Wow. To say we’ve had a big response to our call for pics of your barbecue guns is like saying that anti-gun types don’t know what they’re talking about. The statement doesn’t begin to capture the full extent of the matter. We’re not sure everyone fully grasps the BBQ gun concept, but who are we to judge? Maybe some of you really do show up at the neighbor’s house for ribs and chicken with a Tula AKS74U slung over your shoulder. Be that as it may, here are a few more notable entries we’ve received (see them all here and here). And don’t forget to send us your pic if you want a chance at a beautiful piece of Minuteman Cabinet furniture . . .
Interesting scallop on the holster for the Sig 1911…kinda covers the trigger guard per se but not so much the trigger.
Designed for those who want to Barney Fife themselves.
Barney Fife? I was thinking it looked more up Tex “Glock Leg” Grebner’s alley. “I just F’ing shot myself!”
Remember: The first action one should take for a GSW is to call one’s parents.
Only if you’re using the holster to hold GLOCK “Perfection.” Other pistols with 100-year-old designs lack the features of a Glock that make such a holster dangerous.
No gun is safe when your finger is on the trigger and your thumb is on the safety. That particular holster covers neither part.
… Oh, and the Tex Grebner referred to elsewhere in this thread shot himself with a 1911. You know – one of those 100 year old designs.
You miss the point where the 1911 has an external hammer. If the hammer is down, there’s no way for it to go off.
See, this is where GLOCK fanbois miss the advantages of external hammer pistols. Besides giving a cocked indication, it is also a safety mechanism to have the hammer down.
Hammer-down carry is the same as empty chamber carry, and we all know how that works.
If/when the time comes that I need to draw my sidearm, I would rather not have to cock it. But hey, it’s a free country!
Maybe the thought process there is that you would have to sweep the thumb safety and disengage the grip safety for the gun to fire, so the exposed trigger is no big deal?
I don’t think I could get comfortable with it. Does look cool though.
That holster style might great for a SA revolver, but it seems to promote the bad habit of getting your finger in the trigger guard before you are ready to shoot.
Ease up on Tex G, at least he owned it. None of that “I was cleaning my gun and it just went off” BS. Takes a big man to admit he f*cking shot himself.
Heh, that and the video evidence.
The genesis of the design is the old, open trigger holsters for single action revolvers going back to at least the 1850’s, for example the California Slim Jim, to name one, designed for the Colt Navy and Army. I’ve never really understood the use of the design element, aesthetically speaking, for a 1911. While it is true that you not only need to disengage the manual safety, you have to disengage the grip safety also before the gun will fire, so the design is safe, but it doesn’t look right to me..
This is an old “western style” holster which were designed primarily for single action revolvers. You’ll note that the inclusion of the backstrap retention does protect – in a rudimentary manner – the hammer from striking the firing pin. But, to each their own.
That all being said, it’s a beautiful firearm and gorgeous leatherwork.
Glad to see one CZ-75 stainless in the mix. I think that’s a satin finish one, not a polished one (but that could be a trick of the photography and light). I don’t have either one of those, myself, but they’d do the Barbecue job just nicely, especially with the 40KW laser attachment.
OK just kidding about the last part.
WTF is the Sig TTT called “H&K’s Sig”??
Awesome black/white grips on the Blackhawk
Big fan of El Paso Saddlery and the Sig looks so comfortable in there!
First pic of the ornate modern relic is totally blowing my mind. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the whole purpose of a holster is to A. store the handgun and B. cover the trigger as a primary don’t-touch-the-trigger safety… and yet… *kablooey*
I didn’t realize this was a thing… the Tex Grebner Special.
I’m with Jack on this.
That holster doesn’t have a cutout on the bottom, WTF is the advantage to an exposed trigger on that holster?
Traditional holsters for single-action revolvers have cut-outs for the trigger. This is not a problem since the hammer has to be cocked-hat before firing. The pictured holster was made in that tradition.
In this case that ‘tradition’ appears not to carry over to the point of having the hammer down, strangely enough…
Well, if all else fails the retention strap will keep the hammer from hitting the firing pin while the gun is carried in that holster. The only way you could Tex Grebner yourself is flicking it off safe and pulling the trigger on the draw, which could happen in any holster covered trigger or not. That said, I’m with you guys and think that it still seems like a bad idea. Unless I decided I wanted a fancy holster to show off the fancy trigger in my fancy pistol of course 🙂
i don’t get it. do you wear a tux and cumerbund to a BBQ?
If not, shouldn’t your BBQ gun be your EDC gun?
You put on your best boots, nice jeans without holes in them, and a clean shirt. And you tuck it in so it doesn’t cover up your BBQ gun.
Cowboy hat optional.
That Gemini Customs SP101 belonging to RF on the first Facebook page is still one of the best looking wheelguns I’ve ever seen. Do very much want.
I don’t like pretty guns; I like ugly, cheap guns, that function flawlessly. When I say cheap – I mean cheap, but not cheap enough to be made out of injection molded plastic garbage that has no tensile strength.
Also, when I think of BBQ guns, I think of Mexican drug cartel guns – since they look practically identical. So… No BBQ guns to submit.
There’s a lot of really pretty guns on their Facebook album that aren’t being posted here, everyone should definitely browse some of the gun porn!
I’m no fan of the 1911. But if there is a handgun that can be carried safely cocked with an exposed trigger it’s the 1911. Unless you believe guns fire themselves that 1911 is a damn sight safer than any Glock riding on an nypd officers belt right this moment.
Late 60’s and early 70’s I knew cops that carried a 1911 just like that photo set up. Less ornate, of course. None of them ever had their 1911 misbehave and go off when it wasn’t supposed to.
Too many nervous nellies worried about exposed triggers. Must be the plastic gun generation.
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