Reports from the scene indicate that the shooter in today’s shooting near Seattle — high school freshman Jaylen Fryberg — walked up to his friends during lunch and began shooting them in the back using a “small handgun.” Describing the incident, the witness stated that “it wasn’t just random” — the shooter knew his victims. Contrary to the typical narrative, Jaylen had been crowned freshman homecoming king on the 17th and was a popular student. In the aftermath . . .

Two people are dead, including the shooter himself. Initial reports indicate that, once again, the final shot was self-inflicted. There were a total of five victims, one dead and four who were transferred to nearby hospitals and remain in critical condition.

Eyewitnesses say that the shooter was using a “small” handgun, and had difficulty reloading the firearm — possibly indicating a jam. After reloading the gun they continued shooting.

From CNN, more information about the attacker:

Fryberg’s multiple social media accounts depict him frequently hunting, and using rifles. His social media accounts say he was a Native American and a member of the Tulalip tribe.

According to a Twitter account bearing the same name and description as the perpetrator, it looks like he recently was dumped by his girlfriend and descended into depression, tweeting things like “It breaks me… It actually does… I know it seems like I’m sweating it off… But I’m not.. And I never will be able to…” and “Your gonna piss me off… And then some shits gonna go down and I don’t think you’ll like it…”

It looks like the situation has stabilized at this point. It’s possible that the condition of one or more of the victims could change, but the incident is over and there are no more victims being reported. We will continue to keep you updated with the latest information as it becomes available, but unless something groundbreaking happens in this story this should be the last update for today.


  1. Native American = non white the racist media will drop this story quick in favor of more Ebola alarmism

    • It’s either quickly bury the story or turn him into a white kid with Photoshop and make up a back story about him being a sexually-frustrated Tea Party supporter. I wouldn’t put either option past the mainstream news media.

      • At least in WA state this wont be going away. Mass media will use it to push I-594. Just wait somehow I-594 would have prevented this….

        • He was under 21, so when his parent (or whoever owned the gun) took him to the local gun store to perform a background check and transfer, he would have failed.

        • Family have a specific exemption under I-594, so there would be no requirement to do a check. However, as you said, he is underage, so the possession is already illegal.

    • “The teen’s [Jaylen Fryberg] family is well known among the area’s Tulalip Indian tribe. Tribe Chairman Herman Williams Sr. said his community is reeling from the tragedy and will be trying to cope for many days ahead.” – YahooNews

      Does NOT fit the narrative, but they will quickly get past any personal responsibility of the murderer and blame it on the NRA and the Koch brothers, and say that it is part of the GOP’s war on women because he was motivated by a girl turning him down for a date. It will be treated the same as the rich college kid in SoCal who couldn’t “hook up” even though he had a Beemer convertible. “Not his fault, blame the guns.”

  2. Could it be more obvious it was retaliation for something. This was personal. I think a lot more will come out about the inter action history of all involved.

  3. I wager that in a few days we’ll be hearing about mental issues and medications. Then we’ll find out his problems were known, up ignored/overlooked.

    • If so, then there will be an opportunity for Washington voters to focus on what is needed, and under funded in WA, more help for the mentally ill and their family.

      And a lesson for real leaders in WA, and parents and voters to take away from thr horrible example in the UCSB shootings by Rodgers, where California’s grandstanding politicians in Sacramento and blood dancing rich gun grabbing activists from out of state proved, once again, they dont have the needs of the mentally ill in mind, and as 7500 Washington State Sherriffs and PD Chiefs have aleady said…by the gun grabbers instead adding yet more complex rules and regulations on the law abiding gun owners, will only diverts the LEOs scant resources away from training to recogjize the mentally ill, and the State to provide nore beds to house them.

      Vote No on I594. And Yes on I591, if you must, but return to the drawing board to finish the work to help the person, who needs the help.

