In yesterday’s post about Mitt’s speech I paraphrased his comments on Fast & Furious:

Oh, he did bring up Fast & Furious; nothing about Brian Terry or Jaime Zapata but he did thank the NRA for pushing the story and pushing for Holder’s resignation or termination (job termination; go away Secret Service). Hmm, I wonder what Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea think about that?

I came into the Press Room this morning and was asked what I thought of Romney’s speech . . .

I said quite frankly that it was vapid and lacked substance, but he’d really oissed me off by crediting the NRA for unearthing Fast & Furious, when it was War on Guns blogger David Codrea and Sipsey Street Irregular Matt Vanderboegh who actually had been jumping up and down, yelling, screaming, banging pots and pans and begging the NRA or MSM to pay attention.

Oh no, this gentleman informed me (and I didn’t get his name, sorry, he split while I was fussing with my computer). Chris Cox had been on top of the situation for a year before David and Mike jumped in and used the information Cox had gathered to write their posts.

“A year before Brian Terry was killed” I asked?

“Just talk to Chris Cox” he replied, “he’ll be happy to tell you about it.”

According to him, since the Administration was blaming the NRA for trafficking guns to the narco-terrorists, the NRA started investigating in self-defense.

So I e-mailed David (Mike still working through complications from surgery), explained the situation and asked: Comments? And can I quote you?

Here is David’s reply, verbatim and in toto:

He’s full of shit. Yes, you may quote me.


  1. Vapid, very good word, tepid is another word that comes to mind.
    While poking at the Obama administration he failed to site any specific instances, bills, referendums, policy attitudes, or changes to elaborate. I am all for debate, and differing opinions, but add some substance.
    The fast and Furious was disgusting to me. It led directly to the deaths of US citizens, and fed the Mexican cartels with weapons. Pathetic..
    Then for the NRA to take credit for uncovering it is silly.

  2. The NRA has a long history of compromising to maintain their inside-the-beltway credibility with politicians, leaving other organizations to try to actually expand 2nd Amendment rights. Right up until those other organizations start to succeed, at which point the NRA tries to jump in and take credit. They’re very powerful, and in contrast to the past, they’re mostly going in the right direction now. (I’ve re-joined after a long boycott over their shameful actions during the Brady and Assault Weapon Ban eras.) But don’t look to the NRA for real leadership, and don’t expect them to recognize anyone else’s efforts.

    • The Oregon Firearms Federation is a hard-charging outfit, and head Kevin Steritt is both tireless and fearless in his defense of our rights.

  3. I like NRA, GOA, JPFO and the 2nd Amd Fed, all represent in one way or another. NRA probably has a few middle of the road types that have managed to piss off a few of

  4. Bruce, you said; “I said quite frankly that it was vapid and lacked substance, but he’d really oissed me off by crediting the NRA for unearthing Fast & Furious, when it was War on Guns blogger David Codrea and Sipsey Street Irregular Matt Vanderboegh who actually had been jumping up and down, yelling, screaming, banging pots and pans and begging the NRA or MSM to pay attention.”

    That would be Mike Vanderboegh, not Matt. Sergeant Matthew Vanderboegh (USA) is his son.

    If Romney’s speech had been anything other than vapid and without substance, that would have been real news.

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