Courtesy Joe Grine

TTAG has a reputation for hard-hitting, no holds barred reviews. That’s why it pains me to tell you that this review is pretty much the same kind of slobbering lovefest that you’d expect from industry glossies. But after spending six months and well over 3,000 rounds running the Walther PPQ M2, Jeremy and I could find precious little to complain about. Even my quibbles amount to nothing more than minor personal preference issues. So without further ado, let me tell you why I think the Walther PPQ M2 is one of the best of the polymer wonder 9s . . .

When the Walther Police Pistol Quick (“PPQ”) was first released three years ago, my good friend and fellow TTAG writer Chris Dumm commented that “[d]esign evolution seems to be funneling most new pistol designs into the same proven formats. Everything looks pretty much like a GLOCK these days, no matter who makes it.” Well, I ain’t gonna lie: there’s a whole lotta truth to that statement . . .

Courtesy Joe Grine

While the PPQ is technically a polymer refinement of the P99 series of pistols, at its heart the Walther PPQ is more or less a GLOCK clone in terms of function and general mechanics. Striker fired? Check. Polymer frame? Check. Double stack mag? Check. GLOCK-esque trigger safety? Check. Lack of manual safety? Check. But if the GLOCK is, as they claim, “Perfection,” the PPQ M2 is “Perfection2”. The Walther has better ergonomics, a better trigger, better (ambidextrous!) operator controls, easier disassembly, and definitely better aesthetics. And did I mention the better aesthetics?!

Courtesy Joe Grine

Speaking of aesthetics, the sleek, svelte lines of the Walther PPQ slide make the blocky boxy GLOCKs, Kahrs, and Springfield XDs look like something made out of Legos. The PPQ’s slide is more narrow at the top than where it meets the frame. As it should be. Add to that the aggressive angled slide serrations on both the front and the back of the slide, and you’ve got one very good-looking, shark-like pistol. So good, in fact, it looks like HK just copied its basic look with their VP-9.

When I reviewed the Walther PPX, I decried it a bit for being “plump.” Not so with the PPQ: place it next to its porky sister and the PPQ M2 looks like a supermodel:

Courtesy Joe Grine

The lightening cuts on the top of the slide harken back to the GLOCK 34 and the Springfield XDM 5.25 Competition Series. Honestly, this might just be my first “quibble.” I’m just not a fan of drilling holes into pistol slides. Everybody I know thinks the cuts “look cool.” OK, I’ll admit, they do look cool, for whatever that’s worth. But for me, that’s not enough of a reason to add something to a gun.

Apparently, folks also state that these cuts lighten and rebalance the slide ever so slightly. OK, I get that, but that could be accomplished by thinning the interior metal of the slide, as opposed to making a hole. Others say that the holes are vents intended for “heat dissipation.” LOL – as if it was a machine gun or something. In my estimation, the holes are just another way for sand and dirt to get into places where it should not be. Since this pistol appears to be marketed at the competition shooter crowd, maybe it is not a big deal. But hey, the holes do look cool, right:

PPQ Pic 4.5

So with that eye candy out of the way, let’s run down the features one by one.

The Trigger

Courtesy Joe Grine

I’ll start with the one aspect of this gun that really sets it apart from the pack: the trigger. Walther calls it the “quick-defense trigger.” They could have called it the “we basically copied GLOCK” trigger; it has the same basic look and function as a GLOCK trigger right down to the trigger bar safety. Only thing is, from a performance standpoint, Walther significantly improved upon the venerable GLOCK design. It’s a light, crisp trigger – the test sample measured right under 5 lbs – but it feels even lighter than that. And amazingly, this bad boy has a phenomenal 1/10th inch reset. This trigger makes the PPQ fast shooting and very accurate. Jeremy S. tested out this particular T&E sample and made an excellent video (scroll down for link, and don’t miss the last few seconds of it haha) that, among other things, has a close-up demonstration of the trigger reset.

The Finish

Courtesy Joe Grine

Walther applies a tough Tenifer finish to the PPQ’s slide and barrel. Tenifer is a brand name of a type of salt bath ferritic nitrocarburizing, which is also known as liquid ferritic nitrocarburizing or liquid nitrocarburizing. Based on my experience with other pistols I’ve owned that were finished in Tenifer, it’s as tough and durable as any of the modern finishes – with the possible exception being whatever is on my HK USP-T. In any event, I rode the T&E sample hard and put it away wet (literally) on more than one occasion. I didn’t see any rust or wear on the Tenifer finish. It’s good to go.

Operator Controls

One thing I never really liked about my GLOCKs and my Steyr M9A1: the tiny slide stop. I replaced the one on my GLOCK with one made by Aro-Tec, which is better – but its still pretty small. That being said, I really like the dual oversized slide stops that come stock on the Walther PPQ because they are very comfortable to operate and easy to find (even for folks with small hands). With most 1911s, I have to break my grip in order to reach the slide stop, but with the Walther PPQ it’s right where I can get to it.

Having said that, haters are going to see this “right where you can get to it” feature as a negative: they will say that it’s “in the way.” In my estimation, the Walther engineers have really done an excellent job designing the slide stop, so that it is there when you need it, but not in the way when you don’t. And the fact that it is ambidextrous makes this pistol particularly well suited for both southpaws and for shooters that practice weak hand shooting.

However, in his video, Jeremy reported instances where the slide did not remain locked back on an empty mag as a result of the slide stop encroaching on his normal thumb rest real estate. It never happened to either myself or the other five shooters who I let test fire the PPQ , but lets chalk it up as a “quibble” nonetheless.  YMMV.

Another useful feature for southpaws: the magazine release. It is a traditional American “button” style release, which is more popular here in the states than the truly ambidextrous European-style paddle style release built into the trigger guard. While the button style release is not truly ambidextrous, it is reversible: the operator can switch the button from the left side to the right in a matter of a minute or two.

Courtesy Joe Grine

The long oversized extractor also serves a loaded chamber indicator, giving the operator visual (red) and tactile indication that a round is chambered.

The Handgrip & Backstraps

Courtesy Joe Grine

Walther pistols have always been known for their excellent ergonomics, and the PPQ may just be the finest example of Walther’s technology and research on the topic. Overall, the PPQ has a less aggressive curve in the handgrip than the PPX, and after extensive time with both, I prefer the PPQ’s by a small margin.

Like many of the other higher-end polymer pistols, the PPQ comes with three back straps to accommodate a wide variety of hand sizes. These call be swapped out in a matter of minutes by pushing out the small roll pin located on the bottom of the grip (see photo above). I did switch out the grips, and it was a relatively simple task if you have the right punch (not included).  The gun ships with the “medium” sized grip installed, and although that proved to be just fine for my purposes, I did swap out the other sizes just to test them out.  Easy as cake.

Walther’s cross-directional textured tactical grip provides good grip without being uncomfortable. Like many aspects of pistol design, this boils down to user preference. I’ve heard some guys complain that the PPQ’s grip texture is not aggressive enough, but both Jeremy and I absolutely loved it.  Certainly, I found it to be way more comfortable when compared to the more aggressive texture of guns such as the Springfield XD. To each his own.

