Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (AP Photo/David A. Lieb)

After the NRA’s wildly successful lobbying to turn the Second Amendment into an absolute individual right was emboldened by the Bruen decision, several states have been toeing the line to determine what prohibitions, if any, stand in the way of gun ownership. One of them, Missouri, passed a law that put a chilling effect on state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal gun laws in Missouri. The Show Me State just got shown that it can’t do that. Not for now, anyway. …

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution is like the Commerce Clause and the Insurrection Clause in some ways — they are some of the threads that bind together an otherwise mostly independent series of states. And as neat as it is to think of the states as individual laboratories of democracy, there has to be some overlapping and enforceable code of conduct that can separate otherwise good science from a bumbling series of OSHA violations in a lab coat. …

As expected, Missouri has already announced that it will appeal the decision. …

Sure would be nice if some Missouri representatives were more committed to defending Missourians’ fundamental right to live. Missouri has the fourth highest gun death rate in the nation, due at least in part to the vigorous defense of the Second Amendment by representatives like [Attorney General Andrew] Bailey. As easy as it is to view this as a concrete example of the tension between state rights and federal authority, let’s not forget about the real consequences we have to stomach in the process. 

— Chris Williams in As It Turns Out, You Can’t Just Nope Out of Listening to the Federal Government’s Laws on Guns



  1. Chris Williams is an idiot and a liar. There is no right to live. There is only your ability and determination to try to stay alive for as long as possible. Weapons help. But everything has it’s time, and everything dies.

    • To quote Samuel Adams in the opening of his essay, “The Rights of the Colonists” (November 1772):
      “Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.”

      Of course, the Declaration of Independence refers to this first law of nature, as well as stating:
      “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

      The point is, our Founding Fathers clearly indicated that the right to Life did exist, however, it was in the context of an individual right, and one that can be defended by any means possible (ala arms).

      It’s also important to understand that these are natural rights – ie, they exist always.

      • Tell that to the Grizzly that just ripped your head off. Tell that to the governments around the world (including ours) who have slaughtered and enslaved millions of their own people for centuries.

        As for Nature–

        Tennyson, “in Memoriam”:

        ‘So careful of the type?’ but no.
        From scarped cliff and quarried stone
        She cries, `A thousand types are gone:
        I care for nothing, all shall go.

        ‘Thou makest thine appeal to me:
        I bring to life, I bring to death:
        The spirit does but mean the breath:
        I know no more.’ And he, shall he,

        Man, her last work, who seem’d so fair,
        Such splendid purpose in his eyes,
        Who roll’d the psalm to wintry skies,
        Who built him fanes of fruitless prayer,

        Who trusted God was love indeed
        And love Creation’s final law—
        Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw
        With ravine, shriek’d against his creed—”

    • If there actually were a right to live then there would not be any debate over abortion.

      • Under the teachings of the Old Testament, and as captured for millennia in criminal codes, an unborn embryo or fetus is not a “person” and has no rights. A fetus was not a human being until it took its first breath and received its soul. This is still the Orthodox Jewish tradition.

        This has only changed in the last half century, with some but not all states recognizing that a fetus that can survive outside the womb is a person, and whose death maybe charged as a murder. Embryos do not fall within the scope of the criminal code statutes.

        • Mark N.,

          So . . . it literally never happens that a criminal who shoots a pregnant woman gets charged criminally for harming the baby, amirite?? Your knowledge of the law is on a par with your knowledge of biology, the Bible, and logic. Have a nice life.

        • Take your “orthodox” meme and make it disappear. It is clearly stated in Old Testment law that if someone strikes a woman who is with child, and the child dies, the assailant is now guilty of that DEATH and must be punished accordingly. That means death.
          And don’t forget, when Mary the Mother of Jesus went to visit her very aged cousin Elisabeth who was also with child, Elisabeth reported that the BABY in her womb LEAPT for jpy at the arrival of Messiah , at that time about three months behind His cousin John, Elisabeth’s child.

          Your poppycock sorta falls apart based on records from two to four . milennia back. That’s a tad longer than “the last half century” you cite. Just two small examples out of myriad.

      • Prndll apparently is not familiar with the Dec of Ind. Which clearly states that ALL have been endowed with the right to life.

