Tommy Guns courtesy & Forsyth County Sheriff's Office

The Forsyth County, North Carolina sheriff has made an interesting deal. During a facility move, two 1928 Thompson submachine guns were discovered collecting dust in the back of the armory. They’d been donated to the police department by the RJ Reynolds tobacco company several decades ago. Upon discovering what they were worth and realizing that a modern law enforcement agency had no use for them, he arranged a trade. He struck a deal whereby he turned the guns over to Craig’s Firearm Supply of Knoxville, TN in exchange for 88 Bushmaster AR-15s. Sheriff Schatzman said, “The Thompsons are vintage but not streetworthy,” Schatzman said. “This trade will help us with obtaining what we need for today.”

The Georgia legislature will again consider a bill this term that will allow concealed carry permit holders to carry on college campuses throughout the state. A similar measure nearly passed last session, and legislators are trying again, thinking especially of urban campuses like Georgia Tech. The reporter, striving to give equal time to the opposition, managed to find two students who are “wary” of the change: one from Nigeria, one from New Jersey. As Craig Ferguson would say, “You’re familiar with them, right? One is a third-world hellhole where crime runs rampant, corruption is everywhere, and the rule of law is but a distant dream… and the other is Nigeria.”

Pennsylvania is also working on a campus carry policy, but this one won’t be legislative. Pennsylvania currently prohibits guns at K-12 schools, but has no blanket policy in place to regulate guns on public university campuses. The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education is considering a policy that would permit the carry of guns outdoors on campus (parking lots, sidewalks, and quads), but would ban them from buildings and sensitive areas like outdoor graduations or field trips. The next opportunity for PASSHE to take their proposal before the Board of Governors is in April.

“For the first time in the United States, a citizen who has legally registered a gun will have to submit to a renewal process. The consequences of not knowing about this new law or missing the specific 60-day window are dire.” That’s the lead-in to Emily Miller’s article in the Washington Times about the re-registration scheme that went into effect in the benighted District of Columbia on January 2nd. We’ve talked about it before, but this article had something new to me. If the re-registration is not performed, the previous registration is revoked, and the gun itself is put into a category of weapons that can never be registered, just as though it were a machine gun or a sawed-off shotgun. So if someone messes up, even if they don’t get fined or jail time, they also lose the ability to ever again register that particular firearm. Neat, huh?

fxhummel1 and James Yeager have done a series of videos titled Ask Yeager Anything. It’s pretty typical Yeager, equal parts ego, humor, and intelligence. (OK, it’s probably two parts ego, and one each of the others.) If you like James Yeager, you’ll probably like the videos. If you don’t like James Yeager, please just save it. Nobody cares. Watch ’em, don’t watch ’em, but don’t tell me about it. Each is around 5 minutes long. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. I will however, leave you with this, from the second video. In response to a question about the future of firearms ownership in the US, he had this to say:

Join the NRA. And if you don’t like the NRA, there’s a simple fix: Become a life member and that gives you voting rights, and then vote for the Board of Directors that you want. Quit being a douchebag running down the NRA. If it wasn’t for the NRA, all these other half-assed pro-gun organizations wouldn’t have any guns to protect to begin with. Join the NRA, make it the organization you want it to be.

I agree. I’m sure there will be people that will come along and talk about how the NRA has colluded with the government on anti-gun legislation in the past, etc. That doesn’t change the fact that the NRA is the 800 pound gorilla in this country when it comes to gun rights. Support the others, definitely, but don’t ignore the most powerful lobbying and legislative asset we have.

You’ll recall a month or so ago I featured the promo for Primary Weapons Systems upcoming animated series Half Cocked. It debuted a couple days ago, and here’s their first offering, Obese Camo.
I smiled a couple times, but it wasn’t as good as I was hoping. You can definitely see the folks putting it together are fans of Archer. I generally give interesting-looking new TV shows a couple-three episodes to get their shit together, and those are either 22 or 44 minutes long, so I’ll certainly give this a couple more shots to find its footing.