The Sights

Courtesy Joe Grine

Courtesy Joe Grine Courtesy Joe Grine

The sights on the PPQ M2 are a standard three-dot variety, and are made out of polymer. The rear sight is adjustable for windage. These sights work well in daylight hours, and if this gun is used as a range toy or competition pistol, there is probably no need to change them out. Some folks may find that the cut in the rear sight is a bit too wide for their tastes, but I think the wide cut makes target acquisition a bit faster than if the cut were more narrow.

Steel night sights are available for the PPQ, and I suspect I will upgrade these at some point in the future.

The Barrel

Courtesy Joe Grine

Obviously, the key feature of this particular version of the PPQ is the longer barrel. Why go with a 5” barrel? Three reasons: longer sight radius, better accuracy, and slightly increased muzzle velocity. This barrel is otherwise the same as the standard PPQ barrel: 6 groove, right hand twist.

The Rail

Courtesy Joe Grine

Rails on pistols seem to be becoming more or less di-rigueur these days, and the Walther PPQ M2 is no exception. I have mixed feelings about rails on pistols, but that’s perhaps a topic left for another day. I do like the idea of having a light on my home defense gun, because it is so important to identify your target before you shoot at it. If the rails really bother you, you can always have them filed off.


Courtesy Joe Grine

The pistol comes with two 15-round steel mags manufactured for Walther by the Italian firm Mec-Gar. Mec-Gar is undoubtedly one of the top manufacturers of high-quality OEM pistol magazines; its client list boasts the likes of S&W, Beretta, Ruger, Steyr, Sig Sauer, Colt, CZ, etc. Oddly enough, from an aesthetic standpoint, I prefer the mags that came with the less expensive PPX better than these PPQ mags. But I guess as long as they work the rest is gravy. Replacement mags run around $37-42, depending on who you get them from. Availability appears to be good.

Walther also makes 17-round mags for this pistol.   It is my understanding (based on comments posted below) that P99 magazines will not work in the PPQ M2.

Courtesy Joe Grine

Disassembly is very much like a GLOCK, except slightly more simple. Like a GLOCK, the striker must be in a decocked position, which requires that you pull the trigger on an empty chamber. That may count as my third “quibble,” since it is not an ideal situation. Nonetheless, I’ve managed to go 22 years without AD’ing my GLOCK prior to disassembly, so maybe it’s not too difficult to remember.

In any event, once you decock the striker, you simply pull down on the take down catch and the slide can be removed to the front. The take down catch is much more simple to manipulate than the two small levers found on a GLOCK.  The barrel and captured mainspring can quickly be removed without any effort.

The following photo shows the “guts” of the frame, for those that are curious:

Courtesy Joe Grine


I’m not sure if it’s the trigger, the longer barrel, the excellent ergonomics or the longer sight radius that gets the credit, but this this is undoubtedly the most accurate 9mm pistol in my collection. I suppose it’s all of these things working in tandem that makes the PPQ M2 5 inch such a tack driver.

Courtesy Joe Grine

As shown above, Walther provides a test target with the PPQ, showing five shots fired at fifteen meters (49.2 ft). Even with the obvious flyer, the group measures exactly 1.96 inches. The other four shots measure 1.06 inches. And in my experience, the Walther PPQ M2 can consistently deliver these types of groups with a wide variety of ammunition. Here are some typical five shot groups at 10 yards:

Courtesy Joe Grine

At 25 yards, I was not able to keep things as tight, in part because the target was getting harder to see. But at just slightly over 2 inches, this group is still a lot better than I can do with most any other 9mm pistols in my collection.

Courtesy Joe Grine

On one of my accuracy testing sessions, I set up a “Tactical Encounter No.3” target at ten yards. In the photo below, I used the muzzle of the gun depicted in the image as a target, and delivered three carefully aimed shots at ten yards into a nice cloverleaf using cheap UMC practice ammo:

Courtesy Joe Grine

The “perp” then got four aimed shots into the eyeball. Since I was lazy and didn’t want to swap out the target quite yet, the “hostage” got some free dental work with five aimed shots to the mouth:

PPQ Pic 21

I’m not a great pistol shot by any stretch of the imagination. But the Walther PPQ makes me look better than I am. The PPQ also extends my effective range far beyond what I consider to be typical pistol distances. For example, I found it relatively easy to consistently hit my steel silhouette targets at 50 to 75 yards. It was possible to even get hits at 100 yards once I factored in the 2+ feet of drop for the trajectory of the bullet.


Courtesy Joe Grine
Walther PPQ with a soon-to-be-consumed patch of Candy Flower

To test the reliability of the PPQ, I carried this pistol in a wide variety of field conditions, from mushroom and edible plant gathering trips to off trail hiking trips, etc. I ran at least ten different types of ammo through the pistol, including top shelf loads such as Remington Golden Saber 147 grain, Hornady Critical Defense, and Federal Hydra-Shok, as well many different types of value-priced ammo, including Sellier & Bellot, Federal American Eagle, UMC, Remington and various types of bulk FMJ reloads purchased at gun shows, etc. The Walther PPQ ate everything I ran through it, and functioned well when totally wet. I have a very high degree of confidence in this pistol.  Jeremy S. had a similar experience with this T&E sample sent to us by Walther.  Check out his video:

Carry Case and Accessories

Courtesy Joe Grine

The Walther PPQ comes with a pretty nice hard plastic case, and includes 2ea magazines, two extra back straps, a mag loader, a chamber flag, and a lock.


When it comes to handguns, I’ve tried to add as many different 9mms to my collection as I can, because I figure I won’t really understand a pistol until I’ve owned it. Without a doubt, I’ve already decided to add the PPQ M2 into my collection. It probably won’t become my concealed carry rig (the Lionheart LH9 gets the honors there) but it’s definitely going to be my go-to rig when accuracy is the goal.

Courtesy Joe Grine

It is rare that I experience “love at first sight.” Ironically, when I reviewed the Walther PPX last year my first reaction was quite the opposite. I eventually warmed up to the PPX, and these days I probably shoot it as well, if not better, than most 9mm handguns in my collection. But I knew the PPQ was something incredible from the moment I laid eyes on it. Whereas I described the PPX as a “minivan” the PPQ M2 is a flat out sports car. Think Porsche… but more reliable! Ha!

I’m now at the point where I frankly don’t understand why anybody would want a GLOCK. Well, that’s not really true; I do know why: GLOCKs come in at around $100 less than a Walther and have lots of accessories and aftermarket support. But with my Gen 2 GLOCK I ended up spending an extra $100 bucks to get upgraded parts – such as the 3½ lb connector ($15), enlarged slide stop ($30), an extended mag release ($30), and replacement guide rod and spring ($25). Newer GLOCKs have a better mag release and better triggers than the old Gen 2s, but they still need work. There are lots of ‘smiths that reshape and recontour the unique grip of the GLOCKs for $200 (+/-).

The Walther PPQ needs none of these things, and is ready to go out of the box.

A second reason that GLOCKs still command the market is simple availability / name recognition. When I walk into a typical gunstore there are usually 10-20 GLOCKs sitting under the glass. Walthers are a kinda hit-or-miss proposition in terms of availability. I’m guessing that GLOCK probably produces 20x the number of handguns as compared to Walther. At least that’s the way it seems here in the U.S. civilian market.