        • clearly states that ALL have been endowed with the right to life.

          That was an unfounded opinion expressed by a handful of religious zealots and slave owners who were in the process of mounting an insurrection to overthrow the government… They should have been locked up in the DC jail and held for years without trial…

    • God gave all the right to live when He inserted our soul and breathed that life into our being. However, Evil exists and may take away that life at any instant. Therefore, the Founders gave us the 2A putting government on notice to keep their damn laws off our right to keep and bear. God gave us the right, it is up to us to retain that life.

      • Which ‘god’ are you referring to? There have been many invented by people for thousands of years.

        • gunnygene,

          Commenter StLPro2a is referring to the one and only eternal God Almighty who made the heavens and the Earth–who has revealed Himself through His creation and the profound writings of the Holy Scriptures.

        • And uncommon the only God that has dominion over your soul. The one not invented by man.

    • gunnygene,

      There is no right to live. There is only your ability and determination to try to stay alive for as long as possible.

      Your comment which I quoted above, along with your comment below which strongly suggests that you reject the notion of an eternal God Almighty who created the heavens and the Earth, lays out a huge problem when mankind invents his own explanation of everything. And that problem is: human life has no inherent nor immense value, there is no right to life, and your ability and determination are the only limits when trying to stay alive.

      Thus, under that philosophy, it is perfectly fine for a rapist to impregnate as many women as he wants to ensure his survival and the survival of his progeny. And it is perfectly fine for Jane Doe to murder someone in order to take the victim’s money and food and ensure her own survival. Of course it is perfectly fine to murder a business competitor to ensure your own business success and hence your survival. Last but not least, it is outstanding public policy to execute all retirees who no longer contribute to our collective productivity and collective survival.

      Apologies gunnygene: it is a package deal. If we reject God Almighty, then everyone gets free license to rape, pillage, plunder, and murder without any limits whatsoever. Are you onboard with that?

      • A man said to the universe:
        “Sir, I exist!”
        “However,” replied the universe,
        “The fact has not created in me
        A sense of obligation.”

      • Utter nonsense. Morality exists, as do criminal codes, independent of a belief in a god head/higher being/etc.

        • Based upon WHAT, EXACTLY???

          Please explain to me why “your” morality is any more valid than was Jeffrey Dahmer’s. Or, just admit you’re an @$$clown, on a par with dacian the demented.

        • Mark N.,

          Morality exists, as do criminal codes, independent of a belief in a god head/higher being/etc.

          Sure, every culture/society has their set of “acceptable behaviors”–and it is anything but consistent or something that we should aspire to emulate:

          Some ancient civilizations encouraged and condoned throwing babies into bonfires. (That is not hyperbole: the Bible documents it and modern Archeological digs have found giant bonfire remnants with huge numbers of scorched baby bones in them.)

          And roughly 1000 years ago in Mesoamerica the indigenous celebrated and practiced human sacrifice so prolifically that there would be a steady stream of blood (from the sacrificed humans) flowing down the allotted channel of their pyramid.

          Of course we have 1940 Nazi Germany who declared that it was good and right to eradicate Jews from the Earth.

          Then we have roughly 100 years of Communism which criminalizes all manner of activities such as practicing religion or speaking critically of government, just to name a few.

          And how about some African tribes and Pacific Islander tribes who were cannibals?

          Maybe more importantly, which of those flavors of acceptable behavior were right and which were wrong? And why were some/all right or some/all wrong?

          Remove the eternal Almighty God from the equation and there is no authoritative standard for anything–and everything is up for debate including whether or not human sacrifice and cannibalism are A-OK.

        • Remove the eternal Almighty God from the equation and there is no authoritative standard for anything…

          Satan is hard at work too…

    • In a utopian environment, where there is no evil, one would not need to defend one’s life or property.
      Our physical world – whether created by a god or nature, does not consist of that utopian environment, thus the natural rights are essential and persistent.

      So yeah, the grizzly bear that rips you apart for food is no different than the mosquitos that you swat for attempting to gather food. You have a right to life, and you have the right to defend that life, as does the grizzly and mosquito. Whether you are successful or not is a different matter altogether.

      Oh, and yes, it should be a pro-life argument as well.