I have a hip-deep pile of videos hanging around that I haven’t gotten to the past few weeks, so I’ll probably drop three or four of them into a quickie post, just to clear the bilges a little. Watch this space at the usual time tomorrow night.


  1. So are those Tommy Guns civilian transferable? If not, the value is still high, but no where near what a NFA civilian registered one would be. That would mean only Class III dealers can trade them.

    Also, any word on what happened to the SG44 that was turned in at the buyback in California a few weeks back?

  2. 2 tommy guns for 88 AR’s. Sounds fair. Turn in 2 real guns for a bunch of poodle shooters that need intensive care and cleaning.

    • Poodle shooters?

      The 5.56/223 with good ammo produces a much more devastating wound than even the best 45ACP.

      Anyone that prefers a pistol round over a rifle round doesn’t know what they are talking about.

      • I think he means old world style, hand fitted iron and wood, vs guns with spotty quality and known more as base guns than an out-of-the-box performer.

      • Don’t get your knickers in a knot, ppgmd. See what Steve says above. I’m well known(or should be) for not liking the AR. My preference for the Tommy gun had nothing to do with caliber.

        I don’t prefer the AR til we get to things like the Hi-Point, Raven, Jennings, etc.

        • Oh I see you are one of those people that still believes the myth that the AR-15 is an unreliable piece of junk.

          I think they have a therapy for that.

        • Any rifle that needs more cleaning products than MattInFl’s girlfriend and needs more maintenance time than RF’s several x wives is unreliable, at best.

        • Perhaps you should read up on Pat Roger’s Filthy 14, or any of this other BCM rifles that goes many many thousands of rounds between cleanings and other PMCS under Pat Roger’s watch.

          But honestly anyone that uses empty statements like that isn’t going to see the truth.

        • Now see, you really got butt hurt. Don’t know Pat. I do know that as a group we hated our issue m16’s. Poodle shooters, Mattel Specials, were some of the kinder things we said about them. But if you want to own and play with the AR, feel free.

          I’ll accept your right to make that choice if you respect my right to chose differently.

        • Ok I’ll accept your right to remain ignorant.

          The AR-15 of today is night and day different from the M-16 of old, particularly those issued in the Vietnam era.

        • So one refutes your “facts” and that makes them a fanboi.

          I actually have no preference with any guns, I simply do my research and find out what the best is without bias.

        • So I looked up the filthy 14. A bravo company infomercial isn’t research. How many parts were replaced on that thing before it’s time was up? Grab any AR off the rack and try that test.

          I’ll stick with an SKS til I can get where an AK is legal. Then I’ll probably still stick with the SKS. If it ain’t broke…..

        • I’ll have to side with jwm on this one.

          You see, once an object has a nickname or reputation, it tends to stick.

          While the AR15 platform of today is vastly superior to its distant progenitors, the impressions made by those old pieces of Bravo Sierra endure.

          A metaphor:

          While I’m certain that my ex has undergone personal growth these past seventeen years, I’d never recommend her to a friend.

        • BCMs perform well because they are built to the same standard as Colts. And because of the market dynamics many of the other companies have improved their quality more than a few meeting all the important parts of the TDP.

          As far as parts replacement, I only remember up to the 43,000 rounds report. And that had an extractor spring at 13k rounds, and the entire BCG due to a bolt lug failure (the gun still worked) at 16k. No cleaning in the first 23k. With the service file being 60k before it was rebuilt with a new upper.

          I am not sure how much more you want out of a rifle before it gets above Hi Point/Jenning territory.

          And a SKS, you got to be kidding me. The quality level between SKSs ranges between good, and absolute crap. Sort of like the AR-15s you like to decry.

        • Disclaimer of bias:

          I’m a contributor to the core GNU code base. Bearing that in mind, look closely at my avatar.