But the Walther PPQ is GLOCK-killer in virtually every non-monetary category. In fact, now that the Walther PPQ M2 is on the scene, I’m not even sure why I still own my GLOCK, other than perhaps for nostalgia. On the other hand, my buddy “Tony” (author of a TTAG article on the Ruger LC-9 and versacarry) said he still preferred his G19 after shooting both guns. Go figure.

When pressed as to the reasons why – he basically admitted that it came down to familiarity, his investment into holsters and extra mags, etc., and his trust in the GLOCK. OK, I get that. GLOCKS are without a doubt a very simple and reliable design. I did make some marginal effort to compare the number of parts between a GLOCK and a PPQ, but the factory schematics made for somewhat of an “apples to oranges” comparison.   Nonetheless, my general takeaway was that the GLOCK had somewhat fewer parts, but not enough so as to make it a real factor.

But for my money, I would gladly pay the extra for the PPQ. When I shoot the PPQ side by side with my Gen 2 G17, my hit percentage is much higher with the PPQ. Also, I really like the fact that Walther has released a full-sized .22LR version of the PPQ. This will allow PPQ users to get in more training time using cheap .22LR ammunition. Jeremy currently has about 500 rounds through his PPQ M2 .22 LR and a review will be coming in early August.

Overall, I’m extremely happy with the PPQ and am placing a check in the mail to Walther USA.

Courtesy Joe Grine

Specifications: Walther PPQ M2 

Caliber: 9mm (as tested), .40 S&W
Action:Semi auto, short recoil, locked breech.
Capacity: 15+1
Magazines:  2ea 15 round steel, by Mec-Gar. 10-round “commie state” mags and +2 mags are available.
Barrel Length: 5.0 inches
Overall Length: 8.1 inches Height: 6.3 inches Width: 1.3 inches
Weight: 1.5 pounds empty
Frame: Polymer
Metal Finish: Tenifer.
Sights: 3-dot low profile polymer; steel night sights available.
Features: Short reset trigger, fully ambidextrous slide stop, reversible mag release.
MSRP: $699 (Street price should be in the $550-$650 range)

Courtesy Joe Grine

Ratings (Out of Five Stars):
(All ratings are relative compared to the other weapons in the gun’s category. Overall rating is not mathematically derived from the previous component ratings and encompasses all aspects of the firearm including those not discussed.)

Accuracy: * * * * *
This pistol is capable of far better accuracy that your typical $500 polymer pistol. I believe that sub two-inch groups at 25 yards would not be out of the question for a shooter with a higher skill set than mine.

Ergonomics: * * * * * 
This pistol has the best ergonomics of any 9mm in my collection. All of the operator controls are right where I need them.

Reliability * * * * *
I experienced no malfunctions after more than 2,500 rounds, and Jeremy S. also fired 300 rounds without a hiccup.

Customization: * * * 
Here is the one area where Walther doesn’t enjoy the same benefits of larger companies such as GLOCK and Smith & Wesson. As of this writing, accessories and aftermarket parts are still a bit lacking when compared to some of the other major brands.

Overall Rating: * * * * *
It should be a GLOCK killer. Nonetheless, even though Walther has upped its game with the PPQ M2, many of the other gun manufacturers have recently upped theirs as well. For example, SIG SAUER & HK just released a polymer striker-fired pistols. Each company’s offering has slight differences, so folks in the market for a polymer 9mm/.40 S&W are well-advised to test-fire as many as possible in order to get the one that “fits” the best. Definitely check out the Walther PPQ M2, because it just might be your huckleberry.


  1. TTAG should have another column titled “attractiveness” where this one would be awarded one star just for its appearance.

    • GASP!!! Apparently beauty is in the eye of the beholder because it looks spectacular to me. I think its the Kate Upton of wonder nines.

    • I agree, Anonymous, I don’t find this Walther particularly striking.

      Suppose it really is in the eye of the beholder, indeed. T.G.

      Reliability trumps aesthetics ten-fold, in my most humble opinion. Taking that into consideration, Walther may be getting a little of my money in the very near future!

    • Surely I can’t be the only one….I don’t know. Something about the curve of the backstrap and the slide lightening cuts just really revs my engine…..Lol

      • I prefer the 4 inch model, but I agree, it’s absolutely beautiful. It did, however, take some time and obsessing about the pistol for me to see it that way. I was obsessed over its trigger and features, and that obsession lead to my lusting after it’s looks.

        • That is as it should be in all good relationships. You fall in love with the reliability, performance, and positive qualities and then the physical attraction follows. Looks might fade as a gun gets older but if it meets your needs you can cherish it forever.

    • I agree. Kinda looks like a cross between a Glock (trigger/trigger guard) and an XD (tall tapered slide). I also dislike the huge overhang of the back of the slide over the rear of the grip. Looks like the slide is sitting atop your hand, rather than in front of it.

    • I agree 101% with the author. PPQ M2 5 inch not only looks great but also shoots amazingly well. So far 3000 plus ammo with all different manufacturer and grain. This baby will eat up any 9mm ammo I feed to her. Feel her first before you make any wrong conclusions. Beauty is eye of beholder. But “Anonymous” seriously you need to check your eye sight. Only bad things I can come out with PPQ M2 5 inch is the 15+1 mag. And plastic sights. Which it can be easily be fixed: buy 17+1 mag and change the sights with Dawson Percision sights or iron night sights. And your eye sights can be fixed also with new pair of glasses.

    • You really think it’s ugly? Well, its main competitor Glock 32 gen. 4 is way uglier, more expensive, IMO and its stock trigger is worse. Arguably, a little prettier and just a little less expensive competitor: the Smith & Wesson M&P 9 Pro also needs a trigger job to be on par with Walther, which makes it as expensive as Walther.

    • Looks like you have a very good taste in the choice of your firearm. VP9 is an excellent choice. It has a better feel than PPQ M2. The grip is better and trigger pull is better. But the reset, PPQ M2 is superior. Over all handsdown PPQ has the best trigger. But I don’t mind owning VP9. It’s also an amazing pistol.

  2. Whenever a reviewer spends three paragraphs talking about a gun’s “aesthetics,” I wonder if he’s the kind of guy who makes a laborious decision each morning regarding which color underwear to put on for the day, making sure they don’t clash with his socks.

    Get real. It’s a tool designed to put a hole in whatever it’s aimed at. It spends 99.99% of its life hidden inside a holster. You could paint the forward 3/4 of the gun pink and no one would know.

    Do you select hammers and drills by their pretty color?

    • I go Commando. LOL. Seriously, though, although I acknowledge your point about a gun being a “tool,” you would be ignoring reality if you don’t acknowledge that aesthetics is a huge component to the commercial success or failure of a gun.

      • As well as being a driving factor when selecting a new gun that I don’t “need”.

        I already have several nines as well but I’d seriously consider adding this to the stable once I see a few more long term reviews.

      • Yes Joe. I realize that some (many) gun buyers will favor what visually appeals to them. That’s why you include pictures in gun reviews. And you do have some really nice pictures there.

    • You do not know women very well then. My wife does in spite of what I try to tell her. When she watches football she cheers for the team that has the nicest colored uniforms.