  2. I’m shocked that an Obummer appointee would side with Garlands DOJ and Braindeads White House…

    • Again the foot of Gun Control is on the neck of The Second Amendment. The target is always The Second Amendment which is reason why there is never mention or concern for the real problem which is the criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, fists, feet, vehicles, etc.

      Calls for sanctimonious Gun Control is what happens over and over when Gun Owners fail to define Gun Control as an agenda rooted in Racism and Genocide. And that failure seems to be attributed to Gun Owners who sit silent and allow Gun Control to skate by looking good and allow the bigoted cockroach trails left behind by some on this forum who clearly have no problem with Racism…and Genocide is just a word. It is safe to conclude The Second Amendment has more enemies that Gun Control zealots.

  3. Just make entropy illegal.
    The ATF made inertia illegal by decree so it shouldn’t be too hard.

  4. So this federal “win” in Missouri should also put an end to sanctuary cities nationwide. What comes around goes around.

  5. quote———–Sure would be nice if some Missouri representatives were more committed to defending Missourians’ fundamental right to live. Missouri has the fourth highest gun death rate in the nation, due at least in part to the vigorous defense of the Second Amendment by representatives like [Attorney General Andrew] Bailey.———-quote

    I think that really sums it up. If the Hillbilly Republicans in Missouri have their way red flag laws would be null and void if passed on the Federal Level as well as any other Federal gun Laws.

    U.S. District Judge Brian Wimes ruled the 2021 law is preempted by the federal government under the U.S. Constitution’s supremacy clause.

    The Missouri law had subjected law enforcement agencies with officers who knowingly enforced federal gun laws without equivalent state laws to a fine of $50,000 per violating officer.

    Federal laws without similar Missouri laws include statutes covering weapons registration and tracking, and possession of firearms by some domestic violence offenders.

    Conflict over Missouri’s law wrecked a crime-fighting partnership with U.S. attorneys that Missouri’s former Republican attorney general, now-Sen. Eric Schmitt, touted for years. Under Schmitt’s Safer Streets Initiative, attorneys from his office were deputized as assistant U.S. attorneys to help prosecute violent crimes.

    The Justice Department, which last year sued to overturn the Missouri law, said the Missouri state crime lab, operated by the Highway Patrol, refused to process evidence that would help federal firearms prosecutions after the law took effect.


    I would think that even the Trump appointed Neanderthals on the Supreme Court will not allow the Missouri gun law to stand as it would open up a pandora’s box which would spill over into States basically and completely divorcing themselves from “any” Federal Laws they did not agree with.

    We would see Hillbilly Republican’s outlawing interracial marriage, imprisoning gay and transgender people, establishing a State mandated Protestant Christian religious caliphate, requiring a person to be a White Christian in order to hold public office, upholding whites only restaurants and schools, limiting freedom of speech, Blacks would be forced to live in ghettos, Republicans would erase any U.S. History that they view as detrimental to the indoctrination of students which would diminish their warped view of patriotism.

    Republicans would outlaw the teaching of U.S. Black history and all books in schools would be heavily censored or outlawed if they did not meet the warped ideology of the Far Right. It would be known as the Ron De-Insane-ous-Laws which mirror the laws the German Nazi’s passed in the 1930’s.

    • Republicans would outlaw the teaching of U.S. Black history and all books in schools would be heavily censored or outlawed if they did not meet the warped ideology of the Far Right.

      The only “Black History” being banned is the warped 1619 bullshit and “critical race theory” that supposes ALL blacks are victims by virtue of the color of their skin… And the ONLY “warped ideology” being promoted is the belief that children in grades K-5 should NOT be subjected to books that show boys how to perform oral sex on other boys and extols the wonders of boy on boy anal sex.. You are a sick fuk and most likely a pedophile IF you think that crap is okay for a 12 year old child… Not quite what the Nazis did but you just keep spreading the lying talking points of the kommiecrats and the MSM, let everyone know what a delusional moron YOU are, there might be a couple of new people here that have not seen your ignorant rants yet…

      • California only emulated what has worked well in Europe and that is “free college” and treating those addicted to drugs