        • The solitary POS designed in the last 50+ years that pukes in its own mouth.

          Nobody else designs direct gas-impingement for a reason. Stoner wasn’t only the designer, he was the namesake of the only idiots who think it works…

        • I had a Thompson bought from departing Marines. It was sort of steam-punk, and I actually used it on two occasions, mainly to impress our passengers (who were Navy), but I wouldn’t want to hump one in the jungle, or run with one. Jeez.

          People who think the AR needs super cleaning are neat freaks. Use a plated bolt if that’s such a problem. I use NiB bolts, because ‘even less cleaning’ is a feature. I haven’t had any bad things happen with my Stag S3G in two years. For that matter I never had a problem with my M16 in RVN. Granted I had the improved model, chromed barrel, etc. but I hardly ever cleaned it thoroughly. The AR is a breeze. (It’s true I used an M60 much more often, but now there’s a piece of crap. Gas cylinder demands constant cleaning. The feed trays sucked.) Much of the crud people bitch about on the AR is not in critical places. A brief spray, let it soak a little, brush and wipe it out, brush and wipe the bolt, then lube, and this takes what, eight or nine minutes? And I don’t even do that after every use, though I do lube it every outing. Oops, there’s another 20 seconds. I find all the bitching about the AR sort of gun-queen stuff. They work. They’re accurate. “I need German! I need Soviet leftovers!” Fine. I want an AK103. But not because there’s a big fault with the AR-type. Even the Specials who were really sure they needed a Ralph Lauren Super-German-AR++ found that they really didn’t. The Navy kept them, but that’s a SEAL tradition, “we ain’t special if we can’t get special guns…are we?” Spec Ops types always want a different gun than ordinary guys, a different hat, a different patch, a unit knife. Well of course they do. And the sheriff wanted ivory handles on his Colt Navy pistols. What else is new? I could see a suppressed select-fire AR in .300 AAC BLK, if I were young and had to soldier for a living. But I’m not. I don’t. Fortunately.

        • Late to the party but:

          Using a isolated case (filthy 14) is a bit silly, can we expect each rifle to run like that?

          I agree with jwm. The AR is good in “clean” environments, that is police and air force (i think) uses. But for hunting (both animals and men) you can’t always clean your rifle as often. And you can’t always get quality ammo, especially if you are in rural areas or in a poor country. Sometimes there is simply a shortage.

          To jwm: The only thing the AK got over the SKS is bigger magazine capacity, being able to reload more than one round at a time if you put a scope on it and folding stocks (which the SKS has too). A good scope is one of those 4x PSO (or POSP) with the Simonov reticle.

        • Now for my real two cents. Until recently the problem with the AR-15 was the 223 round. It is a low level varmint round inferior to both the 22-250 and high velocity 243. (Yes, i know you can kill someone with a 22lr.) The AR design is just fine for civilian and police use. Now I am partial to the Garand type bolt but I could see building 243 rifle on an AR-10 platform.

        • Tdiinva, the .223 has twice the energy of a .357 magnum (equal to a .44 magnum) and can use ALL of in in the average human torso with proper hollow point ammo. I agree that a more effective ammo can/should be developed for the military (6.8, 6,5 Grendel, etc..).

        • What’s it like to have a hard time accepting reality?

          -said the guy who can shoot 2500 rounds without cleaning or lube through his SR-556 without an issue over a period of 8 months. You can find that gun and shooter under a YouTube search of Ruger SR-556 rapid fire.

          • I don’t know. How is it to not be able to accept realiby, sorry, reliably? Reality is ARs are sh*t. Always have been and always will be. Unless somebody is giving you one for free. You aren’t paying for those pieces of sh*t, are you?

        • Not fair, A81. The SR556 is a piston driven AR. Stoner’s DI system is the POS I refer to when talking about AR’s. Apologies if I failed to make that clear.

