
Is there some unoccupied space in your gun safe? Do you need a good plinker to use when training new shooters? Fear not. Our friends at Florida Gun Supply are giving away a brand spanking new Walther P22. All you have to do to enter is click the image above or make the jump to log in through Facebook or using your email address. Finding ammo, though, is up to you.



    • If we take it’s head, splash it with holy water and drive a wooden stake thru its undead heart will we finally be rid of the unholy thing?

    • Is there some kind of inside joke I don’t know about that explains why this post keeps getting repeated again and again? Can someone ‘splain it to me?

      • There are a lot of little quirks inside wordpress. My money is on a checkbox somewhere being checked, unchecked, and wordpress denying it ever happened…

  1. You may also like –
    •Win a Walther P22
    •Win a Walther P22
    •Win a Walther P22
    •Win a Walther P22
    •Win a Walther P22

  2. Quality websites really shouldn’t resemble my email inbox.

    Personal opinion, and yep, entered the contest once, but jeez.

  3. Why the hell is this particular competition getting so much attention? EVERYBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT BY NOW.

  4. Ammo?

    There are no 22lr bullets for sale in my area. I have to buy them online. Current rates are about $70 for 500 rounds… Plus $10 for shipping… Plus $25 for FFL. This time last year I could get them for $.06/round almost anywhere. The formula above works out to $.21/round. Online only.

    And I thought I was supposed to buy silver.

      • He doesn’t. He lives in a jurisdiction that prohibits purchases of ammo from out of state dealers. So the OOS dealer has to ship to his local FFL, who then sells the ammo to him. The local FFL charges a fee for his trouble.

  5. A P22 is the only firearm I’ve ever owned that I’ve worn out from shooting. Not sure how many rounds it took, but I know it was far fewer than my old Ruger pre-Mark I …

    • I was looking at the P22 about five years back and ended up buying a Mosquito instead. The P22 never really fit very well in my hand, while the Mosquito looked and felt like a full-size SIG.

      Despite the mixed reviews on them, I’ve put more bricks than I can count through that gun, and it shows no signs of stopping. Perhaps I just got one of the good ones.

      I just really regret not getting the threaded version, but at the time, suppressors didn’t look like they were ever going to come here to WA state.

      • I tried to talk my wife into something besides the Mosquito because of the mixed reviews but it is what she wanted. After thousands of rounds it would seem she got one of the good ones as well. Performs great and is enjoyable to shoot.

  6. If the prize was a 500-round brick of .22 Thunderbolt I’d be all over this one, but since I’ve already owned a P22 and I can’t feed the rimfire guns I still have, I’m gonna have to pass.

    • How about a 500-pound brick? And of something better than Thunderbolt. My Mosquito will not feed it and I rather doubt the Walther would either–these blow backs seem to need premium ammo), and my rifle will not fire it accurately. So change it to something in JHP and we’re GTG.

      • My Mosquito loves Remington Golden Bullet, despite being generally dirty as hell.

        Ah, the days when a $5 difference between a brick of .22LR meant a big difference. Hope we see that day again some time this year.

        • Funny, my Mosquito is not a fan of the GB. It shoots it fine, but I get about one failure to extract per magazine, on average.

          Maybe there’s some gunsmithy type stuff that can be done to alleviate it, but I don’t know what it is.

      • Never had the Mosquito. I used Thunderbolt in the P22 and the 1911-22 because it was the first kind I tried that didn’t hang up every 2-3 shots. Ammo being as scarce as it is, I can’t chance it with anything I haven’t personally confirmed will feed properly.

  7. What I don’t understand is why TTAG is pushing it so hard. Paid advertising spot for the dealer?

  8. Srsly, guys.
    How crappy is this gun that you are trying so hard to get rid of it? Everyone who comes here has seen it already. Everyone who can/is going to enter probably has.
    If you want it gone that badly do this:
    1: Drive over it.
    2: Bury it in your backyard in preparation of the apocalypse, zombie or otherwise.
    3: Gift to some inner city yoots and watch the shitstorm fly!

    Then offer a better gun.

    Just don’t post it again.

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