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      • Likewise. I’m ready to donate more to them if they do the right thing here. Else, that’s it for them from me too.

    • Good.

      And be careful, they may make great award-winning speeches in the ears of gun-owners, but there is a very good chance they will stab you in the back when legislation time comes round.

      They might actually catch my eye -with caution- if they pass meaningful REPEAL of gun-laws, with NO compromises(surrender) given…NONE.


      Repeal the portions of federal law that require 4473 forms, FFL dealers, and FBI-based background checks.

  1. I’m not an NRA member, but this will determine if I will ever be one.

    If they come out and defend black rifles tooth and nail, I think I’ll finally take the plunge. If not, they’ve proven what I already suspected about the NRA: that the name National Hunting Rifle Association would be more appropriate.

  2. We don’t owe anything to a non-profit corporation. Many good things have been done by individuals united through the NRA in the past, but if the current organization and it’s current leadership sell us out tomorrow they will deserve the mass exodous that will follow. On the other hand they do have considerable clout. If they show me they are properly oriented for this fight they’ll have my support in the immediate future.

    • …and I have to admit, I forgot today was Thursday and spend the better part of 45 minutes scouring the internets this morning wondering why there was no traffic about this announcement. Doh! Can’t wait for Friday.

  3. The reason gun owners will likely fail is that we cannot be united. We’re all rugged individualists. The gun grabbers, to their credit, know better. They’re small, but they speak with one voice which makes them louder. They’re willing to proceed incrementally, and they’re in it for the long haul. We are short sighted and sometimes as impatient as little children. Meanwhile, over at the Brady campaign, they’re laughing their asses off as we prepare to turn on the only orgainization that backs 2A and has the power to make it stick.

    GOA is a great organization, but it has very little power. The same can be said of every other pro-2A organization except SAF, but SAF is not a lobbyist. It litigates gun rights, which is huge, but it isn’t our voice in Congress or anywhere else except the courts. Why do you think that the gun grabbers absolutely hate the NRA, but couldn’t care less about the SAF?

    If we don’t hang together, we will hang separately. Sometimes, two steps back is one step forward. So either get with the program, or you will certainly lose everything. Everything. But, hey, it’s your call.

    • The reason gun owners will likely fail is that we cannot be united.

      Part of the reason why the MADD prohibitionists have been so successful. They are organized and tenacious.

    • I agree we all need to unite on this and send a strong message to those opposing us.

      We all need to contact our representatives and tell them very clearly that we will not vote for them or support them if they pass anything that looks like an assault weapon ban or any other gun ban.

      We have the numbers and commitment to win this game.

      The liberals/progressives/anti-gun folks talk a good game, but in terms of action they aren’t nearly as committed as we are. Figure, there’s probably 10MM – 20MM what they term assault weapons (sporting rifles) in America. Even if only half of us take action, that something like 5-10MM people. Assuming we distribute evenly across all 50 states (we know that’s not likely true given the Republic of California, NJ, NY, CT, etc) that’s roughly 100,000 – 200,000 letters/phone calls/emails, etc. to our representatives. Elections are won or lost by landslides with those types of numbers. It WILL get their attention.

      Let’s unite on this and continue to push them to make the right decision until the threat has passed. Take the time and contact your representative. Phone calls are probably the most effective.

      • The grabbers have little skin in the game. Even if someone doesn’t care about the second amendment yet owns an AR-15 or whatever DiFi wants banned they’re going to lose money because they won’t be able to ever sell what they have.

    • This is why I support the NRA and the SAF! One to stop legislative attacks, the other to gain back liberty we’ve already lost!

    • I love how you totally ignore the NRA selling out anyone who doesn’t use “traditional” hunting firearms.

    • I could do a word substitution on this comment and make it look exactly like the lamentation of liberal/progressive types regarding the fractious nature of the Democratic Party.

      Trust me, the gun-rights community is the very model of solidarity compared to liberal/progressive political groups. It’s a running joke that the biggest risk to every liberal political rally event is the Free Mumia crowd showing up to blow their one-note horns.

  4. I’ll be taking an early lunch tomorrow and the Lairds of Fairfax had better not screw the pooch. I don’t suspect that they will.

    As a lot of people are recognizing, and as many bloggers have noted, this could well be the anti’s Battle of the Bulge, to use John Richardson’s analogy. Sure, they have the Golden Opportunity and blitzkrieg with every resource that they can muster. We take some staggering blows, but we get up and get it together. Then, they become unraveled and are ultimately swept from the field.

    This is truly the moment that they’ve been waiting, even hoping for, as sick as that is, and believe you me, they are some very twisted up puppies. At long last, they have their American Dunblane. They can now set things right, as they see it. That is precisely why they’ve become so unhinged, so frothing at the mouth. I have little doubt that many of the anti’s have been in a perverse sort of ecstasy these last few days. They have so much riding on this. Now is the time to crush them.

  5. All this pesimissum

    Thats bull the NRA will not sell us out for a AWB. I most of you NRA haters are the same said years ago GW Bush was going to renew the AWB he didn’t have faith you fail to do so saddens me.