        FYI: Florida law REQUIRES the teaching of “Black History” AND “Slavery” in schools and Universities… FL also has a budget surplus of 20 billion while Hairgels CA has a 20 billion deficit, FL is the number one state in population growth, FL is number one in business growth, FL does NOT have a State Income Tax… Guess more AMERICANS prefer the American way of life than the shithole European model…

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. That’s right, DUNDERHEAD. “Red Flag Laws” are UNCONSTITUTIONAL due to the FACT that the subject/defendant in such an action is having property SEIZED without due process. But then you are not very up on the Constitution or the rights is is supposed to guarantee.
      Any police officer who violates his own state’s laws should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
      If the Federal Govt wants to have the states process their evidence, they should a) have to pay for it and b) be in accord to the laws of that state. The Federal Govt is NOT supreme.
      As to your MSN article, it is poppycock just like your so called “surveys”

    • “If the Hillbilly Republicans in Missouri have their way…”

      There you go again. These folks aren’t causing the crime problems, it’s folks in Kansas City and St. Louis. The criminals are hardly “Hillbilly Republicans.”

      • You have to keep in mind that those and capitalvania (whatever THAT is) are just about ALL the words in its limited vocabulary…

    • Most of those things you claim the gop would do have already been done. By the democrats. The kkk was their child. Along with ‘whites only’ signs.

      You’re mentally ill dacian. And it shows in all your comments.

    • Well the “RESIDENT MARXIST BRITISH SUBJECT” espousing “BLATANT LIES” about what is being taught in “FLORIDA SCHOOLS”!!!!

      Black history and “SLAVERY” are taught in “FLORIDA” required by “STATE LAW”!!!!

      But don’t let the facts “CONTRADICT” your “PAID MARXIST MASTERS DEMANDS to spread their LIES”!!!!

    • “……spill over into States basically and completely divorcing themselves from “any” Federal Laws they did not agree with.”

      Like immigration?

  6. it’s not clear in the summary, but he’s complaining about Missouri being 2A sanctuary State. In the name of Federal Supremacy, I don’t see him complaining about States and jurisdictions that choose to ignore immigration laws or pass laws contrary to Bruen. Similar to other States’ sanctuary policy for illegal aliens, the Missouri law prevents Missouri law enforcement from acting on the laws. The Federal law remains in effect, and it doesn’t prevent Feds from coming into Missouri and doing it themselves. Missouri cops may not take action, but BATFE will come down like a ton of bricks on a person making NFA items without permission or an FFL disregarding regulations. It’s a hard case to make that local law enforcement is compelled to do the Feds’ job for free. Congress, and possibly the executive agencies, could withhold Federal funds from States that have sanctuary policies, but they can’t insist on an unfunded mandate.

    • It’s a hard case to make that local law enforcement is compelled to do the Feds’ job for free.

      That’s the argument made by LE in immigrant sanctuary cities and states so why wouldn’t it work for ANY other federal law…

      • Maxx,

        Agreed, but . . . I’m not at all sure that there is any Constitutional basis for requiring a state to enforce federal laws, even IF reimbursed in full. It’s a matter of state sovereignty. If they CHOOSE to do so, fine. I don’t think that the Constitution supports forcing them to. If the Feds can’t enforce the law, themselves, why should a state be compelled to do it for them, even IF the Feds reimburse them?

  7. I own weapons and ammunition because I want to stay alive. Do unborn babies have a right to live? Do I have a right not to have my wife raped, my property stolen, repel home invaders? Don’t I have a duty to fight foreign invaders? Don’t forget about the balloon recently.

    • Yeah leftards like this fool never think babies lives matter. And all this jabbering about NRA. Barely a peep out of the old Wayne cabal. Missouri will continue to defy the feds. Good going!

    • They sent 6 balloons, I got 5 with the 03 the giverment got one with a missle.
      I ain’t forgetting about them balloons, some of the best shuteing I’ve done.

      • At 12 miles up (65000 ft) it would also be a record distance for ANY hand held rifle…

        • Don’t forget Maxx, he’s got some neutrino stuff to mix in with the powder. Maybe even depleted uranium for slugs, but we won’t mention that. He puts the rifle in a tree so he doesn’t have to hold it while firing–still in the testing phase.