  3. Been at top of my want list. Just been waiting a bit to make sure there are no issues which it seems there are not. My LGS has the ppq m2 series for 539 right now. Sooo tempted.

    Oh and the 5in looks really nice

  4. I’ve owned a first generation Glock model 17 for over 20 years and it’s my “go to” gun. It’s rugged and dependable like a Jeep, kinda looks Jeep-like with its square corners and no frills. This Walther looks like a Luxury SUV in attractiveness (I mean that in the best possible way) and if it’s as reliable and accurate as you’ve experienced, I can see this becoming the new standard that other striker pistols are judged by. I know I want one in 9mm AND .22LR.

  5. I don’t see the PPQ as a Glock clone anymore than I would call a SiG a JMB design clone just because they both operate more or less the same way. Plastic striker fired pistols will have simliar characteristics it’s just the nature of design and engineering.

    I do have a question though, if the purpose of a “safe action” type of trigger is to eliminate the need for a manual safety why would you light it to the point where it has about the same trigger weight as the single action only 1911 or Browning Hi Power? Is that going make it more prone to an ND?

    • I honestly don’t see the PPX or the PPQ as great candidates for concealed carry because of the light trigger and no manual safety: there is just not much room for error if you carry it with one in the pipe. I know plenty of guys who carry Glocks with one in the pipe, but frankly that makes me nervous as well. I guess its up to the individual to factor in how “error prone” he or she really is.

      • Joe, that’s an interesting take on why you wouldn’t want to CC this gun (no manual safety). I think so long as the holster covers the trigger guard and the end user follows the rules of firearm safety, they’ll be okay. But different strokes for different folks I suppose.

        • I agree in concept that a good holster and rigid adherence to the fundamentals should suffice (and does, for many of my friends who CC with a Glock) , but for me personally, I worry about those freak accident situations, like where guys AD their Glock when reholstering because they get something (clothing, seatbelt, etc.) caught in the trigger guard at the last second. I may be more risk adverse than others. I have a 3 & 1/2 Ib connector on my Glock 17, and frankly the PPQ does not feel any “harder” to pull. It just concerns me – the thing that makes the PPQ so accurate may be what makes it a slightly more risk prone in a CC situation.

  6. Decent review but the issue of the size and placement of the slide stop is being brushed off like it is no big deal. That is a deal breaker for this kind of firearm. Nobody with hands large enough to operate that firearm needs it to extend that far back. It didn’t seem like it was just some instances either from the video. He said and showed if he held it normally and just contacted it without pushing down the slide would not lock back.

    • I will admit that I don’t have big hands, but I honestly never had an issue with the slide stop over months of testing. It may be impossible to design a sidearm that works for everybody, but I prefer the Walther slide stop design to any of my other 9mms. Jeremy obviously had some issues in that dept, so that is why we mentioned it. Not sure what else you would expect us to say?

      • I guess if I had an expectation about what to say it would be along the lines of what Jeremy said in the video. It was writing it off as a quibble in the written part of the review I took issue with. Especially if it truly was only instances rather than consistent failure to lock back every time. It is being praised for ergonomics but some shooters are going to have to adjust their grip or modify the slide stop so that they can operate the gun as it was designed. Yes, I understand it will work perfectly for some shooters and for those that it doesn’t the importance placed on being able to operate a firearm as it was designed will vary. 😉

    • If I were shooting this gun in competition I would probably start flying my strong hand thumb up in the air to avoid contact with the slide stop. A lot of people shoot that way anyway, or shoot with that thumb tucked down a bit more. Also, the importance of the slide locking back on empty is subjective — some people don’t care and for some people it’s a deal breaker if it doesn’t work reliably. I definitely think it’s something to look out for on this pistol due to how far back the slide stop extends, but whether it will affect you or you will care about it… up to you!

      • The wife and I had an opportunity to run one of these last weekend. My experience is certainly anecdotal (like this review) but I did not tell her anything about the potential for the slide to fail to lock back after the last round is fired. She commented on her own about how strange it was that the slide stop extended so far to the rear and she does not have large hands.

        After letting her run some mags through it she was pretty quickly ready to go back to her gun of choice and asked me “why did they put slide stops on a pistol that never locks back on the last round? I hate that”. To which I replied you are mistaken, that is no big deal at all because some people don’t have the problem and others think it is fine to not have it function in that area reliability or at all. It is your fault because you should be willing to change your grip that you have practiced for decades that you may rely on to save your life. You need to overcome, its a great gun and nobody should own a Glock over one, I was told so on the internet.

        I then gave it some target time using the same grip I use on every similar handgun I own and sure enough 100% failure to lock back after running dry. A significant portion of my training would have to change in an undesirable way to deal with this so-called quibble of these highly praised yet ridiculous slide stop is not replaced or modified.

        While I am addressing this review again, the Walther was not more accurate than 3 different Glocks tested against it that day. One of which was a gen 4 G34 which is actually a much better comparison all the way down to price point than a G17 two generations back that is loaded with completely unnecessary mods in attempt to soften the extra cost of the Walther. Even the completely factory spec and shorter barreled Gen 4 G21 was MORE accurate than the Walther in every test by every shooter with me that day. Nobody shot the Walther and described it as having a better trigger including reset compared to a Gen 4 Glock.

        Looking forward to the next review that tests the latest Glock against against an old Walther that has mods it doesn’t need. Actually I am not.

        • Ax to grind? Shill? Glock fanboy? I had at least five different people fire the PPQ and nobody had an issue with the slide stop. I just report what I experience. YMMV.

        • Axe to grind? No. Just daring to continue to discuss this topic after getting to test if for myself with others.

          Shill? Wow, just wow.

          Glock Fanboy? Extremely laughable but the answer to that is 100% no. I am not a fan boy of any firearm I just have a great deal of knowledge and experience with Glocks because of my past. Replacing most every component you can on you Glock 17 is the practice of blatant Glock Fanboyism if you are not aware. That holds true for many others brands as well. My collection includes a greater number of… Wait for it, WALTHERS! There are 3 other firearm brands in my collection with similar designs to Glocks that I personally rate superior to Glocks depending on the situation and and other significant factors but I also don’t trash them for ridiculous reasons.

          I have had several people have the slide stop not perform as expected. Now “I am just reporting what I see and experience” as well but for me to do it is requires my integrity to be questioned and for me to be called names. Thanks I understand your rules now.

        • Thanks for the review J formTex. So far after 3000 plus shooting, I didn’t have the problem you and your spouse faced. But one thing I can agree with you. No matter how great PPQ M2 5 inch is I also have the same bias. I think my CZ 75 SP01 shoots better. I am so use to shooting my CZ..When I go to the range, I always carry my CZ.. while I rotate my other firearms.

    • I agree. As a PPQ owner with large hands, I can attest that you do have to change your thumb placement in order to not ride the slide stop every time. The gun makes up for it though.

  7. I really like my PPQ M1 and prefer its mag release. I really wish Walther would have made the magazines between the M1 and M2 compatible.

  8. His review is pretty good… The walther is in my opinion a very good gun. I think it’s better than a glock but they are both good guns. The walther is better to me.

  9. Wow. 5 stars. Might just have to look at one of these. I too, like the longer slide.
    Thanks Joe. Nice review.

  10. I know the review was on the PPQ, but that P225 in your collection was really gorgeous! I would love a P220 in that scheme. Nice.