        • 2hotel9, I think your still stuck in the jungles of Vietnam circa mid 60’s with the first batch. Its 50 years later and they have made a few improvements to the AR.

          • Used M16s in the ’80s, still crap. I talk to troops that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, they say it is crap. Simply rearranging the exterior pieces and changing the NSN designation is not enough.

      • LOL. 2 words, poodle shooter. What a shitstorm followed from those 2 words. Glad to see you kept a sense of humor about it.

        • Matt? Just stating the facts. Its a nice collectors gun, still, it is not what troops wanted. Given any choice it loses. As the old crusty dudes always said, you can polish a turd, it is still just a turd.

          Many superior MBRs out there, and American troops are saddled with AR variants because of bureaucratic inertia plodding on from the politics of the late 1950s.

    • You got that right , two real man stoppers for 88 22 cal carbines… Some people do not know dirt about firearms… if you have ever used one you would understand the about the Thompson VS the AR and how it has a poor record of knock down……….

    • Sounds like someone with long arms, or has never fired one.

      The stock on the Thompson is WAY WAY too long. I’m about average height for a guy, and I have trouble with the Thompson.

      • I’m 5’8″ and when I shot the ’28 Thompson I didn’t notice the stock fit b/c I was so in love! Long stock, short stock, if I had the money, I’d buy one.

        • Oh don’t me wrong if I had the cash I would be all over a Tommy gun. But I would likely see if I could buy one of the new product Auto Ord stock and modify to be shorter.

          But regardless, if I had to defend my life I would take an AR-15 over a Thompson any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

      • Depress button, pull stock off, done.

        No more stock to get torqued about. Unless you want to complain about not having a stock…?

  3. “I agree. I’m sure there will be people that will come along and talk about how the NRA has colluded with the government on anti-gun legislation in the past, etc.”

    People need to understand that the NRA wasn’t involved in politics until after the passing of the 1968 GCA. And their much hardline stance didn’t come about until the early 90s. They also know well enough not to fight a battle that they either can’t win or if they do win it, it would be put them in a massive PR hole that gun rights may not recover from.

    So while yes they were consulted on some of the earlier travesties like NFA, and GCA it was in a time before the NRA was actively involved in politics. As one needs to remember that they were founded as a non-profit to encourage marksmanship training.

    • Yep. I have beefs with the NRA’s culture but that’s not really one of them. They seem–in the last 20 years anyway–to take a long view, which I think is fair, and probably more productive.

  4. Why didn’t the Forsyth County Sheriff buy a couple of KRISS Supver-V subguns while he was it?

    Lord knows that I, for one, would love a .45 Auto that vomits lead at 1,200 rounds-per-minute with next to no recoil. 😉

  5. Kinda makes you wonder what’s lurking in forgotten corners of armories all over this country, don’t it?

    • I got to see a mid 20’s Ithaca auto-burglar shotgun in 20 ga. Stunningly beautiful. Absolutely pristine condition.
      Unfortunately it never got registered. Very sad.

      • The closest thing America had to a Howdah Gun. A double barreled 20 ga pistol is just the thing for repelling boarders.

        We need Russ Bixby to chime in with a hearty “AARRGH”.

        • Avast thar, ye scabrous dogs! Pay yer proper respects t’ th’ Thommie, else ye’ll be kissin’ the keel! Arrggghhhh!

      • Late last summer picked up a 1921 Ithaca Flues double barrel in 12 gauge. Not pristine condition so I have no problem going ahead and shooting it. After having it checked out of course. Shoots beautifully for a 93 year old gun.

  6. I agree about joining the NRA. I became a life member back in the early 90’s. It paid for itself long ago.
    I figure that allows me 25-50 bucks a year to join somewhere else.
    Looks like now, the fight has come to me. A Eugene anti gun politician is getting ready to introduce some bad bills to a slightly demoncrat controlled state legislature.
    So, time to give local.