  8. Missouri does not have a high body count because of vigorous defense of the Second Amendment. Missouri has a high body count because of Kansas City and it’s very high rate of black on black violent crime. The law that they wrote negating Federal gun laws was poorly written. they can simply pass a law that will withstand Court scrutiny by saying that state law enforcement officers and agencies are prohibited from cooperating with federal law enforcement on gun cases. they can back that up with criminal penalties and fines for officers that ignore state law. The second amendment has always been an individual right, the progressives have just been trying to pretend otherwise since the 1930s.

    • to Officer Bill

      quote————-Missouri does not have a high body count because of vigorous defense of the Second Amendment.———quote


      St. Louis has the 7th highest homicide rate in the world of medium to large sized cities. St. Louis, Missouri ranks 7th with a 2020 homicide rate of 88 per 100,000 residents. The highest worldwide was Celaya, Mexico at 109 per 100,000.

      There were a total of 723 murders in Missouri in 2020, or 11.8 for every 100,000 people — the “second highest murder rate among states”. For comparison, the national homicide rate stands at 6.5 per 100,000.

      Along with rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, murder is one component of the broader violent crime category. Just as Missouri has a higher than average murder rate, its overall violent crime rate is also higher than average. There were a total of 543 violent crimes reported for every 100,000 people in the state in 2020, compared to 399 per 100,000 nationwide.

      All data used in this story, including population figures used to calculate population-adjusted crime rates, is from the FBI’s 2020 Uniform Crime Report.


      • You just proved his point you fucking imbecile. Nicely done proving how what Bill said was exactly correct.

      • dacian the demented dips***,

        Please tell us you are a complete, drooling moron, without using the words “I am a complete, drooling moron”. Oh, you just did.

        Just for shits and giggles, please tell us what the murder rate in MO would be, EXCLUDING St. Louis. Then tell us what political party St. Louis has been governed by FOR DECADES.

        You are simply too fucking stupid to insult.

        • to the Lamp that went out of his head

          quote————Just for shits and giggles, please tell us what the murder rate in MO would be, EXCLUDING St. Louis.———quote

          Have someone with some reading comprehension explain my post to you. It does compare the entire state of Missouri to other U.S. States.

          quoting my first post——-There were a total of 723 murders in Missouri in 2020, or 11.8 for every 100,000 people — the “second highest murder rate among states”. For comparison, the national homicide rate stands at 6.5 per 100,000.———–quote

          And you claim to be a lawyer with 4 law degrees and having written numerous books, none of which you can seem to remember the titles too. By the way I read your deraigned posts on Quora so I know who you really are.

        • And that was exactly my POINT, you drooling idiot. If you exclude the BLUE city of St. Louis, the RED state of MO has a relatively low crime rate, you ignoranus.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. EVERYONE’S reading comprehension surpasses yours. Then again, that is too much for you to comprehend.

  9. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Or Sanctuary States such as California. Or how about states and cities refusing to follow the federal government when it comes to illegal marijuana laws.
    If you are pregnant and you want an abortion and it’s illegal in your state? Then you’ll just have to move to a different state to get that abortion.

    If you are a single mother with five different kids, from five different men, and you want welfare. You may have to move to a different state to get it.

    That is the way it used to be in this country. And we were a better country when it was this way. Forcing the 50 states to be the same on so many fundamental individual things has made the country worse off.

    • Ca had a 1 year residency requirement before you could collect welfare. The Feds declared the residency requirement unconstitutional and the floodgates opened. I think that the state of Ca ought to be able to charge the old state of residency reparations for sending their defectives here in droves.
      People want to vilify Californians, but maybe they should look to where the liberal attitudes came from in the first place.

      • While growing up in California I personally met people, who actually told me to my face, they moved to California for the welfare. They moved to California “to get free college” from the community college system.

        Unfortunately now California has been actively advertising for potential welfare recipients to move to the state.
        California will give you “free drug rehabilitation” for a set amount of time. And at the same time California will give you “free” marijuana. With plenty of THC in it. For whatever you claim you need it for.

        This is the kind of “free stuff” from the government, that the Libertarians have been openly supporting for decades now.