    • Thanks. That P225 was one of those West German Police turn ins that AIM and others were selling for $269 back in 2008 or so. It had a lot of holster wear but had not been fired very much. So I had it Cerakoted in “Titanium” and “HK Black” and added some Marschal red walnut grips and some Meprolight night sights. I’m really happy with the way it turned out, and I have less than $750 into the gun.

  11. “On the other hand, my buddy “Tony” (author of a TTAG article on the Ruger LC-9 and versacarry) said he still preferred his G19 after shooting both guns. Go figure.”

    I typically try to be very understanding of different perspectives when it comes to guns. You won’t find a comment by me on the web anywhere that resembles “How in the HELL can you think that?”.

    But to your buddy, Tony, I gotta say: How in the HELL can you think that?

    I have nothing against Glocks. I appreciate them and completely understand why they’re so popular. But I had the pleasure of shooting a T&E PPQ M2 last weekend along with my brother (who owns a G19 and several other Glocks) and try as I might, I cannot see how someone can prefer the G19 after firing them both.

  12. Sooo, it looks like a gun in a video game hence it is ‘more attractive’. Let’s just call that category “Loaded With Totems” and if you think that Walther Marketing had nothing to do with that aspect of design you have not researched the interface between Game developers and firearm mfgs

  13. Sorry, I just gotta say it…
    “Also, I really like the fact that Walther has released a full-sized .22LR version of the PPQ. This will allow PPQ users to get in more training time using cheap .22LR ammunition. ”

    Where do you find cheap .22LR ammo?

  14. At the prices I am seeing the HK VP9 going for, I think this handgun has the potential to be a very serious challenge to all polymer 9mms available today.

    The PPQ has a mushy take up, but the reset point is impressive.

    The ergos are pretty good.

    The stock sights stink.

    The build quality is OK, nothing too impressive.

  15. Great Review Joe. Now Walther or Steyr…? Which do you prefer? The Walther is the only plastic striker fired 9mm missing from my collection.

    • I would have to go with the Walther. I love the Steyr in its own way, but it is a pistol that you really have to train with because it “points” in a very unique manner – different than others and not very naturally, IMO.

  16. Joe, thanks for the write up. At first glance the PPQ M2 reminded me of my 6″ Beretta U22 NEOS, sleek and sexy, well not as sexy as the PPQ. I do not own anything in 9mm but if I did it would be this PPQ M2. I like handguns that makes a mediocre shooter look good as my Remy R1 Enhanced .45 does for me. BTW: nice groups!!

  17. I got my PPQ m2 in April of 13 after having owned just about every other polymer striker fired out there. I never thought I would find THE pistol, but I did. If it was legal I would have married it. Someone finally figured out how the trigger on a wonder 9 should be. I’ve since divested myself of everything else simply because they can’t come close to the PPQ. I do however have my eye on a VPN.

  18. I prefer the huge slide release on the PPQ, too. I started shooting with an XD9 and constantly had failures to lock open on the last shot until I corrected it with training. I keep my shooting thumb atop the support hand thumb, not touching the gun at all. If someone learned to shoot years ago and didn’t have to deal with the issue until later, I could see it being irritating but certainly not a deal breaker. That said I like the forward stop on the CZ75 and 1911 too, hitting those with the support thumb after seating the mag. To each their own…

  19. So that’s how you get to buy one of these? Get a T&E version and send a check?

    I’ve considered the swap from GLOCK to PPQ but the 5″ model being unobtanium for “reasonable” prices has kept me from freeing up the scratch. I could get a 4″ M2 all day.

  20. My husband bought me one of these right away because of my great love for the Walthers. I used it the first time in IDPA competition out of the box (OTB.) Shot better than with my regular PPQ with good nightsights and grips to fit my hand. The Walthers are not glamorous. Who cares? I’m defending my life and my rep!

    • Ummmmm…..who told you Walthers were not glamorous??? IF any gun qualifies as being glamorous its Walthers……seen any James Bond movies……Or read up on the history of Nazi Germany and the quality of the old PPK and P38’s…..Walther is glamorous and pure class. German gun manufacturing at its finest

  21. One issue with the trigger: it has a lot of take up, and if you don’t oil your trigger bar as your manual instructs, that take up will turn into creep.

  22. Own and carry both PPQ M2 and PPS. Except for the range Glocks are idle. The PPQ is also nightstand gun.

  23. I like the looks of the gun for sure, but that is pretty much where my liking ends.
    As I have said with many of the “Glock like” pistols, give me a real gun with a real ambidextrous safety, and I am happy, otherwise I will just keep wanting a 1911

  24. If I had to consolidate my supply down to one general purpose handgun, it would probably be my PPQ.

  25. A great review for a excellent handgun. I bought a 4″ 9mm model over a year ago and couldn’t be happier. I took a buddy of mine to the range who was a huge Sig fan boy from his time in the coast guard. He was looking at buying a new weapon and planned on another Sig, until he fired my PPQ. He was sold after the first few rounds. He ended up ordering a 5″ model in .40 cal. I prefer the shorter barrel length for carry but did enjoy firing his .40 cal. The PPQ is a keeper!

  26. I have not found any P99 mags that are compatible with the M2, they are with the M1. My 5″ M2 slide lives on top of my M1 paddle release frame.

  27. Had an opportunity to run a 4inch PPQ M2 yesterday, a shakedown session for a student who wanted to buy one. Very nice looking gun, and very accurate. Slightly greater perceived recoil than my tried and true carry gun, an XD 9mm. Only problem encountered was the failure to lock back on empty with one of the magazines. The slide locked back every time with the other one, so I doubt I was touching the slide release – but if so, that would be a deal breaker for me. I’ll have to take it out again and pay close attention to that slide release. If it is just that one magazine malfunctioning, it might be fixable, but it indicates that the mechanism isn’t robust enough, I think.

  28. Mr Grine, aftermarket magazines for the P99 and PPQ M1 will definitely NOT work in the PPQ M2 due to the redesigned mag release. The P99 uses the paddle release, as did the PPQ M1. The locking tab locks into position at a location higher on the magazine’s body for the paddle release versions than on the push button mag release. This photo from the PPQ M2 online manual at Walther clearly demonstrates the issue.

    You’d have to cut locking holes lower on the mag body to get any P99 and PPQ M1 mags to work for the PPQ M2. No interchangeability at all. Hence why there are separate listings for PPQ M1 magazines and PPQ M2 magazines on walther’s parts store.

  29. Silly question, but could you stick this barrel in one of the smaller versions, and have the gun cycle and run correctly?

    Ex: standard PPQ for ccw, and 5″ barrel for range fun days?

    • Just to be clear, there’s nothing mechanically wrong with the gun. It’s just that my grip puts my thumb in contact with the slide catch lever and it prevents it from moving up into place. If I put my thumb elsewhere, the slide will definitely lock back 100% of the time. That’s just my grip and being used to having my strong hand thumb sitting on a safety lever or otherwise being up and pointing generally towards the target rather than tucked down or whatever.

      The reason it’s an issue is that the two-thumbs-forward grip is pretty darn popular these days and many people who shoot that way are going to notice this happen sometimes. If your thumbs don’t go up along the side of the frame by the slide then it’s a total non-issue for you.