    • Wow, it’s not that idiot woman from Portland this time? What are they trying to do the screw up the state now? Don’t they have better things to do like work towards job creation? That is why I don’t live there. Jobs were few and far between so I got sucked into the Army ROTC at the U of O. Glad I did because it’s been a great career.

      • Ha. A fellow Army ROTC member.
        No, it’s not Ginny Burdick this time.
        It’s Floyd Prozanski. He is worse than Ginny.

    • Now, that’s funny. If they do, I see a bunch of ugly Saiga parts getting welded or bolted on with a loud “Neva been done befoah”

      • Buying a working Thompson is strictly a collector thing. It has about zero tactical competitiveness. I’d rather have a Benelli with 9 rounds of 00 buck for short range, or a working M16. Ah, I think I’ve missed the spirit of the thread. Why would I care what gun trade some sheriff made? “But you know, it’s a pair of Thompsons!” So. They get bought and sold everyday. Scr-w the 88 AR’s. Put the money in the town treasury. Keep the shotguns. Use slugs. Jeez. Government’s eating to much money at every single level.

        • Nah dude you’re right a stream of 45 ACP serves no purpose whatsoever. Besides killing absolutely everything in its path.

        • I really like .45 ACP due to its subsonic nature and being of decent power. But you have to realize that .45 acp is just a pistol round and all pistol rounds suck (which is why we usually only chamber pistols in those calibers).

          Just check this out:

          .45 ACP has on average a 39% chance for a one shot stop, while .380 has a 44% chance (the same as the .357 magnum).

        • I don’t really know a lot about statistics, but even the guy who put that together said some of the numbers just didn’t have a big enough sample size to be reliable. If you take the numbers at face value, the .32ACP is the most effective pistol round.

        • I think people have no actual experience with the Thompson, mostly. It is very difficult to keep rounds on target when firing three or four round bursts at an enemy more than 30 meters away. With an M16 it is easy. The Thompson is heavy. It absolutely can’t be put to good use when trading fire with a patrol 100 meters away, a distance which is trivial for an M16. Certainly I agree with Lolinski’s comment that .45ACP is a pistol round: Even in fast loadings (light bullet, +P powder) it has half the ME than 5.56 NATO. As for short range, 9 rounds of buckshot has vastly more power and controllability (in an M1014). Even Specials whose armories typically have eight or ten of every select fire weapon you can imagine are more inclined to take an M1014 for the point man or with special-purpose rounds, than any sub gun. I never saw a single guy take a Thompson off the peg board at CCN’s Danang C&C. Not once. AKMs? Yes, especially “little people.” M-79’s? Yes. M14’s? Occasionally. Thompsons? Never. There are reasons.

          It’s a little odd to evaluate weapons out of use context, if you ask me. If you’re a poor rebel or poacher shooting in thick thornbush in Africa, of course you’d rather have an AK, for the cheap bullets, brush busting, and better ability to take out the occasional dangerous large animal. If you’re going to walk and run twenty miles and hit a target in forested country, of course you’d rather have a MK18 mod 0. On bare mountainous ground, and only if you can take the weight, an M14 is much better than an M4, but an M4a1 plus a decent squad machine gun is better. Without a use context, comparisons are just vacuous.

          • Really? I have put a lot of rds through a lot of different Thompsons, 1928s and wartime models, and found them to be very nice to handle. Low rate of fire on bursts and heavy enough to control, 2-5 rd firing not all that difficult. The old style I don’t like, front grip is just a bit to far forward for me, and don’t get me started on that f**king drum. Only drum mag on a weapon I ever liked was PPsH41. They are the opposite, a stick mag in them is so light it jumps all over. Sten is a different beast entirely! Like how they fire, they are just so unwieldy to handle in general their better qualities just don’t make it. Uzi. What else needs said. Uzi. Really like the Beretta Model 12. That is the piece that sold me on single point slings! The modern minis I have shot some, MP5, MAC 10, Steyr TMP and they are all ok.