      More articles here:

      • But that other stuff sounds like it would take a lot of time and effort. Voting for 594 is quick and easy, and makes people feel like they’ve done something to reduce violence. And at the end of the day, aren’t feelings more important than actual results?

      • How do you communicate to these troubled people that go on these killing sprees that if they need or want help for themselves or others like them, do not kill yourself, and please explain what you think are the causes of your thinking?

      • From the Tacoma News Tribune;

        Marysville is among three school districts recently chosen to share a $10 million federal grant for improved student mental-health services, which have been identified as a pressing need. Administrators were working on plans for the money just as news came about the shooting Friday morning.

  4. If he barged through x amount of people with a pistol and didn’t shoot them, but shot specific people, it was definitely targeted and retaliatory in nature.

  5. Let’s get this straight. He had a jam while killing people, and after he cleared the jam, his victims were still standing around waiting their turn, and older, larger students had not convinced him to desist? We really, really, really need to find a way to reinstill the concept of taking care of yourself in our youth. That is ridiculous. I maintain a good start would be the requirement for a CC license as a prerequisite for employment in any school. All the fanatics would get training or move to another job, our children would have positive role models instead of the professional wimps residing in our schools now.

    • I agree, but keep in mind that the vast vast VAST majority of people freeze for a few seconds when confronted with a seriously bad situation. If the jam happened within the first few seconds, and if it was an easily cleared one (such as a stovepipe), then that would likely still be in the timeframe it takes most people to snap out of their freeze.

  6. I’m confused:

    Two Dead After Prom King Opens Fire in High School Cafeteria”


    “There were a total of five victims, one dead and four who were transferred to nearby hospitals and remain in critical condition.”

  7. I’d like to not even see this shooters name or picture published anywhere any further. Stop giving these monsters the attention they wanted in death. It only continues to glamorize the “romantic notion” of going out with a bang in a shooting. Report on the victims and heroes not the monster.

    • I agree, but our dirty media will never abide by those wishes. They must hold up these murderous a$$holes in order to paint the picture of all gun owners: as a bad day away from becoming murderers just like these school shooters. They are wrong, and many if them know it, but to a gun grabber the ends justify the means.

    • Monsters………….

      The urge to kill lives in all of us, the will to control that does too. Just because you make a bad choice doesn’t make you a monster. I understand that this individual was broken. I understand that the section of this person’s will/ soul/ conscience that controls their actions was severely distorted. Sane and rational people who resort to violence to get what they want from others are monsters. A kid who made an extremely poor decision while under the stresses of emotions he may or may not have know how to control is a victim just the same as the rest.

      His failure was OUR fault. As a community, as a culture, as a nation. Until we take personal responsibility that we can make improvements to our mental health system, to the way we address mental disorder, the way we define our gender roles, these things will continue. Perhaps he could have been helped earlier, perhaps he could have needed better parenting, perhaps he could have needed anybody to talk to.

      I don’t presume to know what he was feeling, but being dumped sucks. If it was public that’s worse, and if it was for a rival or different “unpopular” guy it can be down right devastating. How do I show the world I’m still a man after that, _____ it I’ll show them when I kill those who put me down.

      Calling this young man a “Monster” is a cop out to relieve yourself of the responsibility to remember what happened and not let it happen to those around you. Oh he was a monster there was nothing you could do. Oh that monster couldn’t have been stopped. He didn’t just roll out of bed and decide to become a murderer. It was a variety of factors that led him to make a decision and cross a line that should never have been crossed. Calling him a monster oversimplifies everything down to just, oh he was a monster.

      • It was the victims fault!!!! We can cure every homicidal loser if we Just Feel Their Pain© and wish really, really hard.

  8. RIP. I’ve gotta wonder — was the kid on SSRI antidepressants? Like “Zoloft”? Because an overwhelming majority of these psycho shooter perps are on or are coming off of SSRI meds. Congress doesn’t want to touch it because it’s a billion dollar a year industry, but I mean there are DOZENS of SSRI nightmare stories. Check out ssristories.com if you want some depressing (ha) reading material. Those brain pills twist people in very dark ways.

