Travis Haley of Magpul Dynamics fame recently split off to form his own training company, leaving Chris Costa (who also recently left) behind. Today comes word that Travis will be releasing a training video dedicated to the AK-47 called “Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash.” It looks to be done in the same vein as the Magpul Dynamics videos, but without the other half of the dynamic duo present. It looks nifty, but rest assured we’ll be trying to secure a copy to check whether its really worth your greenbacks.


  1. I look forward to your review of this video. I am interested in AK training. I would like to view the video and practice a bit and then go take a hands on class rather than go cold turkey into a class.

  2. i second frankgon, this looks like a potential buy for me. It would be an interesting comparison between this and Gabe Suarez’s ” kalashnikov rifle gunfighting” dvd series.

  3. Wow, I never realized what a huge guy Haley is. It looks like he can manipulate the safety with his frigging trigger finger. I have to break my grip and sweep to run an AK. He makes it look like a toy.

    • If you watch closely you’ll see that he did break his grip actually. I hope this video has some insightful techniques for manipulating an AK and it’s not just fluff. I’m anxious for a review!

  4. Excellent video, some mythbreaking of AK bullshit being spread by AR fanboys and keyboard warriors. If you are serious about the AK platform, do yourself a favour and watch this. Simple, very little tacticool stuff, just solid instruction. His carbine dvd is also well worth it.

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