            As I said earlier, for LEOs a Thompson is not out dated, doorkickers, roadblock interdiction, support fire(modern construction materials make that fat .45 even more punchy), hell, serving warrants. Not to mention personal/home defense. Chopper is old, that don’t mean it is useless.

        • .45 is not just a pistol round, it’s specifically one of the worst pistol rounds to use in a carbine or anything similar where you want greater range. Slow and heavy and doesn’t scale with barrel length at all (like .357 or .44 do). Consequently, external ballistics are crap. 9mm +P+ is much better in that regard.

  7. Back in the early ’70’s, MGM studios sold off lots of guns. Somehow, I got on the list for a catalog. Thompsons were $550, and a Ma Duece was $1500. And I, being about 22 at the time, was flat broke.

  8. I am truly amazed and impressed by the honesty of that Police station armorer. I mean, sure, we bag on the cops around here pretty regularly, but you can be Goddamned sure there would have been “just the one” Tommy found in there, if any at all, if I’d been working there.
    While the M1A1 is nearest and dearest to my heart, the 1928 is just so iconic. I own one of the WH semi-autos, and whenever it comes out of the safe I hear Thomas Newman’s score from Road to Perdition. And I get chills.
    God knows what it would do to me to have one of those babies to take out….

  9. Don’t. Ever. Register. Guns. Bury it in solid concrete and report it lost (or destroyed), if you must. Better to never take it to the range and have it if you need it (or when it becomes legal again), than to forget to re-register it or not notice that new law, and have the cops knock on your door. Don’t. Ever. Register. Guns.

  10. Well mostly good news in this digest, minus the DC re-registration. The same is happening in NY, incidentally, where handgun permits now have to be recertified 9or something) every 5 years. And if that doesn’t happen for any reason? Sorry, you no longer have a right to own that gun… that you own. Not sure if the same is happening with “Assault Weapons.”

  11. “The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education is considering a policy that would permit the carry of guns outdoors on campus (parking lots, sidewalks, and quads), but would ban them from buildings and sensitive areas like outdoor graduations or field trips.”

    1. Unless they are planning on installing gun lockers at the entrance of every gun-free building this is still a gun ban for students and faculty. Unless the students/faculty have magic powers, they can’t make their heaters disappear when they walk into a building. Only strangers passing through the campuss could carry, have they thought this through?

    2. It’s so nice for them to narrow down the “easy-victim zones” even more for those that need such information. Oh wait, maybe nice isn’t the right word…

    • Your point #1 is exactly the reason I wrote that the way I did, and I’m glad you picked up on it. As written, this is still a de facto ban on carrying a weapon for anyone who attends or works at that school. Just like the ban on campus vehicle storage that was recently overturned in Florida, or, well, any other terminal destination restriction, it’s not just about the destination, it’s about the journey. If I can’t carry and/or store it when I get there, that effectively prohibits me from having it when I’m traveling to or from there.

  12. I commented on this before, ain’t changed. A chopper is excellent for a doorkicker crew, roadblock interdiction, supporting fires, name your poison. And take those drums and put them on ebay so some chump will pay big money for them. Stick to 20rd sticks and save yourself a world of misery.

  13. To think that the POTG would dump on the Thompson and the AR in a single thread! Am I at TTAG or did I take a wrong turn!?

    The Thompson didn’t become less lethal when lighter SMGs were introduced, in fact it still has an edge on quite a few simply because of all that weight. . . it can actually be used at cyclic as a suppression weapon where as many lighter SMGs cannot due to climb. Sure it’s old, and heavy, and has (gasp!) wood, but it still spits a stream of .45s with reasonable accuracy and flawless reliability. If you’re poorly armed with a Thompson there is an operator error, not a weapons deficiency.