      • I agree that correlation does not NECESSARILY equal causation, but when you’re talking about drugs that mess with the chemical balances in your body, and specifically in your brain, there is a very good chance that those drugs do, in fact, have something to do with these people snapping. They aren’t necessarily the root cause, but they very well might be a contributing factor. It’s something that needs to be looked into, one way or the other.

        • The problem with your reasoning is that depressed people are probably MORE dangerous to others than themselves while not being treated with SSRIs then they are while going-on/maintaining/going-off their meds. It’s very difficult to tell whether it’s the illness (depression) or the treatment (SSRIs) that cause the problem. Moreover, it might be that neither the illness nor the depression that are the precise underlying cause.
          It takes 4 – 8 weeks on an SSRI for the drug to take its effect; if that particular drug works on that particular patient. If the patient engages in a violent act during that period it’s mighty difficult to determine whether it’s the depression or the drug that is influencing the violence. Likewise, if he’s coming off the drug then it’s hard to tell whether the drug worked and the depression is influencing the violence.
          We PotG have to be very skeptical of simple explanations. If we subscribe to the SSRI thesis then the Antis will cheerfully propose a bill banning anyone who has ever taken an SSRI (or any other psychotropic drug) from keeping or bearing arms. How will we argue against such a bill after whining that the SSRIs must be the culprit in a small number of violent acts?
          Beware of answered prayers.

      • I totally believe this is related to SSRI’s.. The effects anti-deprsseants have on young adults is down right scary. I know first hand from my daughter being on 10, 20, 30 and then 40mg of prozac. She was depressed while in treatment for anorexia so the doctor prescribed her prozac. When she was on the lower dose..it just made her tired and she took naps everyday. But she would also have these outbursts of anger for no reason.. She would be super sensitive one minute and then she could care less. She looked numbed out a lot of times too,When her prescription dose was increased to 40mg, and I noticed a dramatic change. She was having vivid nightmares about death and dying that were were so vivid and real.. and she could not determine what was reality or a dream sometimes until she woke up. When she drank alcohol with the medication things got worse… She would tell her boyfriend to kill her and that she wanted to die. But the next morning she remembered nothing and said she didn’t feel suicidal. Anyway it got to a point where my daughter said she thought something was seriously wrong with her. I knew then it was the prozac. I forgot to mention she also had some unbelievable body and facial twitching on this drug which is a result of lower dopamine levels which can lead to parkinson’s disease with long term use of prozac. My daughter started the slow process of withdrawing from the drug and it was absolutely the worst experience ever. Hallucinations, vertigo, skin rashes, nausea, etc…feelings of depression and self inflicting wounds on herself. It took her 4 months to get off completely and her psychiatrist said she would have no withdrawal symptoms!! My daughter has been drug free for 4 months now and is living a normal life again. These drug manufactures need to be called out for the horrific crimes they are creating!! It makes me sick to hear about all these medicated teens!!

        • Thanks for sharing your horror story. I too have a personal horror story as it relates to anti-depressant medication.

          The pharmaceutical companies have too much political power. They are in bed with the health industry also, which makes it that much more difficult to reverse the insanity they inflict on helpless people. People need to understand that what these anti-depressants do to the mind, is not normal. To block emotions with medication is downright dangerous. These emotions build up and then are released by fits of rage inwardly and outwardly. Have people forgot about what they were taught when growing up? Holding your feelings in is not healthy. What do you think anti-depressants do?

    • Serenity, the movie. Great title and story line, which is loosely based on the massively profitable ssri pharmaceuticals being sold today (ssristories.org). They are intended to passive the people, which they do. Except a small percentage go berserk and kill or maim people around them. Of course the story is told in Hollywood blown out of proportion style.