  30. Approx 600 rnds through my M2 4″ in 9mm… not one issue with slide locking on empty. I’ve got large hands & use the large backstrap, and there is no interference with my grip. About to get the 5″ in 9mm as well…

  31. You need to be an experienced operator to carry this gun daily. I have carried for 43 years every day of my life, and still would only carry it in an OWB holster. The same goes for the night table, without night sights to see the guns position “wherever you keep it”. it had better be in a holster. Waking up suddenly and having to grab at this in the dark is asking for trouble.
    OWB or a competition is the way to go with this sensitive pistol, the CCP, will have a safety on it for a more practical carry. Guys who take risks that are unnecessary eventually pay the price. You only need a spit second where your mind wanders to have a very bad day.

  32. I picked up my 4 inch PPQ M2 .40 yesterday. I guess it goes without saying that it is beyond what is considered a “good” striker fired pistol. At some point I have owned the basic striker fired lineup (M&P, Glock, XDM, Ruger SR, ect) and have shot the HK VP9 a couple of times. LEt me just say what everyone else here is saying. The gun is in another class. It really is. The overall quality and ergonomics of the gun alone put it in another class. Its the most natural feeling gun Ive ever picked up. Almost an extention of your hand. Even without the trigger it is a world class striker fired pistol. Now add in quite possibly the best trigger I have ever pulled on any gun I have ever fired (well minus a good tuned in 1911 trigger), and it makes this gun in my opinion not only the top striker fired tactical pistol on the planet, but creates a HUGE gap between the next group down. Its as if Walther took everything we all complained about in other striker fired guns weve ever fired and literally got them all right. The TAG is always my go to for brutally honest and pull no punches reviews and 99% of the time they are pretty spot on with the good (PPQ) and the bad (R51…well terrible). So i knew going into the purchase I would be getting a good if not great gun. But this gun exceeded even my expectations. No one can debate that the Glock or M&P’s are just simply not in this guns class. IF anything Walther has underpriced this gun to get it to move and compete with the other $500-600 strikers. Because I can totally see and justify paying $100-150 more for this gun and still walking away happy. Kudos to WAlther for not raking us over the coils on the price tag…not yet anyway. I see the price of this gun going up as demand skyrockets because word is getting out fast how badass this piece is. I havent heard one bad thing about it. I implore anyone reading this….GO GET THIS GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. One thing I think is of serious note about this trigger is its almost SOOOO good it takes a couple hundred rounds to really get used to it. Its 2 main things about this trigger that the average shooter will have to get a little used to. But i can assure you that once you get used to them and really “learn” this pistol it will become the best pistol you own or ever owned……..ok, second…..the good old 1911 will always hold that place in my heart. The first issue that you will need to adjust to is a habit at first of staging the trigger. the take up is so silky smooth its like pulling air. There are striker fired triggers that have a shorter take up yes, but none that are as smooth. Most have either have a mushy or creepy take up that have some drag and then basically just transitions into the click of the trigger. With the Walther I found myself for the first 100 or so rounds staging it to the wall, pausing ever so briefly, then engaging the trigger once I found that where exactly the wall was. SO its a feeling it out process for a short period once you first experience the trigger. A trigger this good it is normal if you are not used to it. And you will shoot yourself out of this habit after running the pistol and getting used to the feel of it after a few good sessions at the rangne. The second issue is just how insanly short the reset really is. You just cant imagine it unless you have fired this gun. It really is the shortest reset in the history of striker fired pistols. So your natural muscle memory or trigger discipline is to extend the finger out further than need be with this pistol. Again what you need to do is really shoot the gun slow at first. Focus on squeezing the trigger, completely holding it back at its furthest point for a good 1-2 seconds, then slowly releasing until you hit that reset then repeating on every shot. Take your time. Really feel it out. As you begin to really get it down and your finger remembers that exact motion then slowly speed up the process. After 100 or so rounds you will really get a good rythem going and you will begin to really get used to this trigger and just how special it is. Once you really take the time to master these 2 aspects of this trigger i can guarantee it will be the smoothest, quickest, effortless and most accurate trigger you will ever shoot on a gun except maybe a really good fined tuned 1911 trigger. I took the time to get these 2 aspects down with the trigger and i can literally say that i will always compare any trigger on any other gun i will ever shoot to the PPQ. To truly take advantage of how good this trigger is you have to get these 2 aspects down. Once you do you will outshoot almost anyone out there with any other gun. It simply is that DAMN good of a gun and trigger!!!

  34. Comparing the PPX to the PPQ is like comparing a stock Ford Mustang to a Ford Shelby GT.

    BTW, I just bought a new PPX for $279 from CDNN Sports in all black.

    What’s the price of that PPQ again?

    The PPX will outshoot a Glock 17 and you don’t have to worry about “slide bite.” Now, it does not have a split, safety trigger (which is a negative), but the hammer-fired pistol is pre-cocked and resetting it is like decocking a Glock – as in, remove the mag, pull the slide back to unchamber the +1 round, and dry fire the trigger.

    The PPX slide only requires a half-pull to put the trigger into its pre-cocked position. So, you could say that the PPX is a “half-cocked” econobox PPQ.

    Starting out from Point A (where the trigger is fully extended), the PPX trigger gets into its pre-cocked position (Point B) after the first rack of the slide. Essentially, Point A only occurs after emptying the gun of all its ammo and dry firing the trigger.

    Keep this in mind when you take the slide off to remove the recoil spring and barrel for cleaning and lubing, because, when you put the slde back on the gun, you also pre-cock the trigger. Meaning, another dry fire is needed to reset the trigger back to Point A.

    When the slide is cocked and the trigger is at Point B, the resultant pull feels like 3lbs (even though the FULL trigger pull is claimed to be a constant 6.5lbs). However, since you only do a full pull if the gun was “decocked” like you do with a Glock, from the first rack of the slide to the lockback position after the last shot has been fired, the trigger will stop at Point B – and from here it now has a subjective pull of 3lbs or less and a subjective reset of less than 1/2.”

    If any gun could actually benefit from having a manual safety, the PPX would be it, given that the only way to reset the short, light trigger from Point B to Point A is to pull it back to Point C on a dry fire.

    But, the upside of this trigger, of course, is a highly accurate gun that won’t be affected by a sloppy pull or a limp wrist. It’s a trigger that works best using your finger tip rather than your DIJ – the Distal Interphalangeal Joint that allows your finger tip to bend.

    I previously owned a Sig P250-F9, which was a full-size DAO, and before that, another DAO in the smaller, S&W SD9 VE. Both of these had l-o-o-o-ng trigger pulls that didn’t break until they almost bottomed out. The bent metal Sig trigger was the worst of all given its massive size and progessively harder retention. Using the “proper” revolver technique for working a DAO trigger requires the trigger to “rest” inside the “V-shaped groove” of your DIJ. After 50 rounds, my DIJ was DOA!

    M y poor, little trigger finger hurt like hell from the resistance of the pull AND, on top of that, the twisting motion applied to it by the upward rotation of the gun barrel, aka “muzzle flip” made it feel like it was about to fall off.

