The four gun safety rules are based on simple common sense. Don’t point a gun at anything you aren’t willing to destroy (or some such language). Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire. Maybe there should be one about intervening when idiots violate the rules. Then again, common sense says the OFWG next to our gun range idiot irresponsible gun owner should have snatched the gun away from his “pal.” I guess we should be satisfied that he only shot himself. Sigh.


  1. I simply don’t understand what would drive someone to ever do that… I can see if you had a hangfire or squib load why a noob might use their hand to try to force the action open, but why would you even point an unloaded pistol at your own hand? Perhaps complaining about a grip activated laser not firing?

    • My guess is that he had a grip laser that was malfunctioning or hard to see and he was checking it.

    • I think a special kind of stupid overcomes some people when they are trying to teach other people things while also trying to appear more expert than they really are. Maybe it’s ego colliding with nervousness. I just know that guns are not forgiving of that kind of bullshit.

  2. Did it look like the guy who shot himself was actually the “instructor”? Maybe that’s why the other guy didn’t grab it away from him.

    • Definitely instructing the other guy, although in an unknown capacity.

      He broke the first 3 commandments — safe direction, finger off trigger, and unloaded-ness, so blind leading blind.

      • “Definitely instructing the other guy, although in an unknown capacity”

        …and with an unknown mental capacity too!

        There is ZERO excuse for such idiocy. And the consequences are very real, as he has learned. It could have been worse, he could have shot his buddy as he was falling back with a loaded gun. Blundering through life with a sub-70 IQ is going to cause you issues, whether it’s with guns, or cars, or electrical outlets, or whatever. What a Mo Ron. I generally am empathetic for accidents. They happen. But this is just plain Stupidity.

  3. Goodness gracious. If only a California cop had relieved him of that weapon years ago, he wouldn’t have shot himself in the hand later…

    • I think a lot of people would rather get shot through their hand once than be disarmed forever. Maybe exaggerating the timeline, but still.

  4. That looked so utterly, completely and defenselessly stupid that it’s hard to believe it actually happened.

  5. W…………T………………F????????????

    That was no eagle scout!
    I’m really trying to put that together?
    Range ammo is different than bullets that causes boo boos and owies!

  6. Well, he’s gonna feel that in the morning.

    (And most mornings after, whenever he tries to pick something up with that hand…)

    • Speaking as someone who has used a power tool to (inadvertently) remove the tip of two fingers, i can guarantee that he felt that.

  7. This video has been around for a while, but it doesn’t lose any of its impact in communicating the sheer stupidity of someone doing this. Why . . . WHY would someone demonstrate a laser mounted on a loaded gun by pointing it at his own hand? Why?

  8. Let’s just call him lefty or maybe rightty depends on what hand he shot. Ether way we can call him a dumb a$$. Keep your bugger finger off the bang switch UNTIL you are ready to shoot.

  9. This is many months old. He’s an idiot. Bummer. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. First principles. Don’t be that guy. Please, don’t be that guy.

    • Unless, of course, you’re a thug. Then by all means, please do this, it will show how cool you are.

  10. I found a better quality video of this on LiveLeak and sent the link to TTAG a month ago. Anyhow, that guy is a total fool. It boggles my mind that someone could be that stupid…. but it happens often enough.

  11. “I am the only one in this room professional enough to carry this Glock 40….”

    So much fail, but at least he has YouTube fame to last for years!

  12. On the plus side the guy who was being “instructed” learned a valuable lesson from someone else’s stupidity.

  13. “OFWG”? What other ethnic slurs do you use? Are we going to start seeing the “N-word” in articles? Or are you just a hypocrite?

    • Is the guy young? No. Is he fat, yes, he’s actually obese. Is he white? Yup. Is he a male? Yes.

      It’s not a slur, it’s a descriptor because he’s old, fat, white and male. Comparing this internet slang term to the N-word is puerile at best.

      Un-knot your panties and move along.

      • Since everyone knows what the euphemisms actually mean can someone please explain to me what the difference is between writing or saying N-word or F-bomb is and the use of the actual word? And NSFW? I’ve known a lot of women for whom such language and other content is tame and/or par for the course.

        • It’s not that people are trying to shield virgin ears (or in this case eyes), it’s because many sites have content filters that will not allow certain words to be posted.

          On top of that NSFW indicates that if you work in certain places you don’t want to open up certain content on a work machine because the business may use software that will flag you as viewing “inappropriate content” and you can get in trouble.

          The term was mainly used for emails back in the day to tell the recipient that the message contained content they might not want others to see. For example my friend’s dad sent me this email that got me in trouble in college because it wasn’t tagged NSFW. It’s a story about a guy who’s driving a long and comes upon a cyclist that’s taking up the road. The story is kinda long but at the end it asks you to make a decision as to if you pass the cyclist or not and then says “scroll down for answer”.Scrolling down you find a much more explicit version of this picture (NSFW btw):

          I scrolled down not knowing I was about to get a picture of a sexy girl wearing nothing and bent over a mountain bike in a way that showed off her hairless vagina quite nicely, this picture was seen by a professor and I had some explaining to do because I was checking my mail (school account) on a school computer and she thought I had defeated the school’s security and was browsing porn.

          TTAG seems to be pretty permissive about language but many sites are not. It’s also entirely arbitrary to how they set things up. If you go over the Breitbart the settings they’ve chosen for Disqus will allow the posting of the full unedited words “bulls^%t”, “bats^%t” and any other word like that but the stand alone word “s^%t” will get your post flagged and prevented from posting.

  14. Was this incident so incredibly idiotic that we can actually flame the idiot who shot himself?

    Here goes:
    That guy who shot himself in the hand was a major dumbass.

      • Many in our military would argue that his lack of intelligence is exactly why he would be a Major rather than a Corporal!

  15. Damned kryptonite bullets!
    Man….i watched this again and again and still amazed that this guy thought any of this was ok?
    Makes me want to plate up at the range from now on.

  16. I guess putting your hand (finger?) up against the muzzle does not put all pistols out of battery all the time. Who knew?

  17. So stupid. Now if he would have forgotten his gun in his carry on…..totally reasonable, and excusable

  18. As an OFWG I can say that all accidents are premeditated carelessness.

    He started focusing something obscure and did not focus on the basic safety rules.

    Dumbass move ? Sure.

    The old adage about walking iron in construction…when you stop being a little scared.. you’re gonna get hurt.

    Just about every bad accident could be avoided.

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