  9. Sad situation for everyone involved. For the kid that did the shooting to let a problem in high school ruin his life and end the lives of several others is tragic. Too bad these kids don’t realize that in a few years nobody will give a damn about anything that happens to them and their peers today. Well, except for this, I suppose.

  10. Another tragedy that didn’t need to happen. Fourteen-year-olds cannot buy guns anywhere. Not in stores, not in gun shows, and even the “black market” probably wouldn’t sell a gun to a 14-year-old kid. Chances are, this kid got the gun from his parents, who left it lying around. We can stop this kind of thing, friends. We — not the antis, not the gun-control advocates, not the politicians. We can stop this by making sure our guns are properly secured. A good rule of thumb is: It’s on my hip or in my safe. If we can get serious about that, this kind of horror will stop, and that will not only make everybody safer, but will really help secure our gun rights. This kind of headline just fuels the antis.

    • More education is the answer, but not more gun laws. Laws did not stop Adam Lanza from taking guns from his mothers locked gun safe, and the law did not stop Elliot Rodgers from knifing his roommates, runninv another student down in hus car or shooting himself.

      More mental health training for cops, and funding for mental health facilities were what Assymwmn Skinner claimed she was working on, and look at how the blood dancing anti-gun activists and glory hounds in Sacramento twisted that around into yet another bit of complicated law that missed the point.

      I am waiting on more facts, but one truism remains. And 7500 Sheriffs and PD Chiefs in Washington say it: Adding yet another body of convoluted rules on the law abiding has no effect on the criminals or the mentally ill, and wastes more of the the LEOs already scarce time and resources, which could be better spent helping identify and help the mentally ill.

      If enough common-sense voters in Washington agree, across the political spectrum,
      and simply

      vote No on I594, and yes on I591,

      then Washington State citizens will send the rich elitists and out of town blood dancing gun grabbers home,
      and get to work solving the REAL problem: getting mentally ill kids and their families the help they need, proactively.

        • More awareness, more freedom, and more responsible gun ownership. How about the next school shooter gets a round to the noggin by an armed teacher before they can play out their sick fantasy? Let’s end Gun Free School Zones and respect the rights if teachers and all responsible citizens to be armed.

        • “More awareness, more freedom, and more responsible gun ownership”

          That’s a beautiful statement

        • Perhaps we do need more laws. Like, if you leave the gun around, and your kid goes and shoots up a bunch of other kids, then you get charged with negligent homicide.

    • When my friends ad I were 14, we had access to all sorts of guns owned by parents and grand parents. Big deal. Just because you are 14 with a gun does not necessarily mean you are dangerous.

  11. Little boy can’t handle getting dumped… in the good old days he would have at least had the dignity of offing himself in the woods instead of ruining other people’s day.

    • Bulls&*t! People have been committing crimes of passion since we climbed out of the swamp. It’s been over twenty years since I was in high school but the same thing happened then. The only difference between then and now is readily available data.

      • Sorry bud, school shootings are not an old phenomenon. Quite rare before the advent of the internet and 24hr news networks.

        This wasn’t a “crime of passion.” This was a premeditated shooting, and not just of his paramour.

  12. When I was 14 kids got in fistfights. Don’t see a lot of legs to this one-except for the poor people in Washington. I also wonder if this kid was drugged out. Lots of shootings in Chicago by the same age range. Prayers for the victims.

  13. 2 events in two days. The Australian anti-gun groups, and especially the greens, are going to be all over this like flies on a turd proudly claiming how tougher gun laws in Australia would have prevented these events from happening. Just don’t ask how. It’s a question we have been asking them for over 20 years.

    • The other students do not know what a gun looks like let alone a jam. In school pointing your finger or eating a poptart = gun.

  14. For Heaven’s Sakes! Everybody has romantic heartbreaks in Middle School and High School! Seems a big deal at the time, but like bad chili it passes. This kid sure had to be full of himself to do a thing like this. Is this the result of the “everyone’s a Winner” social meme the progressives are teaching School Kids these days?

