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You mean these political theater, let’s show voters we’re “doing something” shams aren’t on the up-and-up? . . . GBI to probe possible gun thefts from Savannah buy-back program

Chatham County District Attorney Meg Heap on Friday asked the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to probe “possible theft of firearms” from a Savannah grassroots gun buy-back initiative.

The request sent to GBI Agent-in-Charge Bill Bodrey in Statesboro came in response to a formal request from County Manager Lee Smith for a “criminal investigation into the allegation” involving the Savannah Youth City Inc. “gun buy-back program, process of buy-back, securing of firearms etc.”

In a press release Friday, Smith identified “circumstances surrounding the surrendered firearms collected by Savannah City Youth Inc.’s gun buy-back program.”

“The firearms were surrendered to Chatham-Savannah Counter Narcotics Team to be secured while the matter is being investigated,” the press release said.

Armed self defense is for everyone . . . Ohio Judge Returns Fire After He Is Ambushed on Way to Court

The shooting took place just after 8 a.m. at the Jefferson County Courthouse in Steubenville when Judge Joseph J. Bruzzese Jr. was walking toward the building, the city manager, James Mavromatis, told a news conference.

Two suspects were waiting for the judge in a car at a bank parking lot, he said. One of the men got out of the car and opened fire, hitting the judge, Mr. Mavromatis said in a news conference that was broadcast live on WTOV.

The judge returned fire, and a probation officer nearby also opened fire at the attacker, killing the man, Mr. Mavromatis said. The other suspect was taken into custody.

That’ll show those crazy gun bullies . . . Bookstore counters ‘tax-free guns’ with ‘tax-free books’

A historic Oxford bookstore is offering “tax-free books” in response to Mississippi’s upcoming Second Amendment tax-free weekend that alleviates taxes on guns.

“It’s not anti-anything. It’s all about trying to support our other rights too,” Square Books general manager Lyn Roberts said. “We thought, ‘Why not the First Amendment?’ We wanted to celebrate the rich tradition the nation has of free expression.” …

Roberts said they’re not trying to make a political statement, but they are hoping to make a political impact.

It’s nice when the morons self-identify . . . Dozy Holywell burglar caught after photographing himself with stolen shotgun

A burglar who stole two 12-bore shotguns from a house in Flintshire provided police with an excellent clue – a photograph of himself holding one of the weapons.

Officers who seized Jordan Daniel Chandramohan’s phone found him posing for the photograph holding a shotgun in a wood.

Chandramohan told a jury he was not the burglar and that the shotgun in the photo was a toy plastic – one he had come across in the woods behind Tesco in Holywell.

Meanwhile, the intelligent ones are coming over here . . . British specialist carries on traditional shotgun craftwork stateside

In the early 1990s, (Dale) Tate realized that gun laws in England were becoming more and more strict. That meant less of a client base for the traditionally-trained gunmaker. It was then that Tate and his wife Sharon decided to make the move to the U.S.

“I decided there and then, England is not the place for a gunmaker anymore,” Tate said. “I sold all the stock I had and accumulated tools to come to the United States for a visit, and I bombarded the United States with faxes.”

The next morning, Tate said, there were “reams” of fax paper on the floor with requests for his services. He ended up in Gonzales, Calif., in Monterey County, giving lessons at a place called River Roads Sporting Clays.

Don’t try this at home, kids.

Speaking of stupid human tricks . . . Man ‘tied his penis to shotgun and then shot himself in the head’

A man tied his penis to a shotgun and then used the weapon to shoot himself in the head, according to reports.

Authorities found the unnamed man, in his 30s, at his home in Murcia City, Spain, on Saturday.

His two housemates had apparently called the emergency services after returning from holiday and noticing a strange smell coming from his bedroom, La Opinion de Murcia reported.

Fortunately this kind of thing is illegal in Germany . . . Islamist extremists hide huge stockpile of weapons near German mosque

The weapons arsenal was discovered during a top secret raid by a SWAT team in Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Local politician Ismail Tipi revealed details of the raid and warned of “the danger of fundamentalists”.

The weapons were found in a cold room of a greengrocer near a mosque.

The state is the most populous state in Germany with nearly 18million people in the area, which includes Dusseldorf.

Hold on…does this means more guns can actually mean less crime? . . . Women kicked out organized crime in this Mexican town

More than 180,000 people have been killed in Mexico since then-President Felipe Calderon sent the army to fight organized crime groups in his native state of Michoacan in 2006.

But one small town in that state says it hasn’t had a homicide since 2011 because its residents – led by women – took up arms to kick out groups who had expanded from drug trafficking into illegal logging.

While overall in Michoacán, federal authorities say 614 people have been killed this year, a 16 percent increase from 2016, the people of Cherán say they’ve become immune to serious crime. They expelled the politicians and local police, and community members now patrol the area wearing uniforms emblazoned with the slogan “For Justice, Security and the Restoration of Our Territory.”

And finally, your feel-good story of the day . . . Spanish police shoot dead Barcelona attack fugitive

Spanish police on Monday shot dead Younes Abouyaaqoub, the suspected driver of a van that mowed down pedestrians in Barcelona, in a dramatic end to a massive manhunt for the Moroccan national who was wearing a fake suicide belt when he was killed.

“We confirm the death of Younes Abouyaaqoub shot in Subirats,” police in Catalonia tweeted.

The Moroccan was the last remaining member of a 12-man cell suspected of plotting last week’s deadly vehicle rampages in Barcelona and the seaside resort of Cambrils that were claimed by the Islamic State organisation (IS) — its first in Spain.