        • to Chris

          quote———–This is the kind of “free stuff” from the government, that the Libertarians have been openly supporting for decades now———-quote

          You are one hell of an ignorant person. Welcome to the world of civilization. California only emulated what has worked well in Europe and that is “free college” and treating those addicted to drugs not as criminals but as people in need of being cured of their addiction. Capitalvania already tried it your way and it failed. And do not tell me that people are often indeed helped by the way California treats drug addiction instead of criminalizing it.

          And by the way your stinginess and miserliness is all to sickenly apparent. Par for the course by the warped far right.

          And by the way I have been on web sites with Libertarians and they think exactly like you do proving you know nothing at all about them.

        • dacian the demented,

          It is hard for me to imagine that someone can be as stupid as you are, and still retain the ability to breathe without outside intervention. If the idiot policies of KKKalifornia are so “effective”, please explain why KKKalifornia has (i) the highest rate of income disparity IN THE COUNTRY, (ii) the highest rate of people living BELOW the poverty line, (iii) the HIGHEST rate of outward migration in the U.S.?

          Or are you just a complete idiot??? I guess I answered my own questions.

        • To the Lamp that went out of his head

          Every one of your repudiations were outright lies Its not rocket science except to a guy like you who claims to have 4 law degrees and has written numerous books none of which he can seem to remember the titles too.

          quote—–California has the highest rate of people living BELOW the poverty line———quote This is another one of your falsehoods.

          What state has the most welfare recipients per capita?

          New York. Welfare spending per capita:$3,305.
          Alaska. Welfare spending per capita:$3,020.
          Massachusetts. Welfare spending per capita:$2,911.
          Vermont. Welfare spending per capita:$2,842.
          New Mexico.


          quote————California has the the HIGHEST rate of outward migration in the U.S.?

          Falsehood. Illinois and New York do.


          quote————-Or are you just a complete idiot??? I guess I answered my own questions.———–quote

          Yes Lamp you did indeed answer your own question.

          Try again Genius you failed.

        • to Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

          Ha, Ha you did not even read your own link so here is just some of it.
          The poverty rate dropped from 16.4% in 2019 to a projected 11.7% in fall 2021, according to the California Poverty Measure (CPM)—a research effort by PPIC and the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality that accounts for housing costs and safety net benefits. About 4.5 million Californians remain under the CPM poverty line (about $36,900 yearly for a family of four).
          Child poverty plunged from 17.6% in 2019 to 9.0% in fall 2021.
          Social safety net programs are primarily responsible for the large declines. Both the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC) and CalFresh food assistance increased benefits and expanded eligibility in response to COVID-19.

          This is your own link. Now who is the dunderhead.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. That first link was to show a contrast between a lie and the truth. But you being the DUNDERHEAD you are are too stupid to see that. It’s the same ole. same ole, with you Leftists. You seem to think (Pun intended) that socialism is the solution to poverty etc.
          Social “safety” net programs (sic) are not the responsible for anything but a drain on the tax coffers. When you give money away to people, they want more of it. It does ZIP to cause a decline in poverty. Since your beloved “Great Society” programs of LBJ poverty has GONE UP. Nice try, DUNDERHEAD but that mouth wash doesn’t cut it.

      • From your own words dacyboy: Social safety net programs are PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE for the large declines. Not a rise in real income OR a decline in cost of living… you are only concurring that CA is a shithole WELFARE state.. Maybe you should read stuff before you start doing your copy/paste thing…

  10. “Missouri has the fourth highest gun death rate in the nation”
    How many of the shooters in this stat were legally prohibited from possessing the firearm?

    The only thing that works is keeping violent criminals in jail.

    • No vaadu, the only way to stop violent criminals is to end them. Even in prison they commit violence against others. But the prison industrial complex makes a ton of money from prisons…

  11. I am willing to bet if you pull Saint Louis and East Saint Louis out of the picture that the homicide rate of Missouri is actually pretty low. Saint Louis is a third world hellhole though by most objective metrics.

    Now then suicide and drug OD rates, probably not so much.

    • I’d bet that this is true of a majority of states, that if you took out the stats of two or three cities they’d show substantially lower averages. I’d also bet that a trend would be shown as to who runs those cities and who commits those crimes.