    Your trigger finger becomes essentially trapped in place against the trigger guard since the gun will only fire when the trigger has been fully depressed, and there is not enough room or time to let your finger slide out of the way before the recoil twists the gun up and back and takes your finger along with it.

    Eventually, the pain went all through my hand and I decided it was time to get a handgun with a short travel, light pull trigger. I took the PPX to the range for the first time today, and the ease at which the trigger worked was a bit of a shocxk after having struggled with DAO’s.

    But, I can’t argue with the accuracy. I loaded up with Winchester’s subsonic 147-grain, FMJ “Train” round (the first half of their “Train” and “Defend” duo pack). I always start off with a lower recoil-producing round. My first two shots from 7 yards out were tacks driven dead-center in the quarter-sized bullseye of the middle target.

    Shots 5 & 6 landed together on a dime-sized bullsize in the lower right target. Next up on the rack was the familiar “Evil Taxi Driver” poster.

    At 10 yards out, I aimed for the head and five rounds removed his left eyeball and then, I aimed for his gun and five landed on his fingers wrapped around a .38 snub-nose.

    From 15 yards out, I aimed right below his hands (somewhere close to center mass) and four shots landed in two pairs of two overlapping holes that were 3″ apart.

    From 25 yards out, I put up another multi-target sheet, but my nearsighted eyes only saw reddish blurs. So I aimed where I thought the bullseyes might be and surprisingly, my last 16 shots landed inside the outer rings of the four corner targets (although they looked more like they came from a shotgun blast) but I did manage to hit two bullseyes, dead-center.

    This target is what I would show a gun-challenged liberal when they ask, “Why did so-and-so have to shoot so many bullets at you-know-who?”

    Because, the odds of getting good hits go up with the numberof shots taken. When it comes to bullet size versus bullet capacity, I’ll take capacity for $300, Alex

  35. There is one little thing of note about this gun that I have noticed on mine and I have heard from several people who own them and a few threads online. The Tenifer finish on the slide is stained on several spots on the slide. I noticed a couple of weeks after I got the gun and after a couple cleanings i really saw it. Then when i met a couple of people who also owned the PPQ they had the same thing. So I went online to see if this was common and sure enough I saw several threads where people complained that the finish looked very sloppy and had runs and stains. It almost looks like they applied the tenifer without making sure the slide was cleaned and wiped down. It appears that stains are UNDER the Tenifer, so its impossible to remove them. Oiling the Silde takes it away somewhat, but they are still there. Now I know this is not a big deal at all and has no effect on the performance of this gun, which is in my opinion an A++…….but its just something to note that I have seen that is quite common. I know its almost impossible to find anything wrong with this gun, but Walther needs to do a little better job making sure the slides are a little cleaner with the Tenifer finish is all. If you look closely you can actually see the stains on this gun used in this review in several pictures he posted also. Its not an even, smooth black finish. Its stained and discolered on several spots, espcially between the 2 slide serations on the left side of the slide where the PPQ logo is. Look close and you can see it on his test gun

    • RIP is a rip. The gun store owners laugh when people come in and buy it. If you want performance take a look at Lehigh Defense ammo. They put the money into the ammo, not the marketing.

  36. I am looking for a holster that I can use with my Safariland ELS system. I got rid of my Glock 34 and purchased the Walther and love it. Does anyone know of a holster I can modify or use with the ELS system for the lond slide walther?

    • I have the BlackHawk Serpa SpoRusseter Belt Holster For Glock 20 and it fits my PPQ 5″ perfectly, so hopefully you’ll be able to find something for the Glock 20 and see if it works for you. Good luck!

  37. I have one of these, with the shorter barrel and slide, and I love the gun. But at the same time, I gnash my teeth for what could have been. Just as this review says (almost), this pistol has it all over the Glock in every category except price — ergonomics, aesthetics, ambidexterity, ease of fieldstripping, are all improved. But Walther did almost everything right, and then fell down at the last step: why, oh why couldn’t they have made the gun with a bore axis as low as the Glock’s? That was the last thing they needed to do to make it superior in EVERY way.

    • Walther sells a threaded-barrel kit for the PPQ. It includes the barrel and the appropriate spring, as well as a cap for the threads. I have one. The PPQ works well with the new barrel/spring. With a Liberty suppressor and standard power 147-grain 9mm cartridges the thing functions well and is reasonably quite.

  38. I’ve been saving up to get one of these for the nightstand. I definitely like the aesthetics of this 5″ model over the shorter one, and I especially like that the lower triggerguard is highly cut for the extra-high grip. Ergonomics certainly look nice and grippable.

  39. The Walther PPQ has many excellent points in his favor, but I think – in fact – that if the Walther PPQ had a barrel with polygonal rifling would be much more interesting … The barrels with polygonal rifling provide better results than conventional rifling : greater muzzle speed, better sealing of the propellant gases, improves accuracy and makes easier cleaning and maintenance of weapon, prolonging the weapon lifespan.

    • All the things you mentioned about Polygonal Rifling are pure myths. Many tests have proven there is no real difference in performance, bullet velocity, accuracy or changing any ballistics of the bullet in polygonal vs traditional. Do some research and this is easy to find out. If anything all it really does is make the bore easier to keep clean and clean. Thats it. Ive never bought into the polygonal hype.

  40. 3,000 rounds? Wow. What I’d like to know is where are you buying your ammo and what are you paying per round?

  41. I just ordered my ppq 4 inch. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. I shot one at a shooting expo and fell instantantly in love with it. Only other gun I’ve held that fit my hand so well was my Colt Single Action Army.
    I dont think the slide lock back will be a problem for me. I am an old soldier and shoot in the old school weaver stance with my thumbs lockedover each other not touching the gun its the way I was trained years ago. I look forward to schooling my brother with it. He has a smith and wesson. I find this pistol to be far superior to the glock

  42. The PPQ M2 is a great shooting gun, but I prefer the H&K VP9 just a little bit more. I still prefer my Glock 17 and Glock 19 for home defense. I just shoot them a little more accurately.

  43. Has anyone seen or done a reliability or stress test on these 5 inch PPQ’s? I have owned several H&K’s and loved my p30(40s&w) and own a PPS that I am extremely happy with for carry (super accurate, shootable and concealable). But if I can’t drop it (possibly in mud, water or sand) and then shoot it, then it’s not the gun I can count on and would rather buy a P30L (in .40) or vp40 when they start selling.

    Not trying to talk crap about the gun or say that I would thro it in mud or water.

  44. I have a PPX and absolutely love it! Feels great in my hand & wonderful to shoot. My GF has pretty much taken ownership so It looks like this will be my next WoC. Possibly the 40.

  45. I own a PPQ in .22LR and it is EXTREMELY accurate and fun to shoot.

    Would NOT choose this as my first or second choice for a S/D pistol.

    BUT it would surely not be the last choice,the ability to put 10 rounds IN THE HEAD / FACE would stop any attacker.

    And the pistol can do that easily.

  46. Good review. I rate the Springfield XDm9 5.25 high as well on many categories, especially accuracy. Dependability is high and the 19-round mags beat most 9’s without magwell extension. The grip on the PPQ looks more ergonomic but with a similar angle to the Springfield. I had a bad experience with a Walther P22, but I’m going to have to check out the PPQ!