    • Thats cause it never got to his desk. The major turn around of ’96 was fresh in their minds and no single issue has ever lost politicians their power. They were not going to let it repeat

  6. The headline of this article made me realize something…12/21/12, the day the world is supposed to end, is the day that the NRA is going to break its silence about a horrific mass shooting, after a vague promise that they will try to prevent it from ever happening again.

    Who wants to bet it will be a push to legalize carrying guns in schools? I don’t, sadly.

    • Carrying guns with a valid carry permit in schools IS legal… in Utah.

      We’ve still never had a school shooting.

    • Babu, I am with you buddy. When the nra said they were going to release a statement Friday I thought finally the public will hear the other side and have a better option than to pass the awb. But then I seen the headline of this article and thought they myans may be right. May not be the end if the world but may be the end of the world as gun owners know it. The only thing that will allow me to sleep tonight is realizing that the nra does gets all of their money from gun owners and gun companies, none of us want a ban or severe compromise. . I hope the nra makes us all look like distrustful quacks.

    • Babu, I am with you buddy. When the nra said they were going to release a statement Friday I thought finally the public will hear the other side and have a better option than to pass the awb. But then I seen the headline of this article and thought they myans may be right. May not be the end if the world but may be the end of the world as gun owners know it. The only thing that will allow me to sleep tonight is realizing that the nra does gets all of their money from gun owners and gun companies, none of us want a ban or severe compromise. I hope the nra makes us all look like distrustful quacks.

  7. Like the NRA or not, if every US citizen who visits here writes to his / her Senators and Congressman through the official government e-mail link: we’ll see the anti gun tide weakened considerably. If every one who visits here gets five of his / her shooting friends who may not be a visitor to this website to send in a polite note, there will be an even greater pro gun impact. It takes very little time to send a simple “Please do not support a new AWB or you will not get my vote” e-mail with a few personal lines to the politicians concerned. That will work better than the NRA’s speeches or their new, recent silence. We are the people who vote, in the end. The NRA is just one body working with gun owners.

    • Agreed!!!! That’s the one thing we can do that will make a difference. Simply, because we have the numbers.

    • I have written my letters even though it is a futile effort since I live in CT where the news continues a non-stop full court press of the victims from Newtown and emotion has replaced all logic and police go around arresting people carrying umbrella’s because someone said the umbrella was a rifle.

    • I’m writing notes for my friends to sign and mail. They care, but I have the time and inclination, so I’m making it easy.

      • Excellent strategy, and I commend you for doing so. You clearly understand the lesson behind the targeted email-your-[Senator|Representative] sites, which do everything they can to reduce the barrier to action for those who agree with your cause but are less motivated.

  8. I have written the NRA to oppose AWB 2.0, but Ralph and others have made good points. We all as gun owners need to stick together, exercise our freedoms together, and support one another. I sincerely hope that the NRA continues to promote gun freedom and responsible ownership – up to an including the AR-15 with standard capacity magazines. However, I don’t feel that “eating our own is helpful.”

    • We all as gun owners need to stick together, exercise our freedoms together, and support one another… However, I don’t feel that “eating our own is helpful.

      My sentiments exactly. I would implore you as a California LEO to stop seizing guns, since what could be closer to eating our own than that?

    • And so have I. I’ve also written all of my politicians explaining in detail how and why we need to do away with gun free zones and allow retired LEO’s and military vets get certified/approve to conceal carry in schools.
      Either on a volunteer team or as part time or full time security.
      Got some standard form letters back but no actual reply by mail, email or phone call.
      If the NRA tries to sell us out or throw AR/”Assault Weapons” under the proverbial bus we can always force them to get new leadership one way or another. Would hate to see that happen but if he sells us out now he will probably do it again later.
      Time to make him earn his $900,000 a year salary.
      If they sell us out Friday shit should start hitting the fan at NRA HQ’s two minutes later.

  9. I sadly suspect the NRA has been behind doors trying to figure out how best to cash in on this. Being a former member, it didn’t take me long to figure out the were a $$$$ organization. I know many that were as disgusted as me, the mailbox filling up with pleas for $50 here and $25 there, and if I didn’t send it, I would lose my guns. Crying wolf too many times soured me on the NRA.

    • I’m in the “let’s see what they step up with on Friday” group, personally. It’ll be interesting to see what they propose, and how much friendly fire it’s going to draw from the TTAG crowd.

  10. Looks like all these historians misinterpreted.

    The Mayans didn’t predict the end of the world, just the end of freedom in the world.

  11. Any gun owner who is not a member of the NRA has no right to complain about any gun laws. They may not do what you want every single time, but if you don’t support them you might as well get on the anti-gun side because you’re not helping us.

  12. if you don’t trust the NRA i would suggest probably gun owners of america Congressman Ron Paul described them as The only no-compromise gun lobby in the U.S

  13. You guys that doubted the nra should get you check books out and donate. Doesn’t sound like the compromise your all feared. Strong statement and solutions from the nra.

  14. In stead of trying to take the guns off the market, they should point their fingers at the meds that are beinging shoved down the throats of our children. That is the one thing that no one is talking about. What is the common thread besides the fact the used guns. Drunk drivers use cars and kill people but no one has outlawed cars. Same principle. An outside influence!!!!!!

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