    • East St Louis is in Illianoid and has been a third world hole since the 1950. They led the way for St Louis to fall off the cliff.

      in the late 90s I was in a business meeting in a western suburb of St Louis. When it was near lunch time people started talking about where to go. I said, “how bout East St Louis”. A black man with a serious look on his face said, “I DON’T go there, you REALLY better not go.” He didn’t laugh nor did anyone.

      And yes, it all occured because democrats (communist party USA) have had total control for decades now.

  12. “One of them, Missouri, passed a law that put a chilling effect on state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal gun laws in Missouri. The Show Me State just got shown that it can’t do that. Not for now, anyway.”

    That’s not accurately true, or at least is gives a wrong impression.

    The ruling was that, basically, federal laws take priority over conflicting state laws. It was not that state and local law enforcement are obligated to enforce federal laws pr provide assistance to the federal government in doing so. The state can still tell law enforcement not to enforce federal law and not assist federal law enforcement, they just can’t interfere with the federal government’s ability to enforce federal firearms laws/regulations. Its already settled SCOTUS decision law that state and local law enforcement can’t be compelled or obligated to act on behalf of the federal government for enforcement or assistance for enforcement of federal laws.

  13. The right to self defense IS the right to life, dumbass.

    And I’m sure all those gang bangers in St. Louis are card carrying NRA members who wouldn’t have guns if not for the lax gun laws in MO. Just look at the peaceful utopia known as Chicago.

  14. Chris Williams can go straight to Hell. He’d defend robbing, looting, raping, riots, reparations, and violence against whites and others instead of the individual rights to self defense. Proof he’s a TURD AND A RACIST IDIOT.

    • Once they make a new law, anyone who breaks it is NOT law-abiding. They want to get old white men(and others that think like they do) to accept a plea bargain in court that makes them a felon, so that they can make second class citizens out of them.

  15. Ahem! The gun carnage in Missouri can be traced to one group of people. Outlawing guns and confiscating every single gun in America will not solve that problem.

      • I am old and I am white and I’m probably ugly , but I’m not fat. What about me?

        • I’m just an old Ozark hillbilly, keepin on, keepin on. Left as a youngster (joined the Marine Corps). Finally figured out there is no place like home and the rest of the world is going down the tubes.

  16. And I will say this because nobody else will. G@y marriage was forced on to all of the 50 states. Prior to the Supreme Court case that forced all the states to accept gay marriage. Up to 16 States had gone through the legislative process to voluntarily accept g@y marriage in their state. This has had a negative effect on the first amendment. Because now the state of Colorado is attempting to invalidate the First Amendment rights of Christians.

    It would be better if you wanted to have a g@y marriage you would have to move to a state that accepted g@y marriage. But also if you are a Christian you may have to move to another state where your first amendment rights are protected.

    Same for your second amendment rights. Because in Colorado a state that voted for g@y marriage, is also about to vote away, and officially invalidate, your second amendment civil rights.

    People have said this on TTAG since the very beginning.

    If you want your civil rights you may have to move to a different state to get them.
    And millions of people from California, New York state, New Jersey, Illinois, are doing exactly that. By moving to Tennessee Texas and Florida. Or some other more free state.

    And for the record, I am on record a long time ago here on TTAG, supporting g@y marriage. But unlike these hypocrite pigs I support plural marriage as well. And unlike these hypocrite pigs, I am against the government paying a single mother, with five kids from five different men, government welfare benefits.

    • And I will say this because nobody else will.

      And why do you think YOU are the only one that will recognize that gay marriage was FORCED upon all 50 states… I just never had a reason to post it here… All that stuff that CO is doing will be blocked by an appellate court and eventually slapped down by SCOTUS…

    • to chris

      quote———— And unlike these hypocrite pigs, I am against the government paying a single mother, with five kids from five different men, government welfare benefits.—————-quote

      So are what are we supposed to do, punish the children by starving them to death?

      • You are obviously not familiar with personal responsibility or how babies are made… Education, abstinence, various contraceptive meds and devices (ALL cheaper than raising a child)… Why is it my responsibility to pay for the ignorance of another individual…

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Last I heard, it is a PARENT’s responsibility to feed their children. Is that too old a concept for you to grasp?

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