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    • Funny how every story on Google’s News aggregator makes no mention of the judge being armed. They only mentioned the probation officer shooting back.

  1. “He ended up in Gonzales, Calif., in Monterey County, giving lessons at a place called River Roads Sporting Clays.”

    Poor guy….I think he’ll be moving again, sooner than he thinks.

    • I live in salinas. To mis-paraphrase Sarah Palen, “i can see Gonzales from my bedroom window!”

      I Shoot at most of the ranges in the area: Leguna Seca, Markleys, Williams Hill, even had a chance to shoot at the swiss rifle range (It wasn’t worth it so I passed)

      I’ve never even heard of “River Roads Sporting Clays”.

    • Yeah, right? Pity he wasn’t a regular here on TTAG before he made his move – he could have gotten a warning or two to base his decision on… leaves England for the civil rights paradise of California… sigh…

  2. Any German speakers able to find an article that gives the number (and types) of guns found in that mosque? Spanish sources gave numbers for the bust in Spain back in March (10,000 small arms, enough to arm 1/13th of the Spanish military. 9,000 of them were CETME rifles though 7.62 or 5.56 was unspecified) that English sources never covered.

    • That’s rather a lot of money for the poor, teeming masses largely reliant upon civil services, isn’t it? I wonder who paid for it all?

        • It says a SEK team recovered “weapons of war” from a refrigerator. It gives no mention of numbers or models. Then at the bottom it says “update” with it basically saying the state claims no such SEK raid ever took place. So it is either fake news, or more than likely typical German govt/media whitewashing such inconvenient events.

    • At some point the immigrants they welcomed with open arms will set upon their hosts and turn Europe into a killing field much like Syria

    • yeah, my morbid curiosity has kicked in here…..

      the devil is in the details here, and possibly a dick on a trigger. Inquiring minds and all that…..

    • When I read the article it made it sound like his penis was attached to the gun now and detached from him. No idea why one might do that but I also don’t understand suicide.

  3. I’m running into some ambiguity on the judge ambush. In most articles, I read that the probation officer killed the shooter, while in some, it was the judge who sent the shooter into a state of equilibrium with ambient temperature. Which was it?

    • It happened very recently I believe? Which means there hasn’t been enough time for the truth to really come out. Only the corener will be able to tell for certain and that’s assuming bullets were left inside the deceased.

      Good on him for shooting back either way.

    • I agree with Joel. Too soon for the smoke to have cleared and a good report issued.

      However, I hope the question will be addressed. It may not be that the judge got a good shot on the attacker. But did the attacker have to back off when the judge began returning fire?

  4. Square Books is a great store, glad to see they didn’t make jerks of themselves about the tax free day. Right around the corner from them is Mississippi Auto Arms, which is an outstanding firearms store with a law office right next door. They have a bit of a niche in dealing with NFA items. A tax free weekend is an excellent time to start the ball rolling on a new suppressor.

  5. The judge should get rid of his gun. The MDA/Brady statistics show that if he got rid of it, he’d be less likely to get shot…

  6. Hopefully, alleviating the taxes on those books will finally get them to be easier to get than guns.

  7. “And finally, your feel-good story of the day . . .”

    We have a *bonus* feel-good story for you, how does a corrupt IRS agent targeting tea party organizations getting what they deserve sound to you?

    “Federal Judge Orders IRS To Release Names Of Specific Employees That Targeted Tea Party Groups”

    “Remember Lois Lerner? If not, she was basically the person that Obama put in charge of weaponizing the IRS so that it could be used by the Democratic party as a political weapon of mass destruction to suppress Tea Party groups back in 2012. Ring any bells yet?

    Well, as a testament to the efficiency of our legal system, it turns out that the case is still ongoing some 5 years later.”

    Yeah, I thought that might put a ‘spring in your step’ and a *snicker* on your face as you go about your day today… 🙂

  8. Savannah is a veritable dumpster fire when it comes to guns, gun control, and the city/county violating state law preemption. Van Johnson actually was featured in a news segment that appeared to show a SBS he bought-back. This in a county where the previous Sheriff refused to provide a CLEO signoff on NFA paperwork. Not to mention the Probate Court violating the state law concerning the timely issuance of Georgia Weapons Carry Licenses (after so many days, they are *required* to either issue or deny, regardless of the holdup on prints, etc.). And the DA quoted? She let a juvenile who shot an elderly woman at the mall off with a slap on the wrist. He (now 17) recently got in a gunfight downtown and got in a high speed chase, eventually injuring several and killing one just a year later.

    And if you think that’s a cluster, you ought to Google “tony thomas St. Patrick’s day”.

  9. That idiot with the bookstore just broadcasted that they are breaking the law by not collecting sales tax. Doesn’t matter if they make up the difference out of their own pocket, it isn’t a tax on them. They just made it easy on the auditors.

    • “Doesn’t matter if they make up the difference out of their own pocket, it isn’t a tax on them.”

      Eh, not so sure on that one.

      As far as the tax collector is concerned, it makes *zero* difference to them where it came from, as long as the required amount is remitted to them when due…

    • The state really doesn’t care, as long as the tax is paid by the store.
      Here in AZ, we don’t have a state sales tax; instead, we have a “Privilege Transaction Tax”, which doesn’t have to be paid separately by the consumer, but usually is.
      As always, though, even if no tax is listed separately, it is always paid by the consumer.

  10. “its residents – led by women – took up arms to kick out groups who had expanded from drug trafficking into illegal logging.”

    That’s right! Sell all the drugs you want but as soon as you start cutting down trees without permission we’ll shoot your ass!

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