    If his parents let him have unrestricted access to the household firearms, they share the blame for their little egotist’s tantrum of tragedy.

    • If his parents let him have unrestricted access to the household firearms, they share the blame for their little egotist’s tantrum of tragedy. As I stated earlier, a lot of kids had the run of the house hold guns at 14, including me. Grand parents and parents expected you to act responsibly with them. I was trusted with combines as big as a small house.

      • Yeah, but if your Parents found you stuffing a gun and ammo into your School Bag on a School day, they would surely have challenged you as to why you were taking a gun to school? You would have had to provide an explanation that satisfied them, would you not?
        Your parents and grandparents required responsible behavior, and, obviously succeeded, but this kid’s parents either did not instill the same values as yours, or failed miserably in whatever attempt they made, if any. You got the message and stuck to it, but this kid and his family had a serious disconnect. Those parents need to account for that failure.

        • You might be amazed how many kids brought guns for the rifle team or to be repaired in the shop classes at my high school. Guns in the car and trucks parked outside the school were numerous.

          • That does not surprise me because, from what you have said, I interpret/infer that you and your peers lived in an environment where you learned that responsible, moral behavior earned you the trust of your parents, grandparents and other elders, which was the gateway to greater personal freedom and opened opportunities to learn more stuff you wanted to do. That’s how it should be.

      • That’s the difference. Your generation had 14 year-old men. My generation has 30 year-old boys.

        I’d be interested in seeing the number of mass shootings through the decades. Something tells me it’s not the gun’s fault.

        • As a late 20 year old I agree. We have a society of grown children. Back in the day early teens were men and women. We coddle way too much. No I don’t mean we need to beat our kids. I mean we need to give them responsibilities, not lock them in with kids only their age most of the day, let them live free and with responsibilities.

        • “That’s the difference. Your generation had 14 year-old men. My generation has 30 year-old boys.”

          Perfect description of our current situation.

    • I agree and gun owners always get butthurt when I say this, but, keep your fvcking firearms secured in a fire safe. Not a cabinet, a fire safe.

  15. I’m sorry, but some of you are so full of it it’s not even funny.

    “The kids parents should hang” – I’m not saying the kids parents don’t have a hand in this, but last time I checked we don’t pass judgments on people for things that are ultimately the responsibility of other people. Children are not robots, if you raised good little well behaved children, then good you for you. Some of us raise children that turn out completely different than what we hoped or intended. You know free will and all that. Influence is what parents have. Influence does not equal control. Furthermore, until you can prove to me that you’re God there is no right way to raise a child. He could have lied, stolen……..hell he could have done any number of things. For all you know the could have locked the gun in a safe and never given him a combination or key and he could have very purposefully found a way around that.

    Here’s a better way to look at it. Replace the word gun with hammer. Had he used a hammer to kill 1, critically injure 4, and take his own life would you still be calling for his parents to be held accountable? God the stupidity makes me sick.

    “We had 14 year old men……” that is the saddest excuse for a cop out I’ve ever heard. Are you serious, your generation is better than this one because…….you just were? “We have a generation of 30 year old boys” well then I guess that includes you. If you honestly believe that BS then chew on this. Your 14 year old men raised 30 year old boys, then that would make them failures. It would make that entire generation a complete failure. It would in fact make YOU directly responsible for the failure of our current society wouldn’t it. I don’t understand why some people just don’t get it…….

    WE FAIL TOGETHER……we fail together…….

    • I’m comparing the generation that had 14 year-olds enlist to fight Hitler vs my generation, the 30 year-olds that still live with mom and dad and have no ambition. I have plenty of friends like this, (I’m 32) so believe me, they’re out there. They’ve had more education than anybody but don’t know anything. The greatest generation raised the flower generation. The flower generation went “unconventional” in their parenting and raised my generation, the participant-trophy kids. We all fail together, sure, but that doesn’t change the comparison between the generations. I didn’t really become independent until 24-25. My parents at 22. My grandparents at 17. Each generation is softer than the previous, myself included.

