William, a machinist from Tulsa, OK sends his “Walking Around Town” stuff, courtesy Everyday Carry.

Mr. William writes this of his stuff:

Only two things I would mention is that I also carry a samsung 8+ and i do carry keys on a carabiners, but I am using the phone to take the picture and keys can be copied from a photo.

I would think keys would be difficult to duplicate from a photo, but he’s the machinist so I’ll take his comment to heart.

He carries a SIG P365, a great carry gun for general purposes (maybe the best, in fact).  He nestles it in a Crossbreed Freedom Carry IWB holster.  Excellent and very comfortable everyone tells me.  Along with a reload which gives him 21 to 25 pieces of bubblegum to share, depending on magazine size.

For a light, he carries a BYB F18 (never heard of it) rechargeable.  He’s also got a CRKT Seismic folder and a Waltham watch.

Easily the most fascinating article:   AfterShokz Trekz Titanium Open Ear Wireless Bone Conduction Headphones.  How about that?  Fancy schmancy!





  1. Seems like a solid carry. Still, I don’t understand the interest in the electronics, or anything else for that matter, that doesn’t have anything to do with defending my life. Okay, I may pitch my keys at my antagonist’s face to buy a second as I draw my pistola, but really, does anyone care what kind of key ring I have?

    • Because it’s cribbed from a website that isn’t about weapons. Plenty of people use their keys (and other non-weapons stuff) more than a firearm.

  2. It’s not easy to dupe a key from a pic, but it can be done…

  3. “I would think keys would be difficult to duplicate from a photo, but he’s the machinist so I’ll take his comment to heart.”

    The photo tells you what blank to use and where the high points and low points are. Hand file the blank or use a Dremel tool and in a few minutes… bump key.

    The deadbolt system on that CRKT is a cool lock mechanism for a folder.

    • Yeah, ‘bump’ keys are the real problem, nowadays. A few seconds bumbling around with a lock doesen’t look all that suspicious, especially at night, and they are in. Zero external marks on the lock.

      LE now takes a very dim view of finding them in one’s possession, however…

      • They can take a dim view of whatever they want, generally speaking, bump keys are not illegal. Made correctly, they’re awesome because you can leave them under your mat or whatever and 99% of crooks are confused when it fails to open the lock.

        If the cops were smart they’d be far more worried about auto jigglers. You can buy a big ass ring of those things online for a hundred bucks or so and open any keyed car you might run into in a few moments.

        Or steal a ring of make-specific jigglers from a dealership.

        Funny how much faith people put in mechanical locks. Or, well, really, doors in general.

        • “bump keys are not illegal.”

          OK, where you are.

          Around here they are classified as ‘burglary tools’ and will earn someone attention from the cops :

          “.810.06 Possession of burglary tools.—Whoever has in his or her possession any tool, machine, or implement with intent to use the same, or allow the same to be used, to commit any burglary or trespass shall be guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.”

          Enforcement is rather subjective. For one person, having bolt cutters and a pry bar in your toolbox in their truck won’t raise an eyebrow.

          For the guy found behind a business with a flashlight at 3 AM in that same truck with that same toolbox, well, his experience will likely be different. At the least, he gets a ride to the county seat where they will likely decide the next day if they want to prosecute him or not.

          Big cities (especially in the northeast) also tend to have those laws…

        • Strych9, I don’t how many residential, vehicle, or commercial burglaries you’ve worked, but I’ve worked hundreds. The bad guys just generally break a window. That whole key thing. Urban myth.

        • Geoff:

          If you read the laws there are five or six states where a bump key or picks are actually illegal without a locksmith license. Other than that they’re legal unless you intend to use them illegally which is hard to prove and the charge is just gonna get dropped unless they catch you with stolen stuff or in the act of actually burgling some place or you tell the police that you intend to use them to further illegal activity.

          This is discussed ad nauseum on the hobbyist picking sites. Generally speaking they’re legal unless you’re in one of those five or six states or you’re up to no good. In reality, where they are not written into law as prima facie evidence they are not evidence without supporting evidence of your intent to use them to further a crime unless you TELL the cops that.


          I’ve never worked a burglary and my intent was not to discuss the common methods thereof. The point is that mechanical locks and doors act like “The Club” for cars. They’re basically worthless other than as a deterrent to the extremely lazy person who isn’t willing to resort to destructive methods and/or doesn’t know how to get past the lock. They work, insofar as they do, because people think they do, not because they are difficult to defeat. For lack of a better term, locks and doors are “faith based” or “fiat security”.

          The comparison to auto jigglers is simply a comparison of the relative value of a set of bump key vs a set of jigglers in how much value you can steal for a given set of generalized keys.

          Anyone who actually cares enough to be “low profile” can use a set of bump keys to open any residential or commercial lock sold, steal what they want, and even relock the door on the way out. Criminals generally simply don’t care enough to do this, hence they break a window, but easily could if they wanted to. All the Lexan in the world doesn’t matter if someone buys a $100-$150 set of bump keys and brings a mallet or similar because now they can open any door they want. Or, if they want more portability, lockpicks, or the ability to pick while knowing fuck-all about how a lock functions then a snap gun which was actually developed quite specifically to hand “basic locksmithing abilities” to cops without bothering to train them.

  4. Strych9, I understand what you’re saying, but in 25 years I never saw a bump key. Skeleton key. Or anything else. They just broke the fuck in. Maybe criminals are more sophisticated where you live.

  5. I just gotta ask, are you wearing a Razor Back T shirt. I got mine ripped to shreds in Tulsa, so be careful bout that.

  6. I’m concerned by the distinct lack of “pocket sand”. In all these EDC pics

    • Dude it’s 2019… even podunk inbred towns in West Virginia have their share of hipsters.

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