  47. I realize I’m late to the discussion, but just had to comment after reading your only “quibble” with the PPQ M2 5″ was the “holes” drilled into the top of the slide and how you’re not a “fan” of holes since they could allow dirt into the action. Did you not notice the “holes” DON”T GO ALL THE WAY THROUGH the slide? Jeez. Next time remove the slide from the weapon and look, or get out a flashlight and check that way.

    • What’s that thingy that looks like a barrel visible through the holes then? I own one. They are holes that go all the way through, just like they are in the photos for this review.

      It’s a fantastic weapon btw, highly recommended! Even though I have the supposed problematic thumbs forward grip I have never experienced a failure to lock open on empty. In fact, I’ve never had a failure of any kind, ever. 3k+ rounds through it so far.

  48. OK! I want one of these, any legal way to get one in California, its not on the approved list, permanently modding a magazine for 10 rounds is not a problem, how can I get one?

  49. After I read both of your reviews for the Walther PPQ M2 and the CZ P09 Duty I have one question? For a relative novice of hand guns, which one would choose as an entry hand gun. I have had the opportunity to shoot the Walther in both 9mm and .40sw but I have not been able to get my hands on the CZ to test fire. Both get very good reviews but I don’t want to do the buyer’s remorse thing…Please advise!

  50. Nice looking pistol, however I will never own another Walther after having a P22. Why would Walther ever engage in a partnership and produce a unreliable pistol such as the P22?. This small .22 has just about destroyed Walther’s reputation as a firearms maker. Many firearm fans, including me will never ever purchase anything from Walther again. It’s about trust. They could make the best 9mm out there but I will never know because I’ll never purchase another Walther product. Trust.

  51. So sad. Just learned I cannot get the PPQ in CT because the 10 round magazine capasity is too easily modified to 15. 🙁
    Having test fired several similar 9mm, I got my eyes on the HK VP9 due to grip and “feel” plus the trigger etc. read this review and really wanted to compare the PPQ trigger and liked the option to get a 5″ barrel and the ability to get both a 9mm and 22 cal in the same platform.
    So sad. 🙁

    • You can get the PPQ in the 40 has a 10 mag version as well as an 11 mag version and I bet the 10 round mag will be acceptable to your state..

  52. I just got mine and it is wonderful. Recoil somehow feels less to me (9mm).Just going on 250 rds so far. Looking at getting FO for the front sights. I wish I can shoot as good as those targets show. Then I will really be happy.

  53. Have had a PPQ M2 Navy with the 4.6″ threaded barrel for a couple of months now and thoroughly agree about the great trigger and accuracy, and have not had any problems with the slide lock, but I am old school also and don’t put my thumb up on the lock. It is a joy to use.

    I have noticed one thing about the threaded barrel is that it apparently has a “stepped” chamber with the rear 3/4 of the chamber being larger than the front portion. When I first went to pick up my empty brass I thought I was seeing .357 SIG cases since they all have a pronounced bottleneck. Another reading of the manual shows that this pistol has some secondary features to make it usable right after immersion because of design features like this. There is even a paragraph about underwater firing, although I hope I never need to do that. The “step” on the brass goes away during sizing and it reloads normally. I have reloaded some of this brass three times now and it is not showing any signs of failure or needing trimmed, but I do keep a very close eye on this brass for signs of the brass weakening. I don’t load hard cast either since it has polygonal rifling.

  54. Although the accuracy looks pretty good on the 5″ model, I’ll happily stick to my 4″ PPQ M2. It hides for CCW suprisingly well for a 4″ gun and has some standard features that are considered “add-ons” for pistol models costing twice as much. A sleeper gun as far as I’m concerned.

  55. I’ve own a PPQ M2 for 3 years now and the gun is amazing, I’ve never had the gun not locking back on me and never had a miss fire. I also like the gun to slide forward when entering a full mag. I’ve used it for IPSC competition and the gun is very accurate and extremely comfortable in my big hand. It eats up any amo I feed it, even the amo that didnt fire on my friend’s Grand Power Excalibur. I had to change my Walther for competition because the trigger didn’t pass the 5 pound test once the spring got old. I now own a CZ Shadow 2 for competition but I am keeping my Walther for the fun it provides me when at the range. As for precision, my PPQ perform as good as my Shadow 2 and the Shadow 2 is twice the price. The recoil is more pronounced that an all steel gun but it is to be expected. You won’t be disapointed if you buy one. On a side not, I won a Glock 17 at my local gun club and sold it after only 100 rounds, it does not come close to the PPQ in ergonomics and precision.

  56. I researched for my first gun purchase for about a month..I’m a structural engineer so I love how things are made..this amazing handgun, especially in the 5″ barrel is just a thing of beauty..being precocked 100% so the trigger is one of the smoothest, is pure brilliance! ..I watched hours of utube videos of test shoots and knew it was something special..the only thing I changed out was the guide rod..went to a steel guide rod with an extended front to close in the dust cover, and add slight weight to the front barrel..I bought the 40 caliber 🙂

  57. Fun to read this review, again, and all of the comments. For the record, I am neither a Glock fan nor a Glock hater. I own a PPQ 5” in 9mm, as well as a Gen 4 G21 Glock. Love them both, but in different ways. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer .45 as a SD round. Plus I like the way it feels to shoot on the range.
    On the other hand, the PPQ is, well, a joy to shoot. It fits my largish hand really well, and I am able to shoot it more accurately than my other semiauto handguns, even edging out my 1911.
    Can’t comment on the slide locking back, other than it’s not been an issue.
    But the trigger. Oh my. It is really, really good. Not perfect, but pretty damned close.
    I found J from Texas’s statement about his friends preferring the G21 trigger puzzling. Nothing wrong with the G21 trigger, IMHO, but to say that it’s better than the PPQ’s really surprises me. Of course I’m a sample of one, so there you go.
    Anyway, enjoyed the review, Joe, and bought a PPQ based on it. And am pleased that I did, every time I take it to the range. Thanks!

  58. My PPQ in .40 pinches my finger. Love the way it shoots and looks but will be selling it.

  59. Having shot my Q5 for just over a year I can say it is the best pistol I have ever held. The Ergonomic grip sold me as soon as I picked it up off the table. I’ve shot all the various types of 9MM ammunition with about 2000 rounds down the barrel and have not had a hiccup. I’ve shot basically all the various 9’s on the market and I can’t find one to compare with this pistol. Accuracy wise my Sig p320 X-Carry comes very close believe it or not. In regards to the Q5 Grip I have short fingers and the slide release/Magazine release are just in the right location for me with the small insert in place. A comment was made about CC Carry and the light trigger on the Q5. As a small arms instructor I always tell my students your brain is responsible for your safety. No finger on the trigger when holstering and clear the area around the holster (no clothing) when holstering. Practice, and more practice. While serving as a police officer I had a good friend holster his weapon with the finger in the trigger, not a good outcome!

  60. And in plain old “gitter-done” Black, not gay Flat Dark Ugly or OD green. Top shelf reliability & looks………not too many can top that these days…….

  61. My trusty old Gen. 2 Model 17 Glock with MUCH modification may have to find a new home. Every review I can find on this pistol is very positive. The grass is looking greener on the Walther side of the fence right now!

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