control means ‘putting your mouth around it’.

          Take one for yourself, the Team’s good.

  1. Man…that was seriously not funny. No, I mean, like, REALLY not funny. And not because it was about gun control.

    • And let’s be honest: If this “novel” requirement was actually in place (like most guns laws today), consider that the hypothetical gangbanger with the gun still would have very likely just stolen or bought it on the street rather follow the new “law”. My god, liberals…

      • That’s what I thought as well…

        So, what’s he saying at the end…that one has to follow his proposal to STEAL a gun? Seriously, this guy is damaged.

    • Having someone else give a BJ for your gun is a straw purchase of sorts and such illegal in the new regime.

  2. Before I risk the health of the few brain cells I have left by watching–what is with the military jacket? Is he mocking tacticool, or is he trying to look tacticool while mocking guns, or what? Any indication in the clip? EDIT: OK, I made it through 1 minute, that was enough. Gun control still isn’t funny, and I gather what passes for “humor” these days isn’t funny either.

  3. It’s just comedy, folks. Try to calm down a little bit. Like it, don’t like. That’s all it is.

    • When people stop making serious gun control arguments based on the bullshit comedians say, I’ll start writing it off as mere “comedy.”

      • Yep. I came across a gun-grabber who had the brilliant idea that “gun control” could be replaced by “bullet control”, with no Constitutional rights being violated. He substantiated his position by providing a link to a Chris Rock routine to show how it would work.

        I replied by providing him a clip of my own.

        • I actually laughed at that Chris Rock skit. The absurdity of it is what made it funny, plus the imagined scenario.

    • What is ‘comedy’ is you calling this comedy.

      That dude is NOT funny in any way, shape or form. He’s an arrested adolescent with poor material and bad timing. He thinks he’s funny because he talked about oral sex and used motherf****r in his act.

      Check out George Carlin, Steve Martin or early Eddie Murphy for examples of “comedy.” This guy ain’t it.

    • He becomes another depressed comedian, projecting his own suicidal thoughts toward the need for everyone else to have their self defense rights taken away?

  4. Not all that funny, even by the very low bar set by other stand up comedians. It probably would have been funnier if he had managed to work in the gun/penis size trope.

  5. Well I did have a few chuckles. Gobble goo for a handgun, me wonders what’s the drill for heavier armaments? Better yet what does an anti gunner do so a law abider doesn’t get a gun? What does a pro gunner do for ammo? Big bore no problem but those .22 bricks…gotta pay the piper.

  6. You really ought to include a warning when videos you link to have content you would want your grandkids repeating in elementary school….

  7. not funny, unless you’re a 12 year old boy. Then only once. Not adult humor. Not a professional comedian’s humor. Sad. Was that a laugh track or is this country really that depraved?

  8. I didn’t laugh until the end when he made fun of the way he throws due to the lack of a father-figure in his life.

    Textbook liberal.

    Then I laughed a lot.

  9. From this short clip two words came to mind. Object fixation. I’ll leave it to you to figure which one he was most drawn to.

  10. Yep, just make it a law that you have to suck a dick to get a gun. I mean surely criminals would feel obligated to follow that specific law compared to all the others, and since they don’t want to do such a thing (except for the ones that do) they wont get one, so we will all be safe. Why the hell didn’t anyone suggest such a thing before?! Problem solved, it’s all so clear now.

  11. Not remotely funny. Multiple layers of formulaic propaganda; advancing gun control, typical anti white agitprop, and advancing gay rights to supersede heterosexual rights. Maybe more, couldn’t make it past 30 seconds or so.

  12. Regardless of how funny you think his content was or wasn’t, he reveals the primal incentive of gun-grabbers: they want to determine who is and who is not worthy of firearm ownership.

    Of course gun-grabbers fail to recognize the real underlying problem with their position: they want to determine who is worthy or not worthy of ____________ (fill in the blank). This mindset is patently obscene and an affront to everyone’s human dignity.

    Firearms are simply the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” and show us the true nature of the type of people that initially reveal themselves as gun-grabbers. Our collective fatal mistake is failing to realize that such people will never be satisfied even if we give them full disarmament in hopes of appeasing them. Appeasement strategy has never turned out well for the entity that has to do the appeasing.

  13. Funny skit.

    But…this guy is anti-gun at heart. He uses the same tactics we have seen recently by hardcore anti gunners. He starts by discussing illegal guns then uses that to discourage legal guns and flips back to people using legally obtained guns in an illegal way.

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