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“The SAFE Act isn’t the only example, but it’s certainly one of the ones that points the most to the fact that our government isn’t listening to the people, and we are the government,” said Sheriff Timothy Howard of Erie County, New York. “Do you want law enforcement people that will say, ‘I will do this if I’m told to do it, even if I know it’s wrong.’?” . . .

Space Cadet Mark Kelly is at it again, spreading complete falsehoods in pursuit of his anti-gun agenda. From his latest mailing: “If you or your family have ever visited an airport, courthouse, or even some hospitals and schools, you know that a metal detector can be the last line of defense between your loved ones and a criminal with a gun.” I guess I have a different definition of “last line of defense” than he does. But here’s the rub: If it’s currently illegal to have a gun that’s undetectable by a metal detector, but you were taking it through security to kill someone, would you care? Would it make any difference to you if it was no longer illegal to possess the gun?

An article over at PJMedia is titled Gun-Control Supporters Say Momentum Quietly Building to Get a Bill Through, but the text of the article seems to spend a whole lot more time talking about the failures of the recent gun control efforts. There is, of course, a quote from Pelosi repeating the extremely questionable “90% support background checks” figure, and another quote from the clearly delusional Dan Gross of the Brady clan who says “Momentum is on our side,” but on balance, it doesn’t look so bad. What say you? Who’s got the momentum at this point?

A Perinton, New York pediatrician has been arrested and charged with petit larceny after allegedly stealing lawn signs calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act. A resident saw her swiping signs from the yards of several houses and called police, who tracked the good doctor to her office, where they found several of the signs in the dumpster outside. A representative of the Shooters Committee on Political Education, the group that sells the signs, said there have been periodic reports of sign thefts, but this is the first instance of an arrest that they were aware of.

After a relatively long absence from his GLOCK torture tests, mattv2099 hits a doubletap, following up his recent deep fried Twinkie GLOCK with the peanut butter GLOCK 17. This will not end well, I’m sure.

Oh, and here’s a video twofer, since it’s the weekend, and the end of November. Back on Halloween, I promised you “No more pumpkins for a while.” Well, this video showed up on my list literally on Halloween, after I’d already chosen the Richard Ryan videos for the finale. Brought to you by Primary Weapons Systems, the same folks that did the absolutely hilarious TFL (Tactical Forearm Lengthener) video, this short video chronicles the kidnapping and murder of a couple of the festive gourds in old-school, grainy video style. It was too good not to pass along, even if I had to wait a month to do it in order to keep my promise.

I want a girl that keeps a PMAG in her corset. I could live without the eyepatch, though.

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  1. Metal detectors are magical force fields, dontcha know. Can’t pass through one with metal. Physically impossible.

  2. “I want a girl that keeps a PMAG in her corset”… with a short skirt and a loooooooong jacket.

  3. PETTY larceny, as in of minor significance.

    Not petite, which means small and dainty.

    Not petit, which isn’t even a word.

  4. They may have found a new way to make an undetectable gun, but it is of no danger without metal cartridges. I don’t think we need to worry much about 3D-printed plastic guns. The bullets are still detectable.

    • If you really wanted to you could make a paper cartridge with a non metallic bullet. Its a pain in the ass, but its doable.

  5. Space Cadet Mark Kelly is at it again, spreading complete falsehoods

    Calling them “falsehoods” means you’re too politically correct to call them what they are: lies.

  6. After watching the pumpkin video I would like to say screw you to the idiots, who out of irrational fear voted for the NFA.

    • On the plus side, they’re all dead by now. The real tragedy was the SCOTUS Miller decision that upheld the legality of the NFA after the district court judge tossed it out due to its extreme BS factor.

      • The miller case really was BS. Even so, it goes to show that the idiots 80+ years later will vote on fear an emotion rather than on facts.

  7. In the middle to late eight my high school already had metal detectors installed and still there were three shoot outs between rival gang members. But since it was inner city gang violence the mainstream media didn’t give a rats @$$. Chicago now doesn’t even register on CNN but WE all know how gun CONTROL/SAFETY programs work sssoooooo well there.

  8. Maybe she has an eye patch because of all the hot brass rain around those FA toys. A harsh lesson in eye pro? Or just a fashion statement? Truly bored minds want to know.

  9. Outrage when a Sheriff says he won’t enforce an unjust law. POTUS instructs DHS to ignore the law and nobody bats an eye.

  10. Fortunately in many states, Sheriffs don’t answer to Governors. They answer to the people who elect them. We should get rid of police agencies that are appointed by anti-gun Governors and Mayors and expand Sheriff departments who are directly answerable to the electorate. Back in the day it was the Sheriffs who kept order in the towns. That model worked back then and will work again today.

    • This is the problem with a lot of current enforcement. I think some of the issues brought up in the article today on police militarization on TTAG could be solved if the police were accountable to the electorate and not the moronic mayor. If the police get out of control, the chief is going to lose their job, which of course they hate. Without that accountability they become things like Bloomberg’s personal army.

  11. Sheriff Timothy Howard of Erie County, New York. “Do you want law enforcement people that will say, ‘I will do this if I’m told to do it, even if I know it’s wrong.’?” . . .

    Because there’s a different kind? Please do find him/her, they’ve been held-back, demoted, slow back-upped, or worse. I love the grandstanding, too bad there’s never any action to back it.

    • They do exist – I knew a couple cops who flat out SAID if gun confiscation was passed, they wouldn’t do it. They both worked at a gun store part time, so I’m sure they were more people of the gun than they were lockstep stormtroopers, but still. Not every cop is evil and “does as they’re told.”

      • Christian, That’s my point – “said”. The day I see some action to back those words I’ll be duly impressed. But the problem is, it just doesn’t happen in real life. You have any idea how publicly dirty you have to be to get taken down by anybody in the department, let alone your own squad? And as long as you don’t disobey mgmt too much, it’s ok to have a jacket filled with dirt, they’ll just send you to another department if they get tired of you.

        Not all coppers are inherently evil, but they will fall in line. Do you really believe that someone is going to stand on principle and lose their decent-to-fat paycheck, their gold-plated benes, their generous retirement, watch their family lose their standard of living, not to mention if you’re not cop you’re little people? They don’t stand up now, and there’s plenty of extralegal happenings in every department, every day.

        The good cops tolerate the bad to keep their job. If told to go confiscate guns, off they go. Or, they will be replaced by someone who will do as they are told. Simple as that.

  12. Actually, I do want a law enforcement officer who will enforce the laws regardless of their opinion of those laws.
    Otherwise, we have rule of man not rule of law. See our current President for where that leads.
    If you truly cannot in good conscience enforce the current laws, then the proper action is to resign and encourage all your deputies who agree to do the same. Then, you call a giant press conference to announce your action and that you will now be running for Governor/State Legislator/whatever to work to change this law.

    • Rule of law does not extend to state or local law that is blatantly unconstitutional–the Constitution is the highest law of the land. The President and DOJ were right to not enforce “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (if that’s what you were referring to) as well seeing as the policy violated the Equal Protection Clause, it’s actually one of the few things me and this otherwise abhorrent administration agree on.

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