      • Let’s go with objective data. Gun murder, including in multiple shootings, has plunged.

        I have no position on fixing blame except on the media. Because it is not about what is to blame for more murder. It is a problem of the majority of Americans, including 97% of the 1/3 who want more gun control, having a flat earth denialist view of the core metric and thinking it is trending the opposite way the data show.

        That is the sociology and psychology question: why do so many Americans falsely think this is happening more — and are willing to shred the constitution — when in clear numbers it is happing a whopping half as much as merely 20 years ago?

  16. I too, would like to find out if this young man was taking SSRI’s or anti-depressants. That is what “almost” all of these shooters have in common. They were all either taking SSRI’s or withdrawing from them at the time of the shooting. It has been proven that teens taking SSRI’s are at an increased risk of self-harm or violent behavior towards peers.

  17. I agree 100% with the antidepressant theory. I believe that they have a hand in almost every one of these events where a kid goes postal or a mom drowns her kids in the bathtub. I would like to do a research study on this to back it with more hard data, but I am willing to bet that in almost every case like this the perpetrator either stopped taking an antidepressant or was weening off of it. They have horrific, undocumented withdrawal syndromes that can literally change otherwise normal people into psychopaths. The withdrawal symptoms can start as soon as 4 hours after missing a dose. How can I be so sure? I have experienced it personally. I tapered down off of Effexor following my doctors guidelines and after a couple days had to lock myself in a basement room to keep from killing my family. No joke. Just my wife asking me to help her fold the clothes sent me into a rage that made her fear for her life. After about a week of isolation, i went slowly back to normal and started to repair the broken pieces of my life. I will never allow one of those drugs in my home again. Shortly after that episode I read a book by a psychiatrist called “the antidepressant solution,” which was eye opening and helped me understand what happened to me and has likely happened to these people as well.

    I am a libertarian, so I wholeheartedly agree that more silly and worthless laws are not the answer. Gun control will not ever solve these kinds of problems. If not with guns they will kill with machetes or axes or fists. Gun control would be as successful as the war on drugs or prohibition.

    I do, however think that doctors need to be astronomically more careful in prescribing antidepressants. They need to listen when their patients or their parents complain of rage or suicidal or sociopathic ideation. Right now they give out like candy a substance they really know very little about and shrug off these stories because pharmaceutical companies tell them there is no such thing as withdrawal or that it is very mild. If that is so, why must you taper down your dose over a month? We have no idea how they actually work and in what ways they interact with other parts of the brain than the synaptic cleft. All we have “observed” is that they might make serotonin stick around a little longer between neurons. No idea how they effect other brain chemistry. No idea what effect extra serotonin actually has on overall brain health, brain development, and cognition. We don’t know how the brain adapts to the altered chemistry and forms tolerance. Really no clue at all. Withdrawal manifests itself differently in different people too. Some just get a headache. Others hallucinate. Women tend to get suicidal. Men tend to get angry.

    People genuinely need to be made aware of the danger these drugs pose to their children and themselves. I fear we have only begun to see the effects these drugs have.

    • Hkrules, that’s a good point about people that will find a method to kill, if their intent is to kill. If we look at the genocide that happened in Rwanda some years back, we can clearly see that these people used methods to kill that had nothing to do with guns. They didn’t have guns and could not get guns, and resulted in using machetes and knifes.

      And yes, I had a very similar experience as yours while coming off of anti-depressants. It took about 10 people to restrain me at the hospital because I went there after having a bad reaction to them and wanted off. It was a horrible time in my life. That was some years ago. I like you will not even allow those drugs around me. I try to warn people of the dangers of them every chance I get. I put them in the same category as crack and heroin, because I beleive they are as dangerous.

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