    Oddly, the opposite is true of the AR, it actually has become even more lethal than when introduced. It’s vastly more reliable (if you have to clean yours more often than every several thousand rounds it is broken, see an armorer), it’s been adapted to accept a variety of cartridges and is mission configurable to everything from an SMG sized entry weapon to a squad support LMG to a full on sniper platform. You may not like them, but it really is ignorance to decry the AR as being anything less than a stellar weapons platform and capable of virtually any tasking, anywhere. As for the ‘.30 cal therapy’ the AR can eat those too, try one in .30 short (7.62×39) or .30 long (7.62×51) and see for yourself.

    Now that we cleared that up, lets return to some ‘common sense’ gun discussions.

    • “To think that the POTG would dump on the Thompson and the AR in a single thread! Am I at TTAG or did I take a wrong turn!?”

      You’re on the internet. If someone likes it, someone else hates it more.

      That said, I have noticed a “Facebooky” trend in the comments around here lately.

    • Dump on the Tommie gun? Not really. It’s a part of history, for better or worse. It had its day in the sun, and if this article is to be believed, that was several decades ago. Even if they were in mint condition, holding onto them for the sake of 2 officers, as opposed to taking the opportunity to arm an entire force with patrol rifles preferred by the vast majority of LE in America is just bat shit crazy. Even crazier would be basing that decision off of problems that were corrected over 50 years ago, (such as reliability problems, ) or problems that never were a problem for law enforcement, (the Hague convention never applied to cops, eliminating much of the “stopping power” issues, and as previously mentioned, you can trade out for a bigger caliber). It’s also foolish to ignore the greater range it provides when operating in rural areas, or the fact that it’s generally considered safer to use indoors with the right ammo.

      • See, you keep spouting “facts,” most of which consist of you chanting “ARs suck”. I think this is the closest you’ve come to giving a reason. But thousands others have carried an AR in the line of duty, myself included and more than a few of us don’t actually have a problem with it. We’ve provided examples of an ARs advantages,the models that work without glitches, simple ways of minimizing problems, and the best you can come up with is essentially “I do not like them Sam I am? ” we get it. You’ve had bad experiences with ARs, and you think thompsons still have a niche in modern application. I think most of us can respect that, even if we don’t completely agree with you. Can you at least show our pov the same courtesy instead of summarily dismissal?

        • The facts are plain and simple, ARs are sh*t. Period. Full stop. Their piss poor performance has cost many a soldier his life and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future.

  14. I would give my third nut for a pair of real deal, ol’ school, Thompson sub-guns…

    I don’t like sub-guns, but the Thompson is the exception to that rule.

    • I’ve only had a chance to shoulder some of the new semi reproductions, but the ergonomics just don’t work for me. Not questioning the quality or effectiveness, though. Some of the 9mm guns feel better, but I just can’t bring myself to like 9mm. Personal preference.

      • 1928s? The gangster model? Or M1a1 Thompson? They handle different. I don’t like the handling of the “classic” Thompson, that foregrip is all “iconic” and whatnot, that said, unless you got arms like an Orangutang they are,,,,uncomfortable, to say the least. If you can find someone or somewhere to run a couple hundred rds through a Singer or Royal Typewriter M1a1. Then we can talk.

  15. I go to the University of Pittsburgh and I’ve talked to Pitt Police (the Uni has its own dept.) and talked to them about Pitt’s weapon policy. Currently the policy is no weapons on camp at all, but because Pitt is a city campus and the only place this policy covers is within campus buildings. So this proposed bill wouldn’t do much other than cover my butt in case I get stopped on a sidewalk that Pitt feels is theirs. But end of the day the bill doesn’t do enough until I can carry in a classroom without sweating.

    • Ben? You are in Allegheny County. DO NOT f**k up. They will burn you down just for sh*ts and giggles.

  16. I was born and raised in Forsyth county NC (WInston-Salem) and I can remember when I was a kid (I’m 62 now) the poice would demonstrate their Thompsons at the County fair. The officer would hold the Thompson with the buttstock to his chin and fire it. You wont see that at any county fairs today.

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